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Maroon - You seem to rein in the sex bomb blends and tame them too ^_^ I'm glad to see others using pheromones traditionally considered sex bombs in "social experiments". Mones are, imo, severely underestimated, and used, for "making friends and influencing people" :D We also seem to have a familial-like work environment as well, super beneficial :) Hmm...another combo for Compromising Positions...gosh that one smells fantastic! I love the confident, swing in hip, stomp in walk, that Sexpionage gives too ^_^

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Depending on how much damage the Spell Collection causes....will get it in my next order.


I know right! :D I just know I shouldn't have gotten both sampler sets...who KNOWS how much that will set me back in FBs once I get them :lol: Sexpionage is a relationship staple for me, but it certainly comes in handy if buffered for other situations :)

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I'll have to be careful with the full strength...I really tend to slather Comp P. This will be my first UN in oil actually. Will have to figure it out. I'm better with sprays but I want this in oil. My SP likes peachy scents so I want to wear it with Loriens Orange Blossom Special. i also like it with Super Sexy since SS doesn't do much for me on its own.

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  • 1 year later...

So I received a sniffee of Sexpionage UN with an order a while back. I put it into a vial with a combo of NOCO Sandalwood, NOCO White, and Sugared Leather (1/3 UN + 2/3 scent). I really like the scent combo; it's warm and sexy and it also covers quite well--there was a touch of bleed-through but it disappeared fast.


I'd love to contribute to this thread again re: the phero's effectiveness, but until a strapping gentleman comes along who is worthy of Sexpionage... :Emoticons04269:

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 1 month later...

Right now, I am actually out of most pheros, it's been a drag again with a huge tax fee to pay after a lavish vacation, I put the money shackles on myself and never even dared to look at LPs Homepage for fear of weakness. But things are looking up, I'm about to place my order, and there's the clearance sale, too, so yay! I prefer BI whenever I have designs to seduce Mr Maroon, but since Sexpionage is pretty much all I have left right now, there have been some intense sweaty workout sessions lately. So I'm not complaining...

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  • 11 months later...

Partial copy/paste of another review because this part is about the phero:


I decided to wear a sample w/sexpionage in a blend ... to work of all places, not really knowing if it's a good idea or not (yes I've read the warning), so it was a drop to drip down the cleavage, and a drop mid tummy and used the wand to spread it.


I may have had my very first DIHL with the hubby. Having to sit extra close for about 10 minutes while I did some homeopathic stuff to his lower back ... he turned, looked me in the eye which is rare these days (years) and gave me the softest kiss ever before he was forced to get up to take care of something that couldn't wait.


Will have to play with this some more with the right setting (which doesn't seem to exist lately - years) and report back.




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So, as I am trying to finalize my last sale order, I am pulling out EVERY sample I have...and came across CP. Lord, have mercy. I think I smelled it before but never put it on. Selfies??? Whoa!! I only put a little on, too. So now I am sitting here contemplating next time I have any alone time with TG...do I continue with the LFN that seems to have been working or hit him over the head with this?? I do fear, however, that I might become TOO forward because right now, I have ONE THING on my mind. If it makes HIM feel like it makes ME feel, and he associates that feeling with ME.... I'll buy every bottle in stock! Holy moly!! I sure hope I get to try this out in an intimate setting sooner than later. The only other thing that has given me these kinds of selfies is BAM! And that knocks me for a loop EVERY time. It really is an instant turn on.

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  • 7 months later...

This thread starts out over seven years ago. I've read through it before, and early posts discussed combining with OCCO scents.


I'm wondering if the original formulation did not have as many copulins? I got a trial during Pherontine, and I can't imagine it needing more than I smell in it now.


According to the store description:

Ingredients: Copulins, Alpha-Androstenol, Androstenone.

Contains 1,000 mcg of pheromones per bottle.
I'm also curious how those of you who like Sexpionage, and also BI, feel the two compare to each other. So far, BI has been my only real go-to sexy type phero.

(BI listed ingredients are Alpha-Androstenol, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol and Copulins.)

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I don't know if the formulation has changed at all over the years.


I can't actually wear BI. Nearly every time I've ever worn it, someone (BF) has almost died. It doesn't seem to matter how little I wear, I always wind up feeling so irritable that my head feels like it's going to blow right off my shoulders.


Sexpionage, for whatever reason, works well for me. So does LFN - as long as it's the spray, and I don't go over 2.5 spritzes. Those are my go-to sexy-time blends, (they're also the only two alpha-type blends that haven't made me feel like my head's going to explode). Those two and PheroGirl. (I've often said that all I have to do is look ​at my bottle of PG, and BF's ready to go! :lol: ).


Now that you've written the ingredients for both BI and Sexpionage, I'm noticing that in BI it's "Alpha-Androstenone" rather than just "Androstenone" as is listed on Sexpionage. Are they two different things? And if they are, perhaps that's what my issue is in wearing BI. You've got me curious now!

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Now that you've written the ingredients for both BI and Sexpionage, I'm noticing that in BI it's "Alpha-Androstenone" rather than just "Androstenone" as is listed on Sexpionage. Are they two different things? And if they are, perhaps that's what my issue is in wearing BI. You've got me curious now!

Thanks for sharing :) Your other mentions of Phero Girl are what actually caused me to try it, as my track record with honey scents is very erratic. (I like it and have a full bottle. My wallet thanks you, lol)


The part of what you said in the quote section above is something I'd like to know too...


I've never tried LFN but I like LFM. As far as congruence, I think it fits very well with the "me" I project, if that makes sense.

Edited by Eve
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Thanks for sharing :) Your other mentions of Phero Girl are what actually caused me to try it, as my track record with honey scents is very erratic. (I like it and have a full bottle. My wallet thanks you, lol)


The part of what you said in the quote section above is something I'd like to know too...


I've never tried LFN but I like LFM. As far as congruence, I think it fits very well with the "me" I project, if that makes sense.


I would really like to know that, too. I've tried and tried BI, but eventually gave up, fearing lives would be lost! :lol: I'm curious about whether it's a different molecule altogether, or if it's simply a matter of proportion.


I freakin' well LOVE LFN. I feel really, really good when I wear it. When I wear the oil, I feel like kicking ass around the house (I become a whirling tower of powerfully energetic domesticity! :lol: ); when I wear the spray (which I don't normally do with coppy blends), I just plain feel kick-ass.


I feel really great wearing Sexpionage, too, but sometimes I feel really conspicuous wearing it. I've worn it out of the house accidentally a couple of times, and the responses have always been pretty entertaining.


But yeah, Sexpionage, LFN and PG are the ones that seem to work directly on BF's zipper. :lol: And Lace, oddly enough. :huh:

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I don't know if the formulation has changed at all over the years.



Now that you've written the ingredients for both BI and Sexpionage, I'm noticing that in BI it's "Alpha-Androstenone" rather than just "Androstenone" as is listed on Sexpionage. Are they two different things? And if they are, perhaps that's what my issue is in wearing BI. You've got me curious now!

I'm hoping Luna or Mara will see this (quote snippet above) and give some insight.


Now, as for my take on Sexpionage's fledgling flight in my own little world.... Complete success. Works on a senior citizen who is totally not a morning guy, before 7 in the morning.


Him: "How did you do that?" (said with genuine amazement) Me: I dunno, but its early, go back to sleep!

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  • 3 months later...

Have any of you had negative experiences with Sexpionage?  In any of its forms, scented or UN?


I've only worn it twice.  Once it ended up being a funny experience, though not what I had intended because TG and I were supposed to be with a small group of people, and he had a last minute work thing come up and another guy in the group (who is married) ended up stuck to me like glue.  


The only other time I wore it, TG and I were again in a small group, trying to leave, and other people kept interrupting our exit, to which he got slightly irritated.  He is not a "take my ball and go home" kinda guy, but that is how it kind of ended up. He was annoyed that other people were talking to me and even though we did have a few moments alone, we didn't even end up leaving together after that.  


So have any of you noticed it ever making someone angry?  Or just completely irritated to the point that it does the opposite of what it "should"?



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4 hours ago, Tinkerbelle said:

Have any of you had negative experiences with Sexpionage?  In any of its forms, scented or UN?


I've only worn it twice.  Once it ended up being a funny experience, though not what I had intended because TG and I were supposed to be with a small group of people, and he had a last minute work thing come up and another guy in the group (who is married) ended up stuck to me like glue.  


The only other time I wore it, TG and I were again in a small group, trying to leave, and other people kept interrupting our exit, to which he got slightly irritated.  He is not a "take my ball and go home" kinda guy, but that is how it kind of ended up. He was annoyed that other people were talking to me and even though we did have a few moments alone, we didn't even end up leaving together after that.  


So have any of you noticed it ever making someone angry?  Or just completely irritated to the point that it does the opposite of what it "should"?



To specifically answer your question in reference to anger or irritation, no.  But, this one keeps me awake if I apply it near bedtime ("sleeping type bedtime)  I'm talking insomnia with a capital I!  It is my number one choice for seducing the BF.   

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  • 1 month later...

Question for those with more experience. Would scents like Black Cat Mojo or the virgin Bad Girl be good cover scents for Sexpionage? 

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21 minutes ago, Eve said:

I use virgin bad girl to cover. I even made a small boosted bottle (don’t remember what ratios though). It covers completely?


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  • 1 month later...
On 7/10/2013 at 11:05 AM, StacyK said:


On 7/10/2013 at 7:40 AM, Raq On said:

I use this blend a lot. It certainly adds a sort of bitey vibe LOL. Hope the new blend is a scent I can wear

I love that "bitey vibe". So who's doing the biting ?

I feel like biting sometimes with this. It's just the super-sex potion secret.


I was just searching for "biting," because I wanted to see what pheros it came up around. I have been bitten (in a good way) while wearing both Compromising Positions and UN Cougar. I don't believe I get selfies from Cougar, possibly a little more swagger in my step, but I don't reach for the ones that don't seem to effect me much. But I do like being bitten! My man's very gentle and kind, so the occasional neck bite is hot. (I'm a bit of a shoulder biter.) 


Besides Sexpionage, does anyone else bite or get bitten with Cougar?

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I have not experienced biting with cougar. Either me biting or getting bitten. But, I'd say, in the more rare circumstance I could [possibly] see it. I have gotten the "rwar" factor from men [younger] that seemed to be 'under the cougar influence' and it was intresting. Nope, only LAM and Sexpionage have given me the more hardcore , not to be dramatic but I might say "dangerous" response from hapless males clearly easily wound up by pheros. To bad I was not intrested in those dudes. But, that is not uncommon. 


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On 7/27/2018 at 3:59 AM, oceanjewel said:

Question for those with more experience. Would scents like Black Cat Mojo or the virgin Bad Girl be good cover scents for Sexpionage? 

Yes. Totally. And,  congruent too. 

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  • 4 months later...

Hi! I would like help with my Sexpionage. I don’t have the UN yet, I have it in Blud. I am trying to find my sweet spot. 


1. Could I get some examples of other people’s sweet spot with this one? I have it in Oil.


2. Today I noticed it seemed to help me feel clear, and a slight body temp raise. I tried a good sized strip around my wrist since I’m just testing this out alone for self effects. 


3. I thought sexpionage was one you probably definitely would not want to wear out and about, but I feel relatively normal with on (should I apply more?) I want to try it out in public, but pretty sure I probably shouldn’t, then I see where it seems like some do wear it socially.

For me BI is one I wouldn’t want to wear in public (even though I get the best hits) because it feels so sexual to me. I need to feel comfortable myself most importantly. 


Oh wow all these great reviews. I’m  going to put the same amount on my other wrist and see how it goes :D 


Update: After trying the good bit more on my other wrist I decided to just wash off. Still figuring out sweet spot, and self effects with this one. 


I just feel sort of calm, and maybe a bit more clearheaded. Maybe time of month too, so many variables.


I feel like with this one I need to be in the situation for it to sort of activate. I think just being alone with one is so incongruent with one SHOULD be doing with it on.... Yes Please :D 


What I learned from today is that I didn’t feel much of a difference from one swipe of it to two. 


It doesn’t feel sexual to me. BI feels sexual. This is more like stalking predator that is lying in calm wait.... Once the victim arrives.... Blud/sexpinoage activate! Ha :) and the victim I’m sure would be oh so happy to be on the other end of that grrrr :)


I put on Goblin Tamer and now I feel like I want a coffee and to get some things done in the living area. :)

Edited by amoradrianam
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1 hour ago, amoradrianam said:

Hi! I would like help with my Sexpionage. I don’t have the UN yet, I have it in Blud. I am trying to find my sweet spot. 


1. Could I get some examples of other people’s sweet spot with this one? I have it in Oil.


2. Today I noticed it seemed to help me feel clear, and a slight body temp raise. I tried a good sized strip around my wrist since I’m just testing this out alone for self effects. 


3. I thought sexpionage was one you probably definitely would not want to wear out and about, but I feel relatively normal with on (should I apply more?) I want to try it out in public, but pretty sure I probably shouldn’t, then I see where it seems like some do wear it socially.

For me BI is one I wouldn’t want to wear in public (even though I get the best hits) because it feels so sexual to me. I need to feel comfortable myself most importantly. 


Oh wow all these great reviews. I’m  going to put the same amount on my other wrist and see how it goes :D 

i have had good results with compromising positions when worn and smelt on the neck!

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9 hours ago, amoradrianam said:

I really need to try this one! 

it smells really nice and sweet vanilla!

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  • 5 months later...

I decided to try Sexpionage with the on again, off again male friend, last night. My target & I both suspect that he is suffering from low testosterone, so he is not often in the mood. Definitely not as much as I am. I thought I would try Sexpionage. It eventually worked, after I used strategic measures to get it in his face. ( I lifted up my shirt & titty slapped his face when we were wrestling, y'all.) I think I got a little too into things & I accidentally slammed him in the nose w/ my knee. (Don't ask.) Thankfully, that didn't take him out of the moment & we still both felt like it was a good time overall. It was really funny because we were doing our nromal routine & he asked if I did something different. Of course not, I just hadn't yet hit him with Sexpionage over the past year. Also, I will say that my reaction to Sexpionage was that I was more responsive than usual. Also, anyone have any phero suggestions for men w/ low T?

Edited by Beccah
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Wow, it sounds like it worked exactly as intended! Woohooo! Sexpionage is perfect for men with low T, and Wanted Man for him might do a little good as well. I would also try using Sexology or Cuddle Bunny if you want to skip the wrestling portion of the evening sometimes. lol

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4 minutes ago, Potion Master said:

Wow, it sounds like it worked exactly as intended! Woohooo! Sexpionage is perfect for men with low T, and Wanted Man for him might do a little good as well. I would also try using Sexology or Cuddle Bunny if you want to skip the wrestling portion of the evening sometimes. lol

I think I will give Sexology & Cuddle Bunny trials around him. He would probably prefer to skip the wrestling, it's mainly just me climbing on him to annoy him, while he's exhausted from work. :lol:


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  • 5 weeks later...

Wow. I wore Juicy Lucy with Sexpionage last night. Sometimes, with pheros, I pretty much forget that they really work, I think it's just a mindset or an intention. And then sometimes I'm reminded that THIS SHIT WORKS. My man was an animal last night. He could not keep his hands off me, even with people around. A male aquaintence even said something like, "now there's a young man who's comfortable with his sexuality." He wasn't creepy or weird, just playful, and clearly VERY attracted to me. Now, my dress was nice, I got many compliments, but it wasn't just how I looked or smelled, it had to have been the Sexpionage! The best way to describe what happened to me when we got home was that I was ravished. 

Ladies, break out your Sexpionage!

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  • 1 month later...

I always use LP Pink with OCCO Pink together. Since I've just received my new stash and I still have another unopened bottle each which are way older than 5 years old, I decided to mix a little UN Sexpionage, maybe just 1/12 into my 3/4 bottle of LP Pink. 


Wore my usual amount of scent, lollipop style, to the evening play and I can tell TG#1 got hit by the fumes but still kept to our boundaries. 


Don't think I got any selfies from this though. Maybe there was too little to have any effects on me or he's not the right guy but I will certainly want to pull this on TG#3

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  • 1 month later...
3 minutes ago, Tawny85 said:

I wish this worked for me, tried it many times and nothing

Have you tried adjusting the dose up and down? Using a little less worked REALLY well for me. If I use too much, there's no response at all, just weird, almost uncomfortable behavior from my partner. 

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I have it n compromising positions, I have tried anywhere from 1 to 4 rolls. My other half is a "love maker" so I was trying to get him on my level of nasty and so far I'm at a loss LOL

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The thing is, though, I don't know that a pheromone blend would change someone's overall inclinations.  Like, Sexpionage generally works to make a guy horny, but if their intimacy style is a certain way, it's not going to necessarily override that.  Unless there was something else involved to sort of disconnect inhibition, I think.

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@Tawny85, I agree that a blend won't make someone a different person, but if there is a bit of aggression somewhere in him, Blatant Inviration could bring it out. My man could go either way, but I had on BI last night (when he was moving fast and aggressive) and when I said "be careful..." he simply said "No." Cougar also brings out his inner "this is mine and I'm taking it now" boss man. 

Have you tried BI? 

Edited by Eastwood22
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

I got this one recently, so I had to try it out. I wore it to the store in broad daylight. I know, I know, but I had to test it. I had some small hits but this absolutely gorgeous guy nearly bumped into me and gave me a Rhett Butler smile and winked at me. I was not prepared for that! This stuff is hot hot hot!


The self effects were insane as well. I wasn't even thinking about sex or anything naughty, but my body was still raring to go. I had no choice in that matter. I've learned my lesson and will keep it locked safely in my bedroom. 

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