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A (scentual) trip to the wildlands of Youth…for boys and girls of all ages... We all long for those magical lands of the imagination where there is no limit to our adventures, and with this scent you too can escape to that special place. A dewy landscape of a Spring day, come and play in the garden we invoke with young birch leaves, ylang ylang and a light touch of lemongrass, then onward for hide-and-seek in a forest of ferns, cedar, teak, balsam, wood resins and earthy moss. This fresh pale green scent is suitable for men and women, for anyone who wishes for the timeless joys of the magic of childhood.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
BIRCH LEAVES ~ Renewal, cleansing, rebirth, healing, Lunar energies, and protection.
FERN ~ Sincerity, fascination, eternal youth, bestows confidence, riches, creates perimeter of protection, luck. Representative of ancient knowledge.
BALSAM ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.
MOSSES ~ Luck enhancing, financial success, protection, charity. Parental love.
YLANG YLANG ~ Strongly sensual, attraction, attention, irresistibility, soothes marital problems.
LEMON GRASS ~ Lust, increases psychic powers.
CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification.
TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance.
FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, Renewal, Consecration, Protection, Exorcism.




THIS IS GREEN! Like traipsing through the garden in the early morning after it's rained the night before green. I get lots of wet foliage & grass. But unlike other "Green" scents, this one does not turn to "Irish Spring" on me. The Lemongrass is lovely, & keeps the greenness of the scent from going too sharp, or the woods, & mosses from getting ugly on me (which they often do). This almost reminds me of Canary Fairy, except it is a more "green" version.

Full bottle worthy......ohhhh yes!

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When I was a kid, my Dad's house had a dense forest behind it, and I loved nothing more than spending sunny Spring days exploring for hours on end. There's something magical about the woodlands, it inspired the imagination of us kids and many a game was invented as we darted between trees, built forts, and spied upon the little creatures that lived there. Once we even found a little pond and stream, but as hard as we looked, we never found it again.


That's what this scent evokes for me....fresh, watery green growth in the Springtime, and the unquenchable curiosity and wonder of youth.

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Once we even found a little pond and stream, but as hard as we looked, we never found it again.


That's 'cause the fairies took it away again! :D

Edited by paganlady
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That's 'cause the fairies took it away again! :D


I KNOW, right? That's exactly what I thought!!!


Also once found a round concrete well, close to the ground, that had so much mist sitting on the water that it looked like dry ice. It was so strange. Things just magically came and went in the forest. A little cabin, a burned out 1950's era car...seen once then never again.

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I also liked this one too, deff. has that green leafy, watery freshness going on. Works well with my body chemistry. :D

Edited by AncientGoddess
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I'm kind of torn on this one. I tend to amp lemongrass, and when this is wet it seems all I get is lemongrass, so I just dismissed it for a couple minutes. Then I smelled my hand again and the lemongrass was all but gone and replaced by this lovely fresh woodsy scent that was like beams of sunlight flooding a mossy forest. Surprisingly the cedar doesn't amp! Actually the teak does, and I LOVE teak. I also end up getting more of the moss plus warm resinous undertones. I'm going to keep my sample around a while and see how it ages, because while the beginning doesn't agree with me so much I love the end result.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure I can wear this one solo, but as far as an *atmospheric* scent - Wow! It's deep magical woods alright! Fans of Sugared Forest will like this as well... I think I'd add a light floral or some sweeter note for me to wear it as a perfume, or just straight up in the aromastone oil warmer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

John-John definitely has a talent for creating outdoor atmosphere scents; like everyone else I feel as if I am there, in a garden or the woods flourishing with new life upon a wet morning, the kind with fog still lingering close to the ground. What this reminds me of is Frog with added floral, yet it's not exactly that same evocation but still a sylvian moment in time.

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THIS IS GREEN! Like traipsing through the garden in the early morning after it's rained the night before green. I get lots of wet foliage & grass. But unlike other "Green" scents, this one does not turn to "Irish Spring" on me. The Lemongrass is lovely, & keeps the greenness of the scent from going too sharp, or the woods, & mosses from getting ugly on me (which they often do). This almost reminds me of Canary Fairy, except it is a more "green" version.


Full bottle worthy......ohhhh yes!


I also love this one! it keeps a nice fresh scent for many hours and the wifey loves it! I love the feeling of being out in nature. With 'Neverland' even if I can't get to a forest...I take one whiff and I'm wisked away to Neverland!

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John-John definitely has a talent for creating outdoor atmosphere scents; like everyone else I feel as if I am there, in a garden or the woods flourishing with new life upon a wet morning, the kind with fog still lingering close to the ground. What this reminds me of is Frog with added floral, yet it's not exactly that same evocation but still a sylvian moment in time.


I only wish I would've created this one Luna! Mara is also brilliant at these blends of greens! I absolutely love this one and am waiting for a run on it once word spreads of it's deliciousness. You can bet I will hoard a couple before it goes bye-bye. :frown:

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John-John definitely has a talent for creating outdoor atmosphere scents; like everyone else I feel as if I am there, in a garden or the woods flourishing with new life upon a wet morning, the kind with fog still lingering close to the ground. What this reminds me of is Frog with added floral, yet it's not exactly that same evocation but still a sylvian moment in time.



Beautiful description Luna! I want to smell this again now!

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I only wish I would've created this one Luna! Mara is also brilliant at these blends of greens!


D'oh! I confused this with Shangri-La, heh. But yes, Pleasure Valley is one of my favorite "Mara Goes Green" scents so I know what you mean!

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I also love this one! it keeps a nice fresh scent for many hours and the wifey loves it! I love the feeling of being out in nature. With 'Neverland' even if I can't get to a forest...I take one whiff and I'm wisked away to Neverland!



I am in LOVE with this scent for Rainy and Flow Days! I hate rainy days but this makes me feel good and like rainy days can be fun. I reapplied in the pm and my mood picked up! It makes me feel like a kid again running outside, jumping in puddles. It's crisp and dewy and smells like rain and grass. I like this for heavy flow days, sorry John you probably don't want to hear this, but it makes me not think about how I could fill a blood bank. It gives me a nice happy feeling and gets my mind off of being a bitch to random people. This is really putting me at ease.

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  • 4 months later...

This is freaking brilliant.


the first 10 minutes Im reminded of Bosom Bows.

earthy woodsy androgenous NATURAL.

Total Goddess smell.


About 30 minutes goes by, and a hint of resin comes out to play...




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  • 1 year later...

This smells wonderful and the evocation of the magical sylvan ambiance is perfect, expecting to see Peter Pan or Robin Hood perhaps around the next corner. It seems that it would also work nicely with something like Charisma (maybe Open Windows?Swimming with Sharks?) perhaps to spread that feeling of exuberance and adventure

Edited by EveningWolf
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  • 2 years later...

I scored a FB of this off Etsy ? Artfire ? Can't remember now ... a while back, and thought that while it was nice and pleasant, it was nothing special and just stuffed it in my "wood" category and forgot about it.


Fast forward to last week. I've started chiropractor appointments twice a week, deep tissue massage twice a week for recovery. I am seeing some results, and I have a glimmer that MAYBE I can move my body and not be in pain. I wait until nighttime and the house is quiet. I put on some trance music and Im thinking to myself...would be nice to wear an LP. I meditate on my options and pull this one out. Looking back now, as I read the effects of the ingredients, the choice makes oodles of sense. Healing, cleansing, rebirth, protection, rejuvenation, grounding...more healing....I apply to several parts of my body because hey, why not ? I have plenty of it and I don't love it that much....


I start to move in slow yoga-like movements but the style changes and my arms swing in slow easy circles overhead. And the magic happens. I am so in the moment that I notice that my wrists are amping a different part of the LP than my neck, belly, and legs. I am, for all intents and purposes, now in a forest. I can paint myself a canopy with my arms, paint myself the moss I am walking on...the dance becomes something mystical and unexpected and ohhhh so lovely. I relax, I enjoy, there is no pain, only a desire to be in this space that Mara created, as much as I possibly can. To enter it, to live in it, to heal in it. :love-you:

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