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Shelly's Bodacious Bomb...

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El Mucho Huge order came today and I tore into it in order to test - does Bodacious Bomb actually hide Sexpionage?


And the answer is an unqualified YES! And I have Sexpionage in Beta, 100% alcohol. (Translation - it REEKS but is *HIGHLY* effective at getting your clothes torn off. Or pushed out of the way due to urgent needs... Just suggesting...) I put on SB's BB - and then sprayed on the Sexpionage. I didn't even have to wait for the normal 20 minute dry down - in 10 minutes - poof - no REEK! Since the man's nose is rather sensitive - he may turn out to HATE the SB's BB - in which case I'm still screwed- or not - as the case may be. (ok, ok, I will still be- within an inch of my life so I'm not complaining - I just might not be using the Sexpionage - which is a total waste but I digress)


Please note - if this covers Sexpionage in Beta 100% alcohol - it's going to cover darn near everything. Because really - that stuff REEKS. I do believe I mentioned it REEKS...yeah - that.


Don't get all excited - I'm on my own this weekend so there's no official way to totally prove efficacy. And Mystery Phero was also in the box - so I have obligations to go get a shower - then a bath - and soak/wash this all off in the most complete possible way - so I can road test Mystery in public.


Now - as to how SB's BB smells? At least to me - this is a Sweet Tart - writ LARGE - with Amber for depth. But my skin is a little wonky. I'm not getting peach or pear but MELON, MELON and MELON. Since I love Melon, I'm good. I get sweet melon, tart melon but all melon. I'm all candy coated, Sweet Tart lickable, melon goodness. Winter goodness? Probably not...spring, summer, and Indian Summer goodness? Yuppers.


I'm going to wait on that Shower/Bath fest for a while so I can soak in my melony/cop-heavy yumminess. But then I will go do my duty for LP woman-kind (cuz DUH - Mystery is for women) by going out in public for dinner and errands - and road test the heck out of Mystery.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I believe this would cover any phero blend, although fruit-based blends are - as we've discussed - perfect for hiding cops. The great thing about this as a phero cover is how consistent it stays in wear, it's got the same bright juicy aura from the bottle to my skin and through to drydown although it turns really soft, but then again my skin eats most fruit blends.


It's got a great "sexy Jolly Rancher" vibe to it, syrupy-sweet but in a way which is true to the character of ripe fruit rather than a candied quality (which of course Shelly said she wanted to avoid). This is Spring Fling's slutty older sister. ;)

Edited by luna65
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I believe this would cover any phero blend, although fruit-based blends are - as we've discussed - perfect for hiding cops. The great thing about this as a phero cover is how consistent it stays in wear, it's got the same bright juicy aura from the bottle to my skin and through to drydown although it turns really soft, but then again my skin eats most fruit blends.


It's got a great "sexy Jolly Rancher" vibe to it, syrupy-sweet but in way which is true to the character of ripe fruit rather than a candied quality (which of course Shelly said she wanted to avoid). This is Spring Fling's slutty older sister. ;)


OMG!!! Mine is on the way!!! I can't wait!!! Sexy Jolly Rancher!!! I got mine with Cuddle Bunny. I have wanted a fruity Cuddle Bunny ever since I discovered how well it works. I don't know what Spring Fling smells like but I like slutty older sisters!! I never got one...mine is a Morman. ;)

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LOL, well I didn't have one either, I had to be my own. ;)


Spring Fling (which is another of Shelly's PEs) is a more girly type of scent, it's peach, hyacinth and honey and it's very pretty, I love it (which is amazing because I don't normally go for that kind of thing)!

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Lover loves Girly Twirly so I got Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb boosted with Cuddle Bunny because I suspected it would have the same vibe. I love wearing CB around him and I also didn't want to waste all my GT on him. I like to wear it to work and out and about.

Well, well, well! I suspect I shall have to get another bottle of this (phero free) just for me now. I actually think (dare I say?) I like it more than Girly Twirly. (And I love GT).

Mara really embodied Shelly's desire to have a "grown up womanly fruit"...

It's like this..


Girly Twirly *flits* past her TG in her sexy white sundress, flutters her eyelashes at him as she passes, tosses her head over her shoulder and winks to make sure he is following her...AND OF COURSE HE IS...


on the other hand...


Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb *saunters* past her TG in her hip hugging pencil skirt, 5 inch stilettos, a Mona Lisa smile...and barely arches an eyebrow in his direction. She doesn't bother looking back over shoulder, SHE KNOWS HE IS FOLLOWING HER...TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH...


So...I may go ahead and waste the Girly Twirly on Lover, because... NOW I WANT TO BE SHELLY B WHEN I GO OUT AND ABOUT!!!!

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Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb *saunters* past her TG in her hip hugging pencil skirt, 5 inch stilettos, a Mona Lisa smile...and barely arches an eyebrow in his direction. She doesn't bother looking back over shoulder, SHE KNOWS HE IS FOLLOWING HER...TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH...


:003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co:ph34r: :ph34r: ! Im waiting for the new release so i can place my order!!! AND looks like THIS will be on my list amp with cops!!

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:003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co:ph34r: :ph34r: ! Im waiting for the new release so i can place my order!!! AND looks like THIS will be on my list amp with cops!!


I was thinking that you would like this one too Bumbob! I know how much you love GT, and since it's gone I was going to suggest you snag one of these. Girly Twirly is more tangy...Shelly's BBB more melony...love them both (obviously!)

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I was thinking that you would like this one too Bumbob! I know how much you love GT, and since it's gone I was going to suggest you snag one of these. Girly Twirly is more tangy...Shelly's BBB more melony...love them both (obviously!)



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damn girl, I don't even like melon that much and I think I'm gonna have to copy you on this one.


There is definitely more to it, I just don't know what it is...something that gives it that VA VA VOOM!

If I could afford it (and I assure you I CANNOT) I would pull a Beccah with her LP SP 2011 and get this boosted with every phero under the sun!


Actually, until I secure another bottle I better shut the Hell up. Until I do that, here is my review:


"This is abhorrent. It smells of moldy melons. If you would like to repel every man you *flit* or *saunter* by, I highly recommend this 'Elixir of Stink'. " :)

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Actually, until I secure another bottle I better shut the Hell up. Until I do that, here is my review:

"This is abhorrent. It smells of moldy melons. If you would like to repel every man you *flit* or *saunter* by, I highly recommend this 'Elixir of Stink'. " :)


:) May be this is some of the LPers tactics XD

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Maybe that Jouir De they are always smirking about actually smells like luscious sweet fruity peachy yummy cobbler!!!! Those sneaks!!! :Hug_emoticon:




(Actually, Hotter Than Hell is kind of a peach cobbler, but an EBIL one.)

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Never thought of that!!! Maybe that Jouir De they are always smirking about actually smells like luscious sweet fruity peachy yummy cobbler!!!! Those sneaks!!! :Hug_emoticon:

Oh, TRUST me, my dear! For anyone with body chemistry like mine...Jouir De is most unfortunate. :( *balaklava to cover the nose!*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Scored a bottle of this with EOW!!! :funny_ladybird::):) This is a SUPER BRIGHT and JUICY sweet scent :) Reminds me of juicy melon candies :) VERY BODACIOUS INDEED.... :drunk: IT somehow reminds me of lady luck/ L's special orange blossom.... :Hug_emoticon:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd been hesitating to buy this because I wasn't 100% sure I like melons, given that I looove nakai nectar in the vial - and on me, for that matter - but seem to never wear it.


WELL! I like them. Gushing, almost overripe, jolly rancher sweet.


It instantly, completely covered unCB. I *think* the CB actually alters it a little, makes it more a little robust and meaty and (the cops, I assume) counterbalances the sugar a little.


It seems to be getting swallowed up fast - I didn't moisturize first :/ -

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  • 4 weeks later...

I LOVE THIS MORE day by day!!! :001_302: IT's so easy to blend and layer with other perfume!! :lol::019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co The scent is soooooo juicy, it's making my mouth wateryyyyyy :D

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm this seems to be more bomb than bodacious on me. I keep retesting and retesting and the fruit disappears and all I get is a whisper of light melons. I was hoping it would be a a cousin to sex berry blast, but my skin swallowed it all up. I get nada. Maybe I'll moisturize like a mother and see if that helps.

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  • 2 months later...

I love this! I knew I had to use this upon sniffing it and the opportunity to wear this came a couple of days later. I had this under loads of UN 60/40 BI and it obviously covered it beautifully. This is such a sexy & womanly scent which I can either play it up or play it down.

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  • 3 months later...

This is definitely all MELON. It really does smell like actual watermelon or something, nothing cheap or imitation, but like the real thing! I don't think I've ever worn a melon scent on my skin before, and although I usually like fruits I don't think I'm a fan of the smell of melon, but it's still ok. Fortunately the melon while loud on application calms down a lot on drydown and I get the other fruits peeking through. Very fruit salad. A more mature, womanly fruit smell to me.


After drydown I actually found myself wondering - is there cops in this?? It smells like "dirty fruit" to me, if that makes sense! Nice!!


I can't wait to try this out with Sexpionage, Blatant Invitation, or EoW, I think this would enhance the smell of cops so well!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tested this out with Sexpionage and I can confirm, it does indeed hide the smell perfectly! No bleed through at all, it just all melts in together and smells great. These two were made for each other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know I've already said this but I just have to say it again because I'm still amazed. I accidentally applied WAY too much sexpionage this evening, and was thinking, uh oh I am going to stink to high heaven until I shower twice with this load on. But I circled the area with Bodacious Bomb, not even touching the sexpionage at all, rubbed them both in, and before sexpionage had even dried down, viola! Stinky smell gone! It doesn't only "cover" the smell, it kind of makes it feel like there is nothing there that needs to be covered, just delicious ripe fruits. Amazing stuff.

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Does anyone know what kind of melons went into this? I wore this yesterday to go shopping and ice cream with my kids. I could smell the sweet juicy fruity all the time. A little goes a long way as this has a fantastic throw.


I'm thinking of using this with the happier pheros such as LAM, OW or A-nol.

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Thanks, PM!


Shelly's Bodacious Bomb is sweet, bright and juicy on wet. After it has melded with my skin chemistry, It becomes a full cozy fruity scent.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Hrm... So I dug this sniffie out of my sniffies-to-keep baggie. I'd tried it a long time ago, and didn't review it because it smelled SO bad on me, I felt terrible. But it *did* smell really awful on me, every time I put a dab on my skin, which I did a number of times because I really badly wanted to love it, and I thought perhaps it was my skin chemistry or maybe hormones messing with my sniffer.


Today, for some reason, it doesn't smell like it did. Today it smells juicy and fruity and pretty, the way it's supposed to. There's almost a floral aspect to it, but knowing there aren't any florals in it, I'm guessing it's the peach giving that impression? Damn! I think I really like this now... I don't know if I feel good 'cause I like it, or bad 'cause I've been missing out on it all this time. Imma try it again in a week or so, to see if I still like it. If so, it might wind up going on my wish list.

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Hrm... So I dug this sniffie out of my sniffies-to-keep baggie. I'd tried it a long time ago, and didn't review it because it smelled SO bad on me, I felt terrible. But it *did* smell really awful on me, every time I put a dab on my skin, which I did a number of times because I really badly wanted to love it, and I thought perhaps it was my skin chemistry or maybe hormones messing with my sniffer.


Today, for some reason, it doesn't smell like it did. Today it smells juicy and fruity and pretty, the way it's supposed to. There's almost a floral aspect to it, but knowing there aren't any florals in it, I'm guessing it's the peach giving that impression? Damn! I think I really like this now... I don't know if I feel good 'cause I like it, or bad 'cause I've been missing out on it all this time. Imma try it again in a week or so, to see if I still like it. If so, it might wind up going on my wish list.


Oh man I hate when that happens! Make sure you post your results next week!


This sounds like its right up my alley...I'll have to keep my eye on the trade threads :)

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Oh man I hate when that happens! Make sure you post your results next week!


This sounds like its right up my alley...I'll have to keep my eye on the trade threads :)


I think there is still some showing on the artfire site.....

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Oh man I hate when that happens! Make sure you post your results next week!


This sounds like its right up my alley...I'll have to keep my eye on the trade threads :)


I think you'll like it .......

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Oh man I hate when that happens! Make sure you post your results next week!


This sounds like its right up my alley...I'll have to keep my eye on the trade threads :)

I have a couple sniffies I can send your way, MCR... I'm not really a fruity girl

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Bodacious Bomb,

Why, oh why do you love me so much now, when you used to absolutely loathe being on my skin? WTHeck is up with that, Bodacious Bomb, huh? Why? Why did you do that to me? Were you playing hard-to-get? I could have been wearing you all year, for Pete's sake! <_< We could have had a great time together, you and I. Well, look out little lady, because you will be coming home to me. Soon.

Yours, Eggers


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  • 1 year later...
Guest cutie.pie

This smills like some fruity bubble gums I used to chew when I was kid! It's very juicy and melony :)

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  • 2 months later...

I tried a sniffy of this last night. Initially I smelled stone fruit (peaches, maybe) and then just melon. . ..no real base of anything that I could discern. It didn't wear a very long time (maybe 3 hours and it was mainly gone), but that's pretty standard for anything on me that doesn't have a truckload of honey. It seemed juicy and ripe and I had the sensation of being younger (like in my hot 20's again) which might be because it is a youthful scent.


Personally I am not a fruit fragrance person, but wow. . ..this could really cover some of the smellier pheromone bases. I bet it is congruent with cougar as well.


In terms of selfies, this felt like a perfect fragrance for the June gloom we have now. . .it made me feel light and bubbly and made we want to put my hair back in a knot, put on pj shorts, and just chill. I like it a lot!

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