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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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Thanks kitteh. :wub:


Does this scent come in wax melts?

Not that one but there's a couple - After The Rain and Water Blossom - which are probably along those lines.

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I am now on my second bottle of CB, the scented version. I personally don't love the scent, but the rest of the world seems to respond to it well. I can't get the clean sheets/dryer sheets smell at all (which I think I'd prefer). What I smell is a sickly-sticky sugar smell (I HATE sugar...the smell of cookies and cakes baking makes me want to run and purge my poor olfactories), but luckily that sugar smell leaves my cognition fairly quickly. I also tend to have the 'more is more' mentality and layer/spray other things on at the same time (MORE PHEROS! MORE!). That all said, like I said, when I was earlier saying...people like it. Women in particular will stop what they're doing to ask what the smell is because I 'always smell so good'. Men friends being cuddly will wiggle up under my ear and pronounce their undying happiness at the ability to be just there doing just that. I do believe that CB is a keeper, along with the other one, from that other site, with that other smell that many here hate as much as I hate sugary smells. That coupling always works well for me too, however unlikely the scent pairing may be.


Oh, and I forgot there were cops in it--I don't smell them at all. When I put on LAM, there's no doubt about what I'm doing. But with CB, I don't detect the cops smell.

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scented CB smells innocent ,fresh and clean to me. A guy friend whom I was having a talk to ( just sitting beside each other ) suddenly lean over and smell my hair ( literally putting his nose in my hair/neck ) , then he said what perfume are you wearing ? you smell like strawberries. After I got home , he sent me messages telling me that my perfume is very nice and sweet - like strawberries , he just couldnt help himself but to lean over to take a deeper whiff. My boyfriend is out of the country at the moment , im very curious what reaction i'll get when he gets back

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And I quote: 'Your perfume smells rully goooood!' - big, long snorf/groan follows, along with a hug-the-stuffing-out-of-you embrace - and other good stuff.


Let's just hope I can get through work today, without falling asleep!


I didn't think this had any effect on my boyfriend at all.


Now I know differently!


Everybody, cross your fingers for me. I got NO SLEEP! And now must go to work on busiest day - and we're one person short! Yikes!


I wouldn't trade Cuddle Bunny for the world! And no, not even for a few more hours of shut-eye!


ETA a thanks to Tyvey for making such an adamant Cuddle Bunny recommendation when I first posted here: THANK YOU! XOX

Edited by Eggers
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Yay Eggers! I am so glad you are getting such positive results from all of your new perfumes/pheros! I love reading all your reports.


Cuddle Bunny was the first phero that I got obvious results from and the one that turned me into a phero believer.

It was with my ex and it was the first time I saw the DIHL reaction (I wasn't even aware of that phrase until I went home that night and read more on the forum and recognized the description of what I had experienced earlier that day) and it turned him into a swooning sensitive fool.

I wore it so much after that I got burned out on the scent but I wore it a couple nights ago with HG and I like the scent again and again got a vurrrry positive reaction....


However I did not wear it on a WORK NIGHT!!! Good luck!!

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Hey thanks Miss DC, I made it through the day. I forced myself to be extra-super-peppy, just so I didn't screw up.


I can see myself wearing this a lot, in fact I have been wearing it quite a lot, but only in small amounts, 'cause I like the laundry-fresh smell I get from it. I guess I should start looking for other scents to boost with Cuddle Bunny, 'cause I don't want to get tired of the scent of this one, but if I keep getting reactions like the one I got last night, I want to make good use of the phero! Do you have this boosted into anything?


I think I might have had that next-day carry-over from the phero. At work, two beer reps turned up and started talking to me about the suds they were peddling, and there was definite DIHL action from both of them. Big smiles, and this funny 'wow!' look in their eyes. For a second it was almost as if they'd forgotten why they were there! Then, when we finished our 'transaction' as it were, they just stood there, smiling and staring at me like I was just entertaining to look at. It was funny. I actually laughed, 'cause it felt a little awkward. And then they were like, 'Well, I guess we should go...' It was cute. And I haven't had that kind of a reaction from any guy since around the time my boyfriend and I got together 8 years ago - or if I have, I didn't notice. Made me feel pretty good, it did!

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As I've noted previously (etiher in this thread or another) Cuddle Bunny saved my relationship with Quince when we were at a sort of standoff (him with trust issues); it's incredibly effective with a guy who responds well to EST.


I think it's the kind of phero that you could wear with almost anything but especially those scents you know men respond to on you, the ones which get you extra attention anyway.

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Luna, I can believe this stuff saved your relationship with Quince. It's lovely stuff. Before I started using these pheros, (it's only been a few weeks), I felt that things were 'not right' between my boyfriend and I. Things weren't bad per se, just 'off'. But in the past couple of weeks I've noticed a change in his attitude toward me. It's a pretty subtle effect - I don't think anyone else would notice - but it's definitely there. I can't put my finger on exactly what's changed, but he's been more considerate of me, and seems to be making more of an effort where our relationship is concerned.


A couple of weeks ago, (after a sweet experience the night before, while I was wearing Lace), he came for dinner at my restaurant with one of his friends, (while I was working), for example, even though my restaurant is not a comfortable atmosphere for him to be in. This is something he's *never* done before. It was a nice treat for me to see some friendly faces, and he knew it would please me - in fact, it made my night.


This week, we both had to work Valentine's Day at our respective restaurants, and he texted me in the middle of his shift to say he was sorry we couldn't go out ourselves, (we never have before, so this was strange to begin with), and then asked if he could take me out to dinner on Friday, to celebrate. It was so out of character for him that I jokingly texted back, 'Who is this?'.


So there have been lovely, subtle changes in our relationship since I started using pheros - Lace and Cuddle Bunny in particular. He seems to want to spend more time with me, lately, and when he's around me, he's happier, and seems to behave a little more like the guy who's in love with me, versus whoever it was he seemed to be turning into before I found these pheros. I'm really pleased with the results I've been experiencing, and can't wait to get this boosted into something, (I'll be making a big order in the next two weeks, and have quite a few scents in mind). The only part that bothered me was that last night he really seemed to connect how he was feeling to the deliciousness of my perfume, rather than to me. But I think that can be rectified easily enough if he gets used to feeling that way around me while I'm wearing different scents/same phero.


I'm excited to have found something that really, honestly works to enhance my relationship. You know? I felt the whole thing tipping away from me, and I was starting to worry because I didn't know how to tip it back. But having something like these lovely, well thought out and excecuted pheros in my corner, I feel like I have something powerful to help me more easily do what I was having a heck of a time doing 'alone'.

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The only part that bothered me was that last night he really seemed to connect how he was feeling to the deliciousness of my perfume, rather than to me.

Well but that isn't necessarily a bad thing in that you're wearing it, it's an enhancement to you, just like lingerie or something equally alluring. I love when Q smells yummy and turns me on because it's on his skin, which is delicious anyway, :666:

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Hey Miss DC! In my next order I've planned to try a bunch of different scents so that I can figure out which ones my BF likes best. I'd like to find something good to boost with CB and Lace, since he seems to respond so well to both of them. And I"m still on the hunt for something awesome to boost with Perfect Match. I'm just so surprised by how well he responds to CB that I want to wear it all the time! Lace, too! It's all very exciting. We have our same old comfortable relationship, but with a 'new' *aw!* factor that I'm really diggin'. These two pheros just seem to add a bit of that new relationship feeling between us. Again, it's pretty subtle, but it's there. He texts more when he's away, he wants to spend more time with me, he's asking me out on dates... And anything that will keep him thinking about me when he's not with me is a *great* thing in my book.

I can't wait to find some great scents for this phero. Not that I don't love the smell of the '09 flavouring, but I don't want to overuse it.

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I'm so happy that the pheros is helping your relationship. It seems like your bf likes clean scents? What about Frog, Nymph, Hoyden, Babes in the Woods, Pleasure Valley?

Edited by JOC
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Hey JOC! I'm so sorry I didn't see this! I think my boyfriend is a bit of a weirdo in that he likes very clean scents, and he likes the really dirty ones.

I plan to order a sample of Hoyden when I make my order. And I've been toying with the idea of trying Nymph and Pleasure Valley, too. Is Frog Still available? I would love to try that one. People here really seem to dig it.

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I think my boyfriend is a bit of a weirdo in that he likes very clean scents, and he likes the really dirty ones.

Q likes clean for himself, dirty for me. FROG is sold out, though.

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Cb scented –


I had applied this blend when my friend came to see me. We had a fight day before in the evening. But when he came , he was very preoccupied & tensed. I spoke & within minutes he was all giggly. Suddenly in the middle of the convo I got a call, I attended it. When I was busy talking he playfully started touching & tickling me, not letting me talk and wanted my attention and asking me to keep the phone. He started pulling my blouse. He even said that he will attack me (;) ) if I dress up like this.

Oh he was so touchy feely with me. In 20 25 mins we were laughing lovingly. All the tension & bad feelings over fight were gone. We had a good time. And when he left I got a good hug from him.

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I wore this out in public last night, not for the first time, but definitely the first time out in a bar, and most definitely the first time while out with the BF, and it was a very cool experience. Went out with BF to meet a friend of his to play some pool. My BF's friend, while very nice, is kind of a gruff guy, and I've noticed in the past, (he's a relatively new friend), that he avoids eye-contact, *I think* because he's kind of shy. He's not your average gentle giant because he does have this gruff edge to him, but if I had to find a cliche that fit him, 'gentle giant' would be it.


Anyway, I think this stuff must have hit him right in the face the moment we arrived to meet him. I had to unwrap myself of scarves and mittens and winter coat etc., and from the moment I pulled my scarf from my neck, this guy was a changed man! He was super-happy to see us, unusual, since his normal greeting is a cool-guy, 'hey, s'up?', so the fact that he leapt from his bar stool all smiles and, well, *verbal*, was a big change in behaviour. Also, he made very *connective* eye-contact with me all night. I mean, when we spoke, he was there, looking me directly in the eye, still sporting his regular shy smile, but also blushing! And I have to admit, there is something extremely cute and appealing about a gigantic, gruff man *blushing*. I also noticed that he was checking me out *a lot*. I kept catching him watching me, smiling the whole time, but with this slightly dazed look, like he couldn't believe he'd never realized how pretty I was before. It was really, really cute. I think my BF even noticed the change, (but since he doesn't know I'm using pheros, he had no idea what caused the change in behaviour), and he looked like he was a bit surprised and amused by his buddy's sudden interest in me.


At one point, we were all outside the bar, and two guys walked in, (I was talking with 'gentle giant guy' about books, so I didn't notice), and my boyfriend suddenly blurted, 'Whoa! Those guys were totally giving you the eye!' I think he was getting quite a charge out of all the male attention I was getting. And I did notice that BF stuck slightly closer to me than he usually does when we're out, so that was a nice change for me. He's the kind of guy who either wants to be where the action is happening, or go off and make his own hub-bub, but last night the action was certainly centered around me, so near me was where he stayed. And what's more: he looked happy about it!


Later on a mutual friend of ours turned up. This one I've known for over 15 years. He hugged me when he arrived, (not so unusual), but then he wouldn't let me go!!! When he finally peeled himself off me, he began singing my praises for the next hour or so, until we all left to go home.


I had only one case of a younger girl sort of 'sizing me up', (kept casting shifty-eyed glances at me all night, as if she couldn't figure out what the big deal was), but she softened up pretty quick once we started gabbing together about learning to drive in expensive cars. The other females in the room were super-friendly, especially the bartender. She thought I was hilarious, and though she was quite a bit younger than me, she took to calling me 'sweetie' and 'sweetheart'.


I have to say again, how much I love CB. I really do. This stuff is like liquid gold for me. It works consistently, and SO well... I never want to be without it again. I'm getting nervous 'cause my sample is getting very low, and now I'll have to try to stretch out its use until my full bottle arrives. Now I wish I'd bought two! Or a hundred! Seriously, for something that I was so worried about using initially, THIS STUFF ROCKS!

Edited by Eggers
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Fabulous report!! That's the CB I for one know 'n' love.

I had only one case of a younger girl sort of 'sizing me up', (kept casting shifty-eyed glances at me all night, as if she couldn't figure out what the big deal was)

LOL! This is the only thing (& occasional) that ever remotely gives me pause with CB -- if I know there are going to be lots of women I don't already know in the setting, who will be unhappy with other women getting attention from men, I sometimes think twice about it. That's where BANG! comes in......it provides all the CB effects PLUS it makes women sooo happy and fond of you AND!, at least for me, major self-effects (I don't get so much with CB).

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Fabulous report!! That's the CB I for one know 'n' love.


LOL! This is the only thing (& occasional) that ever remotely gives me pause with CB -- if I know there are going to be lots of women I don't already know in the setting, who will be unhappy with other women getting attention from men, I sometimes think twice about it. That's where BANG! comes in......it provides all the CB effects PLUS it makes women sooo happy and fond of you AND!, at least for me, major self-effects (I don't get so much with CB).


Thanks for the tip Tyvey! It never would have occurred to me to wear BANG! out in public. I guess I have a lot more experimenting to do. And at this point, all that means is a lot more fun for me! I haven't even tried BANG! at home yet, although I have a sample vial that I think might be getting some attention from me in the very near future. Next time I go out in that kind of situation, I'll think about giving el Bango a whirl!

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Great report, Eggers!!!!!!


And Popularity Potion was specifically crafted to quell jealousy from other women while shining the spotlight on the wearer.


But anyway, Est (Cuddle Bunny is an Est blend) usually comes across as likable to both sexes. It's that helpful and nurturing thing that comes out in both sexes when exposed to Est.

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:'( women don't want to nurture me when I wear EST, not in CB anyway... (only TH gets me that, I think...) seems others upthread get great effects w/this from women, like the teens with LadyV....so Eggers, this may be specific to me...I may be giving off an unintentional "all your men are belong to me" vibe w/this...another great benefit of a community with enough people to get varied reports!

Edited by tyvey
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I need to take a break.. and report.. Eggers- I get the teens fawning all over me when I wear CB. I was explaining it to my cousin last night.. ( I got her Orchidacious with SS4W which she LOVES new LP fan ) Teens giggle and go gaga over me with CB and both men and woman compliment me and take care of me.. I'm wearing it today two people have asked me if I wanted food.

One was my new boss.. ( so unlike her ) and other was a co-worker who IM'd me to ask me if I wanted cookies.

If I wasn't wearing CB I would ask them why they were feeding the fat girl, but since I am wearing CB I know it's because they want to take care of me and snuggle me like I'm a puppy.

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Eggers, I wear Bang! in public a lot. In fact, I'm covered in it now. As for Cuddle Bunny, yeah, you will have women giving you the side eye, but it might be worth it to try Cuddle Bunny when you know only women will be present. Completely different reaction. They just eat it up!!

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@ Mara, I noticed the 'unjealousy' thing about Pop Potion the other night when I wore to work. This man who was there with his wife was giving me very long, very appreciative looks, but his wife didn't seem to care. She was smiling at me, and giving me the same kinds of looks. Maybe she's just not the jealous type. Maybe it was the Pop Potion. Maybe they were swingers! I dunno. But I thought it was weird that he was looking at me the way he was, as often as he was, and she didn't seem to care. I think I'll be using a lot of PP in the future, because it made me feel so upbeat & cheery.


As for the Est, I haven't had anyone wanting to take care of me. Except last night when a cheesy Brian Adams song came on the jukebox, I groaned my disapproval, and my BF's buddy whisked me outside so my ears wouldn't be assaulted by the cheese!


@ Tyvey, I think the girl's reaction had to do with the fact that my long-time friend is quite the handsome charmer, and until they approached the pool tables and he gave me a hug, they'd been flirting cozily, (had time to notice; it's a l-o-n-g room). So she was def. interested in him, and then put off by me because he was so over-the-top enthusiastic about me. I don't know if I put off an 'all-your-men-belong-to-me' vibe or not. I kind of felt like that last night, actually, but that's probably because the guys who were there were definitely focused on me. Honestly, it made me feel really *young*. Like I used to feel in my early twenties and I had all the confidence of a young, attractive woman. It felt *awesome*.


@ Lady V, I loved reading your reports of fawning teenaged girls up-thread. Their reactions were so damned cute! I haven't had anyone trying to feed me, though I hardly look like I need nourishment! I hope I get some of the I-want-to-take-care-of-you thing that other women are getting with this. So far I've gotten little-to-none of that, and I'm envious as all get-out! Lol! Why can't someone get me cookies???


@ BlueBear, you and Tyvey have me interested in trying Bang! out. Period. My sample vial has been languishing in the pretty blue bag it came in for weeks now! I'll try it out on the BF, and then maybe when I get a little braver, I'll try it out in public. I think I've been a bit scared of using the sexual blends in public, (some of the posts/threads regarding the use of cops in public are downright freaky), but I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that if I use them responsibly, and am not behaving as though I'm out to 'get-some', they simply provide a boost of youthful attractiveness. And who doesn't want a boost of that?

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Eggers, I wear Bang! in public a lot. In fact, I'm covered in it now. As for Cuddle Bunny, yeah, you will have women giving you the side eye, but it might be worth it to try Cuddle Bunny when you know only women will be present. Completely different reaction. They just eat it up!!


Bang is my new fave social too! Men and women=google eyes. Try it Eggers, because I want to read your report!

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Bang is my new fave social too! Men and women=google eyes. Try it Eggers, because I want to read your report!


LOL! I will, I promise! After Saturday I'm off for 2 weeks, so I'll be sure to try it early in my holiday & report back. Should I try it with BF first? Or just go all out and wear it out some night?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been trying out the CB daily, trying to note the responses I get. The majority of commenters are girly-girls. Last weekend (I wore CB with Treasured Hearts) I was at a local pub and a young beauty sat on the stool next to me. As I was talking to my male friend to my right, I started 'feeling' someone 'approaching' me on the left. She then sat up abruptly and apologized, eyes wide, said that I smelled to her like a Burberry candle and couldn't help herself from snuggling up on my shoulder.

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If you're wearing Cuddle Bunny and Treasured Hearts together then you're probably certaiin to get attention from both sexes. In my experience, CB is more effective with men.

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Cuddle Bunny was one of the first pheros I have tried when I started wearing LP pheros a few years ago. The perfume is a total hit to me, I love the way it smells, and it just fits my personality. It's strong and fresh at the same time.

I used to wear it on its own as an every day social mix, at family gathering etc. or when I wanted something to calm everything down, if I was gonna spend time with my BF.

It's always worked, it soothes people around me, helps diffuse tension, and for some reason, the scents lasts and lasts on me!...


My latest combo, however, is a total killer. I call it my "Blue Bunny". I pair Cuddle Bunny scented in oil form with some OCCO Blue in spray/oil form 3X phero amount. This mix is absolutely PHENOMENAL!!! I have had such great reactions with it, from men as women. I have tested my 'Blue Bunny' combo many many times, and it seems to work at different times of my cycle too.


So for those of you that happen to have Cuddle Bunny + OCCO Blue, try wearing both, you won't be sorry!

The OCCO has a similar base as the Cuddle Bunny scent, and something about them together makes this combo very potent, both extremely sexy (from the buttload of cops) and innocent (the sweetness of the CB scent).

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