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UN Swimming With Sharks

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I also have leather too. I feel that I can be a little cutthroat with that on. Not viciously cutthroat, but very "My way or the Highway" People definitely follow suit, but I'm not sure that's the aura I want to project to people I work with or my higher ups. I think it could cause some resentment from people I work with and make my higher ups weary of me. I've gotten a "You're kinda bossy, aren't you?" with leather. I'm a big sister who's basically raised my brother while my parents worked; so, i do have a tendency to be bossy and condescending. Leather really brings that out. That's why SWS is a win. I feel like it's a no questions asked blend. There is no resentment, and SWS really lends itself to team building.

this is very interesting to read Moonholly because I've been bossy since before I could talk (don't everybody die of shock all at once). That's why I fell so hard for this - getting my way BUT without any of the negatives. Even when I did get bossy in that meeting, no one tensed up or got defensive. I felt like I could have started swinging a baseball bat at people and they would not have changed even their placid, borderline worshipful facial expressions, let alone their deferential attitudes.

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How do you do with other Alpha women?


Lol, depends on their personality. The ones who think they are always right grate on my nerves, the others who don't have that aspect to their personality, I tend to be good friends with.


Swee A few of my guy friends do too! I got in one heated argument about how white male guilt phenomenon is still not on par with the way women are treated. Now I'm a feminist. I think that just how people see strong women.


Lol, oh don't get me started. I suspect I might actually be a hardcore feminist. XD It's easy to get me worked up. (Though in my mind there's a difference between feminism and misandry - I subscribe to the former, not the later - I have a TON of male friends all of whom I love to bits)

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  • 11 months later...

I adore this one, I've had a ton of hits wearing this one at work with Flying Potion 2013. To me it doesn't have any a scent when worn by itself, but the effects are really noticeable. I've been getting asked for my opinion a lot more and am being relied on to make decisions. We had a company get together and the head of my department came over and sat with me, and was very interested in everything I was saying...I'm really glad I got the full sized bottle, this one is a keeper! :)

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  • 2 months later...

This report is about PCMP v2, but since it's entirely about the phero I'm posting here. I got a self effect with this this am that I haven't gotten with SWS before: I applied, sniffed directly, and was IMMEDIATELY overcome with a gentle but firm and significant mood lift - I can only compare it to the sun coming out after weeks of rain - together with a peaceful feeling. It lasted several hours! Found that interesting.

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This report is about PCMP v2, but since it's entirely about the phero I'm posting here. I got a self effect with this this am that I haven't gotten with SWS before: I applied, sniffed directly, and was IMMEDIATELY overcome with a gentle but firm and significant mood lift - I can only compare it to the sun coming out after weeks of rain - together with a peaceful feeling. It lasted several hours! Found that interesting.

Oh.. I'm going to do that tomorrow. I'm going to spray and give my arm a good sniff.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, im here to be a Negative-Nancy with my third experience with pcmp v2 :smiley-music002:


Im all kinds of confused, so i used two sprays from my sample onto my hair and went to get some assistance with job hunting.

I love the selfies from this, i usually get things done in an even more thorough manner. However, i hardly used this around other people when im on a mission. its probably because people get rude and i dont want this experience again. This hit was more pronounced and in my face than usual though.


So im waiting around in the waiting room of the job center around brunch time. This older chick invites me into her office to get my work junk worked out(beautiful sentence structure right?). After we got settled she was pleasant for the first 15 minutes then in a blink of an eye she became incredibly rude. I think i triggered a stress thing or something, she was really testy and catty with me. Ive forgotten the street address of my two previous work places and i forgotten some contact information(i was hella unprepared)


Instead of getting back to it, she verbally rip into me and all that lovely colorful and degrading language wasnt something i would expect from someone who was supposed to help. She was unprofessional with me basically. After that was dealt with i ended up sobbing in the elevator because all that tough love was too intense for me. Like its not new to me by any means but i honestly wasnt prepared for that.


I think the hair was probably a bad place to put the pcmp v2 or she was just a cunt who shouldnt be helping the lower middle class. I cant quite figure out whats in this that triggers some to do the opposite of what its supposed to. (darn you proprietary blend!)



Oh..it also could be that my chemistry is a weeny and didnt agree with it. I dont want this to not work with meeee :c

I probably answered my own thing

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That's terrible Anon! So sorry you got bitched at like that, and can't believe someone in that type of role would feel free to behave that way. I'd say you should have called her on it, or stormed out or something, but I probably wouldn't have been able to do any of that myself, cause I'm extremely sensitive. I would've had a good sob too. I'd love to know what pheros in this might have triggered that- your story makes me a bit wary of trying it at work.


I've only worn my PCMP v2 about twice so far, both times I was shopping and doing errands. I had an impressive hit with it the first time. I dropped my car off to have new tires put on, and a wheel alignment done. When they asked when I'd like to pick it up I said it didn't matter, as I'd spend some time in the shopping centre up the road, so whenever was fine for me. About 4 hours later they called to say it was ready. When I got there they were sooo apologetic for being so long with it (despite that I told them it didn't matter at all). They only charged me for the tires- I got the labour and alignment for free. That impressed me, both as a phero hit and a magickal potion hit.


I've deliberately not worn this to work or anything in case it might ruffle some feathers, as I have no authority at all in my position.

Edited by vladmyra
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Vlad this blend doesn't ruffle feathers. Quite the opposite. See the majority of reviews. I encourage you to try it !


Anon if you were with that person for 15 minutes before they turned rude, it wasn't because of the phero. Even accounting for differences between people, it really seems improbable that this phero of all pheros would have caused that reaction. Plus it was in your hair so it wasn't even a matter of weird chemistry. Hair doesn't react with pheros.

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I have to confess An- I probably would've murdered you on the spot and made you weep tears of blood. I am one of those cunts that if you don't have the information ready then don't bother me.


I think maybe your body didn't heat up enough to make it work. Try putting some in your cleavage next time because for me that place is always hot and it gets the phero out there from the deep crevice of tittyville into the world of unreasonable cunts and douchedicks.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't think I have ever used it with my family, but if your family is such that you need to appear capable and in charge, but not over-bearing, it may work for you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think I have ever used it with my family, but if your family is such that you need to appear capable and in charge, but not over-bearing, it may work for you!


Fortunately, it's only one section of my family. The rest are great.


With the "challenging" side ... if they perceive you as weak for any reason, then exploitation of weakness becomes sport. On the flip side, coming across as too strong makes you a threat and the games continue there too. So, trying to find that middle ground of too strong to challenge, but non-threatening. Wondering if SWS or Leather would be the best fit. Any thoughts or suggestions for which might be the best way to go?

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"Your family sounds like assholes."


I had to laugh. Don't hold back, Halo.:-)


Ah ... there's truth there.


Fortunately, my time with this side is kept to a minimum. AND, the other side is not only "salt of the earth" but the contrast ensures a higher level of appreciation for how amazing amazing the good side is and always has been.


Thank you for your suggestions!

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Fortunately, it's only one section of my family. The rest are great.


With the "challenging" side ... if they perceive you as weak for any reason, then exploitation of weakness becomes sport. On the flip side, coming across as too strong makes you a threat and the games continue there too. So, trying to find that middle ground of too strong to challenge, but non-threatening. Wondering if SWS or Leather would be the best fit. Any thoughts or suggestions for which might be the best way to go?

Been there sister. My ex-husbands family is very similar. Thank god for the word EX!

lol and amen Halo!!!

I say try SWS, love to hear your report as I have not used this enough to draw a conclusion yet)

I also recommend LFM and Treasured Hearts.

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Been there sister. My ex-husbands family is very similar. Thank god for the word EX!

lol and amen Halo!!!

I say try SWS, love to hear your report as I have not used this enough to draw a conclusion yet)

I also recommend LFM and Treasured Hearts.

Thanks, StacyK!! Congrats on your crazies making the EX list. Unfortunately, these are blood. There's been talk about getting together soon, so wanted a chance to test drive some pheros before the when's and where's are decided.


I have LFM and TH - love TH! There is a jealously component with one of them. Think TH would go well with Popularity? Or is that too much combining?


Really appreciate the input. Great forum and advice!!

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I wouldn't combine PP and TH. I think you'd do much better with just TH. PP gets you attention and if you have one who is jealous already, that will only make it worse!

Thank god for Halo. Yes, to that .

TH would be my pick here.

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Thanks, Halo and StacyK! I didnt't think about PP drawing attention, just the lowering of jealousy part. Staying low on the radar will be beneficial. Great tip. I can see TH will be the way to go. Many many thanks for your advice!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I have a review for SWS phero - I've been testing it for over a week now.

I got this unscented, full bottle, 60/40 spray, without getting any samples beforehand. It was something I just figured I had to have given my job situation.

I also got a Totem: Beaver sample to keep at my desk, in the same order as the UN, in case I need to reapply throughout the day. (I live in Phoenix, AZ, and although it's the middle of October, it's still warm outside)


Background: female engineer, working in a predominantly male environment, with many of them having a misogynist attitude. I am also the youngest on my team, and my goal is to make a stance in the next few months.


First day, I did 3 sprays: belly, chest, back of my neck, plus two swipes of the Totem: Beaver sample on my arms. Needless to say I was in OD land. I was soooo irritable, it wasn't funny. I had a fight with my SO at work. The day started with a very important meeting with higher management and even though I should have been able to drive at least part of the conversation, I just sat there, angry. No one even turned to me with any questions.

I didn't know how to shower faster. Lesson learned.


The next few days I only did 1 spray, and applied a couple of Totem: Beaver swipes in the afternoon. I was calm, but no other noticeable effects - neither on self, nor on others. Given that I was driving a team to solve a particular issue, they did tend to look at me for some guidance anyway, but there was no over the top respect, or anyone being nice. My manager did not show much more interest than he usually does.


Yesterday I decided to take a risk and increase it to 2 sprays - especially since I had my weekly meeting with my manager. It seems this might be my sweet spot.

I felt confident and in charge, but calm. Everywhere at work people seemed to look at me to want to say hi. I even got a high five from someone as I passing by. My manager checked on the status of my project as he saw me walking in the cafe at lunch and he said "good job!" - that's uncommon for him.

In the afternoon I applied two swipes of Totem: Beaver, just to refresh.

Then came our 1:1 meeting. He complimented me and said he's noticed I've been a lot more aggressive and confident lately, and that he likes that (but that I have to be careful whose feathers I ruffle). The rest of the meeting it was him looking at me for input on issues I had not be involved in. I felt I had very eloquent answers to all his questions - even though I may not have been "in the know". I was able to speak as if I really knew what I was talking about. (Hmmm... this phero might be good for a sales person)

After I left the office I kept working from home. Even on phone meetings I felt very in charge and respected. The trouble was to turn off my computer and go do something fun - I got so task oriented and focused, I felt I could have kept going, even though it was 8:30pm and I had been working for 12 hours.


I would say SWS is a winner for me! I will keep experimenting as I do have other team members that have different personalities and who may need Open Windows instead. The team lead, who is very stiff and always gives me the impression that he doesn't like women, was on vacation yesterday, so I could not tell how the two sprays worked on him.

Plus, I still want to give Dominance a try at work though.


By the way, I am still looking for an LP cover for SWS. I was hoping LP #9 would be the one, but that is very sharp and masculine on me. So far I've been using commercial perfume.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I took a break from this for almost a week. I forgot what I feel like on it. If SWS makes me feel like this, then I'd be fearing for those around me when I try DOM!

I went up to 2 and 1/2 sprays. Well, the half spray is hard to measure, but I basically don't press the spray nozzle all the way.

I'm definitely more focused, task-oriented on this. I had to write an email to two of my co-workers today, and let me tell you, I asked for everything I needed, very concise but in a professional way, and even gave them a deadline.

So much that one of them came to my desk to talk to me and after I acted all relaxed but in charge, he even thanked me.

What I love about this blend is that I don't let others walk all over me anymore. I'm sure it's not as powerful as DOM, but with the softer personalities, it works well. And, I don't think I come across like a bitch either. I just come across like "she knows what she's doing. She's the lead engineer, I better listen to her." :cat696:

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First off, yayyyy, I'm so happy to see you getting such good results.


When I wear Dom, it creates a wall between myself and others, something I use quite deliberately on days I want to be respected but left alone. I'm also experimenting with epi right now and will report more later.


SWS has the same vibe for me that you just described...approachable and in charge. Good for teamwork as long as I want to be the leader. And I've always gotten this "everything is ok" sort of vibe with it as well, it relaxes me at work, which is huge for me because I'm in a high-stress situation. I will be getting this as an UN sample (so far I have used it in Totem: Beaver) and hoping I can find my sweet spot with it while added to other LP's. Then I will have so many amazing choices, ways to treat myself and be relaxed at work and feel in charge. I have also used SWS during difficult parent-teacher meetings with good results. I didn't want 'bonding time' with the teacher, I wanted her to support my son and do her job, and SWS gives off that sort of vibe.

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adrostenol - after I posted my previous post, I had my staff meeting and right before it I applied some Totem: Beaver on the back of my hands as a refresher. I usually only wear the unscented which works great with L'eau D'orchide (Thank you!!! :)) or with a commercial office friendly scent like Versace: Crystal. But the UN SWS by itself does not smell at all to me, so I could go without a cover too.

I keep my Totem: Beaver sample at my desk for refreshing purposes. As I said, I applied a few swipes before my staff meeting where my manager asked me to give a passdown for 5 minutes. I was able to be calm, act in charge and answer all questions.

I also made sure I sat right next to my manager. Keep in mind her hardly ever talks to me, asks my opinion, or gives me any tasks.

After the meeting, it was 6pm... everyone left the room, and he asked me a few more work related questions. We talked for 1.5 hours about the project/program I am leading, our customers, others teams, his wedding, my wedding, my engagement pics (which he loved), and he even wanted to know about my weight lifting shoes and power lifting training. At the end of it all, he said "Thank you for all your hard work on the X program". Let me tell you, I am still floored by this, and I have no doubt it was the SWS! He's never ever acted like this towards me, let alone give me recognition when I didn't even expect it. He is not one to give recognition even when it is supposed to be expressed.
I might have to keep Dominance away from him...

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Phergineer ,


That is truly awesome. It was high time for you to be recognized, and if SWS gave him that push to do it, that is an EXCELLENT outcome. I still wonder sometimes how much is me, how much are the mones. But especially in a longterm situation like work, I have put in hours and hours of hard work and that's something you can't fake. Plus you and I are smart enough to look at something so very many people don't believe even works. We researched, we spent money, we experiemented, we researched more, spent more money...that is a form of tenacity and intelligence as well. We have earned this ...you have earned this. I'm both proud and excited for you. :kisses:

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  • 2 months later...

I finally busted out my tester of UN SWS for a school open house I attended. I hadn't used much, just a stripe behind each hand, but since I'm someone who gestures a lot while speaking, I figured it would be the best place to get it out there.


For the two hours I attended this event, I felt outgoing and alert, and everyone kept making eye contact with me and paid more attention to me than the other prospective applicants. I left the place feeling like I was walking on air since I was so clearly the favorite amongst the group I was in. Even when we met the Dean of Students, he only shook my hand and skipped the others. While being the center of attention was fun, what stuck out most was the feeling of being understood professionally and the underlying feeling that we were all on the same page, which I credit to SWS.


Now I know this will be my go-to for the interviews that will hopefully be coming up.

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  • 2 months later...

To me this is a good one to wear when you need to get shit done. I wore this one often in the Fall when my contract was about to end and my position was about to be made permanent. I alternated with LFM. Both of them made me feel very take charge and very competent but LFM definitely had a sexiness to it that this one didn't - obviously. Anyway, my performance evaluations for the Fall were through the roof and I was reaching new heights in my career. Unfortunately, I think I made some people jealous and when the new position came up there was a giant instance of office politics and no one ended up getting hired for the position. However, I'm so indispensable that they have hired me back on a per-job basis.


I don't think this is the result of the SWS because there were clearly a lot of office politics going on.


edited to remove some personal details

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  • 5 weeks later...

I work in film now and really most days I feel like I left my previous crappy work environment just to work in a different crappy work environment. Don't get me wrong. I love the film industry. It's exciting and constantly changing and almost everyone I've met is amazing. But my boss. I just can't even.


Anyways most days (but not every day because he's not really a reasonable human being) when I wear SWS he is much nicer and less ... yelly. Once in a while he might even say thank you or just chat with me like I'm an actual human being. That is enough reason to hoard this stuff like it's sparkly unicorn blood.

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I feel like I left my previous crappy work environment just to work in a different crappy work environment


One of the best bits of advice I ever got was from a friend while I was unhappy in my then-current job and considering another: "when you change from one job to another that you think is better, make no mistake - you're just exchanging a bag of one kind of shit for a bag of a different kind of shit. Otherwise they wouldn't be paying you to do either one."

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One of the best bits of advice I ever got was from a friend while I was unhappy in my then-current job and considering another: "when you change from one job to another that you think is better, make no mistake - you're just exchanging a bag of one kind of shit for a bag of a different kind of shit. Otherwise they wouldn't be paying you to do either one."


I never expect work to be easy or fun. But I don't expect to be verbally abused. That sh*t is not right. I'd quit outright but I don't want to live off my savings. I want to retire someday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore "Shu Up and Get A Job" and Topper to a job interview yesterday. It turned out great and I'll be busy doing some research over these two weeks before I meet up with then prof again.


I planned to go home after the interview. Two gentlemen, in their late 30s, was waiting to enter the lift as I walked out and so i held the door for them. As I was on the wrong floor, I waited for the next lift to come and they walked out. They were looking for the staff lounge and asked if I would like to join them, well, why not? So together, we looked for the lounge and found it.


Anyway, to keep it short, the Italian guy was hitting on me, asking about China, etc. I told him that I love Europe,, etc. and its difficult to work there without being fluent in another working language there. Then he said that his university is hiring and that the fastest way to learn a language is to get myself a boyfriend!!!


I said that it will be difficult as I'm already married and showed him my rings. He said that he saw my rings but didnt think they were my engagment and wedding bands. He went total silent (and his Chinese friend too). I added relocation with two kids make it even more difficult .... That's when his friend came to his rescue, saying that someone was coming to pick him up for a meeting.

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Thanks, Rose! As I have a very narrow range of mainly GGG scents and I haven't purchased new ones for a year now, there aren't a lot that I can contribute to the reviews but will post any interesting hits since I'm test driving pheros in this new city.

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My partner uses SWS at work and it helps a lot. The people he works with are pretty negative and ignorant, so anything that helps in any way is very special indeed. When he wears it, they actually let him speak and they do listen. Now getting them to HEAR and remember is another matter, but still, SWS has left us quite impressed!

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  • 6 months later...

I personally never really resonated with SWS but my boyfriend would probably love to have a bucketful available at all times. Since he started wearing this (approx.. 2 1/2 years ago) he has been promoted several times and given many job opportunities that other workers have not been given. His coworkers love him and he has consistently impressed many higher ups; not that these things wouldn't or couldn't happen on their own, but there is definitely a noticeable edge when he wears this phero.

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