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B2- good idea for a fd who recently broke up with her bf?

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HI everyone! :)


I have a fd who recently broke up with her bf... I don't know much details but all in all the boyfd has treated her badly throughout the relationship and she is now going through a really tough time... She's the sort of person who "can't" be on her own, she likes to have someone by her side and this break up is having a very major affect on her. There was a time when she was going through depression, hearing strange voices (Um... halluncination from pills?)- which led her not being able to sleep. She was far away from her family during depression and had to deal with stress from uni + coping with loneliness.


Now she is back and will be seeing her soon! :)


I know phero is suppose to help and enhance :)I want to gift her something to wish her a better year and help her through this period. I have Pendragon + B2 Beta Spray... The description seems to be able to help her with mood elevating, making her feeling relaxed, comforted, protective, more secure during sleep and less likely to crave additional male attention...


Do you think this is a good choice for her? Are there other potions you can suggest?


I've got:

UN- Open Window,

UN- Tranquility,

Noco Rose + Orchid+ Heat& soul,

Nymph + Tranquility,

Dangerous games- Leather,

Weapon X- True Confession


Thankyou very much!! :(

Edited by bumbob
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Tranquility seems like a no-brainer. Personally I get only the mildest of effects (that I can tell) from B2; Teddy BB does terrifically for me what B2 seems to do for others.


Thankyou tyvey! I tried Teddyman2 (which has teddy bb in) and it made me feeling really sleepy!! Whereas B2 gave me a sort of uplifting mood... Hmmm... I don't have teddy bb right now, may be i should gift her tranquility, open window and B2?

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  • 3 weeks later...
What is "Roco rose" and "Orchid"? I must have missed something.


Heehee! OOPS. typo!!! It's actually supposed to be NOCO Rose & Orchid!! :Hug_emoticon:

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