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Beta androstenol

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Hello eveyone! I have a date in a couple of days, first one in a very long time, so needless to say I am super nervous!

I have some smellies with heart and soul and also one with beta-nol that have been neglected for quite a while. Which blend would you all suggest? Also, I'm not really even sure as to what beta nol evokes, so if you could tell me just a bit about that I would be greatly appreciative!

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Hi Daisy!


You can find short snippets of info on the Pheromone page of the shopping area.



For example, I just copied/pasted this for you from there:


Beta-Androstenol is known for creating rapport and a sense of bonding between people, and instilling trust. It lends an impression that you have known a person a long time - even if you have only just met. Used in high concentration, it can have a truth-serum type effect on people. May be worn by both women and men.


FYI: A little of this pheromone goes a long way - one needs to use a smaller amount of beta-nol to produce a larger effect than other molecules of greater concentration.

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What scents are these in,and which do you like best ? ...it could make a difference in how it makes you feel :)


I would chose the H&S blend over straight B-nol for a first date...until you know how much and how B-nol effects you. Whatever,relax,have fun...I know that is easier said than done :lol:

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My faves are pandamaniac and 7 min. to midnight, both with h&s, I think I'll go with that blend for now. Now I just have to decide between the two... :lol:

Thanks for the help ladies!

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H&S! It's great for a warm, inviting feel. Just what you want for a date - adoration and gentleness - for both of you!


B-nol is wonderful, but straight up it can have different effects on different people. Some people seem to get "confessional" - eh, you don't want that on a first date, really.


I find b-nol works wonders on high-strung menfolks...they relax enough to say what they need to say. That's men I already know, though.

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I find b-nol works wonders on high-strung menfolks...they relax enough to say what they need to say. That's men I already know, though.


Yes, exactly my observance as well.

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7mtm was so perfect! Such a great blend Iam so happy I decided to go with this one. The date went great, thanks so much for all the advice!



Congrats! Glad it went so well.....I really want DETAILS.....but, I won't ask!

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