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HEHE, sorry about that. Ok, so this is how things went.


This guy I've been interested in is pretty friendly with me, he'll come over, give me a hug, etc. Well, after he gave me a hug he just kinda stood around with his arm around me like it was the most natural thing in the world. I was like......"ok...someone's feeling affectionate tonight!" and left it at that. Didn't want to jump to conclusions or anything y'know. So later on I was one of the two computers they use to sign in for songs, and a guy I've seen there a million times (that has shown as little interest in me as I had in him) asked if he could slide past me and use the other comp. I said "sure, don't mind me, I don't bite" (totally normal line for me btw) and he stopped for a second with this funny look on his face and said "well that's a shame, I might like it if you did". I was like.....".....". Finished putting in my song and scooted out of THAT awkward situation. lol


So yeah, it was little things like that all night that just tipped me off to the fact that they boys were getting SOMETHING from it. and that something was certainly loosening their tongues.

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HEHE, sorry about that. Ok, so this is how things went.


This guy I've been interested in is pretty friendly with me, he'll come over, give me a hug, etc. Well, after he gave me a hug he just kinda stood around with his arm around me like it was the most natural thing in the world. I was like......"ok...someone's feeling affectionate tonight!" and left it at that. Didn't want to jump to conclusions or anything y'know. So later on I was one of the two computers they use to sign in for songs, and a guy I've seen there a million times (that has shown as little interest in me as I had in him) asked if he could slide past me and use the other comp. I said "sure, don't mind me, I don't bite" (totally normal line for me btw) and he stopped for a second with this funny look on his face and said "well that's a shame, I might like it if you did". I was like.....".....". Finished putting in my song and scooted out of THAT awkward situation. lol


So yeah, it was little things like that all night that just tipped me off to the fact that they boys were getting SOMETHING from it. and that something was certainly loosening their tongues.



Oh yeah, I do love the Super Sexy......it definitely gets the reactions.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
BUT, phero and copulin production decrease with age.....since I am in the "over 40" crowd, I am simply levelling the playing field...... :)


I just received my order of Super Sexy and can't wait to try it out! I also received the bottle of Super for Women and the Phero Girl: Cuddle Bunny sample that I ordered. I am so excited to enter the world of pheromones- never really knew anything about this before reading everything here on the forum.


Should I apply the Super Sexy over or under my other scents? I really want to get the hang of this.


Dolly, you said our natural production decreases with age- I am 53, but I had to have an emergency total hysterectomy 4 years ago and go on hormone replacement therapy. Does that mean it's even more likely that I haven't been giving off any pheromones?


Maybe I should move this over to the phero thread.... I have more questions and need to do some research.

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I just received my order of Super Sexy and can't wait to try it out! I also received the bottle of Super for Women and the Phero Girl: Cuddle Bunny sample that I ordered. I am so excited to enter the world of pheromones- never really knew anything about this before reading everything here on the forum.


Should I apply the Super Sexy over or under my other scents? I really want to get the hang of this.


Dolly, you said our natural production decreases with age- I am 53, but I had to have an emergency total hysterectomy 4 years ago and go on hormone replacement therapy. Does that mean it's even more likely that I haven't been giving off any pheromones?


Maybe I should move this over to the phero thread.... I have more questions and need to do some research.



Female copulin production decreases with age. Also, those of us who have been using cops (EoW) for years have a theory that extended birth control usage also decreases your normal output. HRT drugs are quite similar to birth control pills. So, you may be one of those women who needs extra cops to get the same reaction as our younger counterparts.


As far as the other pheromones are concerned, age is a factor, but I am not sure if it is as significant a factor as it is in the area of copulins. I use more pheros and cops than a lot of younger people do, so I can only assume that my age is a factor....

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Thanks for the info, Dolly! I guess I need to read up more on the differences between pheros and cops. I've always considered myself lucky because I don't look anything close to my age. Most people are quite shocked when I tell them, because they usually never guess that I'm much over 40. But a little boost never hurts, so I am very excited to learn about this.

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  • 4 months later...
Well, my friend who commandeered my 'Super Sexy' and 'Nasty Habits' emphatically says this stuff works! She told me I'd have to get more because she is absolutely not giving those up. :abfx:


I don't blame her......I wouldn't give them up either.....

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It took me a while to figure out how to get Super for Women to smell okay for me (which involves a fair bit of layering), but as far as the Super Sexy blend, for men and women, it works.

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Super sexy works great with pink sugar, you can smell the pheromones, it's so potent and it smells like sex. Anytime the opposite sex smells the scent it put them in a happy sexual excited mood. I do not recommend wearing Super Sexy in public. I had to find out the hard way. :thumbup:



Wow! Where can I get me some of that stuff? :lol:
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Super sexy works great with pink sugar, you can smell the pheromones, it's so potent and it smells like sex. Anytime the opposite sex smells the scent it put them in a happy sexual excited mood. I do not recommend wearing Super Sexy in public. I had to find out the hard way. :TotakekeBannana:




LOL! you just convinced me to buy it on my b-day!!

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me too :) should stop spending my daddy's money tho... :TotakekeBannana:


I feel bad too, good news, you're not the only one my love *sigh* :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


Edit: OMFG. I LOVE you're avatar btw! So fricken adorable!

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i just read in an earlier post that we can order this undiluted (1ml) so i can dilute them with perfume of my choice.. is it recommended? it wouldnt mess up with the potency of the pheros at all would it?


i have this beautiful roll on that my friend got me from pakistan (sandalwood-ish but floral tone) that i really really want to add some pheros to.. ^_^


lemme know if any of you tried!!


<3 remmy

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i just read in an earlier post that we can order this undiluted (1ml) so i can dilute them with perfume of my choice.. is it recommended? it wouldnt mess up with the potency of the pheros at all would it?


i have this beautiful roll on that my friend got me from pakistan (sandalwood-ish but floral tone) that i really really want to add some pheros to.. ;)


lemme know if any of you tried!!


<3 remmy



No, I don't think you can do that anymore. It was allowed a couple of times, but now, in order to use the "add pheros" option, you need to order a perfume to add it to.


If I were you, I would just order the full sized bottle of the unscented Super Sexy, and mix a little bit of it in a small bottle with your perfume. Either that, or just layer it on your skin.....

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On the first night, ... He says......"You are just so HOT. Is it bedtime yet?" He was all over me all evening.....it was uncontrollable. After my son went to bed, we retired for some "fun"......it was WILD. We were trying to be quiet, but in the middle of the festivities, one leg of my bedframe went crashing through the floor.....


Well, I thought that part of the fervor from Monday night might have been due to the fact that we had not seen each other for a week. So, last night, I decided to try for round two. I used the super sexy concentrate again, this time mixed with Dirty Sexy (my honey's second favorite scent). It was almost a complete repeat of the night before (sans the bed crashing through the floor)...


I have no sex life. This post makes me jealous. *sigh*


I wonder if I doused myself in a bottle of this if I could find a man who knows how to satisfy a woman... Notice I'm being very specific in how I put this out there because the last man I had sex with had no clue how to satisfy a woman. It was like all my girl parts were new to him, kinda. I honestly didn't think there were any men left out there that were this clueless in this arena. Apparently I was wrong. So yeah, maybe I'll order me a bottle of this.

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I have no sex life. This post makes me jealous. *sigh*


I wonder if I doused myself in a bottle of this if I could find a man who knows how to satisfy a woman... Notice I'm being very specific in how I put this out there because the last man I had sex with had no clue how to satisfy a woman. It was like all my girl parts were new to him, kinda. I honestly didn't think there were any men left out there that were this clueless in this arena. Apparently I was wrong. So yeah, maybe I'll order me a bottle of this.



Oh yeah, I have run across those in my past that have NO CLUE what to do.....and I am talking about grown men in their mid to late 30's and 40's.....notice that I said they are in my PAST.....


Pheromones aren't discriminating though....they will attract the good and the bad.....you have to do the screening for yourself.....

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Oh yeah, I have run across those in my past that have NO CLUE what to do.....and I am talking about grown men in their mid to late 30's and 40's.....notice that I said they are in my PAST.....


Pheromones aren't discriminating though....they will attract the good and the bad.....you have to do the screening for yourself.....


I'll take what I can get and run the tests myself :(


I may stick with the younger ones though as they tend to be more easily trained. The older ones, not so much.

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So, starlitegirl, maybe you want Cougar Potion. Hehe!! :(


Let me know how bathing in this stuff works, maybe I'll try it. You and I seem to have the same current love life status! :cry:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really like Super Sexy......last night I wore it to a casual business dinner with my fiancee.....I have a bottle of Nasty Habits that the SS concentrate was added to, and I wanted to have some fun.


I was dressed VERY conservatively. Jeans, a turtleneck, and a boiled wool sweater/jacket over top of that (last night was one of the few really chilly evenings we have had thus far this year). My hair was pulled back away from my neck, so that the phero/perfume combo could get out there and waft around a bit. I had slathered the combo all around my neck just above the line of the turtleneck, some on the turtleneck itself, some just below my ears, and also a bit on the backs of my hands. I was smelling really good!


As soon as I got to my sweetie's house, he was all over me. After I pried him off of me so we could drive to dinner, he was telling me that there were only going to be a few people there that I had previously met. I thought.....Great. Another dinner with people I don't know.


Ok, so we get there, and he was introducing me to them......they were all quite formal-acting.....you know, shaking hands and all that. One of the gentlemen that I HAD met before came up and hugged me, but that was about it. Everybody was mingling in the bar, having drinks and just chatting. So then, out of the blue, one guy who was standing beside my sweetie and I started cracking off-color jokes. Just right out of the blue. Serious eye contact with me as he was telling each joke, even though there was a little group that had gathered there.


So, we go in to sit down to dinner. Everybody was wanting us to sit with them. A gentleman who was sitting beside me, who I had never met before, was giggling all night. And everytime I would turn to look at him, he would give me this big goofy grin. His wife, who was sitting on the other side of him, kept asking him....."What is wrong with you?"


OK, so we have dinnner, and I was met by big goofy grins on the faces of every man that I got within wafting range of. It was getting almost to the point of ridiculousness. So, then, as we are leaving, my honey shakes one guy's hand (the one who was telling jokes earlier), and says......"Well, thanks for dinner.....I'll shake your hand, but I'm not going to give you a goodnight kiss." And, the guy says, "No, but I'm waiting to kiss that gorgeous woman behind you." Grabs me, hugs me, and gives me a big smooch.....not directly on the mouth, but like on the side of it.....


So, we are still saying our goodbyes, and all of these men, who I had just met, were shaking my darlin's hand and then almost pushing him along, out of the way, to grab me and hug me. There were very few women there who got the hug action I got. In fact, only one of those men was hugging all of the women. My sweetie was just flabbergasted.....he had no idea I was wearing pheros last night......hehehe......


All-in-all, it was a pretty entertaining evening......I love pheros!

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So, starlitegirl, maybe you want Cougar Potion. Hehe!! :666:


Let me know how bathing in this stuff works, maybe I'll try it. You and I seem to have the same current love life status! :wub:


Whoops, missed this post completely!


Jo Anna, my heart goes out to you. Seriously. This is not a love life status I wish upon anyone. Here's to us finding a few nice men. I know they're out there. Perhaps hiding under a rock, me thinks.

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Whoops, missed this post completely!


Jo Anna, my heart goes out to you. Seriously. This is not a love life status I wish upon anyone. Here's to us finding a few nice men. I know they're out there. Perhaps hiding under a rock, me thinks.



Keep turning over those rocks.....there are some good ones out there, trust me! I had to kiss a LOT of frogs (and even married a few) before I found one.....

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Whoops, missed this post completely!


Jo Anna, my heart goes out to you. Seriously. This is not a love life status I wish upon anyone. Here's to us finding a few nice men. I know they're out there. Perhaps hiding under a rock, me thinks.



I'm going to start kicking over those rocks. Why be delicate about it. That's why I have PG: Dominance AND Super Sexy. :666:

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I'm going to start kicking over those rocks. Why be delicate about it. That's why I have PG: Dominance AND Super Sexy. :lol:



Well, I'd say you will surely find at least ONE worthwhile man with those two little gems in your arsenal.....

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Well, are you purchasing scents also? If you want to use an add-in, you need to buy a potion for them to add it to. You will then have more than just the add-in in your cart. If you are placing an order for multiple scents, I would think that you could just state in the notes section of your paypal payment which scent you want it added to.


Mara has said that if you just want to purchase the pheros to add to your own already-owned potions, you can state in the notes section of your paypal payment that you don't want any scent or dilutant. In that case, you will receive a small amount (about 1 ml) of concentrated, undiluted pheros in a vial, which you will need to add to an existing scent in order for it to be useable.


I love super sexy, smells like s*X and it enhances all the oils and perfumes.

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I love super sexy, smells like s*X and it enhances all the oils and perfumes.


Yes, it is definitely good stuff!

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I had Super Sexy blended with LP Green. I wore this blend to a holiday party that my husband and I attended on Friday night. I applied my scent just before going up to the party (we had a room in the hotel where the party was being held). I paid attention to reactions and did not notice anything different. I only knew a handful of people at the event (it was my husband's party), and most of those were guys that my husband went to school with that I see once a year at this party. It was an alumni banquet for a particular program at the university that he went through while getting his degree (it is classified as a program, although it is more like a co-ed fraternity/sorority than an actual program). So all of the guests were engineers of some sort (civil, electrical, mechanical...) that had graduated with the support of this program or their date.


The formal event lasted about 3 hours and then my husband and I hosted an after party in our suite (we got a suite specifically to have this after party option). About 20 minutes into that event, the guys I knew were much friendlier. At this point, I had forgotten that I had put on the pheros several hours before. So, logically, I assumed it was the alcohol. As some of the people left, they would hug me. This I also found slightly strange. These are college buddies of my husband and this was pretty out of character for most of them.


So, about an hour and a half after moving to our room the group decided to walk up the street to a local bar to continue the festivities. In addition to those from our room, several other people from the main event had also arrived at this bar. I had a couple of guys following me around while I was out on the dance floor without my husband (these were guys that graduated later that he never knew). I had several unknown guys offering to buy me drinks. As those that I knew left, they would come up and give me a hug and say goodnight.


One guy in particular has always been a little standoffish. He and my husband started school at the same time and would socialize at group events, but never really hung out together. Even he was chattier than normal and gave me a hug when he left. He even suggested that he and his girlfriend should get together with us to go to dinner sometime soon.


The next morning while I was packing up the bathroom, I saw my bottle of souped up LP Green and just started laughing. No longer did the behaviors seem odd....


Super Sexy definately works!

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I got a bottle of Super Sexy in the mail today and tried it on to see what it smells like. I have to say--I realized that this was the first time in my life that I smelled so DIRTY, lol. I don't really sweat, and when I do, it usually doesn't have that "sweat" smell. I have low body odor in general, so smelling my skin in such a new way was kind of a revelation because I was thinking: synthetic animal/human based pheremones, wow, so foreign.


Anyway, it was interesting to smell and not strong at all--I leaned in to sniff--and only a slight chemical smell remained after drydown, which was easily covered up by Sultry Afternoon, which smells mhmm, really pleasant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore this yesterday and I was in the grocery store and there was an elderly gentleman going out of his way to help me get eggs out of the freezer case. I think he got a hit of the pheros and didn't want to leave my side because he stayed right next to me holding the freezer door while I was checking the cartons to avoid broken eggs. I apologized for taking so much time and he said not to worry and to please take my time - all the while smiling like it was truly his pleasure. It didn't even occur to me that it was the SS until I got in my car. And then I realized it was probably amped up a bit for him since I was all sweaty having just come from the gym.

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