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Tantric Butterfly

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This one on me has staying power. At first I wasnt too into the scent especially my sample vial. But it seems like this one is a keeper. I think it's going to age really well. I know what you mean Dolly when you say the jasmine and ylang ylang are competing for attention.I'm not sure which one is winning yet. I've always been a jasmine lover. But there is a fine line between loving it and hating it. I think it's this that's making this potion really stand out. I'm going to stock up so that I can see how this one is over time.

Edited by Countesszero
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Alright so Tantric Butterly ladies. Um, WOW! :) Besides the smell of it which of course is incredible, Um, I don't even know where to begin. Having sex while wearing it. Seriuosly I lost my mind. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: :);):blush:

OOOOOO IT WAS SOOOOO GOOODDD!!!!! :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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OK, not sure about this one and my skin.....either the ylang ylang or the jasmine or both are amping to an ALMOST unpleasant level (I think they are having a contest).....I am going to give it a couple more tries though, because I do like TAF, and it is a different type of scent than I would normally choose.....got a full bottle.....if it doesn't work after a couple days, it will be up for grabs on my trading post ladies!



Dolly you should try layering this with LP Pink 2009. I'm wearing it today and they both blend in quite nicely and compliment the other.

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Told you so. Having sex while wearing this stuff is almost a spiritual experience.


I think it's actually meant to be spiritual. Try again. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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Dolly you should try layering this with LP Pink 2009. I'm wearing it today and they both blend in quite nicely and compliment the other.



Can't bring myself to do that. There is something in the Tantric Butterfly which goes utterly rancid on me.....

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I loved the smell of "Tantric Butterfly." It reminded me of "In The Mood," which seems to channel at little bit of a Miss Mary Jane vibe. Unfortunately, the TAF did me in. It gave me a headache and I never get headaches. (In fact 2003 is a memorable year because I had four headaches that year.)


This is one perfume that I would love to see made with a different pheromone, like Beta-Androstenol or Dominance for Women.

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I think they're in the same holding pattern as mine. :)


Since I've stated something like a gazillion times that I'm getting new pheros as soon as they're posted, I suspect this is a smart move on their part. But dang, I wouldn't mind trying some of these.

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Sorry all- looks like the USPS is dropping the ball. Everything before the 6th is out (unless there is a custom,B and B add in an OOS item that we are waiting on something etc.


All I can say is- I'll bet the day USPS updates the tracker it will be at your door/box/etc.



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on me , I think it's the 'myrrh' that amps on me :D , I'm with you Dolly, think I have to try it a few more times, hope this changes back to the 1st time I sampled it.

okay, I've been dabbing a bit of this on everyday, I'm either getting accustom to the myrrh or I'm shaking it alot more than before, in any case... today I like it icon4.gif!!

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I wanted to like this one but due to wonky skin chemistry - Tantric Butterfly smells like Deep Woods Off on me. Ugh - so sad. Starting to think Dolly's chemistry is similar to mine. Go figure.(g)

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I wanted to like this one but due to wonky skin chemistry - Tantric Butterfly smells like Deep Woods Off on me. Ugh - so sad. Starting to think Dolly's chemistry is similar to mine. Go figure.(g)



We are twins Shelly! We do tend to gravitate towards the same types of scents.....probably because we do have similar skin chemistries.....

Edited by Dolly
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We are twins Shelly! We do tend to gravitate towards the same types of scents.....probably because we do have similar skin chemistries.....



Generally it seems we both like deeper, sweet scents. Both like resins and animalics. But patchouli of any kind/amount HATES me. Which is fine because I hate it right back. :-)

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Generally it seems we both like deeper, sweet scents. Both like resins and animalics. But patchouli of any kind/amount HATES me. Which is fine because I hate it right back. :-)


heh, more for the rest of us, I say! It's funny I used to *hate* patchouli 'till I sniffed the way the ladies here blend it. Now? I have a sugared patch for wearing with other ones.

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heh, more for the rest of us, I say! It's funny I used to *hate* patchouli 'till I sniffed the way the ladies here blend it. Now? I have a sugared patch for wearing with other ones.


Me too, Katz, I love their patchouli dominant scents. Medium and Sugared Patch are fab.

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I dont think I can wear Tantric Butterly anymore while having sex. It makes me crazy! :) Its like my mind, body and soul all combine into one sexual experience. Ive never experienced anything that amazing to be honest. It's mind blowing stimulation. I wear it the past few times and litterly tripped out into another dimention. Last night I didn't wear it and it was less intense. I suppose it's made to wear when you want to have real intense sex. hehehe :D

Edited by AncientGoddess
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Yeah I would say so... :D

On a side note, one of the best descriptions of the effect Tantric Butterfly can produce provided all the elements are right is in issue 10 of Alan Moore's Promethea ("Sex, Stars and Serpents"), in which the protagonist Sophie receives a lesson in sex magick.


TAF is an interesting substance. To be honest, I wasn't really planning on using this for its' intended purpose because Quince and I do well enough in that respect - we are easily completely focused on one another in the moment (a side effect of spending less time together than most couples) - but having read a lot about TAF I wanted to see what it would do for me nonetheless.


Scent-wise, this is the exact evocation of a certain brand of incense from India...I can literally see the package in my mind when I smell this...I just can't remember what it was called! Okay TAF you're not helping me here... :) Although it's not one I would prefer it's very soft and unobtrusive in the drydown, so the scent itself does not distract, and that is damn clever, M&D.


On the other hand, I have a wild impulse to be organized, and I'm not normally that way at all; I am a typical Pisces who just floats in the current (unless I'm obsessed, and then I'm scarily focused). So I like that, because I do need a nudge every so often.

Edited by luna65
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This is so pretty! I get a lot of dry powdery sandalwood, jasmine, ylang (so far it's sounding like Samsara by Guerlain) with a subtle deeper undercurrent of resins and little wafts of rose.


Pretty strong self-effects from the TAF which I've never worn before, an altered state of intense focus but not a crisp mental focus, more like I'm tuning into some new frequency dominated by emotion, feelings, flow, being. That's the best I can do - it's like being in a state of flow. In addition to being smashing for sex, I bet it would be great for perfoming music!

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I would love hearing how Tantric Butterfly worked. I am placing an order in a few days would appreciate getting responses on this new product. It sounds heavenly. :kyrii_faerie_action: Thanks Misty

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Threads merged..


Please could you make sure you do a search using "by post" rather than "by thread" before making a new topic, jet702. That way we don't end up with two or more topics on the same subject.


Ta muchly! :kyrii_faerie_action:




Ail )O(

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  • 3 weeks later...
I wore Tantric Butterfly last night along with my LAM Lust After Me recreation. I havent really got a name for it yet. This was the first time using my recreation with Tantric Butterfly. I just received my bottle last night. (Side note..must buy more Tantric BF) Of course the sex was very animalistic which was attributed to the ..heck I'll just call it Lust for Me for now. I tried it out the other night and it worked like a charm. Of course my back hurt a little from all the exertions. But the addition of the Tantric made our zesty session more intense. The hubby seemed to want to be really really close to me. All I could hear was his heavy breathing in my ear. All I have to say is that we were like conjoined twins. Not easily separated. I had to almost push him off. Yeah Baby.

I really love Tantric Butterfly the scent sort of reminds me of moistness in the air when its about to rain on a summers day. It's comforting and exotic. Heck just check out all the precious ingredients. Especially the Civet and Ylang Ylang. There are some strong sexy ingredients in this potion. I think this is one that I'll stock up on. You know for those hot sticky summer days.



Yeesh, this review is freakin hot!! I almost don't need to get mah oven warmed up. Gonna go jump on the TT!!!!

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I dont think I can wear Tantric Butterly anymore while having sex. It makes me crazy! :wub: Its like my mind, body and soul all combine into one sexual experience. Ive never experienced anything that amazing to be honest. It's mind blowing stimulation. I wear it the past few times and litterly tripped out into another dimention. Last night I didn't wear it and it was less intense. I suppose it's made to wear when you want to have real intense sex. hehehe ;)


I think I should try this one out next time I want mind blowing sex ,and all the stuff that comes with,definatley in need of this after I get healed

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  • 2 weeks later...
LMAO! Tooo funny ladies! :666: This technique has me curious now :wub:



:nanerturtle: OMG you guys are too funny love a good laughI got a few samples of this I have yet too try to read the reviews.

lov you guys,


refering to post 17

Edited by Ivy715
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  • 1 month later...

I got a bottle of this and dodged it for awhile because (silly silly me-NEVER judge a cold sniff)-I DID-and all I could smell was sharp sharp sandlewood.

Boy did I have my head up my ass.

This softens on the skin so beautifully. The florals(lovin that ylang ylang,),and myrrh come out and meld wonderfully with the sandlewood which REALLY does grow much softer and sweeter.

This is a new favorite that I should have been wearing for months now! But thats kinda cool-its like rediscovering an awesome outfit you had and forgot about or something.

I cant take it on a test run cause my honey ate weird BBQ at the state fair and he's sick in bed. BOO! Tommorow...

But this is GOOOOD STUFF!

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I'm not sure what TAF is exactly, but it's for focus, 'intensifying' and concentration. Molecule 'F' - Yeah, we know what that F is for....


I mixed this with "Cuddle Bunny" for the copulins, and, this time, "Tantric Butterfly" really worked. I think I am going to revised my previous post on this one. I think a "TAF" and copulins mixture is the key.

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I mixed this with "Cuddle Bunny" for the copulins, and, this time, "Tantric Butterfly" really worked. I think I am going to revised my previous post on this one. I think a "TAF" and copulins mixture is the key.


Lillith, what a brilliant idea!


Im Inspired.


Tonight, I plan to marinate in LAM, Tantric Butterfly, Neanderlicious and Sexology :) will meet up with my lover.. A heady blend of anol, TAF, TAH, Beta-Nol, cops AND Est.. as of late aging lover has been going semi-senile, need to get him refocused and get that blood pumping (lol!).

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Lillith, what a brilliant idea!


Im Inspired.


Tonight, I plan to marinate in LAM, Tantric Butterfly, Neanderlicious and Sexology :) will meet up with my lover.. A heady blend of anol, TAF, TAH, Beta-Nol, cops AND Est.. as of late aging lover has been going semi-senile, need to get him refocused and get that blood pumping (lol!).


Hi, KrazyKat:


I hope you have fun.


- Lillith

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...don't be too hard on him lest you also receive the You're Trying To Kill Me lecture. :Hug_emoticon:



I wish that was the case. My newfound mix put him to sleep!!!!! :blushing:


Im not sure if its the TAF mixed with sexology, but I had him snoozing on my shoulder, he was also passing unbelievable amount of gas (I know, I know).. I think this mix should be used with caution if your man is over a certain age.

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I would say, with men over 50, not to use too much of anything. Though I enjoyed being mauled as a result of using OCCO, thinking back on it, I probably overwhelmed Master Quince with that copulin assault. He was exhausted for a good part of the following day, my poor woobie.

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My newfound mix put him to sleep!!!!! :party:


Sometimes, less is more. If you mix too many pheromones together, it can overload someone, or the pheromones can cancel each other out. Alpha-androstenol and copulins often work well together, but TAF and TAH are opposites to some extent. Sometimes these everything-but-the-kitchen-sink mixes backfire a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get nothing but resins and sandalwood? This reminds me of Raven's Secret Weapon but then again I don't do well with resins and spices and pachouli usually. They just take over any scent and amplify to crazy heights. I am sure this would be great on someone else, just not my freaky, strange, body chemistry self.

I will give this a try/roll in the hay. If I like TAF I can always buy a bottle for fun times.

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