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help with Leather with Cops

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Hi All


I have a question about leather with cops. I am new to this product and I am having a hard time getting it to work for me. Well that’s not right….. It seems to be working but I am having a hard time with the smell and the way I feel while wearing it.


I’ve read the how to posts and tried a few different things. I do have a hard time waiting the 20 min for it to dry – because I can’t stand the smell. I notice the hits and men really seem to notice me while wearing it. But because of the sent I don’t feel very attractive, so no matter what I smell like I don’t feel like flirting etc.


I’ve applied a dab to wrists (my usual spot), neck, and chest. I’ve tried these all singly and together.


The last time I wore it a young man (27) I’ve been flirting with couldn’t keep his hands off me, not in a bad way but in a teasing flirty way. It was cute. He had a bit to drink and the second time he came over he lost his mind and did a face plant into my cleavage. No I didn’t yell – one I am semi used to this (stories for another post), and two I figured he was reacting to the phero’s and wasn’t entirely in control of himself. I mean how outraged can I get if I dosed the boy?? Anyway it lasted about 2 seconds and when he looked up he looked a bit shocked with himself. LOL


Unfortunately, and here’s the issue, I smelt the mix/ cops the entire time I was wearing it. Blech! After 3 hrs I had to wash it off. I used alcohol wipes. I didn’t feel good, or really flirty while wearing it. I seem to react better to Lace. Humm…


Am I applying too much? Is it something I’ll get used to? Am I reacting to the smell more during different points in my cycle?


Also I got leather because I was looking for a replacement for IS/A. I loved that stuff and it worked well for me. Any suggestions for a better alternative would be welcome.


IF anyone has any advice or tips I could use it.



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So you're just wearing the pheros with no cover scent? Have no fear, the resident experts will be along short to recommend great covers for cops.


As for not liking the smell? I totally understand. I actually have to wear cops far from my face or I get a little queazy. So I put it on my tailbone and on my lower torso/abdomen. I can't have the smell wafting up into my face at all so no cleavage application, no back of the neck. I save those areas for other pheros. So maybe applying it in areas where you can't smell it would be helpful?

Edited by skye
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I was using Dangerous Games as the cover. Then I thought it may be too much pheros or I may not like that sent. So I tried some of the other non phero scents I ordered. I don't think I care for the "musky" scent in DG. But the sent is so complex it's hard for me to tell, if its the Leather I don't like or something in the scent itself.


I've had good luck with Girly Twirly. I really like that scent and the phero mix in it.

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I was using Dangerous Games as the cover. Then I thought it may be too much pheros or I may not like that sent. So I tried some of the other non phero scents I ordered. I don't think I care for the "musky" scent in DG. But the sent is so complex it's hard for me to tell, if its the Leather I don't like or something in the scent itself.


I've had good luck with Girly Twirly. I really like that scent and the phero mix in it.



Well, it just could be that Lace is a better mix for you.....I get on better with Leather than Lace, personally......BUT, if you react well to Girly Twirly, try getting some Unscented Lace and see how you do with it....


OR, you could try a stronger cover.....and try very hard to wait for dry down......if you don't let unscented cops dry down, you will get "bleed through".....it isn't the leather you are smelling, it is most likely the cops.....

Edited by Dolly
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Welcome, Ferret!!


Well, at least you got a great hit!! You know Leather + Cops "works", so now it seems like you need to find a good cover scent!!


Is this your first experience with pheros and cops? I know for me, I just had to get used to the smell of the different pheros...I don't even notice it now, except for when I first apply.


And, the good news is, since you like Girly Twirly you don't have a sensitivity to cops!!


Since you got such good hits with the Dangerous Games, maybe try using it with another complimentary scent as extra cover. I'm sure the other ladies will be here with great advice!!

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@ Dolly I didn't know if I didn't wait for it to dry I'd get bleed through. Hummmm.. Ok so 20 min drying? I don't know if I can do that. LOL


@ Lynn yes this is the first experimentation with cops I've done. So it's all new. Yea the hit was a bit extreme. lol couldn't have missed it if I tried. :w00t:

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@ Dolly I didn't know if I didn't wait for it to dry I'd get bleed through. Hummmm.. Ok so 20 min drying? I don't know if I can do that. LOL


Put a clothespin on your nose! Yep, the dreaded "bleed-through"......that is why we suggest 10-20 min.....makes sure it is rubbed in good as well....if you leave a cops in oil mixture on the skin, without rubbing it in good, it will NEVER dry.....so smoosh/rub it in real good, and then hold your breath! LOL.....just joking.....you will get used to the scent eventually.....after drydown, cops are easier to cover.....

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Loved your Leather & Cops hit! :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co ...other than the good advice already given,I would add to find the scent/s you adore and have them boosted with Leather & Cops.


That is part of the magic here...you can ...have it your way ;)

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That's the truth. Although I don't care for the way leather and cops smells (mostly the cops). It really seems to work.


This weekend I tried smooshing it in and letting it dry. It did dry and honestly I timed it so I could see how long I needed to let it dry. So that was a much better experience.


I am still experimenting to see what pheros/ mix I like the best!

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Also I got leather because I was looking for a replacement for IS/A. I loved that stuff and it worked well for me. Any suggestions for a better alternative would be welcome.


Your hit was hilarious! Love it. If you're an Is/A fan (as was I) and Lace (as am I), I'm betting you would also like Flying Potion (or anything else w/straight a-nol) and SS4W.

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