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UNscented vs scented pheros

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I know there are two schools of thought on this (at least that I know of)-



One is that fragrance is necessary for proper phero diffusion, that fragrance actually makes them more effective because of that.


The other is that scent doesn't matter, UNscented or scented are equally effective.




What do you guys think?

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Hmm I've posed this question before. In my opinion they work better in a scent vehicle because people are more likely to want to come closer and smell you.

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I find them both effective.....but then, when I wear unscented ones I always cover with a nice scent so that people will want to smell me.....

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I prefer unscented pheros as it gives me the freedom to choose when and what scent to use over it. As for effectiveness, I don't know .... I don't think I have that many targets to test the pheros on. I may also have dosage issue, I still do not know how much unscented pheors to make it effective.

Edited by JOC
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I know there are two schools of thought on this (at least that I know of)-



One is that fragrance is necessary for proper phero diffusion, that fragrance actually makes them more effective because of that.


The other is that scent doesn't matter, UNscented or scented are equally effective.




What do you guys think?


Well...I do not like the smell of unscented pheros :lol:...so can not honestly say I have tried them for effect.


I do have unscented pheros,but always use a cover scent.


To me the logic would be the more someone wants in your space,the more impact...but not,"fragrance is necessary for proper phero diffusion"

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I feel as though I get way more hits & self-effects with scented (oil) cougar than unscented (beta) cougar...but that may be a dosing issue. Must experiment further...



Yup I forgot about that. I do better with scented ones I think also because I have a scent indicator to tell me if I'm ODing people. Though I've gotten into the habit of dabbing on unscented alcohol based pheros instead of spraying them & I've noticed that I get the best responses from uncented pheros that way.

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Yup I forgot about that. I do better with scented ones I think also because I have a scent indicator to tell me if I'm ODing people. Though I've gotten into the habit of dabbing on unscented alcohol based pheros instead of spraying them & I've noticed that I get the best responses from uncented pheros that way.



Interesting...you would think that spraying them on would have much greater diffusion, and thus greater effects.


My situation is that I work in a health care environment where fragrance is frowned upon, yet it is also an environment that can be greatly improved with the use of pheros. So of course I want them to have good impact, but at the same time I don't want to get in trouble for being too fragrance-y.

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Interesting...you would think that spraying them on would have much greater diffusion, and thus greater effects.


My situation is that I work in a health care environment where fragrance is frowned upon, yet it is also an environment that can be greatly improved with the use of pheros. So of course I want them to have good impact, but at the same time I don't want to get in trouble for being too fragrance-y.



Well it's the base, not the method of application that affects the diffusion. Alcohol has a higher flash point than DPG or C5, so body heat spreads out pheros further in the alcohol base. When I unscrew the top & dab I end up applying less than the pre measured spray + I don't end up getting a big phero dose before I hit anyone else with it, lol.

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You can experiment with wearing unscented phero mixes, but as many times they can also have a scent you might experience the same prohibition on the part of your co-workers/supervisors in regards to your personal scent, as it were.

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Interesting...you would think that spraying them on would have much greater diffusion, and thus greater effects.


My situation is that I work in a health care environment where fragrance is frowned upon, yet it is also an environment that can be greatly improved with the use of pheros. So of course I want them to have good impact, but at the same time I don't want to get in trouble for being too fragrance-y.


I'm also in a bit of a scent-sensitive environment (though not as much as health care) and if I really want to be on the down-low I use a roll-on rather than a beta spray and apply in areas on my torso covered by my clothing. I still get some nice self-effects (depending on what I've chosen) and only those right up next to me can experience the scent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would say that from my experience, yes, it makes a big difference.

My best example is Garland & Lace. Lace (the phero mix in it) seems to work so much better with the diffusive scent of Garland & Lace.

It is not a dosage issue, meaning I don't think I am ODing when wearing Lace full strength, because I have been known to slather like a maniac with G&L without any problem, on the contrary.

I have found that you need to find what works for you and your personal chemistry though. Some people will amp a certain not while it might turn weird or fade quickly on someone else's skin.


Popularity Potion is a phero mix that, for some reasons, seems to work very very well with no scent added. PP is very odorant to me, and my skin amps it for sure, so it could be why.

Whereas LACE seems to "disapear" on my skin by itself. I wear Lace with diffusive scents that have banana or pink notes in them.


I have experimented also with scents that work with copulins, and two big winners are warm vanilla scents, and banana. Vanilla in particular, seems to get me more hits.


Hope this help! ;-)

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I am currently experimenting with scenting my neck for myself and then putting unscented pheros on diffusion areas like hair and wrists to effect others. Somedays I don't want the self-effects. Myself, I don't smell the unscented pheros, but I know others are sensitive to them 'raw'. This may be a concern. So far I think there is a better reaction to the scented pheros. Could be a dosage issue or it may be that people linger around to inhale nice scents. The experiments continue!

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  • 3 years later...

I got 11 samples of scented pheros - my first ones - and I'm trying to figure out the dosage.

Do you have suggestions, other than how powerful the scent is?

Is it different for the oil sampler, than for the full size roll-on? I would guess t doesn't matter if I go by scent strength.. but I still don't know how much is too much. If I apply it on my neck/chest, then I smell myself, so I am more likely to apply less than if I apply on elbows/wrists.

Thank you!

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Phergineer, you may have to play around. :) I usually take the samples and apply dots to various pulse points.


For example: one dot on each wrist and the sides of my neck for a social phero. Then I observe the hits I get. If 4 dots gives me muted hits then I may apply 5 or 6 dots to my pulse points the next time. If I get increased hits with the 5-6 dots from the sample then I know 5-6 dots is my sweet spot. And vice versa. If I wear 5 dots one day and feel like I OD'd then I would decrease how many dots I applied for subsequent wearings and observe the responses.


For the roller I do similar and just roll on the pulse points. You'll get the hang of it. :)

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  • 1 month later...

It's mentioned all over the site in different threads but I don't know if there's a specific thread.


IDK if it's a rule but the reference is "Phero Enhanced Fragrances". In reference to LP's produced by Mara. Mara will usually pair a phero with at least one of her NR's each month (the exception is Nov when all the NR's are enhanced.) The scent and Phero will be well suited to each other for effect/intent.

Yes the Phero Enhanced LP's are made with 333mg per bottle. An unscented phero will give you 1000mg per bottle at the standard 1x order.

You can order your Un at 2x or 3x as well.


* BTW, If you "Boost" a LP, meaning add a phero to a "virgin" scent you will get the 1000mg. :)

Edited by StacyK
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It's mentioned all over the site in different threads but I don't know if there's a specific thread.


IDK if it's a rule but the reference is "Phero Enhanced Fragrances". In reference to LP's produced by Mara. Mara will usually pair a phero with at least one of her NR's each month (the exception is Nov when all the NR's are enhanced.) The scent and Phero will be well suited to each other for effect/intent.

Yes the Phero Enhanced LP's are made with 333mg per bottle. An unscented phero will give you 1000mg per bottle at the standard 1x order.

You can order your Un at 2x or 3x as well.


* BTW, If you "Boost" a LP, meaning add a phero to a "virgin" scent you will get the 1000mg. :)


Aaaah, see, I had no idea what it means to "boost" a "virgin" scent! I thought it would still be like the phero enhanced fragrances. Thanks!

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