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Leather--Unscented in Alcohol

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I'm updating this post although my product review is on my bottle of 60/40 leather.


I wore CTM in the morning and brought my bottle of Leather to work. Applied 2 sprays on my clothes since I'm in a turtle-neck top today. I wanted to use Leather to 'tame' a new clerk at work. She is disrespectful (she doesn't even address me when she talks to me) and has not been doing what she's been told. I needed to brief her on the administrative part of my job since I'm leaving the organisation next week. She's about 10 years my junior and 2 levels below me (hierarcy in the org chart) but she's behaving like she's the boss for this whole week.


Anyway, she was very 'tame' and very respectful when we met up in my office. Before she left my office, I told her that I suggest she looks into the processes and procedures I have set up, the information related to our organisation and to give a prospective family a call. She did exactly what I told her and she provided an update on the status when we were having lunch. I guess this worked out quite well and I'm interested to get a bottle of Dominance to see what effects it'll have on others.


I also noted that I feel extremely exhausted today. At first, I blamed it on my lack of sleep and that I have been working for 6 days in a row this week. Suddenly, I recall that Bumbo posted that she feels exhausted after continuous use of pheros for a week (?) or so. This could be the reason and besides, I'm still down with my nasty flu (it has been close to 3 weeks now). I'll have to test and note the self-effects the next time I use pheros.

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I also noted that I feel extremely exhausted today. At first, I blamed it on my lack of sleep and that I have been working for 6 days in a row this week. Suddenly, I recall that Bumbo posted that she feels exhausted after continuous use of pheros for a week (?) or so. This could be the reason and besides, I'm still down with my nasty flu (it has been close to 3 weeks now). I'll have to test and note the self-effects the next time I use phero.


Yes.. I nearly crashed myself with 3 small sprays of b2 and im pretty heAlthy!!! A long day of work + flu + Pheros will probably exhaust u quite a bit!! But at least u got what u need to do done!! :D may b u should give ur body a rest with a no phero day!! :) tat will probably speed up ur recovery!! :)

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I'm updating this post although my product review is on my bottle of 60/40 leather.


I wore CTM in the morning and brought my bottle of Leather to work. Applied 2 sprays on my clothes since I'm in a turtle-neck top today. I wanted to use Leather to 'tame' a new clerk at work. She is disrespectful (she doesn't even address me when she talks to me) and has not been doing what she's been told. I needed to brief her on the administrative part of my job since I'm leaving the organisation next week. She's about 10 years my junior and 2 levels below me (hierarcy in the org chart) but she's behaving like she's the boss for this whole week.


Anyway, she was very 'tame' and very respectful when we met up in my office. Before she left my office, I told her that I suggest she looks into the processes and procedures I have set up, the information related to our organisation and to give a prospective family a call. She did exactly what I told her and she provided an update on the status when we were having lunch. I guess this worked out quite well and I'm interested to get a bottle of Dominance to see what effects it'll have on others.


I also noted that I feel extremely exhausted today. At first, I blamed it on my lack of sleep and that I have been working for 6 days in a row this week. Suddenly, I recall that Bumbo posted that she feels exhausted after continuous use of pheros for a week (?) or so. This could be the reason and besides, I'm still down with my nasty flu (it has been close to 3 weeks now). I'll have to test and note the self-effects the next time I use pheros.


I've had to use pheros in non-ideal situations before (sick, lack of sleep from overnights). My suggestion is that if you NEED to use them, spray on back of the neck so you don't get hit with them as much, also back of hands doesn't expose you to as much phero if you keep hands away from face. I would definitely say the pheros pushed you to that exhaustion point, also they seem to lower my alcohol tolerance.

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Actually I felt the "hit" at least four hours later. Even my colleagues told me that I looked terrible! I felt as if I have ran a marathon and haven't slept for a couple of days.


Anyway, I haven't used pheros for more than three weeks now. I don't use them frequently either. I didn't have this exhaustion problem when I used pheros during most of my autumn vacation of two and a half weeks.


Yes, Beccah. Good suggestion. I'll keep that in mind. Don't know why it didn't strike my mind though! I talk with my hands so I often apply scents or magic potions on e back of my hands.

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I didn't have this exhaustion problem when I used pheros during most of my autumn vacation of two and a half weeks.


Hmmm,JOC,this would lead me to believe your problem was mostly lack of sleep,the stress and recovery from your serious bout with the flu...I am glad the Leather worked for you as intended,nice report :D


I have a small precious amount of PheroGirl Dominance <sigh> I like it A Lot!...but in a spray it would probably make me irritable.It all depends on how you react to androstenone. I feel it effects me differently depending on other factors too,like time of month,and of course,circumstances.

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I think I'm going to start a phero journal to record the "experiments" I've done. Then I'll be able to pin-point the effects on self and others, etc.


sounds like a good idea! I'm fascinated by the effects of pheros.

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I think I'm going to start a phero journal to record the "experiments" I've done. Then I'll be able to pin-point the effects on self and others, etc.


YES YES :) oh that sounds like a fab idea...ummm,you are going to do it here,in your journal space,right?...Calii says hopefully :)


more or less,I do this in the what are you wearing daily thread,but an indepth scorekeeping would be most interesting JOC :D

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I'll prob do my recordings in my own offline journal. I think I would like to accurately record how much I use, the effects, where I went, etc. I would love to put something in your thread on self-effects, Calii!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've used Leather twice last week at my new workplace. I didn't experience the fatigue I had the previous time so I am certain that was a one-off experience. Oh yes, btw, I heard from a good male friend of mine that he was also down with the same illness as I have. He's a fitness freak living in Australia and has been down for more than two months.

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  • 1 month later...

I have to retract some of my past libel / reports of being afeared of this phero. I impulsively used a half-spray of 1x Leather (it happens to be flavored, but that's irrelevant for purposes of this review) very early this am before working out, high on my chest.


I thought that it would turn out to be a mistake, make me pissy/grouchy etc., as I had been feeling sad/heartbreaky and tired. But within 10 minutes I was KICKING ASS in my workout, and my emotions were lifted. I don't think it was endorphins because I wasn't doing the kind of workout that usually kicks them in for me, and the effects began way too early in the workout anyway. To my surprise I think it actually 'evened me out' and that maybe it wasn't just the a-nol 'lift' but also the general confidence it provides, that created this effect.


It also made my new workout partner (platonic and must stay that way) solicitous and touchy and kind... an Est responder, I see!


Fascinating...must experiment further.

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone experience Leather making them more pleasant and smiley? I can't believe this happens to me, but it does. It wasn't a fluke either, I've used it three times and each time I get the same result. It makes me nicer and more relaxed. What the heck?


It can't be the Est, because I have straight Est that I use sometimes, and while it does have a slight softening effect, it doesn't do anything like this to me.

Is this blend so congruent with my personality it actually makes me happy and upbeat? I AM a grouchy old alpha-female, so maybe there's something there.


Truth be told, I don't really care why it happens, because this is the best phero-blend I have ever tried and I love it, but I just didn't expect (the spanish inquisition) it to work quite like this.



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Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, sv.


Fascinating result! I *love* hearing about the variations in people's experience with blends...like, pop potion in WTL made me and someone else feel very *haughty* (which PP had never done for me before) -- what scent did you wear your leather with? I wonder if that affected your effect... I have some flavored, will have to experiment w/mine and see if I can produce your same result...

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Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, sv.


Fascinating result! I *love* hearing about the variations in people's experience with blends...like, pop potion in WTL made me and someone else feel very *haughty* (which PP had never done for me before) -- what scent did you wear your leather with? I wonder if that affected your effect... I have some flavored, will have to experiment w/mine and see if I can produce your same result...




Hi Tyvey, I have it in Denise's Orange Blossom, Sandalwood & Amber. I'm not in love with the scent (it's not bad just not my type) but I use it anyways because of the effect :) I really do hope the scent doesn't play a huge role here because I'm hunting for other flavours.


I actually have never experienced anything this dramatic when it comes to self-effects. The only thing I usually really notice is alphanol because it makes me dizzy for a few minutes. I used to think I'm a non-responder, but apparently I'm just picky.

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Fascinating result! I *love* hearing about the variations in people's experience with blends...




Wow...this is so interesting,I have not tried Leather...oh wait,I have Dangerous Games,did care for the scent,but will try it again now :D ...@ SV,hmmm,have to wonder how you might do with BI ?


Congrats on finding a blend that gives you good self-effects :)

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Wow...this is so interesting,I have not tried Leather...oh wait,I have Dangerous Games,did care for the scent,but will try it again now :Hug_emoticon: ...@ SV,hmmm,have to wonder how you might do with BI ?


Congrats on finding a blend that gives you good self-effects :)



Hi Calii!


I have BI both in oil and in 60/40 spray and I love it, but it doesn't affect me like Leather. Good stuff though!


Thanks, it's great to finally get what people mean when they talk about fantastic self-effects. :(

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  • 8 months later...

I don't use this often but g.d. is it ever a silver bullet. I recently had to be around a guy Ive generally found to be a real KNOW IT ALL, preachy, patronizing. I thought, hm, let's see what Leather does. One 1x spray to back of neck, another on crown of head. Now I will say that in the first hour, it made me a teeny bit grouchy- I got offended and pissy about something I usually don't- but that passed, and it turned this guy into a glassy eyed, purring, agreeable, solicitous, hanging-on-my-words acolyte. AMAZING stuff.

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Awesome Tyvey :w00t: well,not the grumpy part,but now that you know you can be prepared for it...I love the way the Leather in Glistening Buttons makes me feel,need to wear it more often!!

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What do you think about someone who doesn't have a 'dominant' vibe wearing this? I was really on the fence about ordering a sample of this, and now, after reading all the "Queenly" reviews, I'm kicking myself for waiting until the next go-around.

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You HAVE to be congruent in order to make it work. If you're not normally dominant then you have to find it within yourself with its assistance in order to benefit from it.

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I'm wearing a bit today over Evil in Carnation. I'm not in *general* a dominant personality, but I can be outgoing/friendly/funny as well as strong in myself and I'm choosing to rock that side today. I feel great. Others laughing w/me, lots of eye contact.

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I'm not really sure how dominant I am. I think I kind of 'swing both ways' to be honest. Sometimes I can be fairly dominant, sometimes I prefer not to be. I'm afraid I have an annoyingly middle of the road personality when it comes to most things. If I feel confident, (like at work), then watch out, 'cause you will be ordering one of everything on the menu, and you'll be happy to have done it, AND you'll be leaving a generous gratuity. But I think in social situations, (where I can also easily dominate should I choose to), I tend to back off if I find myself getting too dominant because I'm afraid of irritating people. I'll have to try this out to see what kind of effect I can elicit. Because sometimes I think I'm not even congruent with myself!

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"When I am on I am really on, when I am not I am the most laid back person in the world."


Halo, that's me to a T.


Because of my job I have to be 'on' a lot of the time: vibrant, in-charge, in-control, personable, charming, entertaining and witty. That's what makes the tips, no matter what the food is like. But it's really exhausting to be that way all the time. And when I finish work I often just turn myself off, like there's a switch somewhere that I flip.


I guess maybe I should play around with this one next time. Maybe I can do some social engineering of my own! Lol...

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Because sometimes I think I'm not even congruent with myself!

Well and the reason I say "congruent" is because it doesn't do anything but enhance what you're already projecting. It's not going to create a personality for you. Anyone can be aggressive or dominant in a situation if they're really invested in the outcome no matter what the core personality trait is. These are tools to assist you in particular goals but just like anything else the bulk of the effort has to come from you.

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Eggers & Halo, joining the middle of the road club with you.... sigh. it's like I'm too aggressive to be 'beta' but I'm not aggressive enough to be dominant. Confuses the hell out of me & everyone else I think too :( It doesn't help that I am very into beta-type males but also seem to be very good at putting myself in the friend zone with them! (Alpha guys make me very standoffish... I embody this when it comes to them) I keep meaning to give Leather a try - Dominance worked really well to nudge me over that line to dominant so I'm very curious to see what effect Leather would have being half Dominance/half Lace. I'm a little scared of it for that reason, too....

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Ha! Cookedteeth that cat is *awesome*! Made me snort! And that pretty much sums it up for me, too with regards to Alpha guys. I get all weirded-out and then all I can think to say is, "Ummm... Yeah... I gotta go...". Yup, I'm pretty smooth! Lol! It's a cloddish sort of behaviour I'm famous for within my circle of friends. My boyfriend has been witness to that manouever too. It makes them all laugh. As long as I amuse, I guess!



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I've been meaning to test out Leather again, I want free booze like Dolly!!!!!!!!!!!!

The one time I wore Dangerous Games to work I made my assistant cry ( male ) and I ran to the bathroom and laughed really loud and escaped into the bathroom vent and crawled out the windows with a nail file and some rope and murdered the male chauvinist VP of rent a retired hick nazi cop for pissing me off with my ponytail.

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  • 1 month later...

Woo hoo! Leather!!! I purchased a TV on Thursday from Sears and set it up for it to be delivered today. (Costs $69.99 to drive it one mile to my house!) I was supposed to get a call yesterday with the delivery window, but i never did, so I got up bright and early to call the 1-800 number. They informed that delivery was going to be on Wednesday, no ifs, ands or buts. I don't know if it was a language barrier or something, but they were actually quite rude, rude to the point that it made me very angry about the situation. Plus, I had already rearranged my life to be here to receive the TV and they don't have the decency to call me and tell me? Hell to the naw! So i got dressed and sprayed myself good with a mini-Leather spray (via Dangerous Games) that I made up just for situations where people needed to be straightened out in minimal time. I drove up to the closed store and went in through the auto department (since that's what was open at the time) and asked to speak to an available manager. I was very polite and smiled a lot, but there was a clear "Don't fuck with me" emanating from my demeanor and aura. I said, "There are two possible outcomes to this situation. Either my TV is in my living room by the end of the day or I get 100% refund, none of this restocking fee business, and I go purchase it elsewhere. At this point, I don't care which it is or how you get there, but that is what's going to happen today." When I left, they were trying to figure out which manager has a vehicle large enough to accomodate my TV. LOL!! :banana052:

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Woo hoo! Leather!!! I purchased a TV on Thursday from Sears and set it up for it to be delivered today. (Costs $69.99 to drive it one mile to my house!) I was supposed to get a call yesterday with the delivery window, but i never did, so I got up bright and early to call the 1-800 number. They informed that delivery was going to be on Wednesday, no ifs, ands or buts. I don't know if it was a language barrier or something, but they were actually quite rude, rude to the point that it made me very angry about the situation. Plus, I had already rearranged my life to be here to receive the TV and they don't have the decency to call me and tell me? Hell to the naw! So i got dressed and sprayed myself good with a mini-Leather spray (via Dangerous Games) that I made up just for situations where people needed to be straightened out in minimal time. I drove up to the closed store and went in through the auto department (since that's what was open at the time) and asked to speak to an available manager. I was very polite and smiled a lot, but there was a clear "Don't fuck with me" emanating from my demeanor and aura. I said, "There are two possible outcomes to this situation. Either my TV is in my living room by the end of the day or I get 100% refund, none of this restocking fee business, and I go purchase it elsewhere. At this point, I don't care which it is or how you get there, but that is what's going to happen today." When I left, they were trying to figure out which manager has a vehicle large enough to accomodate my TV. LOL!! :banana052:



LOL!!!! Love it!!! Good for you!

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Wow! Great job, Bluebear! I wonder what will help if you have Dominance on?


I can't even imagine! I haven't ever tried Dominance. I know with Leather, I have to constantly be aware of myself because I can go from confident and in charge to bitch when I wear it if I'm not careful. I'm worried the line between the two might be too fine with Dominance!

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BlueBear I loved your report! Good for you! This makes me think that Leather would be greatfor all those kind of situations: dealing with the phone company, internet provider, having things delivered, getting car repaired... If you can work Leather, all kinds of things are possible, it seems! Lol!

I wish this were still available in a scented something-or-other sample so I could give it a try... I'm a little envious of the ladies getting free booze...

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Bluebear !! ...now that is how to rock a phero...with attitude and intention :abfx:


I love how the Leather in Glistening Buttons makes me feel and should wear it more often,even if it might give all my Laced peeps,pause...hey variety is the spice of life,no :lol:

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I'm worried the line between the two might be too fine with Dominance!

I find it is. Dominance is great for when you need to be a bitch, but Leather is the much more civilized expression of the same impulse, IMO.

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I love the way Leather makes me feel but I don't wear it very often. I rarely have to get too aggressive in my life (that's what I keep Michael around for).

But when I have worn it to work (usually when a pushy type of woman is coming in) it has amazing mood elevating results to me. I have never gotten in a bad mood while wearing it. (Although I am careful as to when I do wear it).

I am generally more of a Lace chic but I think it is good to mix it up a bit.


My ex is coming in this week so I will probably wear it that day. Just because I am sick of him.

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Leather 2 sprays in chest

I was walking with confidence in office. My jrs asked me if I am in angry mood.

When I said no they said ok may be you are just tired. I asked about work & then all left for their work. Leather makes me look like I am angry or aggressive though I don’t feel the aggressive self effect. What I feel is strong and stern. Someone whome no one can budge from my own stand.

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Leather – 3 sprays in neck.


I was feeling normal not so stern or strong neither feminine nor weak. I had just the everyday normal feeling. My co-workers were behaving well with me and they all were telling stories of yesterday when some people came in our department. Just then our old co-worker came and he told us jokes after jokes and we had jokes riot happening in the department. It was good fun.

Sometimes I don’t get the effects from mones, just like today. Maybe spryer didn’ t work properly today and I had little on me. Or I just don’t respond to them sometimes???

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Leather – 3 sprays in neck

I went to one of my office. Had meeting with 2 senior colleagues. And need to sort out some internal issue wherein I had to show myself strong and stern. So I chose leather. When I was discussing the matter, I felt my colleague was not speaking much on the matter. I was the one who was making points for others to note, wherein he should have done that. I was very aggressive and powerful also in all my convo. This colleague told me another fresh issue and left the final decision on me. Willingly or unwillingly he was making me in-charge of things. That’s what I wanted and thanks to leather it always makes me get what I want….. great mi9x . I never ever want to live without it anymore….. Pls Mara never stop making it…J

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Leather – 2 sprays in neck.

Had work at home and suddenly the bad thing happened. One of my friend was at home to see us. He was a good friend once but now we don’t get along very well. we had an argument and finally I showed him the door telling him I don’t want to see or tolerate you anymore. I was struggling on and off with this person for long time, and finally we parted our ways. He apologised but I did not gave in. he tried to call many times later but I just refused to converse with him at all. After this I was tensed in the day but still was in control of myself. I did not lose my control and thought that it is ok to let whatever is happening. Maybe all is happening for good. At night when I got call I was still much in control and ster and did not allow him to talk to me. I think on this matter I have surrendered to god and let this person go from my life…..

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