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Hmmm - Lace plus Dom? Bad?

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Here's my problem. I want to wear my Shelly's Sweet Bottom if I see the TG tomorrow - but that has Lace Loaded. He reacts well to Lace...ahem...yes he does - so that's not terrible. And I have a Lace un spray to get diffusion going.


BUT I had sort of wanted to break out some DOM on him.


I'm half thinking go NSD - which has brown sugar notes as well, throw in some OCCO Red to get the Cops and Cinnamon - and pop it with my spray DOM.


Decisions decisions - I think the Lace makes me needier than I personally like and I want to change that dynamic - so I wanted the Dom...


Your thoughts?

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Here's my problem. I want to wear my Shelly's Sweet Bottom if I see the TG tomorrow - but that has Lace Loaded. He reacts well to Lace...ahem...yes he does - so that's not terrible. And I have a Lace un spray to get diffusion going.


BUT I had sort of wanted to break out some DOM on him.


I'm half thinking go NSD - which has brown sugar notes as well, throw in some OCCO Red to get the Cops and Cinnamon - and pop it with my spray DOM.


Decisions decisions - I think the Lace makes me needier than I personally like and I want to change that dynamic - so I wanted the Dom...


Your thoughts?


Punt the Lace and go cops and Dom, especially if you don't want to be girly/needy. There's a place for that feeling, but I'm voting you kick some butt.

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wear them in very different spots :D


what makes Dom so dommy and Lace so lacey is that exaggeration of only light with one, and mostly dark with the other (for lack of better terms)


when you wear light and dark together, you get gray,

which is very nicely well-rounded but you dont get the exaggerated "wowzers" from a guy that likes especially dominant or especially passive and girly.


i like both attributes too, so sometimes i wear the agressive ones on the inside of my shirt where I will get the effect, and then I just "is it hot in here" waft the shirt if I want in their direction.

or reverse it. i dont know.


sounds silly but it works for me.


if you havent tried the Dom on him, you can always play it safe by wearing it where you can easily wash it off, and bring lace with you.


tiny packaged wet-wipes are good for experimenting like that :666:


have a good time,Shelly!

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wear them in very different spots :D


what makes Dom so dommy and Lace so lacey is that exaggeration of only light with one, and mostly dark with the other (for lack of better terms)


when you wear light and dark together, you get gray,

which is very nicely well-rounded but you dont get the exaggerated "wowzers" from a guy that likes especially dominant or especially passive and girly.


i like both attributes too, so sometimes i wear the agressive ones on the inside of my shirt where I will get the effect, and then I just "is it hot in here" waft the shirt if I want in their direction.

or reverse it. i dont know.


sounds silly but it works for me.


if you havent tried the Dom on him, you can always play it safe by wearing it where you can easily wash it off, and bring lace with you.


tiny packaged wet-wipes are good for experimenting like that :666:


have a good time,Shelly!


Oooooh.... interesting. Will have to try! Thanks Lor!

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