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Info on Phermones, EOW, Copulins, OCCO etc

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Speaking of my homemade Sugared Honeycomb with an assload of cops (have to borrow this term from ... it is Dolly, Luna or Shelly), a ratio of either 60:40 or 50:50. Oooo, I love it. SH still covered it quite beautifully although I could smell it the moment the mixture landed on my skin. I did get a little frisky though. Anyway, that was just my first try at 'making' something.


I'm thinking of boosting a full bottle of SH, a bottle of TT and my one and only bottle of Sweet Bottom with the rest of my EoW.

That would be Luna :)


60/40 _ 50/50 :w00t: ....Good Goddess lady that would bring a eunich <sp> to his knees :lol:


I am still working on drops at a time...hmmmmm,getting ideas here :witchnaner:

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I totally forgot how much I was supposed to add so I just joyfully poured the EoW into the empty 5ml spray bottle. As I was pouring my SH in, I noticed that the colour is really light as compared to the bottle of SH then I realised that I made a boo boo. Anyway, the bottle rested for I believe a week or so before I had a first go. I played with it again a couple of nights ago. I think I used 2 sprays.


BTW, after all these months, I still don't get the 'drop' way of measuring EoW. There isn't a dropper so do you actually remove the roller ball and stick a dropper in each time you use it?

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BTW, after all these months, I still don't get the 'drop' way of measuring EoW. There isn't a dropper so do you actually remove the roller ball and stick a dropper in each time you use it?


Yes :w00t: ...use a scissors and gently wiggle the top off,put it in the cap while you are working,after a few trys you will know the best way for you...I made a little "stand" out of styrofoam with bottle size holes to hold the open ones while dripping using the pippettes sold here 10@$2.50 I think,and they last forvever...I am not sure what size "drops" you would get using ,say,a medicine dropper ? ...but I am sure it would work quite well as long as you waited to let it "bloom",then you would know more about how much to use :lol: ...it is kinda fun to do :witchnaner:

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I just pour my oils and do the 'eyeball' measurement. Good suggestion on the stand for opened bottles. This way I can do it safely.


I have been thinking, you'll probably use dedicated pippette to measure EoW, so doesn't your bathroom stink since there should be some EoW left behind in the pippette. I have to ensure my EoW and all cops loaded oils are tightly covered and stored in my smelly box.

Edited by JOC
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Speaking of my homemade Sugared Honeycomb with an assload of cops (have to borrow this term from ... it is Dolly, Luna or Shelly), a ratio of either 60:40 or 50:50. Oooo, I love it. SH still covered it quite beautifully although I could smell it the moment the mixture landed on my skin. I did get a little frisky though. Anyway, that was just my first try at 'making' something.


I'm thinking of boosting a full bottle of SH, a bottle of TT and my one and only bottle of Sweet Bottom with the rest of my EoW.



What is "TT" ? So many abbrieviations, I can't keep up sometimes :ladybird-runs:

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What is "TT" ? So many abbrieviations, I can't keep up sometimes :ladybird-runs:


Tahitian Temptress. Sorry, most of the folks from my home country love to use abbrieviations.

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