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Phero Girl: Dominance

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The "male armpit smell" is the androstenone.....one question, did you shake the bottle before applying? The pheros in the unscnted blends float on top until shaken, so you may be getting a monster-dose.....


Yes, I did shake, thankfully there's a nice reminder on the bottle top!! I think I'm just a bit sensitive. Another cover question: I noticed on another thread someone mentioned it's better to not put oil-based scent directly on top of the unscented phero blends. Any suggestions? I was thinking of trying to put something on top while it's still wet, then wait for the dry-down and apply more cover.

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Yes, I did shake, thankfully there's a nice reminder on the bottle top!! I think I'm just a bit sensitive. Another cover question: I noticed on another thread someone mentioned it's better to not put oil-based scent directly on top of the unscented phero blends. Any suggestions? I was thinking of trying to put something on top while it's still wet, then wait for the dry-down and apply more cover.


Well, I think that was mentioned as an aid to diffusion....oil slows the diffusion, but sometimes thats a good thing because the pheros seem to last longer that way, especially if you live in a hot humid climate. You can certainly try layering while they're wet.....it would be similar to mixing them before application, which I have done.....but, I usually have better results if I let the pheros dry down before I apply a cover.

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Well, I think that was mentioned as an aid to diffusion....oil slows the diffusion, but sometimes thats a good thing because the pheros seem to last longer that way, especially if you live in a hot humid climate. You can certainly try layering while they're wet.....it would be similar to mixing them before application, which I have done.....but, I usually have better results if I let the pheros dry down before I apply a cover.


I see what you're saying, I'll try just letting them dry down really thoroughly. Now, for another question: What about a tiny swipe of Dominance, let dry, and cover with Mara's Rocket Fuel? Do you think the Dominance and the ss4w would conflict with one another?

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They might conflict in the sense that the SS mix is very powerful and therefore may overpower the Dominance blend, resulting in a different chemical aura/message. It depends on what your objective is. If it's primarily sexual, then it may work. But if you're looking for respect then it may sabotage that effect.

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They might conflict in the sense that the SS mix is very powerful and therefore may overpower the Dominance blend, resulting in a different chemical aura/message. It depends on what your objective is. If it's primarily sexual, then it may work. But if you're looking for respect then it may sabotage that effect.


I agree with Luna.....if it's respect you want, go with just the Dominance....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dominance never ceases to amaze! Today, I was gearing up for a meeting with a client who was nice at first, but has recently become more aggressive and demanding. My sweetie texted me to say "good luck with your appt, and don't forget your Dominance".....hehe.....he gets tickled with my stories about this one!


So, anywhoooo, I had a new experience with this one. One of my favorite clients showed up, and he is usually very cooperative. Today, not only was his usual self, but he was quite PROTECTIVE, also. We were talking before the other client got here, and he said, "Well, I'm staying until he gets here.....if he gives you any trouble, I'm gonna beat his a** !"


I just giggled, and told him it was ok for him to leave.....so, he did.....so anyway, the jerky guy gets here, and walks in with a big chip on his shoulder. Starts informing me of how he wants things done. I sat him down, and started explaining to him what he needed to provide me with in order for me to do my job.....and, that he was to provide this info in a prompt manner, but NOT tell me how to do what I do. My arm was very close to his face at the time, and I talk with my hands, so roses and chocolate were wafting everywhere. Within a few minutes, he was sitting there like a good boy, nodding and listening intently to everything I was telling him.


I love this stuff! Scented or unscented, IT ROCKS!!!



I promised an update when I roadtested unscented Dominance.


I'm pretty extroverted and dominant - under normal circumstances - but based on this - and some work stuff - decided Dominance was worth trying.


So - about 20 minutes after application - I started to feel like I do when I'm "on a mission from God." Take no prisoners. There will be no NO's. She who must be obeyed has spoken. I'm sure you get the picture. My DH and children have. :-)


It's not that I don't do that - it's that I don't live on that level of intensity - and when I'm in it - I very rarely do it for hours.


Maybe I'm hypersensitive - as evidenced by my EOW application issues - but man - General Patton, I mean Shelly B - reported for duty today.


It came in waves - but Barney Bad A** was not putting up with Sh*t today. No she wasn't.


Will trial again - on a day when I need to be decisive and respected - but I'm starting to think Dolly is right - and I need some Treasured Hearts. Any more dominant and I'll be p*ssing on the couch. Or someone's desk at the office.

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Will trial again - on a day when I need to be decisive and respected - but I'm starting to think Dolly is right - and I need some Treasured Hearts. Any more dominant and I'll be p*ssing on the couch. Or someone's desk at the office.



:) That's WAY too funny! :D

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So - about 20 minutes after application - I started to feel like I do when I'm "on a mission from God." Take no prisoners. There will be no NO's. She who must be obeyed has spoken. I'm sure you get the picture. My DH and children have. :-)


It's not that I don't do that - it's that I don't live on that level of intensity - and when I'm in it - I very rarely do it for hours.


Maybe I'm hypersensitive - as evidenced by my EOW application issues - but man - General Patton, I mean Shelly B - reported for duty today.


It came in waves - but Barney Bad A** was not putting up with Sh*t today. No she wasn't.


Will trial again - on a day when I need to be decisive and respected - but I'm starting to think Dolly is right - and I need some Treasured Hearts. Any more dominant and I'll be p*ssing on the couch. Or someone's desk at the office.


LOVE IT! This post gave me a good laugh. I love Dominance.....I am very "alpha" anyways, and it really puts me in my "element"......

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LOVE IT! This post gave me a good laugh. I love Dominance.....I am very "alpha" anyways, and it really puts me in my "element"......



I have to admit - I have not broken out the Dominance again this week. I kind of want to with a big chaser of EOW - but only with the DH and only in the right mood. Think that would be AWESOME.



But the parents are here and that - yeah - NOT happening. :-)


So - another time.


Seriously - I'm going to have to order the blasted Treasured Hearts or some Popularity Potion - for work.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok - had to share a Dominance hit from today.


Had to have a meeting with a major, world class PITA today.


So - on the way in - I slathered the Dominance on - top of arms, forearms, top of knees, neck and cleavage. Did I say SLATHERED? Yeah - that.


Covered with Last Breath of Summer/Sugared Honeycomb -for a honey, lemony upbeat sort of feel.


Anywhoo - ran and caught the 'vator with someone I've not met before. I punched my button - looked up - realized he is totally checking me out. He is caught, looks down. I look away, realize he is now just staring at me. And for nearly 30 floors, he stared. When the doors opened - I went to hop off - he startled, said - "Ooopps.....didn't press for my floor. Going back down."


Doors closed - and he was DIHL when they did.


TOO funny.


Guess some men like General Shelly. :-)

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Ok - had to share a Dominance hit from today.


Had to have a meeting with a major, world class PITA today.


So - on the way in - I slathered the Dominance on - top of arms, forearms, top of knees, neck and cleavage. Did I say SLATHERED? Yeah - that.


Covered with Last Breath of Summer/Sugared Honeycomb -for a honey, lemony upbeat sort of feel.


Anywhoo - ran and caught the 'vator with someone I've not met before. I punched my button - looked up - realized he is totally checking me out. He is caught, looks down. I look away, realize he is now just staring at me. And for nearly 30 floors, he stared. When the doors opened - I went to hop off - he startled, said - "Ooopps.....didn't press for my floor. Going back down."


Doors closed - and he was DIHL when they did.


TOO funny.


Guess some men like General Shelly. :-)



That's the way to do it! Some men DO prefer dominant women.......and I have so much fun when they do!


That reminds me....I haven't worn Dominance around my sweetie for a while.....I need to, I think.....


And in comes Dom Banana...... :lol::party:

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Maybe I'm hypersensitive - as evidenced by my EOW application issues - but man - General Patton, I mean Shelly B - reported for duty today.


It came in waves - but Barney Bad A** was not putting up with Sh*t today. No she wasn't.


Will trial again - on a day when I need to be decisive and respected - but I'm starting to think Dolly is right - and I need some Treasured Hearts.


Hhmmmm...this is why I've been holding off on getting the Dominance blends... I get super bitchy if I use more than a few sprays of Mx134 from Androtics, and since the LPMP phero's seem a lot more concentrated...well...I think I'll stick to BI, TH, Sexology & MeJane :lol:

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My HOT CFO sure does prefer dominate women. He follows me around when I wear Dominance. As a matter of fact I think I'm going to put some on right now since I hear him coming down the hall.

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My HOT CFO sure does prefer dominate women. He follows me around when I wear Dominance. As a matter of fact I think I'm going to put some on right now since I hear him coming down the hall.


I love reading your stories about your phero fun with the hot CFO, I can't wait until I have more pheros that I can play with!

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So it's only been about an hour since I applied some Dominance. My HOT CFO has come into my office twice. The last time he needed some detailed tax info so he took a seat right next to me not on the other side of the desk. He kept leaning over very close to me when I was explaining myself. And I saw a definite bulge when I looked downtown. I couldnt help myself. Is it getting hot in here or is it just HIM. TASTY.

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So it's only been about an hour since I applied some Dominance. My HOT CFO has come into my office twice. The last time he needed some detailed tax info so he took a seat right next to me not on the other side of the desk. He kept leaning over very close to me when I was explaining myself. And I saw a definite bulge when I looked downtown. I couldnt help myself. Is it getting hot in here or is it just HIM. TASTY.



Dang - where is the cute CFO in my office?


I want to have this much fun at work.


Oh well.


Maybe someday.

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OMG my CFO is so HOT. I've been wearing the Dominance quite frequently and now instead of just walking back and forth past my office. He comes in and talks to me. The other day he came in, sat down and gave me a DIHL. It was awesome. Oh and did I mention that he bought me and ONLY me a souvenir from Atlanta. It was a shot glass. He asked me today when I was going to use it. He's laughing more (while standing in the hall outside my office I should add) and is also making more eye contact. Oh La La. Here he comes again.

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  • 10 months later...

Holy damn damn damn this is HOT! :) The scent alone is to die for: on me the chocolate comes out really dark and decadent (I do tend to amp the sweeter notes in a blend), oozing over sexy velvety red rose petals. The slight bit of coffee gives the chocolate a jolt but doesn't come out very "coffee" at all; it just adds further bittersweet depth to the chocolate. I believe the orris also adds to the velvety feel, and there's just the right amount of sugar on top for that final kiss of sweetness. As if that's not enough, this phero has cojones. My nose was glued to my wrist just to huff the delicious scent, and when I finally pried my wrist away I had this uncontrollable urget to yank on my own dom boots and climb all over the furniture. Not that furniture can sub in for a good man, but you get my point. Dom is an incredible confidence booster for me and thankfully doesn't make me horny, whenever I need a serious ego boost I'm pulling this from my arsenal. Thank you May!!!!!

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry as I know this is sooooo GGG but I finally got up the nerve to try this and, like BI, it made me feel very ass-kicky and STRONG and confident for a workout.


The scent is instantly one of my very favorite ever here. The rose is an unapologetic, deep, red red rose. Complements the phero amazingly: totally feminine and yet totally straightforward and blunt and IN CHARGE.


Haven't tried around other people yet but will experiment later :Hug_emoticon:

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Gosh do I ever know what you mean,I love this total effect of scent and intent :Hug_emoticon: ... I have not worn this around anyone either,as I only have a precious half a sample,that I am saving just for me!

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  • 4 months later...

OK, new Dominance Story!


Yesterday, I was wearing the original scented Dominance (that my lovely friend Ail gifted to me! :D:Hug_emoticon: )......I had applied some yesterday morning, and slathered quite liberally in the afternoon.....hehe :Hug_emoticon: ......WELL, my ex.....who my son is currently living with.....lives right around the corner. Calls me in the evening, telling me I need to get over there NOW. So, I was already pissed off and rocking the attitude when I left my house.


NOW, I get out of my car, and hear my ex yelling.....his girlfriend was standing outside to get away from it apparently......my son had told a couple of lies, and got caught. Big time busted. So, I walk in, and his Dad starts telling me what happened.....almost yelling at ME. I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows at him as if to say...."WTF? Why are you talking to ME like that?" :)


Now this is a guy who is way bigger than me......has over a foot of height and about 80 pounds on me.....their back door was standing open, because the weather has cooled off since the tropical storm last weekend (THANK GOODNESS), and everybody has had windows and doors open to catch the breezes.....ANYWHOOOO......I am standing there, with the open door about 2-3 feet behind me.....nice big breeze comes in and wafts over me, towards my ex. He stops dead in his tracks. Says...."I'm sorry. I'm not directing this at YOU." Standing in my downdraft, he almost immediately calmed down. Things came down a level, not nearly as tense....issue resolved with the son......ex actually THANKED me before I left. I was like :Hug_emoticon:


The Dom does it again! Either scented or unscented, it works every time! I love love love that stuff!

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That's fantastic. It's great to hear that this CAN bring down even a big alpha male, even when he's actually in a rage.


I put on a few dabs of this today myself, on back of both wrists. First time I've worn it for trialing on others.


Unanimous DIHLs from both women and men. Probably the highest hit rate I've ever seen in a phero (even taking women out of the equation, for pheros that target men). I mean like 95%+.


Similar to starry Cougar effect, but amped -- even more respectful and expectant and STARING, like they were waiting for my mouth to open so they could admire the gemstones that would surely tumble out.


I sincerely believe it's not just the phero though- I'm also wearing Nosfy's Aperitif and it has a VERY. QUEENLY. VIBE. Suuuper congruent.

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That's fantastic. It's great to hear that this CAN bring down even a big alpha male, even when he's actually in a rage.


I put on a few dabs of this today myself, on back of both wrists. First time I've worn it for trialing on others.


Unanimous DIHLs from both women and men. Probably the highest hit rate I've ever seen in a phero (even taking women out of the equation, for pheros that target men). I mean like 95%+.


Similar to starry Cougar effect, but amped -- even more respectful and expectant and STARING, like they were waiting for my mouth to open so they could admire the gemstones that would surely tumble out.


I sincerely believe it's not just the phero though- I'm also wearing Nosfy's Aperitif and it has a VERY. QUEENLY. VIBE. Suuuper congruent.



RAGE? DEFINITELY. One of the main reasons I divorced him.....and he was IN the throes of it....at that point, he is normally almost unstoppable....


I love Dominance....seriously.....I have decided that I CANNOT be without it when dealing with the ex.....turns him into a big puppy.....getting ready to seriously build my Dom stash.....

Edited by Dolly
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Ok - had to share a Dominance hit from today.


Had to have a meeting with a major, world class PITA today.


So - on the way in - I slathered the Dominance on - top of arms, forearms, top of knees, neck and cleavage. Did I say SLATHERED? Yeah - that.


Covered with Last Breath of Summer/Sugared Honeycomb -for a honey, lemony upbeat sort of feel.


Anywhoo - ran and caught the 'vator with someone I've not met before. I punched my button - looked up - realized he is totally checking me out. He is caught, looks down. I look away, realize he is now just staring at me. And for nearly 30 floors, he stared. When the doors opened - I went to hop off - he startled, said - "Ooopps.....didn't press for my floor. Going back down."


Doors closed - and he was DIHL when they did.


TOO funny.


Guess some men like General Shelly. :-)

HAHAHH that's great!


I found out leaher is 50% EST and 50% dominance today. I lalalooove leather which suits me well, but now i'm considering dominace for when I need the big guns.

Edited by moonholly209
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  • 1 year later...

Well! I've been curious about this phero for a couple years. I was worried about what I would act like, so I delayed and delayed. FINALLY got some Phero Girl: Dom from our beloved LadyV on the trade thread, WOWSERS!!! I LOVE THIS STUFF!!! :w00t:


In another thread--it was within the last couple days, I think over on the UN phero Dom thread...or maybe Focus Potion?--a couple ladies were commenting on how they get a concentration/focus self effect from Dom. ME, TOO! And It works better for me in that manner than Aether did. The Focus Potion in Aether made me focus a little *too* much, to the extent that I felt really bitchy toward my family because they weren't on exactly the same page as I. With Dom, I'm laser focused and centered *in myself.* I don't care if anyone else is doing what I want, because *I* do what I want. They're cool as they are. AND, because it's Dom, they really *are* more cooperative.


I've been using this for two days while working on a rather large gouache and ink resist painting. The particular subject matter is very...well, it's fairly detailed, but the technique can drive me nuts, even though I adore it. I tend to do these in short bursts of work. Wearing Dom, I'm doing long stints and staying relaxed. WHOA. I. AM. IN. LOVE.


:heart: Thank you for this phero, Mara! :heart:


The cherry on top is that the scent is absolutely GORGEOUS on me. I am an avowed Rose Ho, but it has to be the right kind of rose. O YAIS THIS IS IT. :burning-heart::Emoticons0424:

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Yeah I am so glad you love it! It has to be the right kind of rose for me as well, and for some reason the rose is this is too sharp for me, almost like too perfumey? I love the rose in Lady V's Cherry Rose and Black Cherry Rose and La Fleur Cremese. I wonder what the difference is.

Maybe the roses I like are more bakery or pink?

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