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Sinful Indulgences


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Sinful Indulgences

The sin is permitted, because the absolution is brewed into the mix! A rich and sinfully indulgent blend crafted from ingredients procured from sources of worship, absolution is yours with consecrated oils, resins and other elements of fragrance from locales considered sacred (such as Rome, Antioch, Patmos and Jerusalem), with a touch of Holy Water and a smudge of palm ash… cleansing and purifying, yes, and so very naughty, naughty…




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification.
OLIVE WOOD AND LEAF ~ Potency, fertility, healing, peace, protection, lust.
FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, Consecration, Protection, Exorcism
MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil.
CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.
WISTERIA ~ Welcoming of new person into your life. Youth, eloquence.
LAVENDER ~ Soothes/ restores body and mind. Arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing.
VIOLET ~ Love, faithfulness, modesty; calming, balancing, healing, protection, draws luck & fortune, lust.
ROSE OF SHARON ~ (aka HIBISCUS) Induces lust/lustful cravings, enhances beauty, attracts love, divination.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.
HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.
FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality.
PALM ASH ~ Renewal, purification, rebirth. Fertility, potency.
HOLY WATER ~ Cleansing, purifying. Fertility, Goddess energy, fluid of life. Renewal.
EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life.
GOLD MICA ~ Masculine, protective energy.



I love the resins in this, and the label makes me smile.

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This is turning into one of my favorites. The resins are intoxicating. I'm wearing it now and just got a whiff and thought OMG what smells so good. Oh it's me. The label is very cute, it reminds me of my aunt-in-law who is a nun.

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I like this one too, it smells exactly like church incense & it certainly does have a 'trinity' of layers :lol:

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I tried this w/Un-Dominance, nice combo ! gotta get a ful sz btl boosted with Un-Dom

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I like this in the vial, but my skin does some horrible amping thing with a mixed floral note and the cedar, to where they overpower the resins....SO SAD!

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Very resiny and incense-y! (And yes, the label is awesome!) Also, I was surprised at how much the ash looks like glitter in the bottle. It's silver, and shiny. It doesn't show up on my skin, though.


Also, this is a bottle I'd kind of like to be able to peek inside of to see the different layers. Although it would be handy to be able to see the level of all the perfumes. Hm. Anyway, I peeled back the label a little to look, and it was cool! :lol:

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At first application the resins nearly overpower me here. But now, after a drydown of an hour or so, this is a gorgeous resinous meld. I am a sucker for the resins, and the lavender and violet peek through just a tad to keep it balanced.


I don't know about sinful, though. This seems much more like a cleansing, protective vibe.

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This is not your typical church incense. This is the getting-it-on-in-church kind of incense! :( It has a drydown that is warm and sexy, very much like sandalwood, which I'm guessing is from the cedar, some types of which amp horribly on me but not this one. I love hibiscus tea and I definitely get that equally warm and slightly spicy quality of the hibiscus as well. The shimmer and the nun on the label just kill me--I went to a Catholic high school complete with nuns, and imagine the horror if I'd whipped this out back then!

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I had a few sisters at my HS (they were Franciscan nuns) who had a funny side to them. The photo on the label actually reminds me of my English teacher Sr. Jeanne, who was not funny but she was a little ole lady nun like that.


The sin and the salvation are both in the bottle so...it can go either way! :(

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  • 6 months later...

Surprise, this is great on me. If you can wear sandalwoods or resins, get a sample. There are just enough florals to balance, but they don't really show their faces. The drydown is warm and sexy as Invidiana said and far more upscale than you might imagine. Really, it's high-falutin. This would be beautiful in a massage oil or a body cream.

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  • 4 months later...

This one isn't great on me. The resins and sandalwood are just not nice to my nose, and it goes very perfumey. It's actually making me want to sneeze. I will say for it though, it is a very strong scent - even a little is quite powerful!

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  • 4 months later...

I wore this to church for Ash Wednesday & I'm really liking it today. I smell just like the incense that they didn't burn in church today, glad I wore it ;)

ETA: I really can't get over how much this smells like the anointing oil the priest uses. I love the way that smells!

Edited by Beccah
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  • 1 month later...

This scent on me is FREAKING ROCKIN! I mean WOW! Even I want me :Emoticons04231: It is a little strong on my skin and care must be taken to go light. There's something in there with bite, but I can't place the scent name. Even so, it wins my seal of approval. Love it.


Has anyone tried pheros with this scent? If so, thoughts?

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  • 10 months later...

In the vial: clean? Like shower fresh. I guess I was expecting resins, woods, incense? Instead I get a clean floral blast that threatened to be overpowering but that didn't quite happen (fortunately). Not sure if I know what wisteria smells like but I can pick out the rose and I've always liked lavender and violet. But definitely the floral notes were begging NOTICE ME FIRST! :lol: It's not the same "clean" or floral that I get from Sneaky Clean at all though.


But then something interesting happened about 20 minutes later. The floral notes stepped WAY back - which does NOT happen with me and florals. This is a first!! The floral notes become a bed for this fantastic woody, resin-y, incense WOW! And another thing is that it stayed close to my skin and melded with it deliciously and yet this is in no way foodie. This is surprisingly sultry and...like the description says - decidedly naughty!


At first I thought, "No way - too clean for me." But after dry down - 20 minutes maybe? - KAPOW! I think I get it! The idea is that this little potion is for absolution. From LP description:

"Once upon a time, one could purchase salvation as easily as a loaf of bread, no matter the offense an “Indulgence” was always available to wipe the slate clean. And sin is so very persuasive, so we say: why not have the blessing at the ready when next you are tempted to stray from the straight and narrow into the dark alleys of temptation?" (emphasis mine)


I think the idea is to have the blessing ready prior to the sway of temptation - perhaps this is why the fragrance begins so clean only to move into something much more seductive and - dare I say? - temptuous... Things that make me go, Hmm...


Verdict? Oh yes! This one is a keeper. I can't stop huffing my arm at this point Hahaha!

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  • 4 months later...

this one is really uniquely clean and light and so evocative of the feeling state of being all clean and clear

~ such as after confession and absolution ~ and after a really long deep soak in sacred hot springs ~ sacred practice ~

and after a really intense sweat lodge experience ~ i get the same from this little treasure


as for scent... here in our family one of our favorite little bath time treats are those little crabtree and evelyn

seashell soaps... and the fragrance note of these is in this upon our skin, along with something moist and earthy

for me, like my garden smells first thing in the morning while everything is still cool and darkling moist from the cool

night before the sun has warmed it all up ~ scents of flowers, ferns, mossy plants and earth still cool and yet waking

slowly while the garden is still in the shade of predawn


i like this, and its velvety softness when dry ... for me this is very soft, and clean and unusual


my son layers this with cheeky and it is wonderful... with his chemistry this creates a warm spicy apple crumble scent

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