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can you wear phero's daily?

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My nick here is androstenol because ...my goodness...the first time I tried it I felt like I had had a margarita. Very social, very happy, also aroused. That lasted for about 10 applications (either straight or in Cougar). Now Cougar and Topper still make me feel young, but I don't get the talkactive boost, and straight a-nol does zip for me. That was back around May. I'm hoping by laying off the straight a-nol for a year, I might be able to rehabilitate my receptors. That's the theory anyway.

I still get muted selfies from SWS, Dominance, LFM, LFN, and many of the non-pheros such as Naughty Nurse. But seriously, those first few weeks of experimenting with pheros were truly wild. And I can still affect my target audience regardless, so that is a definite bonus.

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I went through a period of not being to get anything but a headache from A-nol, I think it was between 6-12 months (sorry, I really can't remember). At the time I was really unhealthy; very sedentary, very stressed out, drinking more than moderately on a daily basis, & I was also still taking my prenatal vitamin containing 2x the RDI of iron. Imo, health will have a considerable impact on how pheromones affect you. Now I get self effects from all of my pheromones, & the effects are at the same levels as when I first started using them.

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Guest cutie.pie


Yes, no more selfies. I did not however wear it on consecutive days. I never have done that. For the first two years I wore pheros I wore them mostly on weekends and for time out of the house as my kids were pretty young and I didn't want to expose them to pheros without a lot of testing. As far as anol goes which is the main one I became immune to, I never have really gotten them back. Every once in a great while (couple times a year maybe) I'll get a mood lift but it's rare.

This scares me because I use pheros mostly because of the selfies. Especially Lace...

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Just use discretion when wearing, hon. There are pheromones that I wear at least on a weekly basis & have for years. I still get great effects from them. Cougar is the one I wear the most, & I still get the same self effects as when I started with it. Your mileage is going to vary based on your personal chemistry.

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Guest cutie.pie

Just use discretion when wearing, hon. There are pheromones that I wear at least on a weekly basis & have for years. I still get great effects from them. Cougar is the one I wear the most, & I still get the same self effects as when I started with it. Your mileage is going to vary based on your personal chemistry.

Thanks Beccah! :)



Yes, no more selfies. I did not however wear it on consecutive days. I never have done that. For the first two years I wore pheros I wore them mostly on weekends and for time out of the house as my kids were pretty young and I didn't want to expose them to pheros without a lot of testing. As far as anol goes which is the main one I became immune to, I never have really gotten them back. Every once in a great while (couple times a year maybe) I'll get a mood lift but it's rare.

Halo, did you stop getting selfies even with extra sprays added?

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