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Mr. Matt and the Hound Dog

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I got this obsession and wrote to Mara...


"So here’s what I’m after. The idea is Mr. Matt and the Hound Dog. Matt and I are musicians and have been playing together for…let’s see, now…24-1/2 years. I do believe we’re up to 14 guitars between us. I’m sure you’d agree that one can never have too many guitars! Then there’s my keys, but we won’t go there right now. Heh.


ANYwaaaay, when Matt sits down with his dobro and has the blues on him, my whole world lights up. I love singing and playing blues, but when the ManThing gets out the Hound Dog and the slide, I keep my mouth shut and listen. I was telling him the other night that when he’s playing dobro, I want to sit him right down on some beat-up, duct-taped, teeny stage in some beat-up bar, get me a lowball glass of Jack Daniels, easy ice, listen to him a spell, and then roll around in the whole “ness” of that scene like a dog on a dead seagull!!!!!!!! Get it ALLLLLL over my body. Know what I mean?"


There was a little discussion back and forth, and ultimately here is what I was completely thrilled to find in my inbox.


"Hi Elizabeth!

I think the scent came out reallllly coool. John loves it, couldn't take his nose away from it. :D

I used Bourbon, Rosewood, Redwood, and a few different Musks. It totally captures the smell of guitar and steel and man. Sexy!"

After a wee spell, Mara talked with me about adding another scent note, and sent me some samples to experiment with. We decided that Labdanum would be good.


This. Just. Works. It's one of those scents that makes me wonder *what's that good smell?* and it turns out to be me...over and over again. I love that!!! And since it's a b-day present for the ManThing, I need to tell y'all that he thinks it's great! It smells WONDERFUL on him, too--pheroed & non-pheroed. We've got a bottle amped with Charisma. Oh, lordy, how yum does THAT get?!?!


Wet in the bottle, there's the initial twang of the metal and wood of the guitar, with the sweetness of musk and booze underneath it. Smear it on your flesh, and it's like sticking your nose in one of the f-holes of the Hound Dog, and taking a big huff...while wearing good musk and holding a glass of bourbon. Then it's like the ManThing is leaning over from the business side of the guitar, with his own good musk and nasty-good smile and his music-eyes on and...well. Then the sweetness and the booze and the woods warm up and bloom and meld. The guitar-smell flirts back and forth with the musks, and the booze kind of sits under it all. You know the smell of an empty glass when you've just downed some bourbon? That ghost of a sweet caramelized kind of thing? That's what I'm talking about. And it helps blend everything. At extreme drydown--we're talking *the next day*--there's still the memory of the whole experience on your skin. Exactly like the afterglow from a good gig.


I figured Mara would do something great with this idea. She's a musician *and* a perfumer and she fu**ing NAILED it! There's something inherently sexual in making good art of any sort, and this is a definite part of Mr. Matt and the Hound Dog. I love this perfume. I love that my painting is on the bottle. I love the choice of scent notes. And every time I huff it from Matt's or my skin, I am just floored by the *perfect* evocation of our making music together.


Mara, you rock. You just do. Thankyou so much!!! :D


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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It's like I say...GENIUS!

I'm really looking forward to this, and I hope Quince likes it too because it sounds like something I'd love to smell on him as well as myself.

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I'm not at all surprised to hear Mara did a magick and that you luv your PE :) but just as much, it is *so* lovely to see how much you two love each other - it just seeps out of every pore of your post, to make a bizarre and rather gross-sounding metaphor :) but seriously, that kinda made the day for my tiny twisted pebble of a heart. Thank you for sharing it :rolleyes:

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Your post made me really SMILE! ^_^ I can feel the love reading it :rolleyes::):) Happy for you two :):):)

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So a bottle of this came to live with me, and on first sniff I was very much "Mmmm!" Primarily wood and booze, two of my favorite things (TO SMELL, YOU PERVERTS!)! It's very warm and smooth and sultry masculine aura like a dobro solo...sexah sho'nuff.


Then the weirdest thing happened...the bourbon turned to anise on me! I like it a lot, but it wasn't what I was expecting, lol. With age it will probably change. Now I definitely can't wait to try this on Quince (but, of course, I have to). I'll be all, "OMG DOES IT SMELL LIKE A GUITAR?!" and he'll just give me that look which says You're an incredibly silly person aren't you?

On drydown for me this is a really intimate musk with a trace of wood in the background.


I'm happy it inspired so much pleasure for the two of you because that's what the PE experience is all about.


Edited by luna65
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So a bottle of this came to live with me, and on first sniff I was very much "Mmmm!" Primarily wood and booze, two of my favorite things (TO SMELL, YOU PERVERTS!)! It's very warm and smooth and sultry masculine aura like a dobro solo...sexah sho'nuff.


Then the weirdest thing happened...the bourbon turned to anise on me! I like it a lot, but it wasn't what I was expecting, lol. With age it will probably change. Now I definitely can't wait to try this on Quince (but, of course, I have to). I'll be all, "OMG DOES IT SMELL LIKE A GUITAR?!" and he'll just give me that look which says You're an incredibly silly person aren't you?

On drydown for me this is a really intimate musk with a trace of wood in the background.


I'm happy it inspired so much pleasure for the two of you because that's what the PE experience is all about.



:D This has been a wonderful experience. I am now a P.E. addict. It'll be interesting to know if Quince smells guitar-guts from this. Aren't guitar-guts one of the best smells on the planet?!!! I really almost got my nose stuck when I was snoofing that f-hole! And when I was testing the other resins with the initial sample of the Hound Dog, the addition of amber made the perfume smell like the inside of Matt's *Taylor*! It was the labdanum that smelled like the dobro to me.


And.....ANISE?!? Whoa. You must have had a chaser of Ouzo or that Lebanese one I can never remember the name of (but which gets me totally sh*tfaced every time I drink it) with your dobro! I'm mixing metaphors. Or is it similes? Or hallucinations...time to go to sleep. :)


P.S............(got wood?)

*runs off to bed, snickering and snorting*

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I remembered I needed to post about trying it on Q...so I gave him a bit of a slather on the back of his neck and his arm (he thought your painting was very nice, Elizabeth) and then prayed that the bourbon wouldn't do the anise thing like it does on me. And it didn't, whew! Although he did say, "Why do you keep wanting me to wear scent that smells like booze?! I can't go around smelling like that!" (He's very protective of his reputation, you see.) It's a lot warmer on his skin, the musk is what comes out the most. But he says his guitars smell like polish, not booze, lol. But this makes me think of the quality when he plays his National guitar, silvery flourishes which give me chills. So it's nice to have a scent which I can associate with something I love and admire so much. :OUDFDC~110:

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Very cool, luna! And I'm glad it makes you think of when he plays the National. Now, THAT'S what that smell is TALKIN' 'bout! Heee!


Has your bottle aged a tad? I was wearing mine today, and I feel like it's a little warmer and more of what I call "round." Sweeter, maybe, but not cloying. Deeper in a cushy pillow kind of way. YUM, most definitely. :OUDFDC~110:

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