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PP not delivered today

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My PP hasn't gotten here yet due to the PO being closed on Vet's Day....




Instead of PP, what shall I use???


I have MX135 & 335 (I'd probably go with 335 as I plan on covering with LP Autumn '10), or can I mix Lace Un, AD TAH & IS/B???


I also have Leather, but that makes me a little ballsy & scares my friend Joe a little....


Or, I wonder what would happen if I mix Cougar & MX335


Argggggh! Decisions!!!!!

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Well,I have no idea what those #'s mean,someone will be along who does...but Cougar and Cops does it for me ,every time :)



Second Calii on Cougar + Cops, after all why try a new mix, when you have things that you know work already :)

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Mine just arrived today, I ordered my PP in a 1x beta spray, haven't tried it yet though. Don't you get Saturday mail?


And that Cougar/cops sounds iteresting, though the only Cougar I have is the scented Cougar, and an unscented old Pharmacom Cougar. I wonder how that would work?


Were you guys talking about unscented, or scented?

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My PP hasn't gotten here yet due to the PO being closed on Vet's Day....




Instead of PP, what shall I use???


I have MX135 & 335 (I'd probably go with 335 as I plan on covering with LP Autumn '10), or can I mix Lace Un, AD TAH & IS/B???


I also have Leather, but that makes me a little ballsy & scares my friend Joe a little....


Or, I wonder what would happen if I mix Cougar & MX335


Argggggh! Decisions!!!!!


Mmm tough one... I like the options you have though.

Let's see... IS B works more consistently on me than mx 135, but it might be just me.

Mx 135, if you go for it, was great paired with some cops + TAH. Had a lot of fun with that mix.


Lace is great, super feminine and sexy, although maybe a tad less fun than IS B. I really love both. Lace feels a bit more feminine and intimate for some reasons. If you use it, wear some strong diffusive cover scent to really put the pheros out there. Garland and Lace is so great for many reasons, one of them being that the scent is intoxicating and diffuses really well.

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SillyKitty - Yeah, I do get mail on Saturday, but I think Vet's Day on Thurs held it up in transit a bit (I got my notice late Wednesday).


I love MX335 (grapefruit scented 135) & I'm thinking of going with 335, Cougar UN, Instant Sexy B (another one I have great results with) and a little Lace or maybe a spritz or two of Flying Potion, all covered with LP Autumn '10. I can't see using 135 'cause of the Chocolatini scent, I don't think it will mix with LP Autumn well...


Cops, flippin' always! I just use them in my body lotion after my shower. Love the way that works....


Hoping for mucho hugs tonight!

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SillyKitty - Yeah, I do get mail on Saturday, but I think Vet's Day on Thurs held it up in transit a bit (I got my notice late Wednesday).


I love MX335 (grapefruit scented 135) & I'm thinking of going with 335, Cougar UN, Instant Sexy B (another one I have great results with) and a little Lace or maybe a spritz or two of Flying Potion, all covered with LP Autumn '10. I can't see using 135 'cause of the Chocolatini scent, I don't think it will mix with LP Autumn well...


Cops, flippin' always! I just use them in my body lotion after my shower. Love the way that works....


Hoping for mucho hugs tonight!




How exactly to you work the cops with your body lotion? You do the mixing yourself? I'm curious! ;-)

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Well,I have no idea what those #'s mean,someone will be along who does...but Cougar and Cops does it for me ,every time :)


It's the Androtics stuff....MX135 is like Popularity Potion, except from what I hear, PP is more like MX135 on steroids. The 135 is a Chocolate scent, the 335 is a Grapefruit. TAH is another molecule that acts as a 'mone. It gives off a cuddly woman vibe (which I have great success with as it tones down my ballsyness a bit). IS/B stands for Instant Sexiness B, which also gives off a sex-kitten vibe & again, works well on me. These are all from another manufacturer. I like the LP stuff much better, but I think tonight calls for a few favorite old standbys.....



I will be trying PP at the next band gig though..... :)

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How exactly to you work the cops with your body lotion? You do the mixing yourself? I'm curious! ;-)



Cops in lotion - need more info!! All over? Chest and stomach only? How many drops to how much lotion? Must know!!


Me three!! I want to know too about the lotion!!

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Ok, after my shower, as I'm putting on moisturizer I'll get a good amount in my hands to do a specific body part & take the dropper (I still have the love-scent stuff in alcohol) & add 2 drops ea for each full leg, 1 drop ea for each arm 1 for my belly, one for my back & 1 for my chest (for a total of 9 drops). I'm 47 & I find that between 8 & 10 drops works well for me.


Then I relax a while for the drydown, add any other mones after the cops completely dry down & add my cover scent last. Easy as pie!

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And that Cougar/cops sounds iteresting, though the only Cougar I have is the scented Cougar, and an unscented old Pharmacom Cougar. I wonder how that would work?


Gahhhh,the original Cougar,nice...they should mix well together if you need want the added strength...Occo Pink goes really great wih the scented one !!


Garland and Lace is so great for many reasons, one of them being that the scent is intoxicating and diffuses really well.


Word :lol:


It's the Androtics stuff....MX135 is like Popularity Potion, except from what I hear, PP is more like MX135 on steroids.


No time to check todays mail ? ...I got mine late yesterday,course I am only one state over....Thanks for the #'s info and especially the PP comment,WHOA,no wonder I was flying yesterday !!!!! :wub:


Whatever you go with,I know you can rock it,attitude is a major part,have fun :) Oh yeah,Flying Potion,most definitely !

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No I did check today's mail.....no PP. I'm in NY and on a good day, it's 3 days from when I get the stamp's.com notice. I don't think anything moved within the USPS system on Thurs though.... Wish I had Garland & Lace, but no, I didn't buy it while I had the chance :wub:



And yes, I will be rockin' it. These boys love me as it is..... Joe had a girl come up to chat him up at the last show & asked him where his girlfriend was. He said "Girlfriend?" & she said, "Yeah, the little Redhead I saw you with earlier." Joe was like "Um......she's one of my best friends, she's married & her husband is sitting right over there!" I guess we looked too comfortable together. He came over later & told me & DH & we were hysterical...



It's always a fun night!

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Man I had fun last night! The bar was SLAMMIN! Loads of Pink Floyd fans, loving the band. The first two sets were The Wall in it's entirety. People all over the bar were singing along, rocking to the music, having a great time!


I went with Stone Cougar, Cops, MX335 & LP Autumn '10, It was actually a great combo. Lots of affection from my friends, (male & female), lots people coming over to talk to us, just an all around great warm & fuzzy evening.


Now I'm left with the drained feeling the day after. I guess that's what happens when you give all your energy to the band :lol:

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