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Oh, LP is so addictive. I'm determined to have both silicone or DPG and an alcohol spray version of all the unscented pheros, because they diffuse so differently and work amazing together. I also need to figure out a way to make my budget work so I can hoard a few more of the Rocket Fuel.


I tried OCCO White Spray with Rocket Fuel (with BI) DPG. Heavenly! I'm waiting for my unscented BI (Silicone) so I can layer the BI, Rocket Fuel and Occo Red together. :001_302: I'm going to see if I like the Red as much as I like the white. Has anyone tried the RF/OCCO Red combo?

Edited by kittenkat
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LOL,you got it bad girl :001_302: ...fun huh


Nope on the MRF/OR as far as I remember, but Love Potion Red with Occo Red is my favorite combination...ever :666:


Don't remember if you have tried Compromising Positions <?> it is a real winner too,ummm,oh and Dolce Far Niente...and


<sigh> Caliifellowaddict

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LOL,you got it bad girl :001_302: ...fun huh


Nope on the MRF/OR as far as I remember, but Love Potion Red with Occo Red is my favorite combination...ever :666:


Don't remember if you have tried Compromising Positions <?> it is a real winner too,ummm,oh and Dolce Far Niente...and


<sigh> Caliifellowaddict


Ooooh, and I seriously have a thing for vanilla, sugar and any food-y smells. I WANT to smell like the yummiest, baked goods :o Calli, you're not helping!!!!


Incidentally, does LP have any good chocolate based perfume? I LOVE chocolate based scents- with my fave being Fresh's Fleur de Chocolat series. I was so brokenhearted when they discontinued that line...

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I'm going to update my trade list later today. I think Cocoa Sauvignon, C&J Treacle with EoW and Christine's Figgin' Awesome might interest you.


Have you tried Halo's Angelique (sp?)?


I like to collect UN pheros even though I hardly use them so go get them, girl!

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I am definitely going to add Dream Lover to my next order. What other food-y smells are recommended? I'm thinking of LP Red and Blushing Milkmaid as well on my next order.


I'll check your trade list JOC. Angelique sounds really nice... I wonder if there's a sample...


I know the 'mones definitely have an impact on me. I find that with Alcohol spray 'mones, the self-effect is pretty immediate and more in your face, but fades a lot quicker- while with the oil based 'mones, the impact is slow, steady and longer. I used AD products direct- so I'm used to the alcohol sprays, but I'm really enjoying the way the self-effect builds up slowly and lasts an entire day with the silicones.


I think layering both oil and alcohol 'mones will be the best of both worlds :D It's too bad that my bank account cringes and weeps at the thought...

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Foody scents? LP Red is definitely something you shouldn't be without. Have your tried LP Original? G&L? I think you have MRF already, right? I know there are plenty more.


Is LP Red like OCCO Red? I have an OCCO Red coming in my next order <3

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Dream Lover is wonderful! A fresh chocolate scent with a hint of orange in the background, not too heavy, not sticky. When I put it on my wrists, I can't stop sniffing. I've just ordered a full bottle and eagerly waiting for its arrival. Halo's Angelique is also one of my faves, a heavenly cream-cake scent which lasts long hours. I have a full bottle with EoW.The scent covers the EoW very well, I can really recommend it.

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Is LP Red like OCCO Red? I have an OCCO Red coming in my next order <3


Love Potion Red is a much much more complex scent...Occo Red was designed to cover cops,it is strong,and does so extremely well. The combo of LP Red and O/R drys down,on me,to a spicy,sweet,smokey and Very sexy scent that lasts for hours and just gets better ...a veritable man magnet :D


I have LP Red boosted with Cougar too,an xtra wow combo paired with O/R


Read the looong review thread on Love Potion Red,it is a favorite for a reason :)

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OCCO Red with Rocket Fuel sounds great!! I'll have to try that sometime in the coming week.


Kittencat, sound like you might need to add one of Mara's nice wooden bottle racks to organize your growing stash!!



Lolz...and when the TRUE addiction kicks in you get:



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I have seen my future, and my wallet just ran screaming from my purse and it's hiding somewhere. I'm going to seriously need a second job so I can keep up with my new addiction!


OK, I have Dream Lover, Halo's Angelique and LP Red on my next shopping list. My next unscented pheros are going to be Perfect Match and Focus Potion.


I'm also looking for a second job- seriously. I need a way to fund my new addiction!!!!

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I'm also looking for a second job- seriously. I need a way to fund my new addiction!!!!


Oh, yes ... tell me about it! I've been on this forum since 3.30 in the morning! Half the time trying to reply to an email and half the time posting on this forum.

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I have seen my future, and my wallet just ran screaming from my purse and it's hiding somewhere. I'm going to seriously need a second job so I can keep up with my new addiction!


OK, I have Dream Lover, Halo's Angelique and LP Red on my next shopping list. My next unscented pheros are going to be Perfect Match and Focus Potion.


I'm also looking for a second job- seriously. I need a way to fund my new addiction!!!!


I got a second job to fuel my LP habit :surprised:

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