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Self-Effects and 'that time of the month'

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Has anyone noticed the self-effects they get from pheromones change or are non-existent when they are menstruating?


I was responding to a post in another thread and realized that this hasn't been talked about much. I remember seeing other conversations where people say sometimes it doesn't matter what pheromones they're wearing, they get nothing from them. So could it be that our cycles are diminishing self-effects from pheromones?


Does anyone pay attention to their self-effects from pheromones during their time of the month?

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Well maybe the sexual/social oriented mones. I get the best results from the non-confrontational male blends, i.e. Teddy B.B./B2, when I'm in the difficult part of my cycle.

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I only tend to use B/B (Teddy BB) and B2 (or did, I used up what I had and don't plan to use it again) on my cycle. I don't really need sexual blends on my cycle because I'm already turned up to 11 libido-wise and generally don't have any problem convincing the woobie to play.

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