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Info on Phermones, EOW, Copulins, OCCO etc

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I'm reading on the boards about all these things and my head is starting to spin. How are they different? Is there a general forum or thread on what all these things are and how to use? I have read info on each item, pheromones, EOW, Copulins, etc, but is there a sort of one stop shop thread where they are compared? I am getting totally confused.


Also, I see you can order 1X, 2X etc as far as strenght of Phermones. I just ordered samples that had the EOW and Phermones already in them. What is the strengths in those?


To all the experienced wearers out there, are you mostly using full strength when you order scents mixed with Pheromones, copulins, etc? I would love to experience some of the effects of these but wonder if you need to go whole hog to do so.



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Try the pheromone sub-forum, & welcome to the forum!



Thanks Beccah. I feel like an airhead, where is the phermone sub forum? I'm sure it's obvious


Bruiseviolet, thank you! That was EXACTLY what I was looking for.

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thank you.


hmmm, okay, I am reading most of the threads on those already.


OCCO are copulins mixed w/ fragrance right? I mean I want to knock my husband's socks off in a big way (think "Blatant Invitation" or "Sexpionage" ) but not smell funky ya know? Like any noob, I want to wear enough to make a veeeery noticeable reaction, not smell like-how did one poster put it- like when her dog went to the groomer and they expressed his anal gland... haha

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Correct. OCCO is a premixed line of EoW and fragrance, you just pick which scent you want from the descriptions available in the Pheromone Blends section of the Gift Shoppe.

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Correct. OCCO is a premixed line of EoW and fragrance, you just pick which scent you want from the descriptions available in the Pheromone Blends section of the Gift Shoppe.



Is it better to start off with one of the OCCO's or try to find a fragrance THEN add the pheromone factor? Does adding pheromones make the original scent smell different?

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i started by picking a fragrance that already has phero's in it. Like Cuddle Bunny , or Sexology (scented). so i would go for an OCCO if that is what you have in mind. I would add a phero only to something that i already like the scent off. this way you can also get samples.

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Is it better to start off with one of the OCCO's or try to find a fragrance THEN add the pheromone factor? Does adding pheromones make the original scent smell different?



Yes, pheros can shift a scent.....sometimes in a good way, and sometimes not. The best way to start is with the pre-mixed phero perfumes. Also, the LAM/BAM and OCCO samplers are good as well....

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Is it better to start off with one of the OCCO's or try to find a fragrance THEN add the pheromone factor? Does adding pheromones make the original scent smell different?


Generally yes, it depends on the fragrance. Some are so robust that they cover the scent almost entirely.


I would say it really depends on what you want to use. If you're still wondering about what kind of scents you'd like, then focus on that first. If pheromones are your primary focus (I'm assuming so, since you've posted in this part of the forum more than any other), then: if you want more experience with copulins, start with the OCCOs. If you're interested in some of the other phero blends, maybe start with the phero-enhanced scents as a way of testing the pheros without worrying about the cover scent factor. If you find a particular blend works really well for you, then you can get an unscented bottle and think about other scents you'd like to try with it, either by covering or blending.

Edited by luna65
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occo is short for Overt Cops (Copulins) for your Covert Ops. so it is a scented perfume with Copulins. Beta testing is a way to get straight pheros at a higher concentration that what is used standard. which is how you can get something 1x,2x or 3x the strength.


copulins are a sexy pheromone. the different kinds of pheros offered here promote different reactions.


does this help any?

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Technically copulins are not pheromones, as xev noted, the substance was created as an analog to mimic vaginal secretions which cause a sexual response in males. But in the Shoppe they are sold with the rest of the pheromone line.


As I stated previously, OCCO is a premixed scented copulin line. So if you want to experiment with copulins then that's the best way to go as you do not have to worry about a cover scent with the OCCO line.


Have you read the product descriptions? I ask because I would imagine most of them do describe what the pheromone blends are and what they do.

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Technically copulins are not pheromones, as xev noted, the substance was created as an analog to mimic vaginal secretions which cause a sexual response in males. But in the Shoppe they are sold with the rest of the pheromone line.


As I stated previously, OCCO is a premixed scented copulin line. So if you want to experiment with copulins then that's the best way to go as you do not have to worry about a cover scent with the OCCO line.


Have you read the product descriptions? I ask because I would imagine most of them do describe what the pheromone blends are and what they do.


Yes, I am reading the descriptions. It's just that I guess I am such a detail freak I am getting lost in the weeds and not seeing the big pic. I think I stated this in another thread, but I am interested in putting out heavy signals to my guy. I was just confused at the best (and strongest) way to go about that. sorry Luna, if I am repeating myself. I really am trying to get the hang of things here. :-) Also trying to be patient. (Want ALL the answeres RIGHT NOW haha)


My first shipment is on it's way so I am soooo excited. So maybe I should just be asking one question:


"If you are trying to find a scent that will ROCK your guy's world, ya know the kind of scents you guys recommend using ONLY behind closed doors-which one would you pick?"


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occo is short for Overt Cops (Copulins) for your Covert Ops. so it is a scented perfume with Copulins. Beta testing is a way to get straight pheros at a higher concentration that what is used standard. which is how you can get something 1x,2x or 3x the strength.


copulins are a sexy pheromone. the different kinds of pheros offered here promote different reactions.


does this help any?



So which is more effective of the two you mentioned? (betas you have to mix yourself right?)

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"If you are trying to find a scent that will ROCK your guy's world, ya know the kind of scents you guys recommend using ONLY behind closed doors-which one would you pick?"


It would really depend on what kind of scents your guy likes. Every guy is different in terms of how he likes a woman to smell...or if he has an opinion at all. While it's true that honey scents have a higher rate of success because they emulate the "feminine musk" smell, not all guys like that. My Quince loves foody smells, he always says he loves it when I smell like cake. And tests have shown that of the scents men respond to in a sexual way, they're all gourmand-based (though not all lavender qualifies as such). So there are popular picks - like LP Red, for example - which generally get a response from most people.


In regards to scents which are meant to have a specific sexual component, I generally take care to include that in the description itself (as I've been writing them for LPMP for over a year now).


Here is a helpful filter for consideration:


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It would really depend on what kind of scents your guy likes. Every guy is different in terms of how he likes a woman to smell...or if he has an opinion at all. While it's true that honey scents have a higher rate of success because they emulate the "feminine musk" smell, not all guys like that. My Quince loves foody smells, he always says he loves it when I smell like cake. And tests have shown that of the scents men respond to in a sexual way, they're all gourmand-based (though not all lavender qualifies as such). So there are popular picks - like LP Red, for example - which generally get a response from most people.



Yeah, my man is just the opposite.....he doesn't really care for the foody scents.....he says he doesn't find them sexy, generally speaking......

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My husband does better with copulin heavy & more dominant blends like Sexpionage. He does whatever I request when wearing Sexpionage :aola:

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Deleted, sorry found samples!


What's the dif between Alpha-Androstenol and Beta-Androstenol? Need to know whether to order LAM or BAM



All of the descriptions can be found here, just scroll down. Pheromones




Alpha-Androstenol is an attraction and mood elevating pheromone that is said to create a friendly approachable impression, and can make the wearer seem less intimidating and more approachable. Encourages empathy and romantic feelings, creates an aura of youth and health, an impression of reproductive fitness, increases chattiness and friendliness from both sexes. May be worn by both women and men.




Beta-Androstenol is known for creating rapport and a sense of bonding between people, and instilling trust. It lends an impression that you have known a person a long time - even if you have only just met. Used in high concentration, it can have a truth-serum type effect on people. May be worn by both women and men.


~ With LAM and BAM they have cops so add that sexual aspect to it and there you go : ) I copied/pasted from LP site, I didn't' write this fyi.

Edited by Honeybee
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Thank you. I am getting that this is a trial and error sort of thing.


LOL,so very true,what works for one can be completely different for another...the trying is the FUN part :aola:

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Yes, I am reading the descriptions. It's just that I guess I am such a detail freak I am getting lost in the weeds and not seeing the big pic. I think I stated this in another thread, but I am interested in putting out heavy signals to my guy. I was just confused at the best (and strongest) way to go about that. sorry Luna, if I am repeating myself. I really am trying to get the hang of things here. :-) Also trying to be patient. (Want ALL the answeres RIGHT NOW haha)


My first shipment is on it's way so I am soooo excited. So maybe I should just be asking one question:


"If you are trying to find a scent that will ROCK your guy's world, ya know the kind of scents you guys recommend using ONLY behind closed doors-which one would you pick?"



I STILL can't get it straight, I've asked the same question a million diff ways in diff threads, and the members here never tire of helping or answering your gazillionth question.

For me....it's trial and error.



SS4W (which I believe is a "blend" of pheros) and whatever was/is in CFM (ggg) does it for SP when we're in the mood for mind-bending, raw, ducttape sex....11.gif

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I STILL can't get it straight, I've asked the same question a million diff ways in diff threads, and the members here never tire of helping or answering your gazillionth question.

For me....it's trial and error.


Oh yes, me too. BTW, I'm looking for opportunities to try out my arsenal. I hope they won't go "bad" before I find the opportunities! Bwahaha!

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Oh yes, me too. BTW, I'm looking for opportunities to try out my arsenal. I hope they won't go "bad" before I find the opportunities! Bwahaha!



Okay I totally became a fragrance geek and printed out all the definitions from the scent descriptions in the gift shop. NOW I can look at them and compare side by side. It helped a lot.


One thing I am still sort of confused on is layering. I get layering a scent on top of pure EOW but do you all layer scent on top of the scented cops too?


Also, do the scent samples come with application instructions? On some of them with EOW it looks like you have to apply then wait...Do you smell bad until the waiting period is over? Like do you have to wait to get dressed?

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Okay I totally became a fragrance geek and printed out all the definitions from the scent descriptions in the gift shop. NOW I can look at them and compare side by side. It helped a lot.


One thing I am still sort of confused on is layering. I get layering a scent on top of pure EOW but do you all layer scent on top of the scented cops too?


Also, do the scent samples come with application instructions? On some of them with EOW it looks like you have to apply then wait...Do you smell bad until the waiting period is over? Like do you have to wait to get dressed?



They don't normally come with printed instructions......BUT most of the ones with cops WILL need a drydown period.....the scented cops are usually not too bad.....I can detect them when wet, but they are not all extremely stinky.....if you try PLAIN EoW......well, let's just put it this way......when I started using pheros, we didn't call it EoW.....we called it EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW! And, do NOT ever put blends with cops in your hair! Hard as hell to get that stink out! You don't want to walk around smelling like a coochy-head!


I love layering OCCO Black with LP Black....totally delicious combo! I think many of the ladies here layer the OCCO blends with other scents......The LAM and BAM scents are VERY good to layer as well.....the scents for those are very light and unobtrusive.....

Edited by Dolly
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One thing I am still sort of confused on is layering. I get layering a scent on top of pure EOW but do you all layer scent on top of the scented cops too?


You don't have to. The point of the OCCOs and the cops-enhanced fragrances is that it is already blended so you don't have to worry about a cover scent. However, a lot of people use the LAM!/BAM! and OCCO as a base scent and then layer something else on top of it so they can have both. Again, it's really all in what you want.

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Okay I totally became a fragrance geek and printed out all the definitions from the scent descriptions in the gift shop. NOW I can look at them and compare side by side. It helped a lot.


I have to confess that I did that too. I even downloaded SW's massive reviews so I have an idea what the scent is like.

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Do you smell bad until the waiting period is over? Like do you have to wait to get dressed?


I usually don't wait for my UN pheros laced with cops to dry completely before applying a cover or get dressed.


However, I still can't use EoW neat. No matter how long I wait, it just won't dry/absorbed by my skin. So I am exploring options to add some EoW to some of my scents so I can apply and go.

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So I am exploring options to add some EoW to some of my scents so I can apply and go.


That what I have been doing...slowly and carefully :( using the inexpensive pipettes sold here...I still recommend letting the experts do it for the small $5 charge,but for ones you already have and want to boost let them sit a few days,shaking a few times a day between additions <a few drops at a time>...each scent is different on what it will "hold" before changing/being ruined :clapW2:

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That what I have been doing...slowly and carefully :lol: using the inexpensive pipettes sold here...I still recommend letting the experts do it for the small $5 charge,but for ones you already have and want to boost let them sit a few days,shaking a few times a day between additions <a few drops at a time>...each scent is different on what it will "hold" before changing/being ruined :(



Exactly.....slower is best! And do let it sit for a few days, because EoW often "blooms" in scents.....

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Speaking of my homemade Sugared Honeycomb with an assload of cops (have to borrow this term from ... it is Dolly, Luna or Shelly), a ratio of either 60:40 or 50:50. Oooo, I love it. SH still covered it quite beautifully although I could smell it the moment the mixture landed on my skin. I did get a little frisky though. Anyway, that was just my first try at 'making' something.


I'm thinking of boosting a full bottle of SH, a bottle of TT and my one and only bottle of Sweet Bottom with the rest of my EoW.

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