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Explosive pherobombs...your experiences...

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I want to share the amazing experiences I had recently wearing Lace on my wrists and Cougar on my breast area.

This is an amazing pherobomb and I would love it if others could share the molotov cocktails that worked for them.


First situation I tried this in: out Xmas shopping, stores overcrowded. I go to the perfume counter where this young bloke is already serving someone (a man) and he actually stops in mid -sentence to ask how he may help me. I tell him I'm looking for an older man's perfume for someone who I don't know that well and who apparently only wears classic scents. He tells me I have come to the wrong counter as this is the women's counter. However he stops serving the guy, tells him he'll be back, and comes out from the counter and walks me across the shop floor to the other side of the department (a good walk away) and starts serving me there at that counter. Furthermore he starts to ask me where I am from and tell me I am fabulous and that he loves my style, etc, etc, ad nauseam! Wow, thanks Mara, I pherobombed him.


Second situation: I go to a party where I know nobody, immediately this guy starts talking to me moving closer and closer and almost huffing and when he looks down at my decollete its like he freezes for a couple of nanoseconds, caught in the cougar cloud, then comes back around. Later I'm talking to a couple who are asking me if I'll marry my S.O. I say I'm not sure I want to stay in the country. The guy starts to tell me that my S.O. will never let me go, that I'm such a catch and he is almost worshipping me and whats more his wife adds that I'm obviously smart, sweet etc etc!!! I could not believe it! I've had compliments but never had such out and out flattery, it was like the victims of my bomb could not stop verbalizing about how great they thought I was.... Meanwhile the host of this party kept on coming and insisting on serving me more drinks, he was not serving anyone else nearly as diligently......!This combo worked so well, I almost was worried if I share it it will lose its secret power but I don't want to be selfish, so let me share my pherolove and also thank Mara, John and all the LPMP gang for this amazing world of pheros...


Please share your stories of explosive pherobombs.

Edited by Indigo
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Wow! Happy for you that ur getting such good effects from the pheros! Please post more stories!!! :aola:


How much do you put on? a drop? a dab? or roll a few inches??

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The reaction from the couple is such a great demonstration of Cougar's all-purpose awesomeness- note that the woman wasn't annoyed by your phero or by the man's behavior/statements toward you- she was equally dazzled by you :aola:


In my experience, I've probably seen the most extremely-obvious effects with Pherogirl and Cuddle Bunny (not together). Pherogirl throws like a mofo and literally stops men in their tracks (not exaggerating, I've seen it stop guys from like ten feet away- they just stand there transfixed and staring, jaw dropped - it's crazy), and Cuddle Bunny just slays men- makes them fall all over themselves- to the point that you feel sorry for them. I also find the EST in Eternal Chain, & its especially strong congruence with that scent, to be extremely effective in making people cuddly and touchy/affectionate.

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This was my first experience when even I was blown away by the effects! Just a dab of lace on each wrist and a about one small inch of cougar...as I've frequently read on this forum, less can be more, when I put on too much...


Thanks Tyvey for your stories, I'll definitely have to buy pherogirl!!

Edited by Indigo
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Haha let's see B2 makes me men 'hero worship' me, think how they'd treat Ken Griffy Jr. etc. G2 nets me that effect from women. Sexpionage nets that effect from TT. OW is like people nip, H&S is like OW only putting me in the spotlight with a rose colored lens. IDK I like most of th eblends from here, initially I was mostly interested in the sexual blends, but as I've grown & matured I find myself reaching for the social without fail nearly daily. I do have a bottle of P74+P83 bottle of Cheap Girls that I'm hoarding because the effects are so over the top. Seriously people literally treat me like a superstar when I wear it & apparently it's like lady nip as well :aola:

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I do think the Lace added to the mix, people were going out of their way to help me, which usually happens for me when I wear EST. I think it somehow softened the Cougar in a good way and upped the alpha-androstenol.

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You name it, I have probably worn it (or overdone it) at some time or another! LOL


Go check out my journal.....lots of fun stories there.....

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The closest thing I've done to a pherobomb socially (because I don't really want to do that kind of thing) was wearing Intellectual Woman and MX-135 combined, recently on two occasions. It definitely assisted both myself and others to be friendly and outgoing and nice...which is a different thing, in a way, than being polite. There was an emotional openness and social regard which was a lot of fun and gratifying to me. And relative strangers let me hug them! :)


My other story I posted in my journal concerning a double dose of Blatant Invitation, which I think qualifies as a pherobomb of sorts.

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  • 2 months later...

Today I'm wearing LP: Black amped with Meo-EST and P-79, Now to be honest I'm not 100% sure what these 2 pheros do. I'm newish to LP and the bottle I have is probably 2 years old* so I think these are Androtics pheros (?).


Amyways I'm standing in line at Tim Horton's this morning minding my own business trying to buy coffee when I notice the young guy behind me is right in my personal space bubble. Practically hanging over my shoulder. I inch ahead a little because I'm a little weirded out (and big on personal space) and he follows me. I finally get to the counter and he is right beside me. I actually had to ask to him to move to be able to access the Interac machine to pay. I swear it was like he was hypnotized.


* I was lucky enough to be able to buy 6 different older LPs for a song from someone on another forum. Score!

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