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Tempest Teapot

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A bubbly, soapy and success oriented scent, with notes of Iris, Melissa and Mimosa rounded out with wood and musk. Appropriate for both Women & Men, in the boardroom as well as the bedroom!


Magical properties include: Gain, Valor and Promise; Success, Confidence; Enlightenment, Spirituality, Purification; Courage, Invisibility, Exorcism.



This one comes out like freshly washed hands, not the SOAP itself but like the clean skin right after you've washed, rinsed and toweled off. Clean and fresh.


Wear this and mom will never nag you again about washing your hands! :)

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  • 7 months later...
The first I noticed was the floral notes that had a "purple" tone to them. Then as I put the perfume on, I noticed the sharp, clean soapy notes. it reminded me a bit of Mr. Bubble, bubble bath. This is a happy light every day scent for work and won't bowl over your co-workers.


It is a light happy every day work scent. Can't wait to try this at work with Open Windows, Focus or Tranquility potions. Focus and Tranquility arrive this week - will road test as I can.


Seriously - Bubble is so clean and fresh - teamed up with the right phero- it could rock at the office.


Hhhhmmmm - maybe Bubble with some Open Windows/dash of the Wooz tomorrow? Maybe so...

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