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Strange,strange night with Popularity Potion

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Last night I was at a New Years Party without my partner. I wore 1 spray (its very concentrated) of Popularity potion to the back of head and Treasured Hearts to the wrists and neck. I brought a very expensive bottle of champagne and some great wine to give to the host of the party.


All was fun and well until I noticed the women where ignoring me. All the men where talking to me and the women would all talk louder to get the attention back onto themselves. I had no copulins to warrant this kind of behavior.


Champage being passed around, the woman who ran the party gave me a cheap glass, while everyone else had a real one? no biggie.. I let it go. Every time I would say something in the group one of the ladies would try and talk loudly over me. At one point I found myself giving a valid, I guess what I consider valuable, interesting and unusual point to a conversation, where I was cut off by a younger woman (who is considered "the beauty" of the group by the other women, not the men). I spoke loudly OVER her to finish my point at which point I was derided by the host as interrupting (not directly) she said to me shhhh, shhhh let Chloe finish??? I would not let her steal MY point and I finished.


This "Chloe" and her boyfriend whispered about and later she was crowned Queen of New Years Eve, she wore her crown.. the hats where passed around, again I am passed the cheapest by the host. I was a bit tipsy at that point to which I stated aloud "Oh look Im queen of the lowly tonight lol"


I asked the host if I could help her clean up, and I was the only one helping her with no appreciation or thanks.


As I was leaving I noticed that she was asking Chloe if Chloe wanted to take things home, she did not ask me and no she was not closer with Chloe... as the entire night she was catering to her along w everyone else, I was being ignored (except by the guys) and ill-treated.


The funny part of all this is I wore PP and TH to get along with all the women. Wtf?

Edited by KrazyKat
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Yes but this:

All was fun and well until I noticed the women where ignoring me. All the men where talking to me and the women would all talk louder to get the attention back onto themselves. I had no copulins to warrant this kind of behavior.

...says it all to me. The mere fact of the male attention you received was enough to enact social revenge even if the PP and TH were meant to direct it otherwise. Some behaviors and responses occur whether pheromones are involved or not. Some of the most socially-insulting behavior I have ever suffered at the hands of other women I experienced without wearing pheromones at all. It was merely all about my receiving attention from someone who they wanted attention from, and they weren't getting it nor did they think I was deserving of it, based on my physical appearance. If looks could kill..., as they say.

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Luna, Thanks for your insight. I didnt mention it but, some of these people are part of a spiritual group (lol) Ive been doing alot of work with, I just expected better treatment... it just made me a little sad. :abfx:

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Gosh,I can understand that this is upsetting...I wonder what these people feel like and/or are thinking about their behavior today,unless they will be in a defensive denial.

Lunas words make sense,seems to me you were the victim of a pack of jealous females piling on,damn,an almost lynch mob mentality :abfx:

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That must have been quite a kick in the keyster. I think it might have been jealousy. Maybe B2 like in Bosom Bows might have been better. try it for next time? I hope those ladies realize how bad their behavior was.

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Calli, Ravenwing... Thanks for your feedback and support. I feel a little sad today, not just because of my ill treatment, but also thinking how could I have gotten involved w this spiritual group full of people I admire, in my world actions speak loudly... maybe all this wouldnt have been such a BIG DEAL for me emotionally if there wasnt alcohol involved IDK...maybe Im just being overly sensitive. I really feel let down in my treatment by people I have admired and aspired to learn from.

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maybe all this wouldnt have been such a BIG DEAL for me emotionally if there wasnt alcohol involved


Yeah see there's the thing...that's why I had to get out of "the fast lane" years ago, because I was getting tired of seeing people that I liked when they were sober turn into cretins when they were even the slighest bit intoxicated. Not that all people become drunken assholes, but this particular group of friends/acquaintances I had seemed to with alarming regularity. But no one likes to be snubbed, of course, especially at a social occasion which is supposed to be all-inclusive like a party.

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perhaps this is not the right group for you to work with. I find sometimes when ppl are drinking they let more of who they really are through. If they are all willing to ignore you like that then they might be more petty then what they let show.

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I am sorry you were hurt. I tend to feel really icky after a situation like you describe too, and I know how it can ruin your day. I know you must be disappointed that people that you share spiritual connection with could mistreat you. I tend to circle my wagons when I am treated badly. I learned during my divorce that only people who are encouraging and supportive will be allowed inside my circle. The good thing is you know who isn't "safe" now.

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I am sorry you were hurt. I tend to feel really icky after a situation like you describe too, and I know how it can ruin your day. I know you must be disappointed that people that you share spiritual connection with could mistreat you. I tend to circle my wagons when I am treated badly. I learned during my divorce that only people who are encouraging and supportive will be allowed inside my circle. The good thing is you know who isn't "safe" now.


This, and also what ravenwing said.


Perhaps this is the first blessing of the new year, to learn that you need to refocus who you share your path with.

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That is a very sage way of looking at this!


This, and also what ravenwing said.


Perhaps this is the first blessing of the new year, to learn that you need to refocus who you share your path with.

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I agree with the ladies' comments above. Now you know the true nature of these individuals. There are people out there who are genuine and who are not so easily intimidated by someone who gets her share of male attention. Sorry your night was soiled by these women. Hope the rest of your year is filled with blessings.

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Oh Hey! If you were doing spiritual work with these people then don't forget to smudge yourself to get rid of the nasties being spiritually & emotionally involved with vipers can incur.

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This, and also what ravenwing said.


Perhaps this is the first blessing of the new year, to learn that you need to refocus who you share your path with.



Thanks Goddesslynne, Im going to be looking out now.

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Thank you so much Ladies for all your advice & support, I took a long brisque walk today after I shared with you all and I feel much lighter.


Beccah, Im going to sage myself tonight before I go to bed, thank you so much for the reminder its something I absolutely believe in and love to do.. when you put it like that I remember why.

Edited by KrazyKat
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Ugh, krazykat that must have been so upsetting. It's entirely possible they were jealous, but it sounds pretty extreme, petty and excessive (the piling on) even taking jealousy into account...esp because PP is *specifically* formulated to *prevent* jealousy and TH also should have had completely the opposite effect. Esp since it sounds like this was unexpected behavior, I can't help wondering if the *combination* of pp + th somehow caused this wonky reaction...or, maybe w/your chemistry even the single spray of pp was too much. Or both.

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I am sorry you were hurt. I tend to feel really icky after a situation like you describe too, and I know how it can ruin your day. I know you must be disappointed that people that you share spiritual connection with could mistreat you. ...only people who are encouraging and supportive will be allowed inside my circle. The good thing is you know who isn't "safe" now.


TOTALLY agree with therapygirl!!! So sorry that you had to go through this situation!! At least now you know who to keep your eyes on from now on! :):lol::):Hug_emoticon: :Hug_emoticon: :Hug_emoticon: Smile! :)


It's people who have POSITIVE, encouraging and supportive attitude that can help you 'internally'! They keep u upbeat and happy! :D may be its time to meet new people for the NEW YEAR! :D

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Ugh, krazykat that must have been so upsetting. It's entirely possible they were jealous, but it sounds pretty extreme, petty and excessive (the piling on) even taking jealousy into account...esp because PP is *specifically* formulated to *prevent* jealousy and TH also should have had completely the opposite effect. Esp since it sounds like this was unexpected behavior, I can't help wondering if the *combination* of pp + th somehow caused this wonky reaction...or, maybe w/your chemistry even the single spray of pp was too much. Or both.


hhhmmmm, maybe it is the combo, too much anol in both?. I dont know. PP is my absolute favorite phero blend for social occasions, so this just leaves me stumped.

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TOTALLY agree with therapygirl!!! So sorry that you had to go through this situation!! At least now you know who to keep your eyes on from now on! :):lol::):Hug_emoticon: :Hug_emoticon: :Hug_emoticon: Smile! :)


It's people who have POSITIVE, encouraging and supportive attitude that can help you 'internally'! They keep u upbeat and happy! :D may be its time to meet new people for the NEW YEAR! :D


Yup, I think Im gonna heed Therapygirls advice and thank you for your support too Bumbob! I feel so safe here expressing the last night of last year.

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Sorry to hear what happened to you. It is a great disappointment but it's a blessing as now you know, as the ladies said, the true nature of these individuals.


Big hug to you!

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Hey KrazyKat,

Sorry to read you had such a crappy time. It can be pretty demoralizing to experience this kind of treatment.

I have experienced what you describe many times myself, because in part, I am often the new girl in town.

I think I have learnt to recognize this behaviour now, and maybe it affects me a little less than it used to. Many times I have found out that the women who were trying to exclude me in a passive agressive way, weren't very happy to begin with. They were having problems with their boyfriend, or just weren't where they wanted to be in life. It's no excuse, but sometimes it's good to realise that it's not really about you.

It's strange to me that you experienced this with PP because I have always felt like I was getting attention from women and men with this mix. Even topped with massive amount of Cops. But usually I don't mix it with any other pheros though. Except TAH, it worked great with TAH on me.

Like someone else said -sorry I forget- these women's attitude with you might have had nothing to do with the pheromones anyway.


One other note: I have learnt that when there is jaleousy involved, there is pretty much nothing you can do to improve a situation. Even if you try to be extra nice, like when you offered to clean things up in the end, the jealous person might resent you even more for this. I woudn't write these people off though, just keep some distance.

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JOC, Kovvy thank yous for your kind words and support.


Mademoiselle, yes you are right, sometimes there is nothing we can do to fight off jealousy directed towards us. My partner gave me the same advice as you... he told me their just jealous because I have all my marbles together and I looked amazing and sexy...lol (they usually see me in sweats). He rolls his eyes. He is more a thinker, Im more a feeler so he doesnt understand the affect this night had on me. He also thinks I should continue to take the classes, just avoid situations where there is alcohol involved. Me, I dont know.. Im over it but I will take a break from these classes for a bit on advice from Therapygirl and the other women here. Im going to give it a little time first and see.Thanks Mademoiselle for your support.

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IDK sweety if you're learning a lot from these classes & you want to continue then I don't think missing any is a good idea. The sage + wearing a protective LP like Ashes2Dust, or Elixir of Silver should be enough. You don't want to portray weakness by missing classes. Personally I would act as if nothing has happened & just avoid socializing with them. I don't know what their issue was, but it seems that you're gaining a lot from these classes if staying is this important to you.

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I'm sorry you had a lousy night with those catty females. I agree with everyone else, it sounds as if they are jealous and insecure, and cleansing off their poison is the thing to do. We adore you, if that's any consolation! :P



And just a thought about combining pheros. I have no idea if this was phero related or not, so this is a general comment for everyone, again, as I've said this many times. Phil and Ail and Chris, who formulate our blends, are all extremely good at what they do. They balance the ingredients with extreme care and do months of testing to get things right. Every time they hear that people combine different phero blends, they absolutely cringe. I realize that a LOT of phero users do this, but other than adding a drop of copulins or a smidge of alpha-nol or est to amp a blend, I just would not do this! MORE is NOT BETTER people, not when it comes to pheros. Either of the blends that Krazy Kat mentioned would have been perfect for the evening. ALONE. But, as I am constantly told by our phero scientists - some ingredients bind others so that the whole lot becomes ineffective, and some ingredients, if tipped into the OD category can give the exact opposite effect of the one intended, or even cause headaches and irritability in the people around you, and in the wearer themself.


Using a silly analogy, but stay with me here.....I have this great recipe for chocolate cake. I've used it 100 times and it always makes a great chocolate cake. I also have a great pancake recipe. So, how about I combine them? Use both recipes, and just throw it all in together. What's gonna happen? I won't have cake, I won't have pancakes. I'll have a big expensive mess that doesn't work and I'll have to throw away.


Could I perhaps adapt both the pancake and the cake recipe to make something combined? Of course I could, if I changed the balance of the ingredients I could make chocolate chip pancakes perhaps, using all the ingredients from both, but in different measure. Balancing the ingredients to make a successful combination would be CRUCIAL. Just throwing both recipes together? A big expensive mess. Just my 2 cents.

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Every time they hear that people combine different phero blends, they absolutely cringe. I realize that a LOT of phero users do this, but other than adding a drop of copulins or a smidge of alpha-nol or est to amp a blend, I just would not do this! MORE is NOT BETTER people, not when it comes to pheros. Either of the blends that Krazy Kat mentioned would have been perfect for the evening. ALONE.


Using a silly analogy, but stay with me here.....I have this great recipe for chocolate cake. I've used it 100 times and it always makes a great chocolate cake. I also have a great pancake recipe. So, how about I combine them? Use both recipes, and just throw it all in together. What's gonna happen? I won't have cake, I won't have pancakes. I'll have a big expensive mess that doesn't work and I'll have to throw away.


Thankyou potion master for clarifying! Now i understand a lot more with your pancake + cake recipe!!!! :P only one at a time :P:):D

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IDK sweety if you're learning a lot from these classes & you want to continue then I don't think missing any is a good idea. The sage + wearing a protective LP like Ashes2Dust, or Elixir of Silver should be enough. You don't want to portray weakness by missing classes. Personally I would act as if nothing has happened & just avoid socializing with them. I don't know what their issue was, but it seems that you're gaining a lot from these classes if staying is this important to you.


something to ponder. I dont have Elixir or Ashes but I do have Wall of protection and Jinx no more so maybe if I go back Ill just arm myself lol.

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I'm sorry you had a lousy night with those catty females. I agree with everyone else, it sounds as if they are jealous and insecure, and cleansing off their poison is the thing to do. We adore you, if that's any consolation! :P



And just a thought about combining pheros. I have no idea if this was phero related or not, so this is a general comment for everyone, again, as I've said this many times. Phil and Ail and Chris, who formulate our blends, are all extremely good at what they do. They balance the ingredients with extreme care and do months of testing to get things right. Every time they hear that people combine different phero blends, they absolutely cringe. I realize that a LOT of phero users do this, but other than adding a drop of copulins or a smidge of alpha-nol or est to amp a blend, I just would not do this! MORE is NOT BETTER people, not when it comes to pheros. Either of the blends that Krazy Kat mentioned would have been perfect for the evening. ALONE. But, as I am constantly told by our phero scientists - some ingredients bind others so that the whole lot becomes ineffective, and some ingredients, if tipped into the OD category can give the exact opposite effect of the one intended, or even cause headaches and irritability in the people around you, and in the wearer themself.


Using a silly analogy, but stay with me here.....I have this great recipe for chocolate cake. I've used it 100 times and it always makes a great chocolate cake. I also have a great pancake recipe. So, how about I combine them? Use both recipes, and just throw it all in together. What's gonna happen? I won't have cake, I won't have pancakes. I'll have a big expensive mess that doesn't work and I'll have to throw away.


Could I perhaps adapt both the pancake and the cake recipe to make something combined? Of course I could, if I changed the balance of the ingredients I could make chocolate chip pancakes perhaps, using all the ingredients from both, but in different measure. Balancing the ingredients to make a successful combination would be CRUCIAL. Just throwing both recipes together? A big expensive mess. Just my 2 cents.


yes, I understand what you're saying absolutely, lession learned... but I have used this combo in the past and it worked before very successfully. Oh well, not going to repeat this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry to hear these women were so rotten to you but always remember such negative behaviour never stems from you but usually because other people as Mademoiselle mentioned, may be unhappy or insecure about certain things about themselves or their lives.


Probably seeing you, secure and popular with the opposite sex brought out elements of dissatisfaction from these women. I know it must have been hurtful to be the recipient of all this negative attention but realize it only stems from other people's incapacity to feel secure and no doubt they actually did not mean to be that hurtful.


I remember feeling jealous when this hot woman was getting along like a house on fire with my man during a time I felt under the weather as I had been bombarded with family and health problems. Previously I was cool with her but I'm sure that I was nasty to the lady thereafter, I should not have been, but I felt so insecure given that I was going through so much stuff at the time and she was waltzing around without a care in the world and I was worried that my man would feel attracted to a happy-go-lucky girl as opposed to some of my bleaker facets, at the time.

I was being stupid as a good man will stick with you through rain and shine but still you get my drift, its easy to displace one's lack of self-esteem and worries on to others. Women can be very competitive and not because they really dislike you but because they have insecurities.

Unfortunately the media and our patriarchal society generally encourages division amongst women rather than cohesiveness and compassion. I suppose we are less trouble that way!

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wow, so much good stuff in there Indigo...

no doubt they actually did not mean to be that hurtful.

I've been thinking about this so much lately: a mantra of mine lately has been: 'No one is really WANTING or TRYING to be [fill in the blank]'. People usually aren't actually actively trying to be a pain in the ass or a bad person. They're flailing, involuntarily reacting to the world the only way they know, like their knee's been banged with a reflex hammer. I find I have to be on constant active guard against the very human (and understandable) tendency to project onto others that they could ONLY do such-and-such for the reasons *I* might do so - e.g., 'they must really HATE me- I would never act that way toward someone unless I HATED them'.


its easy to displace one's lack of self-esteem and worries on to others.

This could not be more true. It certainly feels easier than directly facing and wrestling with them.


Unfortunately the media and our patriarchal society generally encourages division amongst women rather than cohesiveness and compassion.

Again couldn't agree more. Please write a book.

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Lots of books have been written about the hydra of issues women have to deal with although because some of them were authored by radical feminists they were discounted initially.

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Thank you so much Ladies for all your advice & support, I took a long brisque walk today after I shared with you all and I feel much lighter.


Beccah, Im going to sage myself tonight before I go to bed, thank you so much for the reminder its something I absolutely believe in and love to do.. when you put it like that I remember why.

It always suks when you find out who is true in your life and the ones that arent.Iam sorry that this happened to you,but they will be the people that are missing out on having a friendship with

luv ya,


P.s. what is saging if you don't mind if I ask?

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I know: I'm trying to give Indigo a compliment about how she expresses things :)


Thanks Tyvey :lol: I really like what you wrote too:



They're flailing, involuntarily reacting to the world the only way they know, like their knee's been banged with a reflex hammer.


Also when you said:

I have to be on constant active guard against the very human (and understandable) tendency to project onto others that they could ONLY do such-and-such for the reasons *I* might do so - e.g., 'they must really HATE me- I would never act that way toward someone unless I HATED them'.


I really have to do the same thing especially as I am overly sensitive and its easy to forget and if you have low self esteem even easier to start finding fault with yourself in such situations!

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Unfortunately the media and our patriarchal society generally encourages division amongst women rather than cohesiveness and compassion. I suppose we are less trouble that way!


Indigo, This is very profound and I absolutely agree with you on this one!


Tee, Saging is the act of passing a person (in this case myself), an object, or a space thru sage. Native American tradition thats been a part of ceremony. When you pass thru the smoke, the smoke acts as an etheric cleanser for emotional trauma, stagnant energy, attachments, negativity directed towards you etc. Its like windex for the soul lol.

There are different types of Sage, I usually burn white sage for most self-effects. There is much more to Sage than I am describing here.. but this how I like to use it. I sage my house a few times a month or more to clear it and I sage myself a bit more often. Its quicker than taking a sea-salt bath for purity, but sage does have a heavy smell. Sorry for my brief simplistic explanation here, I hope it makes sense.


Thanks Tyvey, Indigo, Luna, Tee for your insight.

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