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Dominance vs. Leather

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Have any of you ladies noticed a difference between Leather & Dominance? In terms of self effetcs as well as effects on others?


I was never a big fan of Dominance so I didn't rush to try Leather but I once I did I realized I actually really like it. Really, really like it. Especially for work when I do my A&E shifts. It gives me awesome confidence & assertiveness without feeling or acting bitchy. I still feel like me, just more confident.


Dominance on the other hand don't get the same self effects with. I get assertiveness & confidence yes, but not in the same way. I don't get bitchy like I did with Mx300 or TAL but I don't feel like myself, I feel fake, like the confidence is a mask I'm hiding behind. It's like Dominance is superficial, on the surface, whereas Leather blends with my own phero signature...


Has anyone else noticed a differece between the two blends?

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I did a comparison and I do find that the EST softens the edges of the Dom formula for me. Dominance is useful to me in certain circumstances but it's not something I could wear all the time whereas Leather is something more congruent to my personality overall for that type of outgoing vibe. Moodwise it's similiar but Leather doesn't make me feel as cold and calculating as Dominance does.


I think the bitchiness women experience with Dom is the 'nones; not all, of course, but it seems like there's a trend, and for anyone who does not like that feeling in any context then it's a bit self-defeating, whereas Leather presents it in a more palatable way, IMO.

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I did a comparison and I do find that the EST softens the edges of the Dom formula for me. Dominance is useful to me in certain circumstances but it's not something I could wear all the time whereas Leather is something more congruent to my personality overall for that type of outgoing vibe. Moodwise it's similiar but Leather doesn't make me feel as cold and calculating as Dominance does.


I think the bitchiness women experience with Dom is the 'nones; not all, of course, but it seems like there's a trend, and for anyone who does not like that feeling in any context then it's a bit self-defeating, whereas Leather presents it in a more palatable way, IMO.




I don't get overly bitchy with Dominance (I love it actually), but I have always done ok with -none.....I love Leather too......I use Dom normally in work situations, mostly when I am going to be dealing with obstinate male clients.... I lean more toward Leather when I am dealing with clients who are not too obstinate (but still need to be slapped around every now and then...lol), and in just basic day to day situations.....it is one of my "go-to" blends......definitely!

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Well I've learned to never combine Dom with my PMS! Otherwise, yeah it's good for work. Some (less evolved) people mistake my stature & niceness for weakness. So this is great to correct those who are mistaken. I like the Leather, but I don't think I could wear it to work as the difference is that it makes me feel almost unapproachable sexy, with added cops I can't even wear the blend in public. I almost feel sexy to the point of 'unconsciously advertising' sex. Like I'm walking around naked almost.

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