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Compromising Positions

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At first, I get eggnog with lots of fresh ground black pepper on top. - no doubt that's how my nose is interpreting the patch, which is fine w/me cuz I *loves* me some black pepper. But after a few hours, the patch has revealed itself as itself and has shoved to the front. Dense sweet patch. Reminds me a lot of C&J's treacle trollop, but a little lighter and creamier. A bit too patchy (incensey) for my personal taste, alas.


Self-effects of the phero: I feel *confident* and in charge. (Must be the none.) Also rather horny-making: - not surprising given the cops (which always does that to me) and none.


Not sure yet about effects on others - haven't been around anyone I know, so I don't have a control - but among strangers, I think it might be responsible for a bit of staring and solicitousness/eagerness to help. Looking forward to trying again. :)


ETA I claim it's too patchy and yet I CAN'T STOP SMELLING MYSELF COMPULSIVELY. About 4 hours in, it has become a tasty vanilla-patchouli candy. I can see this scent being dead sexy to people.

Edited by tyvey
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Ok soooo... got this one in the mail today. Oh the self effects. Phew!....

The scent was pretty odd at first, I smelt a ton of cops, but no worry the dry down is just perfect. Some vanilla sweetness, some patchouli "aura", some... creamy note with a hint of cheese to make it interesting! I like it a LOT.

Now for the sexpionage mix in it, this is a winner for sure!!!

I try to observe the self effects after application.

It definitely turned me on, so I knew there was some cops, then I knew there was some anol in the mix, because of the rush of energy I felt, and there was something else, that I couldn't put my finger on. It was something agressive, provocative. I checked the composition of the sexpionage mix, and anone is in there, so it makes sense.

This mix feels strong, but not intimidating. It's a mix that would be perfect for the kind of women that like to take charge & comfortable with her sexuality. I am gonna have fun with this one!

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SO I finally gave this one a try tonight. I love, love, love the phero mix....TT was like a chastised little boy, reveling in everything thing I thought great tonight. He was grabbing me & apologizing over everything & telling me how much he loves me. He even started telling me about his first memory of meeting me, just stuff like that. He doesn't like weak women, & I was definitely alpha when he met & fell in love with me. So his reaction to this blend makes sense to me. Sadly, there's a note that goes plasticky on me. IDK if it's bad enough to make me stop wearing it, when TT reacts this way to this LP.

Edited by Beccah1
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Well, you could always just get the Sexpionage UN....


I love this one, yummy eggnogy vanilla goodness & the patchouli doesn't bite me (YAY!!!!!).


Bought a full bottle....I see fun games ahead :abfx:

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Brew Edition 2 :) ...anybody get one yet,that can compare to original ?


Did Mara make more? ***grins hopefully and hyperventilates***OOOOH! I just went into the order thingie and it went into my cart!!!!!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I don't really notice any, er, erotic self-effects but I guess not all pheros affect all people the same way, which is good because I wore this to work and the last thing I wanted to be was horny. Didn't notice anything unusual in my male coworkers but that may be because I purposely dodged them to keep any funny business from going on.

Edited by Invidiana
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Copied from the Phero Blend page...


Compromising Positions - Pheromone Enhanced Perfume for Women - 1/3 fl.oz. (Brew Edition II)


whatever...happy days :swoon:



wonder which I'll receive ? I ordered back when I thought there was 100 btls and there was REALLY only 3, that was on the 13th/Nov.

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The bottle I received this week (which I ordered around the same timeframe as you) smells exactly like the original sample so I'm figuring it was created with the same ingredients.

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If there's a difference, can y'all let me know? I love v.1, but there is a note that goes slightly plastic on me, so maybe v.2 won't do this.

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So, I applied this one to test the scent, and kept saying to myself "that smells like something VERY familiar"......WHAT IS THAT? And then someone mentioned cream cheese in this thread! Bingo! It is a Mardi Gras King Cake! They are a pastry with various fillings, and my favorite one is the one with cream cheese......it smells exactly like this!


It is a lovely scent, and I will try it around my man, but I am pretty sure he won't like it.....he really does not like foody scents....whenever I wear one, he says...."Well, it is not foul, but I really don't care for it."


So, this is one of those that is very pretty and very nicely done, but it's just not my type of scent......

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My bf didn't respond to the pheromones in this. I think maybe it's the androstenone because he didn't really respond to mara's rocket fuel either. :D

You know, my hubbie's on-again-off-again with this. The first time I wore it around him it was all fireworks and truly amazing things! Then there were some sleep-through-its. Then some fireworks again, then some sleeps again. Now, we have been having a lot of family stress, with my Mom-in-Law in hospital, so I think that's part of it. But during this time frame, the ManThing has been responding to other pheros, namely Cougar, Popularity Potion, and the one in May Day (Tranquility Potion?). Maybe our combined chemicals don't work with this one. I really like it, though--it's a lovely scent!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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You know, my hubbie's on-again-off-again with this. The first time I wore it around him it was all fireworks and truly amazing things! Then there were some sleep-through-its. Then some fireworks again, then some sleeps again. Now, we have been having a lot of family stress, with my Mom-in-Law in hospital, so I think that's part of it. But during this time frame, the ManThing has been responding to other pheros, namely Cougar, Popularity Potion, and the one in May Day (Tranquility Potion?). Maybe our combined chemicals don't work with this one. I really like it, though--it's a lovely scent!


Oh maybe these kinds of pheromones don't work during stressful times. My bf was stressed because he had a business trip so maybe it wasn't the right time to test this one and MRF. I'll give them another try when he gets back. :D

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Oh maybe these kinds of pheromones don't work during stressful times. My bf was stressed because he had a business trip so maybe it wasn't the right time to test this one and MRF. I'll give them another try when he gets back. :D

Trying them again is FUN! And I am dedicated to testing them...THOROUGHLY. Heh. :lol:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Well, oh-la-laaaaaaa....


I just LUUUUURVE the scent myself (Mr Scrumptious likes it too :P )....but the oh-la-laaaa is the Sexpionage effect :) It definitively drives Mr Scrumption wild. The only thing that beats it was the mix of the old Pharmacom CB with OCCO

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Well, oh-la-laaaaaaa....


I just LUUUUURVE the scent myself (Mr Scrumptious likes it too :lol: )....but the oh-la-laaaa is the Sexpionage effect :) It definitively drives Mr Scrumption wild. The only thing that beats it was the mix of the old Pharmacom CB with OCCO


Oh yeah, I have the unscented Sexpionage and it is HOT! But, I know the scent of Compromising Positions just won't work.....my man has told me more than once that he doesn't find foody scents sexy at all.....

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Oh yeah, I have the unscented Sexpionage and it is HOT! But, I know the scent of Compromising Positions just won't work.....my man has told me more than once that he doesn't find foody scents sexy at all.....


I'd be glad to take it off your hands if you fancy a trade?

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Every so often, I'll get a ghost of a whiff of Patch. Really, though, this one is all food on me. I like it a lot, but not sure if ManThing likes the scent. He does, on the other hand, like the pheros in it, so I've got unscented Sexpionage coming (pun not intended, but giggles nonetheless). I really like the scent of Compromising Positions. May have to get more just pour moi! :001_302:

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I think I like the phero in this, but I'm not in love with the scent and I'm a real foody fan. Dunno. Kinda like Dream Lover that way.

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got my order today, yippee !!

oh yeah....definitely 20 minute wait on this one and that's just from one little swipe, heh

but it's def a keeper and probably NOT for work


for those that have worn this, any feedback on what it smell like hours later, let's say....after 4-5 hours ? anyone ?

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It's very creamy on me...funny enough it almost has a cheesecake type of smell! I don't know if it really stays eggnog-like but it stays fairly sweet, I think.

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It's very creamy on me...funny enough it almost has a cheesecake type of smell! I don't know if it really stays eggnog-like but it stays fairly sweet, I think.



Mz Luna....is this a response for me ?

I probably should have been clear-er (d'oh)

what I wondered was, if I did choose to wear it to work, and then went out for happy hour, would it smell a bit funky, hours later (w/o reapplying) ? does that make sense ?

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Oh okay. Well I guess it depends. It smells kind of slutty on me hours later, so I guess that would be appropriate for Happy Hour at least. :001_302:

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Hey Liz! Hours later on me, Compromising Positions is a vague, sweet, creamy cheesecake. I don't get the slut 'til the next day (say, if I've worn it to bed *grin*), and even then it's not strong. I get the slut pretty quick from Jouir De, but that's another story entirely! :001_302:

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Oh okay. Well I guess it depends. It smells kind of slutty on me hours later, so I guess that would be appropriate for Happy Hour at least. :001_302:

SLUTTY !! that's what I meant ! wondered if it would smell like Shelly's HAM after a few hours (I do love that smell, but that's for me and SP)


Hey Liz! Hours later on me, Compromising Positions is a vague, sweet, creamy cheesecake. I don't get the slut 'til the next day (say, if I've worn it to bed *grin*), and even then it's not strong. I get the slut pretty quick from Jouir De, but that's another story entirely! :lol:



hmm....2 different experiences, well, only one way to find out, I'm only 7 mins from home and 7 mins from the bar, if it goes wacko slut on me I'll go home and change.


Thx Ladies !

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SLUTTY !! that's what I meant ! wondered if it would smell like Shelly's HAM after a few hours (I do love that smell, but that's for me and SP)





hmm....2 different experiences, well, only one way to find out, I'm only 7 mins from home and 7 mins from the bar, if it goes wacko slut on me I'll go home and change.


Thx Ladies !

DO report back, Liz! Hope you had a good time! :)

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See I knew I liked the scent of this (dries down to a creamy, foody vanilla for me), but I haven't had a proper test-subject in a while, So I couldn't report about the effectiveness of the pheros, but I think they work pretty well! :)


I had a wickedly sexy boy over this weekend (26y...I'm 35) and while he initially was going to stay for the evening/night (he lives in Belgium, I'm in the Netherlands...it's a 2.5 hour drive), he stayed the entire weekend....

I got totally ravished!

This stuff is awesome!


(and while I'd like to think there has to be a strong attraction to begin with....I think the pheros in this helped to make him go another round....and another.....and...well....TMI, I know...sorry)


Needless to say.....if you're into the scent of this.....go get some!! (and if you don't like this scent, have the Sexpionage added to a scent you *do* like....you won't be sorry!)



He did say I smelled like sex...don't know if it was the perfume he was referring to or because we had a lot of sex and he could smell that.......bit of both, I think.

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