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basic break downs of phero's

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Hi. I am looking for a very straight forward break down of the pheros. I want to know which is good for snuggling, female relationships, and so on and so forth. I get so mixed up reading the descriptions. I need plain english. Can anyone help me out?

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Well this will be sort of biased and overgeneralized and everyone's different, but my opinions re: some of my favs:


A-nol (eg Flying Potion, elevation potion, woozy floozy) -- makes you go WOOOOOHOOOO!! Lifts mood, optimism


B/B -- makes me verrry mellow and relaxed and smiley-- similar to initial alcohol buzz


Blatant invitation -- seriously, wear with care - elicits extreme and immediate sexual interest from men


Cougar -- makes you feel glamorous, makes other people wowed by you and want to be your friend


Cuddle bunny -- (straight) men fall madly in equal parts love/lust with you- they can't get enough of you (not just sexually)


Eow/cops/essence oil -- makes both you and (straight) men around you horny


Focus potion -- really does improve concentration and efficiency/speed


Heart & soul -- makes me blab my face off; relaxes others, makes them lower their guard; great for heart-to-hearts w/female friends


Lace -- makes people giddy, makes men gallant & solicitous


Leather -- makes you feel brassy and IN CHARGE (for me, it makes me feel ultra serious; I'm already naturally dominant so this pushes me over into ass-kicking territory). Can piss alpha guys off, in my experience


Open windows -- party in a bottle- makes everyone sociable and happy and magnanimous and "love the world". Should be legally required to be piped into parties


Treasured hearts -- makes women gooey and sweet, and men dazed and starstruck and adoring

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Well this will be sort of biased and overgeneralized and everyone's different, but my opinions re: some of my favs:


A-nol (eg Flying Potion, elevation potion, woozy floozy) -- makes you go WOOOOOHOOOO!! Lifts mood, optimism


B/B -- makes me verrry mellow and relaxed and smiley-- similar to initial alcohol buzz


Blatant invitation -- seriously, wear with care - elicits extreme and immediate sexual interest from men


Cougar -- makes you feel glamorous, makes other people wowed by you and want to be your friend


Cuddle bunny -- (straight) men fall madly in equal parts love/lust with you- they can't get enough of you (not just sexually)


Eow/cops/essence oil -- makes both you and (straight) men around you horny


Focus potion -- really does improve concentration and efficiency/speed


Heart & soul -- makes me blab my face off; relaxes others, makes them lower their guard; great for heart-to-hearts w/female friends


Lace -- makes people giddy, makes men gallant & solicitous


Leather -- makes you feel brassy and IN CHARGE (for me, it makes me feel ultra serious; I'm already naturally dominant so this pushes me over into ass-kicking territory). Can piss alpha guys off, in my experience


Open windows -- party in a bottle- makes everyone sociable and happy and magnanimous and "love the world". Should be legally required to be piped into parties


Treasured hearts -- makes women gooey and sweet, and men dazed and starstruck and adoring



Great Job tyvey!


I will add some of the others....


--Dominance--just as the name implies, makes you ready to "kick ass and take names".....I wear this one for work when I am dealing with "difficult" male clients. I am already a dominant type, and sometimes they want to challenge me, but this makes them back down, like RIGHT NOW, and do exactly as I say.


--Sexpionage--SEX SEX SEX! This one is loaded with cops and A-nol, but it also has Androstenone, which has been known by some of us long time users to take a sexual encounter in a more animalistic direction. THIS IS NOT ONE THAT SHOULD BE USED FOR DAILY WEAR!


--True Confessions--you will be a blabbermouth. You may say things that you don't want/need to say. If you want someone else to open up to you, but don't want it to affect you, put it away from your face (back of neck, wrists, backs of hands, etc)


--G2--very good for girl/girl relationships, promotoes female bonding and good vibes


--Leather/Lace--everybody will have their faves, and you MUST try them to find out which suits you better. For me, also a dominant type, leather puts me in my element. I rock it, and everybody knows this. It is obvious. Lace, not so much. Lace makes me feel a bit ditsy and not in control. My man does not like the lace aura on me either, but he loves the leather vibe.




OK, a word about copulins (aka cops) since you are more of a newbie. Tyvey says they cause horniness. YES, and they do that in men by causing a testosterone spike. This has been scientifically proven. That said, this can cause widely varied, sometimes unexpected, and sometimes scary reactions in some men. If you choose to wear them during the daytime hours, out in public, you MUST be prepared for the unexpected. Read this post in my journal, which is specifically about copulin usage...... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3155



Hope this helps! Enjoy!!

Edited by Dolly
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Great, concise descriptions!!


I'll add one more word about cops: I have found that just a tiny bit, and I mean rolling an inch or two at the most, brings me to a very womanly, loving place and doesn't seem to have the over-the-top sexual response. I can do this during the day with no problems. But, I'm 48 and perimen, so it's not too much for me. If you're young you'll want to do as Dolly advises and be very careful!

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Great review you guys! Sometimes it's good to go back to the basics and review information. Dolly, although I read your post a little over a year ago, I found it interesting to read again. Very sorry about your friend. What happened to her is horrible.


Dolly, you spoke also about how you've learned how to spot hidden sexual responses. For those of us who live with our heads in the sand sometimes, please give us some examples of those so that we can maybe ID them when they happen. I am in my late forties, wear cops daily, and probably wouldn't recognize a sexual response these days if it hit me over the head repeatedly. It may be helpful also for the people who are new to cops.

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WOW! Tyvey! Thankyou so much for the information!!! :):):) Quick and easy list to remember! It makes me understand a lot more about Pheros and how they can affect us :):):)


Open windows -- party in a bottle- makes everyone sociable and happy and magnanimous and "love the world". Should be legally required to be piped into parties


This is SO TRUE! I remember posting a reply on my fds fb wall saying "OH, the world is so WONDERFUL. LALALA." when i have Open window on yesterday!! :o Didn't realised it was the Phero doing their magic on me!!! :P


Dolly, I just read ur thread and thankyou so much for letting us know about the use of COPS! :o I never knew ODing can cause such a big effect! I hope your friend is much better now :Hug_emoticon:


Thankyou guys for sharing!!! :D

Edited by bumbob
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Great review you guys! Sometimes it's good to go back to the basics and review information. Dolly, although I read your post a little over a year ago, I found it interesting to read again. Very sorry about your friend. What happened to her is horrible.


Dolly, you spoke also about how you've learned how to spot hidden sexual responses. For those of us who live with our heads in the sand sometimes, please give us some examples of those so that we can maybe ID them when they happen. I am in my late forties, wear cops daily, and probably wouldn't recognize a sexual response these days if it hit me over the head repeatedly. It may be helpful also for the people who are new to cops.



Yes, what happened to her was quite a shock, and a wake up call to our little circle of friends, most of us who were using cops with abandon on a regular basis.....



Most of those signals are the same "signals of attraction" that we have heard for years......I knew what they were, but finally had to see them to see what they LOOKED like......when a man looks at you and then quickly looks away, for instance....some men will try PURPOSELY to make sure you don't catch them being interested, acting all aloof......getting nervous or fidgety (shifting their weight around repeatedly if they are sitting down) or when they are standing, they may appear to be shifting their weight quickly from foot to foot (actually, I think they are trying to inconspicuously adjust their "package") .....or, some will not even hide it and will obviously be looking at you like you are naked.....


some will react to the testosterone spike just by being overly aggressive. For instance, if you meet someone new and you think that they are just an agressive jerk, think about how the cops/pheros you are wearing may be contributing.


The real problem arises if you are wearing these dosages and encounter an already unbalanced (or on the edge) personality......the testosterone spike may push him over the edge and cause him to do something he may not do. I have had happily married men make passes or flat out proposition me (of course I turned them down), and most of them ended up apologizing about it later......



Everybody's dosage is different.....you will know you are in the OD range when people start avoiding you....like you have this invisible barrier around you.....some start to treat you like you are invisible....and some women can get excessively bitchy with you.....


Just be safe but have fun!!

Edited by Dolly
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Great review you guys! Sometimes it's good to go back to the basics and review information. Dolly, although I read your post a little over a year ago, I found it interesting to read again. Very sorry about your friend. What happened to her is horrible.


Dolly, you spoke also about how you've learned how to spot hidden sexual responses. For those of us who live with our heads in the sand sometimes, please give us some examples of those so that we can maybe ID them when they happen. I am in my late forties, wear cops daily, and probably wouldn't recognize a sexual response these days if it hit me over the head repeatedly. It may be helpful also for the people who are new to cops.



I'd also like to add to what Dolly said. We should also be conscious of our behavior. Men can also take our normal everyday mannerisms out of context, especially if they're unbalanced & especially if we're wearing cops. Something as small as us making direct eye contact & smiling can be seen as an invitation (sadly). Showing shoulder, hair flipping, the list goes on & on. I have a stalker, he hasn't followed me for awhile, but I do see him around occasionally. I actually had to call my local developer when I saw him mowing the yard across the street!!! Anyway, I saw him in Tacobell after that & I was smiling & joking with the manager (my cousin Sugar works there). That guy was getting his food & actually had the nerve to coment on how beautiful I am (his words). I don't think I was wearing an aggressiv LP, but needless to say I always watch it, just in case. I also want to add the stalker has nothing to do with LP usage, he used to come into the club I used to work at when I was 22-23. Anyway, my former line of work made me very conscious of the signals that men interepret as us being interested in them, & vice versa. ~Blessings, Beccah~

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Awesome thread,and advice! ...human nature is variable,it is always prudent to err on the side of safety.I wear cops every day because I like the way they make ME feel,but wear a much lesser amount,or none,in any unknown public settings, after seeing a few reactions I did not care for.


I enjoy all the social pheros...a lot :Hug_emoticon:

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Great Job tyvey!


I will add some of the others....


--Dominance--just as the name implies, makes you ready to "kick ass and take names".....I wear this one for work when I am dealing with "difficult" male clients. I am already a dominant type, and sometimes they want to challenge me, but this makes them back down, like RIGHT NOW, and do exactly as I say.


--Sexpionage--SEX SEX SEX! This one is loaded with cops and A-nol, but it also has Androstenone, which has been known by some of us long time users to take a sexual encounter in a more animalistic direction. THIS IS NOT ONE THAT SHOULD BE USED FOR DAILY WEAR!


--True Confessions--you will be a blabbermouth. You may say things that you don't want/need to say. If you want someone else to open up to you, but don't want it to affect you, put it away from your face (back of neck, wrists, backs of hands, etc)


--G2--very good for girl/girl relationships, promotoes female bonding and good vibes


--Leather/Lace--everybody will have their faves, and you MUST try them to find out which suits you better. For me, also a dominant type, leather puts me in my element. I rock it, and everybody knows this. It is obvious. Lace, not so much. Lace makes me feel a bit ditsy and not in control. My man does not like the lace aura on me either, but he loves the leather vibe.




OK, a word about copulins (aka cops) since you are more of a newbie. Tyvey says they cause horniness. YES, and they do that in men by causing a testosterone spike. This has been scientifically proven. That said, this can cause widely varied, sometimes unexpected, and sometimes scary reactions in some men. If you choose to wear them during the daytime hours, out in public, you MUST be prepared for the unexpected. Read this post in my journal, which is specifically about copulin usage...... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3155



Hope this helps! Enjoy!!


Thanks! This helps very much, and thank you for directing me to your other post. without that warning i might have worn it to work, which during the day is not bad but i occasionally do a night shift. I will pay attention to what i am wearing when going out.

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Oo, funny no one has mentioned:


Popularity Potion: this seems to be one of the most beloved and popular (har) pheros of all time around here... from 99% of what I've read, it makes people feel brilliant and social and very popular and fabulous. Me, I don't seem to have figured out an ideal dose yet. One time it made me feel horribly self-conscious (almost to the point of paranoia) and 'small'/invisible/bad about myself ... another time it made me feel spacey, couldn't concentrate etc. ... one other time (with WTL), I felt EXTREMELY confident and, as someone else perfectly put it, haughty.

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Oo, funny no one has mentioned:


Popularity Potion: this seems to be one of the most beloved and popular (har) pheros of all time around here... from 99% of what I've read, it makes people feel brilliant and social and very popular and fabulous. Me, I don't seem to have figured out an ideal dose yet. One time it made me feel horribly self-conscious (almost to the point of paranoia) and 'small'/invisible/bad about myself ... another time it made me feel spacey, couldn't concentrate etc. ... one other time (with WTL), I felt EXTREMELY confident and, as someone else perfectly put it, haughty.


I need more time with this one,I did not wear it where I had planned to,grabbed the G&L instead :o ...so far the self-effects of P/P on me are very very upbeat,and similar to IM/IW combined.Dosage with this is key,it is a strong one :Hug_emoticon:...I think less might be better A good example of one size does not,and will never,fit all !!!

Edited by Calii
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I need more time with this one,I did not wear it where I had planned to,grabbed the G&L instead :lol: ...so far the self-effects of P/P on me are very very upbeat,and similar to IM/IW combined.Dosage with this is key,it is a strong one :o ...I think less might be better A good example of one size does not,and will never,fit all !!!



In my personal experience less IS definitely more with PP. Full strength I've experienced people actually pulling my hair to see if I had extensions!

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So am I right to say that Sexpionage is more like hot and wild romping which falls on the mechanical end of the spectrum while Sexology is emotion-filled love-making???

Edited by JOC
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So am I right to say that Sexpionage is more like hot and wild romping which falls on the mechanical end of the spectrum while Sexology is emotion-filled love-making???



IDK Sexology doesn't seem to be a 'sexy' blend to TT....Sexpionage trips his trigger with a vengenance & seems to get the response I was expecting out of Sexology.

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I get so mixed up reading the descriptions. I need plain english.

Since I write the descriptions, unless you're talking about the unscented descriptions, I'm curious to know what it is you feel is confusing.


So am I right to say that Sexpionage is more like hot and wild romping which falls on the mechanical end of the spectrum while Sexology is emotion-filled love-making???

I wouldn't say "mechanical" so much as "animalistic." But it really depends on the personalities and the situation.

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IDK Sexology doesn't seem to be a 'sexy' blend to TT....Sexpionage trips his trigger with a vengenance & seems to get the response I was expecting out of Sexology.


Me too Beccah.....I think that your TT and my man both have similar responses to high doses of untempered Est.....I have to wear it paired with something more dominant.


Sexpionage DEFINITELY gets a response.... :o:lol:

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So am I right to say that Sexpionage is more like hot and wild romping which falls on the mechanical end of the spectrum while Sexology is emotion-filled love-making???



Wild and hot.....but definitely NOT mechanical in my experience. As Luna said, more "animalistic"......this blend is definitely becoming one of my faves.....want to turn up the heat on a situation? Use some Sexpionage!


I also noticed that after a night or two of using it, the next day "lust factor" was triggered in my man.....lots of naughty phone calls and texts.....

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I get confused with the unscented descriptions. Any that come scented make sense to me.


Hmmmm,I thought you meant the descriptions by different people,ie,what effects one vs what effects others...go here and read <the unscented ones are at the bottom> ...the intent of each phero is quite clearly stated.



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Hmmmm,I thought you meant the descriptions by different people,ie,what effects one vs what effects others...go here and read <the unscented ones are at the bottom> ...the intent of each phero is quite clearly stated.





It was a little of that too. This forum thread has helped me alot though. I love how everyone is so helpfull here.

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Yes, what happened to her was quite a shock, and a wake up call to our little circle of friends, most of us who were using cops with abandon on a regular basis.....



Most of those signals are the same "signals of attraction" that we have heard for years......I knew what they were, but finally had to see them to see what they LOOKED like......when a man looks at you and then quickly looks away, for instance....some men will try PURPOSELY to make sure you don't catch them being interested, acting all aloof......getting nervous or fidgety (shifting their weight around repeatedly if they are sitting down) or when they are standing, they may appear to be shifting their weight quickly from foot to foot (actually, I think they are trying to inconspicuously adjust their "package") .....or, some will not even hide it and will obviously be looking at you like you are naked.....


some will react to the testosterone spike just by being overly aggressive. For instance, if you meet someone new and you think that they are just an agressive jerk, think about how the cops/pheros you are wearing may be contributing.


The real problem arises if you are wearing these dosages and encounter an already unbalanced (or on the edge) personality......the testosterone spike may push him over the edge and cause him to do something he may not do. I have had happily married men make passes or flat out proposition me (of course I turned them down), and most of them ended up apologizing about it later......



Everybody's dosage is different.....you will know you are in the OD range when people start avoiding you....like you have this invisible barrier around you.....some start to treat you like you are invisible....and some women can get excessively bitchy with you.....


Just be safe but have fun!!



Great information Dolly. Thanks. Is the bottom line that, if a girl is wearing cops and standing near (say within 3-4 feet of) a guy, the odds that they are being affected are quite high, even if they try not to show it?

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Me too Beccah.....I think that your TT and my man both have similar responses to high doses of untempered Est.....I have to wear it paired with something more dominant.


Sexpionage DEFINITELY gets a response.... :(:blue_dancing_banana:



I think they just like us 'little bossy' women, I was teasing TT that nothing turns him on like ta-tas & attitude.

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I think they just like us 'little bossy' women, I was teasing TT that nothing turns him on like ta-tas & attitude.



That is my man to a T! He loves the attitude.....and he is definitely a ta-ta man!!

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Great information Dolly. Thanks. Is the bottom line that, if a girl is wearing cops and standing near (say within 3-4 feet of) a guy, the odds that they are being affected are quite high, even if they try not to show it?




Yeah, depending on how much you are wearing and how well they are diffusing, yeah.....chances are pretty good that they are being affected.....

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I also noticed that after a night or two of using it, the next day "lust factor" was triggered in my man.....lots of naughty phone calls and texts.....


Hmmmm... this is good. Can't wait to try it.

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To add my personal experience with amount of cops --


Over a time, I kept putting on more and more cops, just because the scents they came in were my favorites. Got to the point I was doing the Mara (?) thing - stripes all the way up each arm AND entire torso loop thingy. I gradually noticed/realized that the more I used, the bigger and more obvious and numerous the hits, until a certain point when they went off a cliff -- more more more more and then WHAM nothing. Dolly put it perfectly - suddenly I was invisible.


For some reason I had it in my head (despite having read otherwise) that you can cover yourself in cops and it's ok, can't OD. (I mean, it's true that increasing amounts didn't cause me headaches/hangovers like a-nol OD does to me. But because I didn't get those personal bad effects, I had let the amount get out of control, LOL.)


This thread finally woke me up to the fact that I was probably OD'ing. Last few days I've used a lot less (like an inch stripe on each forearm, and another on my neck) and it's back to Neo-and-Trinity-in-the-Matrix-office-building-style hit effectiveness.

Learned my lesson!!

Edited by tyvey
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The bottom line, which I've learnt over time, and I cannot emphasize this enough is:

what works for someone else might not work for you. You need to try and test what suits your personal chemistry

We all have different body chemistry so different things compliment what natural pheros we are already giving out, producing in our bodies.


Cops and I are dangerous for example, unless they are laced with EST, I get men being super aggressive with me or treating me with disregard like a harlot; or being plain scared off. I think its because I'm young and no doubt have quite a bit of my own cops so dont need to add too much or it becomes OTT. For some reason EST works really well on me. But This may not be the case for another woman. Leather makes me into a bitch probably because I am already an alpha female so makes me unapproachable.


Its all really a question of trial and error. You need to take time to comprehend through trial and error what will correlate to you and your natural chemistry, there seems to be no universal wrong nor right when it comes to pheros, just more experience over time as you try and test different blends and amounts.


Enjoy the journey!

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To add my personal experience with amount of cops --


Over a time, I kept putting on more and more cops, just because the scents they came in were my favorites. Got to the point I was doing the Mara (?) thing - stripes all the way up each arm AND entire torso loop thingy. I gradually noticed/realized that the more I used, the bigger and more obvious and numerous the hits, until a certain point when they went off a cliff -- more more more more and then WHAM nothing. Dolly put it perfectly - suddenly I was invisible.


For some reason I had it in my head (despite having read otherwise) that you can cover yourself in cops and it's ok, can't OD. (I mean, it's true that increasing amounts didn't cause me headaches/hangovers like a-nol OD does to me. But because I didn't get those personal bad effects, I had let the amount get out of control, LOL.)


This thread finally woke me up to the fact that I was probably OD'ing. Last few days I've used a lot less (like an inch stripe on each forearm, and another on my neck) and it's back to Neo-and-Trinity-in-the-Matrix-office-building-style hit effectiveness.

Learned my lesson!!



Excellent Tyvey! Glad it helped! Some people say you CANNOT OD on cops, but I know, FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that you can......and now you know that, too......looks like you have found your "sweet spot".....

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