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I'm going to explode from anticipation!


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Damn that notice last week that they were closing the sale thread over the weekend. I caved & ordered & as a result delayed everything!




No smellies for me for another week :magicstick:

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Absolutely - I did the same damn thing.


Well, I DO have a few scents i can wear in the meantime. If I search really hard I should be able to find something I can throw on....you know, in the interim.


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Both of your orders have shipped already.

Pretty much anything ordered by the 5th is already gone, and many items ordered as late as yesterday are shipped too, if they didn't include B&B. We're really trying to get everything into your hands by Valentine's Day.

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It was an incredible effort...poor Mara having to work on her bday and poor Danna suffering from ickiness. If I could I'd send over lots of yummy treats and a masseuse!

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I just saw! You gals are the bestest!!!!!!! :KITTY_~12:


Tell Dana I hope she feels better.... I don't know what she has, but my Dad in SC & my Sis in AZ both have the icky stomach flu.



I got my notice. I got my notice!!!!! I should have my potions by Saturday night for the romantic dinner. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by paganlady
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  • 1 month later...

I'm bumping up and down in my seat in anticipation - and not because the Praline has engaged Luna. :EVB7BC~18:


I leave to see the HSF next week on Friday and I'm hoping/praying that my order of Woodland Man and Captivation Equation get here. :Hug_emoticon:


I gave him a trial vial of Woodland Man the last time I saw him - and I thought I would nom him out of his mind. So I wanted a bottle for the upcoming weekend. :-) I really hope when the original Woodland Man sells out - they keep selling it but with a Wanted Man or Charisma phero load. It's awesome - all manly and makes me want to just swoon....get dragged off to the cave by my hair and...uh....:beggingpleasesmiley:


Anyhoo - ok - thinking about *that* might have engaged the Praline. Maybe. Possibly. Look - the succubus needs some action. What can I say? :lol:


Along those lines - I'm breaking out the Leather/Cops with the remaining SLF I have stashed for night time fun - but on tourist day and goodbye day - I hope to have the CE... Why? I want happy juice. :wub: I want giggles and smiles and just plain fun. And I wantz to smelz like CAKE and buttercream and NOM. I want to build up a stash of happy memories - not just great sex memories - to tide me over til the next time I see the man.


So - I'll just sit here, bump and down and hope. Now what was I saying about Woodland Man... :banana085:

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....get dragged off to the cave by my hair and...uh.... :Hug_emoticon:


Oh c'mon! You can't tease a fellow succubus like that! Okay, you can but it's just mean! :EVB7BC~18:

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Goodness gracious! I may have to have a bit of a lie-down, you scandalous wenches!


Actually, I had a dream last night that I was at some kind of a party, and amidst a huge outdoor market-type set-up of party favors there were samples and bottles of LPs that I hadn't tried. I was running around trying to grab as many as I could. At some point that turned into me searching for them in other weird places, like in jewelry boxes buried in the mud of riverbanks under bridges.


I've been focusing on scents for me, but maybe next month I should get a few for my man, as well... He thinks it's kind of silly how obsessed I've gotten with smellies, but maybe I can find something we both like on him! :3

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Oh c'mon! You can't tease a fellow succubus like that! Okay, you can but it's just mean! :001_tt2:


Hah - If you really wanted to know you'd just mail me and ask. What you are really doing is just teasing the others. :lol:


And Kovvy - I like the sounds of Scandalous Wench. Don't you think that would be a great perfume name? Maybe a big burst of cherry for the obvious reasons over a big honkin' musk?

Edited by Shelly B
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And Kovvy - I like the sounds of Scandalous Wench. Don't you think that would be a great perfume name? Maybe a big burst of cherry for the obvious reasons over a big honkin' musk?



OH, I like that name!

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I'm seriously dying over here. I ordered my first private edition and I want to smeeeeeeeeell it. And I want to rock some Leather and I want to try a handful of other samples and just roll around in sweet smelling awesome. 003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.com].gif

So - enquiring minds want to know what notes are in your PE? :-)

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I hope it turns out nice! It's sort of a good thing it didn't come this weekend, since I have a cold and I cannot smell out of my nose at all. OMG I've just been laying on the couch/bed and trying to my mama over the phone. Crying lesreveurs is not awesome, but a snuffly, stuffy crying lesrev? Ten times worse. Lawdie.

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Me too...probably my 2 favorite notes.Yummeh


No joke - if it's honey musk - I LURV it. :-) I hope some really pretty ones are designed for spring/summer - like a bright juicy peach honey musk.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back to bumping up and down -!if the pkg not here on Wednesday - no Legend for my trip. I can live with everything else coming slow post but must have my Legend. Do you think they would ship that by itself to the parents? Hmmmmm..... Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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Back to bumping up and down -!if the pkg not here on Wednesday - no Legend for my trip. I can live with everything else coming slow post but must have my Legend. Do you think they would ship that by itself to the parents? Hmmmmm..... Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Your so cute when you fixin to see HF,it makes me all giddy :(

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I lurves that man! :-). Getting to see him makes me all Squeeeeeee!!!!


Shelly,it truly makes me smile with warm fuzzies to see you so happy !!! ... You just go for it girl :Hug_emoticon:

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You mean he's not legendary enough without it? :Hug_emoticon:


He is to me - it's just Legend makes me want to be on him like white on rice.


Something about that scent and that phero in combo and I become one PDA lovin' fool. :angelstar-kaos058: (And I am so *not* a pda person otherwise...) If he has that on and I PDA him - my family might collectively pass out. Edited to add - that would be hilarious actually. :)


Squeee!!!!!!!!! Just one more week. :choochookris7fo::banana124::banana011::2143:

Edited by Shelly B
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Okay now I see why you need it...gotta stir the pot, dontcha?! :Hug_emoticon:


But I mainly said that because it reminded me of a conversation Q and I once had and he said, "You'd love me even if there were no pheromones involved, right?" And I said, "Silly man, I'll always love your pheromones more than any out of a bottle!" and he got this really cute look on his face like, She thinks I'm special, yay!

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Okay now I see why you need it...gotta stir the pot, dontcha?! :Hug_emoticon:


But I mainly said that because it reminded me of a conversation Q and I once had and he said, "You'd love me even if there were no pheromones involved, right?" And I said, "Silly man, I'll always love your pheromones more than any out of a bottle!" and he got this really cute look on his face like, She thinks I'm special, yay!


Funny - I had a similar conversation with the HSF. :-) I reminded him he didn't have any LP's on my first visit and further - 1) phero's don't reach through the phone and 2) they don't change your soul. And I pointed out he's liked me - at least as a friend- since I was 8 which seriously predates my love of LP.


And I got the whole - "Ohhhhh. You have a point. I love you too."

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