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Leather--Unscented in Alcohol

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It's the ultimate self-confidence booster while having some kind of relaxing effect like maybe DYG had. Or maybe when you feel self-confident you are more relaxed and your guard is dropped rather than always being on defense.


Nice post Starlitegirl. I love how you describe self effects from this mix. Makes me want to try it real bad. I often wear a mix purely for self effects. If it affects you in the end it affects others.

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Jeez Dolly, you lucky lucky girl! lol...



YES, I am! And, he is too, because I KNOW how to rock his world!!

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PMS and Leather are a scary combo. I kinda scare myself with this. Best stick to the lace on such days.



LOLOLOLOL......that is very true though....alpha woman+PMS+Leather.....anybody within range had better "maintain a very low profile" on those days!!

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I like your new avatar. I miss the red hair though. :blink:



Yeah, I wish this one had red hair....I chose her because she seems to have my tax season attitude.....

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Yeah I can't really see wanting to wear something which brings out the Bitch when you're already hormonally predisposed to be that way. Given my reactions with B2 on just a test basis, I know it's going to be wonderful for PMS.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Not sure this is right place to ask but didn't want to start an entire thread on the "general discussion" board just for my one little question/advice seeking that is specific to Leather...pls feel free to move...


Will be meeting up soon -- won't call it a date -- with a guy I don't know very well, who is not passive or weak, he's just "only" moderately sociable and less outgoing and alpha-ish than I am. I know he is a little in awe of me (not bragging, have been told so by several mutual friends who don't know each other) but does not seem actually *intimidated* by me, which I like. I am not 100% sure I am interested in pursuing a relationship with him, but I want HIM to want me, in case I decide I do... :666: I know. I just want to feel confident and "myself" and not too self-conscious which I can tend to do when I am attracted to a guy and especially in this case where I am going to feel a little bit scrutinized and like he's going to go back and report everything I do and say to other people whose opinion I care about (this has happened before - always in a positive way, at least as far as I know LOL).


He has no problem being open with me, so I don't want or need to do anything too beta-ish, because that will just give ME blabbermouth, which I need like a hole in the head (in general and in this sitch). :CHEERS~19:


So I think Leather is both the most congruent w/me and the most logical thing for my goal and this particular TG. BUT, I've never used Leather before and I'm a teeny bit scurred. Would love any suggestions/advice. :)

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Tyvey, This isnt going to be very popular but I do not vibe w leather... I love many if not most of the alpha blends on the market (including BI and Sexiness A) but Leather sends my man into a rage and really agitates me after some time on my skin, especially if Ive been working out, Im very active these days. The thing is it seems most of the other women have had good or GREAT times with Leather, so it seems if it agrees with you and it agrees with your quasi-TG then its really incredible according to most everyone else here on the board. (((sigh))) I just wish it worked that way for me! I really love Treasured Hearts or Heart & Soul for connecting on deeper levels try and establish a good heart connection (w a tad of OCCO or LAM/BAM of course). If you are looking for something sexual only Im sure Leather may work for you, and if it does not, BI will for sure.

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This leather sounds really fascinating...and sense it has the EST, I'm thinking this will work much better for me than Dominance which I wasn't too particularly fond of, but managed to get away with it at times for work if using the unscented.


But in reading this post, I know this will definitely be in my next purchase.



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Eek!! Thank you for being honest KrazyKat- that's exactly why I am a bit scared of it. I'm not going to take the chance at this point. I don't want to go in the BI direction- actually I want the opposite- maybe to become friends with him and THEN maybe go in the physical dirction if I decide I like him enough. :666: thank you for the input.

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Eek!! Thank you for being honest KrazyKat- that's exactly why I am a bit scared of it. I'm not going to take the chance at this point. I don't want to go in the BI direction- actually I want the opposite- maybe to become friends with him and THEN maybe go in the physical dirction if I decide I like him enough. :( thank you for the input.


Ok - KrazyKat is one person...and I'm not discounting her experience. But if you want to try it - try it when you don't have the pressure of such a big moment. There are several of us who have MEGA success with it. Just sayin'

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Ok - KrazyKat is one person...and I'm not discounting her experience. But if you want to try it - try it when you don't have the pressure of such a big moment. There are several of us who have MEGA success with it. Just sayin'



I am not discounting KK's reactions either....not everybody reacts to everything the same way.....my man doesn't do well with Est heavy blends.....the Est has to be tempered by something more dominant because I am TOTALLY 100% alpha and "out there" personality-wise.....I am not the fluffy "Lace" type personality, AT ALL.



But on this one, I agree with Shelly......Leather is not necessarily sexual like BI....unless you add cops to it. I personally LOVE it. IT TOTALLY ROCKS! Especially if you are already alpha and outgoing by nature, and the TG seems to like that in you. It amplifies those qualities.....I think you should give it a shot. And, if it doesn't work, there are many of us who would snatch it up from you on the trading post!!

Edited by Dolly
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Im gonna back Shelly B on this one... Im having troubles w my computer but meant to reply before that trying it out on your own is probably your best bet. You may really like this one. I just wanted to share my experience which may not be yours. I wont back down in my opinion that if you are looking for something long term then I would go with treasured hearts, heart & soul or something like lace to enhance your connection. If you sspring Leather out of the blue, hes not gonna know what hit him, even if he loves that kind of signature on a woman. Btw, I always try pheros myself before I make up my mind on how they affect me or others even if the feedback is less than stellar and I am a woman w ALOT of both testosterone and estrogen and a strong natural signature so the how things affect me, my body type and personality is very different from another woman. You may love Leather, I definitely recommend you try it before you make up your mind.

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Im gonna back Shelly B on this one... Im having troubles w my computer but meant to reply before that trying it out on your own is probably your best bet. You may really like this one. I just wanted to share my experience which may not be yours. I wont back down in my opinion that if you are looking for something long term then I would go with treasured hearts, heart & soul or something like lace to enhance your connection. If you sspring Leather out of the blue, hes not gonna know what hit him, even if he loves that kind of signature on a woman. Btw, I always try pheros myself before I make up my mind on how they affect me or others even if the feedback is less than stellar and I am a woman w ALOT of both testosterone and estrogen and a strong natural signature so the how things affect me, my body type and personality is very different from another woman. You may love Leather, I definitely recommend you try it before you make up your mind.



That is exactly correct....all pheros are a YMMV type of thing....I do agree that Treasured Hearts is fab for the connecting type of vibe.....

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I don't want to go in the BI direction- actually I want the opposite- maybe to become friends with him and THEN maybe go in the physical dirction if I decide I like him enough.

Yeah but, you said you wanted him to want you, right? So if you really do you've got to have at least a little sexual vibe in there, but perhaps just a swipe of LAM along with whatever else you choose.

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Yeah but, you said you wanted him to want you, right? So if you really do you've got to have at least a little sexual vibe in there, but perhaps just a swipe of LAM along with whatever else you choose.



Yes, that swipe of Lam or Occo is essential for sexy vibe though treasured hearts And Lam together might be a little too much alphanol, probably better off w TH and Occo (lollipop method)

Edited by KrazyKat
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Not sure this is right place to ask but didn't want to start an entire thread on the "general discussion" board just for my one little question/advice seeking that is specific to Leather...pls feel free to move...


Will be meeting up soon -- won't call it a date -- with a guy I don't know very well, who is not passive or weak, he's just "only" moderately sociable and less outgoing and alpha-ish than I am. I know he is a little in awe of me (not bragging, have been told so by several mutual friends who don't know each other) but does not seem actually *intimidated* by me, which I like. I am not 100% sure I am interested in pursuing a relationship with him, but I want HIM to want me, in case I decide I do... :( I know. I just want to feel confident and "myself" and not too self-conscious which I can tend to do when I am attracted to a guy and especially in this case where I am going to feel a little bit scrutinized and like he's going to go back and report everything I do and say to other people whose opinion I care about (this has happened before - always in a positive way, at least as far as I know LOL).


He has no problem being open with me, so I don't want or need to do anything too beta-ish, because that will just give ME blabbermouth, which I need like a hole in the head (in general and in this sitch). :(


So I think Leather is both the most congruent w/me and the most logical thing for my goal and this particular TG. BUT, I've never used Leather before and I'm a teeny bit scurred. Would love any suggestions/advice. :)


Well...this is what I was going to post :


I have not tried leather except in Dangerous Games,and while it did make me feel kinda slinky,I did not like the scent,on me,enough to wear it out.


I do not have the experiance that these ladies do,but I would go with a little Lam or especially Captivation Equation if you have it,just a-nol & cops...I would stay well away from Anything B-nol since you mentioned "blabbermouth"...ummm something I can relate to :lol:


Tyvey,from all I have read of your posts on these boards,you have a nice,funny, and upbeat personality and in my opinion,just be yourself!


BUT... then I went back and read your review of Cougar :) seems like a good choice ? ...it makes me feel confident.

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Thanks so much for the advice y'all...very nice of you!! I will absolutely give Leather a try...maybe just not on this occasion :lol: And I basically live in OCCO so that's a given. :( THANKS again!!


ETA I only just saw your post Calii- so sweet, thank you- that's exactly what I need, some a-nol to make me feel chipper so I can BE myself :) I do adore C/E... so maybe I'll do that and a little TH in the hair :(



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Thanks so much for the advice y'all...very nice of you!! I will absolutely give Leather a try...maybe just not on this occasion :nono: And I basically live in OCCO so that's a given. :10_small16: THANKS again!!


ETA I only just saw your post Calii- so sweet, thank you- that's exactly what I need, some a-nol to make me feel chipper so I can BE myself :winktongue: I do adore C/E... so maybe I'll do that and a little TH in the hair :huh:




Well, I just tried Leather 2x yesterday for the first time and guess what? I'm wearing it today and LOVING myself. ^_^ I'm counting yesterday as a success. I felt good/ confident and was able to get my point across without being seen as superbitch AND able to get my way just being myself. To tell the truth, Leather had me thinking my way or the highway but with the nicest of smiles. NICE! My norm is, if I'm thinking that way, there is no smile and it will indeed get done, by brute force in necessary. That's why I've always used Lace.


Today, I'm getting respect but not the fearful kind. Also noticing a different type of guy watching me. It's almost a wow, she's sexy and I really want to do what she wants to make her happy. If I don't, who knows what could happen. I'm liking this.


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Have it in P&D+cops option. Definitely a sexpot blend, I would consider getting it in Original - cops for day to day wear :10_small16:

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I was thinking of LP Orig (in the light scent option) since it seems like it would blend with just about anything else I would use...but the UN might be even more versatile.


Yeah, I've got the UN Leather 2x plus cops. Mara talked me out of the whole double the cops the cops too idea.

:D I haven't had a chance to sample enough of the perfumes to know that I want a full bottle of any phero mix. I did it with PG/TH and found out PG can't stand my body, ends up like anti freeze. So full bottle sitting here. After that I got everything UN. I do have both Cougars though and use them both.

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I have a bottle of EoW, along with some OCCO's, so I think I'll leave my Leather un-copped. Now I just have to decide, 1x or 2x. After reading Mara's post about the 1x's being optimized as the maximum value (diminishing returns, etc.) I'm inclined to just go with the 1x.

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I have a bottle of EoW, along with some OCCO's, so I think I'll leave my Leather un-copped. Now I just have to decide, 1x or 2x. After reading Mara's post about the 1x's being optimized as the maximum value (diminishing returns, etc.) I'm inclined to just go with the 1x.



I have some unscented Leather that is un-copped......many of my scents have cops in them anyway, so I just use one of those and I'm good to go.....or I just add EoW straight up before everything else....

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  • 1 month later...

Hello ladies!

I have a question. I noticed in the description for Leather it notes that it contains "Estratetraenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenone."


Is that true? Beta-Androstenone? I can't find anything on the effects of that. I seem to be pretty sensitive to -none, so I wanted to see what that was all about...because I'm DYING to order some of this Leather that you all speak so highly of! :wacko:


*Or, is it just possibly a typo that is supposed to say Beta-Androstenol?*


Just curious, hopefully someone could enlighten me. :lol: Have a great day!

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That is correct. Leather is EST + Dominance and the ingredients of the Dominance blend are Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenone. The Dominance blend is just that: an alpha signature which has been feminized and Leather softens it further with Estratetraenol.

Edited by luna65
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That is correct. Leather is EST + Dominance and the ingredients of the Dominance blend are Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenone. The Dominance blend is just that: an alpha signature which has been feminized and Leather softens it further with Estratetraenol.


Thank you so much. :lol: Is there any where I can find more information on Beta AndrosteNONE and it's effects? What is the difference between Beta and Alpha Androstenone? I know the difference between Beta and Alpha AndrosteNOL...but had never heard of a Beta Androstenone.

Thanks so much for helping me out and please feel free to direct me elsewhere if I am mis-posting.

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There might be some discussion in the other subforums in the Pheromone arena. Also, in her journal Diane has been writing about various pheromones - their properties and effects - so you might want to check if she's written about that one, I can't recall at the moment. And hopefully some of the other experienced users will chime in at some point.

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There might be some discussion in the other subforums in the Pheromone arena. Also, in her journal Diane has been writing about various pheromones - their properties and effects - so you might want to check if she's written about that one, I can't recall at the moment. And hopefully some of the other experienced users will chime in at some point.


Thank you so much for your help, I do appreciate it! :lol: have a good one!

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k, you guys tell me again.... why is Leather in pure alcohol is better than 40/60, or all oil, please ?

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k, you guys tell me again.... why is Leather in pure alcohol is better than 40/60, or all oil, please ?


It's not better, Liz, it's personal preference and depends upon how/where you like to apply it.


Alcohol will get the most up into the air around you, because it's lighter and evaporates with the alcohol, but it also lasts the shortest amount of time. If you like to wear in hair and spray on clothes, alcohol can be the best choice.

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It's not better, Liz, it's personal preference and depends upon how/where you like to apply it.


Alcohol will get the most up into the air around you, because it's lighter and evaporates with the alcohol, but it also lasts the shortest amount of time. If you like to wear in hair and spray on clothes, alcohol can be the best choice.


aha...okay, I read the whole thread, got enthuzed, but as usual can't make up my mind, kinda looking for "more bang for my buck"


Thx Mara !

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  • 1 month later...

OK, new Leather report!


This morning I put on my Dirty Sexy oil.....just because I like the scent....wasn't planning on going anywhere.....my son and I decide to go out to pick up the last few things he needs to start school.....well, before I left, I grabbed my Leather spray (which is scented with Dirty Sexy as well.....added a couple of spritzes.


On the way back from our shopping, we stopped at a local tropical fish store to get some new mollies to add to my son's tank....we walk in and are standing there, looking at their selection.....me, no makeup, hair barely combed (still damp from my shower), old T shirt, blue jeans. This guy walks by behind us, turns around, walks back. STARES at me.....says "Do I know you? You look very familiar." I said, "I don't think so".....He says...."Don't you have a sister named Kelly? And your name is Tiffany?" I said "No. Afraid not." He says...."Oh, I'm sorry. Tiffany is VERY pretty by the way. Just like you." He lingers in the store for a few minutes and was standing near my car when we walked out. He says..... "Hey, can I have your number?" I decided to be sarcastic.....I said "Yeah. It is 1-800-I'm Engaged." And got in my car. My son was dying laughing at this point. He says....."Mom. He was SOOOOOO flirting with you!"


Pretty funny topper to the day.....I didn't really remember about applying the leather until I had gotten home....when I did, I erupted in a fit of the giggles.

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OK, new Leather report!


This morning I put on my Dirty Sexy oil.....just because I like the scent....wasn't planning on going anywhere.....my son and I decide to go out to pick up the last few things he needs to start school.....well, before I left, I grabbed my Leather spray (which is scented with Dirty Sexy as well.....added a couple of spritzes.


On the way back from our shopping, we stopped at a local tropical fish store to get some new mollies to add to my son's tank....we walk in and are standing there, looking at their selection.....me, no makeup, hair barely combed (still damp from my shower), old T shirt, blue jeans. This guy walks by behind us, turns around, walks back. STARES at me.....says "Do I know you? You look very familiar." I said, "I don't think so".....He says...."Don't you have a sister named Kelly? And your name is Tiffany?" I said "No. Afraid not." He says...."Oh, I'm sorry. Tiffany is VERY pretty by the way. Just like you." He lingers in the store for a few minutes and was standing near my car when we walked out. He says..... "Hey, can I have your number?" I decided to be sarcastic.....I said "Yeah. It is 1-800-I'm Engaged." And got in my car. My son was dying laughing at this point. He says....."Mom. He was SOOOOOO flirting with you!"


Pretty funny topper to the day.....I didn't really remember about applying the leather until I had gotten home....when I did, I erupted in a fit of the giggles.


Hiiiiii Dearest Dolly,


Great post...too cute and funny. Thanks for sharing....and the confirmation that I want some of that leather...lol


Be blessed



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Hiiiiii Dearest Dolly,


Great post...too cute and funny. Thanks for sharing....and the confirmation that I want some of that leather...lol


Be blessed





Glad to see you Djac, honey! You NEEEEED some Leather....trust me on this one!

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Glad to see you Djac, honey! You NEEEEED some Leather....trust me on this one!


Dolly, so great to see you too....


I definitely need some leather. At first I was thinking lace, but the more I hear about this leather, this is for me because the Est will tame the alpha a bit...this is great


I am sooooo getting this.


Be blessed,


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