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Christmas party results

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I had decided on H & S w/ a little bit of OCCO based on the advice received here, although some ladies thought that it would be great to add LAM if I had some. As luck would have it I received my package from LP Sat. afternoon.


For the Christmas party I used the following:


LAM (brown sugar) on inside of elbows and front of neck by pulses;

OCCO Red on each wrist, near belly button, and behind ears;

H&S on each wrist and on both sides of the back of my neck;

One swipe of B/I on cleavage.

Covered with a sample that I received called Joanne's Christmas Candy.


I had a blast! Everybody talked to me (guys and girls). A guy there that I think of as a potential TG was more giddy around me than I've ever seen him. This is the clincher though: another guy that I am friends with sent me a text the next day saying that I looked "just incredibly sexy" at the party. I think this combo worked for me. I can't wait to try a little more B/I and see what reactions I get.


Thank you ladies for all of the good advice! :smilies-23596:

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Yay Rosegirl.....Im glad you rocked the xmas party!!!! It sounds like you had a great time. I just love my sample of JoAnna's Christmas Candy too!!! Don't you just love the effects of being in a phero cloud, I sure do... :smilies-23596:

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That sounds awesome! I'm glad you had a good time.

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Thanks you guys. I really did have a great time! I hadn't gone to a grown up party in awhile myself and that truly was my first LP party. Where has this been all of my life -- smelling good and being able to send out a certain vibe. It's really great for us to be able to get advice from those who have used pheros for years. You ladies rock! So do Mara and Danna!

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