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Ecstatic newbie here


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I have greatly enjoyed and learned from this forum already, and I've only just received my first order! The customer service has been incredible too. You all sound so generous and friendly. I'm off to find the appropriate places to share my experiences so far.

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I have greatly enjoyed and learned from this forum already, and I've only just received my first order! The customer service has been incredible too. You all sound so generous and friendly. I'm off to find the appropriate places to share my experiences so far.


Yay! Welcome aboard o ecstatic one! :) I see you've found the *most important* swap section! Since you popped in, I'd like to send you a few sniffies, gratis~ My email's in my profile...

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Wow, I truly feel warm and fuzzy! Thanks yall! I'm starting slow with all samples.

I ordered an LP pack. Curious how the patchouli will work out- it always seems to shove its way to the "top" for me and overpower everything else.

I tend to love fruit and vanilla, so several things heavy on those notes.

And timidly just a few pheros: cougar, cuddle bunny, eternal chain.


It's really exciting planning out what to wear when, like a menu. Like, I know not to wear Pherogirl to work, LOL!


Katz, that is so nice of you! I will email you!


Thank you all again for the very warm welcome.

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...it's really more like a nibble. :(



Sorry, but I DO bite! Most of my "victims" LIKE it, though......


Welcome Tyvey! Glad to have you here, and hope to see you often!!

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Sorry, but I DO bite! Most of my "victims" LIKE it, though......



Well Master Quince does like to be gnawed on now and again. ;)

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