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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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Note to self: Do not wear even yesterday's remnants of Cuddle Bunny while trying to move houses!

BF is all over me. I can barely move a box without him trying to snuggle me into our new bedless bedroom, or our new bathtub, or our new kitchen etc... At this rate, we'll never get out of the old place! Thank God we have 3 days with a truck. I think we're going to need it.

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Note to self: Do not wear even yesterday's remnants of Cuddle Bunny while trying to move houses!

BF is all over me. I can barely move a box without him trying to snuggle me into our new bedless bedroom, or our new bathtub, or our new kitchen etc... At this rate, we'll never get out of the old place! Thank God we have 3 days with a truck. I think we're going to need it.




Yes, but did it illicit any compliments from him? (LOL)

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Calii & Mara & Raq On: the new place is BLESSED! :lol: Oh my, is it blessed! :D

Fun day... for moving day!


:jumpforjoy: ...one can never have too many blessings :P


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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore this to go out with a bunch of people from school. I put a couple of dabs on the crooks of my arms and a dab in cleavage ( I was using a sample stick. It turns out that I need a lot more than 20 mins. for dry down of cops! Scented cops in particular. At the very least I need 40 mins for the scent to become pleasant. Is that normal? (I don't wear cops very often for this particular reason. Who has time to lie around with nothing on and no one near them so that you don't get the funk on your clothes (or hair)? I get a little time to myself every so often, so I put it to the test when I got the chance and...wow! I went to a pub to meet up with friends. At the start I was kind of shy as usual and I said my hellos to the people gathered there. I sat beside one of my friends in order to ease my way into the evening and because... well... she's my friend! At one point I went to the ladies room and when I came out of the stall, my friend was there (for her own reasons) and we started talking and talking...and talking...IN the washroom. Then one of the other women from our group comes in to use the facilities and she too started talking. I know women are known for their group forays to the washrooms, but this was very unusual for me, especially when the younger one (not the friend I sat beside) starts telling me how she felt really depressed because she thought I was so amazing looking and it kind of made her feel bad about herself when she found out my age and that I'd had a baby. I told her that she was pretty awesome herself and that she shouldn't sell herself short. We continued talking and she said how glad she was that I was going to be in the same program at school with her all the way through (as there are very few women). She was so sweet. My friend was pretty chatty too. It was just a mini ladies love fest in the washroom! Weird, but felt good to connect to them so well too. We finally head back upstairs and sit back at our previous places. One of the guys is totally obnoxious to everyone female. My friend and a friend of hers get up and leave. The young girl and her boyfriend get up and leave a little while later (not because of the guy, just because it was getting a bit late). Someone else from school comes into the pub and sits right beside me. At that point there are about five people plus myself left at the table. We're all talking and obnoxious guy made me cry (although I got up to go to the ladies room promptly so that I wouldn't have any witnesses. I won't say why I cried, but it was definitely a legitimate reason). When I got around the corner to go downstairs, the guy who sat beside me appeared at my side and asked if I was ok. I told him what was up and he said I should confront the other guy about it. I told him I had already done that numerous times. He said he was going to go have a talk with him. He was very concerned and acted very protective towards me. The Est I guess. When I pulled myself together and went back, obnoxious guy just stopped what he had been doing so, I guess whatever was said worked. Frustrating that it had to be another guy to get the message across though. After a short while and some really interesting discussions and general good times with the other people, it was time for me to leave. I had two guys trying to get me to allow them to walk me home as I was about a 10 min walk away. I chose the completely sober one who had asked if I was o.k earlier. On our walk back he was a complete gentleman and a really nice guy. I wasn't really looking for anything beyond our pub night so, fortunately, the cuddlebunny didn't lead to what the cuddles eventually lead to... and no, there was no cuddling either. All in all, Cuddlebunny seems to have some pretty dramatic effects on some people I know and others behave just a little differently than usual. I like it. I can defintely see this being a great phero blend when in a relationship with a man, but it did come as a surprise to me just how much of an effect it had on the ladies.

Edited by Moon Bloom
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I wore the scented version of this to our tiny local bar the other night, and got so much attention it wasn't funny! It smells soft, powdery and clean. I'm not totally crazy about the scent (I personally prefer richer, more gourmand fragrances), but guys sure seem to like it!


The few guys in there vied to buy me drinks, and this one guy kept nuzzling my neck, saying, "You smell sooo good!" It actually became annoying after awhile, lol, and I finally had to leave. I think I'd better save this one for special people/occasions, or at least when I do not go in the bar by myself!

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I should haul this one back out. It's great for Spring. It lasts and lasts on me and I only need a bit. Husband gets cranky around Est though I think. But then I wear Sexology un and Bang un and those are winners. Is there a different amount of EST in the CB fragrance than there is in the Bang and Sexology UN's?

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Is there a different amount of EST in the CB fragrance than there is in the Bang and Sexology UN's?


CB fragrance would have the least, because it's only 333 mcg per bottle as opposed to the UNscenteds at 1,000 mcg per bottle, however, it would still have the highest PERCENTAGE within the mix.


Next would be Sexology, and least of the three would be Bang - all percentage-wise.

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So I have all three of the aforementioned products. (CB fragrance, Sexology UN, and Bang UN) So CB fragrance packs the biggest wollop of EST? Sorry, either it's really late and my brains aint working or I actually am that dense.

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This review is long overdue. This turned out to be soft and cuddly. I'd probably not relate the scent to laundry. It'd more potpourri. This smells very much better than OCcO Blue which I still cannot accept.


I tested Cuddle bunny 2009 and Pherogirl Cuddle Bunny.CB 2009 is sweeter and stronger. Can I assume that Pherogirl CB is an earlier version of scented CB which contains the "stupid horny" CB?

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So I have all three of the aforementioned products. (CB fragrance, Sexology UN, and Bang UN) So CB fragrance packs the biggest wollop of EST? Sorry, either it's really late and my brains aint working or I actually am that dense.


Of those three blends, Cuddle Bunny UNscented has the highest ratio of EST.


The UNscented blends contains 1,000 mcg total of whatever blend. The perfumes contain 333 mcg per bottle.


So while Cuddle Bunny UNscented has the most EST of the three, ratio wise in its formula, the scented version is still going to have less than the UNscented versions of the other two, just because of total volume.

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Can I assume that Pherogirl CB is an earlier version of scented CB which contains the "stupid horny" CB?

I don't believe the original CB contained the Pharacom version, that one was only developed as unscented.

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  • 1 month later...

My first order from LPMP arrived today - hurray! I picked it up during my lunch break, quickly unpacked and sorted the goodies (including the extra treats - thank you!) and grabbed the sample of Cuddle Bunny 2009 to try out this evening.


Both my sweetheart and I were scheduled to get home later than usual - me with work and him with errands. I waited until most of my co-workers were gone, then snuck off to the restroom and applied a smidgen (literally 1-2 smudges) of scent on my wrists and back of my neck. I wanted to make sure it didn't smell horrid before heading home, and I figured I could scrub it off at work and cover with something "safe" if it didn't work.


On application Cuddle Bunny was so strong! In the bottle it smelled super sweet. On application it smelled super sweet. Then it changed and became nose-burningly clean and fresh. Super sinus expanding freshness. For using such a small amount, I became super nervous that I might have used too much! Seriously. Freshly freshed freshness. I almost dropped the vial as i fumbled it back into the candy tin I had smuggled to work in. Holy crap fresh!


I'm pretty sure that the women's bathroom suddenly smelled cleaner than it has in... ever.


So after about 5-10 minutes of hanging out in the bathroom and hoping I don't have to explain why I was doing laundry to any ladies who happened in, the scent finally settled down to a fresh, slightly floral clean smell. Maybe a little astringent at the back of the throat, like the chemical aftertaste of dryer sheets, but overall a pleasant, clean floral scent.


I crept back to my desk (which is located towards the back of our office in a cube farm) and went back to work, occasionally catching a whiff of flowers with a little bite at the end. Had an interesting interaction or two with some of my male co-workers (they're almost all men - sometimes it seems like the only women in our office work in HR), and went on my merry way home, with a quick stop at the grocery.


Had one or two nice interactions at the grocery, but that's pretty commonplace. The ride home was pretty smell goody... The scent seemed much more floral in a tight space, and more chemically in an open space... I drove with the windows down and was delighted to drive by a particularly large patch of flowering blackberry brambles... knowing that I smelled just as pretty as they did.


When I got home - it turns out that Cuddle Bunny was the perfect blend to "pop my LP cherry" with. My sweetheart had a horrible day at work and really needed someone to vent to. I made dinner while he ranted and raved at the various injustices of the world. We usually don't eat at the table, but I set my meal out and he got up from his desk to join me.


He ranted some more about work, then slowly seemed to relax and started talking about other more positive things. He's a very physical guy, but he usually doesn't do the little touchy-feely things. If we hold hands it usually just a quick catch and release. I'm more likely to get a solid smack on the bottom than a hand holding. I think that can be attributed to him being very Alpha, and also a little self conscious about what is "proper" or "acceptable" behavior in public. Kissing in public - TMI. Slapping my ass if he notices someone else checking me out - totally acceptabe. Totally irrational reversal of "proper" if you ask me, but anyways...


During dinner my sweetie played a little footsy under the table, which is pretty unusual for him. After I had put dinner away, I asked if he had any plans or if he wanted to cuddle. We usually spend an hour or two hanging out during the evening, but we have our own hobbies and are pretty good at "entertaining ourselves", so asking if he wanted to hang out with me isn't unusual.


He was so enthused about the idea that he actually beat me to the bedroom (we have a huge TV at the foot of the bed, and more pillows than should be legal, so the bedroom is the go-to cuddle spot in the house), which was also a bit of a surprise.


He kept talking... he's generally a chatty Kathy.. but he was chatting about a bunch of good things, instead of all the horrible things that happened earlier today. He was also super playful... almost aggressively so. I don't know how someone can talk about their latest piece of power equipment while also persistently tickling all the... right?... places, but he did it. Perhaps that was an alpha response?


Finally, after a good 20 minutes or so of cuddles and chat, he stopped, took a good long sniff at my neck, then declared:


"You smell good."


I'm super nervous about new scents around him. He is super picky and I usually only wear perfumes for myself at work or to run solo errands. I asked him if he liked it and offered him my wrist to smell. His response:


"You smell good."


Well... I figure that's a step in the right direction. I had warned him that I had placed an order for new perfumes and that I was going to be trying a bunch of new scents out... I want his unvarnished opinion, because I don't want to wear something that he doesn't like, but I need to find something that I enjoy as well.


"You smell good."


Seriously. He said that 3 times in a row. With good long intervals of intense neck sniffing in between. He was 100% serious too. He finally elaborated and told me that it smelled a little bit like baby powder, which he hates, but that he liked the smell in this blend. I asked him if he would mind if I wore it more often and he responded with a very solid affirmative.


Our cuddle ended with a rather exciting finale, but even afterwards, he was still super playful and slightly aggressive. I've wandered into his part of the house a few times, and each time he's called me over for a quick pat or nuzzle. Pulling himself away from his current game/research/mad scientist project to pay some attention to me while I'm available isn't unheard of, but it's definitely a bit more attention than I usually expect once we go our separate ways for the evening.


So... First review of Cuddle Bunny 2009 concludes with this as a solid winner with my sweetheart, and a pretty convincing scent for me. I took a shower before bed, and applied some more to replace what I had scrubbed off. I used even less than I did the first time - literally one tiny sized splotch about half the size of a dime... This time I didn't get any of the "bite" in the back of my throat that I was getting on first application. I hadn't eaten in a few hours when I put my first round on, and I ate about 2 hours ago with this app... so I wonder if my appetite had anything to do with my original perception of zomg super clean! scent. I'm mostly getting florals off the bit I applied this evening, which will make this a solid winner if this is what it smells like the majority of the time I wear it


Overall - I am super satisfied with my first LPMP scent. I can't wait to try out the other 8 that I ordered, not counting the extras included in my package!


Next up, I'm planning to try Darling Catalina. This time I think I'll start with a super super tiny application site, then work up from there. My only concern is that I might build up an immunity to the strength... But I figure I can start small and work up from there,

Edited by teacozy
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Yay! Cuddle Bunny was my first Phero too and I remember the awesome results I got which turned me into a phero believer. I also felt that the scent was super strong (and still do...still have to be careful with the amount I am applying, it can get overwhelming) but the results, especially on an alpha male cannot be denied!


Now Darling C is a different story. It is one of my all time favorite scents but the scent is not remotely as strong so you will see that you probably have to wear a lot more.

Keep up the nice reviews Teacozy!

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I'm pretty sure that the women's bathroom suddenly smelled cleaner than it has in... ever.




Great review teacozy! Glad it was a hit for you. I'm excited to see how the phero effects for cuddle bunny go for me, but I have it coming in velvet kisses. That clean laundry scent sounds like a good carrier for CB. I love shoving my face into a pile of clean laundry.

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What an enjoyable review to read !! :) I am happy your first LP scent with intent experience was special! ...welcome to the adventure,enjoy the magick! :hearts09793:

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GREAT writeup, teacozy! :clapW2:


This part had me laughing so hard, I had to read it out loud for the rest of the class over here. Too funny!

Kissing in public - TMI. Slapping my ass if he notices someone else checking me out - totally acceptabe. Totally irrational reversal of "proper" if you ask me, but anyways...
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Love your review, Teacozy! The first phero trial is always so fun to read about. And Cuddle Bunny... well it's just awesome. I'm glad you had such fun with it! It's a fave of mine, too. :)

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I think the astringent aftertaste might have been because some might have gotten on the sleeve of my sweater. That might explain why it also smelled strongly in open spaces... The heated scent was able to spread further away, while the bit on my sleeve stayed closer. When I got home and changed into pajamas, the strong aftertaste was gone. Could have been the food, or might have been cops on the sleeves?


Another reason I decided to purchase new scents and phero's is because work has become a bit... stressful lately. I've had a couple of phone interviews at other companies, but I realized I might benefit from the extra boost pheros can have during face-to-face interviews, and in the workplace.


Long story short, I did a second test run of Cuddle Bunny at work on Tuesday. I went pretty light with the application, and covered it with Blue Sugar. The Cuddly Bunny basically disappeared, but the Blue Sugar smelled a bit more... caramalized? than usual.


Here's the rundown of interactions that I had during the day:


Lots of good mornings in my cube. Usually I'm the one greeting other folks, but a couple of people stopped at my desk to say hello.


I had to show something to my boss early in the day, and he was visibly distracted.He's exceptionally calm, cool and collected and after I showed him what he needed to see he actually stopped, looked back at his monitor and mumbled out loud: "So distracted..."


Had one of my best friends at work lose his train of thought while we were talking about geeky science things at lunch. He's a great guy and we are prone to just smiling at each other anyways, but he definitely seemed to be smiling alot more than usual.


Had another interaction with my boss early afternoon where he was much more... accommodating... than he usually is. Sometimes he's too busy to give clear instructions for a task, and I get frustrated having to "wing it" to figure out exactly what he wants. In this case, he was super helpful and talked me through each step of what he wanted. At the end, he also told me that it was "okay" if I needed to ask him for more help. Almost creepy, actually, since he can be a real hardass at times.


After work I went to the grocery (different grocery store, needed to catch a sale) and had two sales clerks in a row who were suuuper friendly.


Funny side story... I passed a couple in one of the isles who looked totally out of place. The guy was dressed kindof sloppily and was following around this woman like a lost puppy. She had a slightly sleezy outfit on, topped with 6 inch sandal heels, and she was making a huge show of bending over or stretching to get items from the top or bottom shelves.


There was a cloud of another brand's recognizable pheromone product around her. I tried 2 of their products a few years ago and hated the cheap scent they added to mask the contents. I don't know which formula she was wearing, but it was way too strong. It must have stretched a good 10 feet or so in all directions, and it lingered in the isles she had left. It also smelled like she was trying way too hard.


I saw a bunch of other folks in the store giving her the hairy eyeball.


I would like to take this moment to state that this is yet another experience that has reaffirmed that trying LPMP products was a most excellent decision. After watching this couple make several isles of the store uncomfortable for everyone around them, I felt like a subtle but classy smell-good hero when I went up to the registers.


No cheap scent here!


I got both my cashier and my bagger to laugh. They were super friendly about taking my sales coupons (sometimes this particular store is snippy about that). The folks in line behind me also seemed friendly about the slight delay in checkout due to the sale.


When I finally got home, my sweetie and I curled up in bed and watched a movie, then went to bed early. He was super chatty and full of cuddles, but less aggressive than he was the first time that I wore it. Mind you, this was a good 9-10 hours after first application, so I don't know how strong it was after all that time.


Definitely ordering a bottle of this. Tho I wonder if I could get a version without cops? I like what I think are the effects of the estratetraenol but the copulins seems to be a bit distracting to both myself and others. Great for my sweetie at home, but might see about ordering a batch without the cops that I could wear out in public without distracting others, while still being able to take advantage of the cuddle-factor with my sweetie.

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That's very clever of you, pairing Cuddle Bunny with Blue Sugar, actually. Even though they are quite different, believe it or not, they share a few ingredients in common and I can imagine that they would layer well - although yeah, Blue Sugar is quite overpowering, I can imagine it taking over, but they should not clash at least!


I'm going to need to make a new brew edition of Cuddle Bunny in the near future. I will try to remember to hold aside a few bottles worth with no pheros in it. I rarely do this, but since I'm just about to rebrew it anyway, I'll pull some aside. Email me if you'd like a bottle phero-free, or with a different phero blend in it.


our email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com

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Thank you, Mara!


I wish I weren't so sensitive to copulins (tho I'm sure my Sweetie doesn't mind). It would be great to have two versions of this scent, pheroed and not. I'll make a note of it in my LPMP 'Spreadsheet of Deliciousness' and will make sure to order a non-phero bottle when you rebrew.

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Wow! First off, this scent stays put ALL DAY. I love that I can still smell cb hours later. Phero wise, lots of DIHL and eye contact while i was out running errands:) TG was much more talkative and super smiley. I need to start wearing this more!

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  • 1 month later...

I just tried my sample and Its a winner!

at first you can smell the cops and the florals smell kinda strong..but then it quickly dries into the most pretty feminine soft floral with a sweet sugary drydown..mmm

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this one, I got CB 2009, and I'm in love. This is a very clean scent and does have a laundry detergent smell, but it works. I honestly have no idea what the notes are or what I'm even smelling (still an area I'm working on)...I just know I love it. I also noticed that the scent stayed true the entire time. Even the next morning, it was lighter but same smell. Definite winner for me!

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CB 2009 scent reminds me of clean linon. It is soft, sweet and light, but still very long lasting. I haven't used CB 2009 very often because I prefer the un-version which I combine with different perfumes. I put 3 parts of the phero in a small glass spray bottle together with 1 part of perfume, shake it, and it's ready for application. My favourite CB/perfume blends are: With Every Breath, A Touch of Cerise, Glass Slipper. I lik CB for its effects on BF.

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CB 2009 scent reminds me of clean linon. It is soft, sweet and light, but still very long lasting. I haven't used CB 2009 very often because I prefer the un-version which I combine with different perfumes. I put 3 parts of the phero in a small glass spray bottle together with 1 part of perfume, shake it, and it's ready for application. My favourite CB/perfume blends are: With Every Breath, A Touch of Cerise, Glass Slipper. I lik CB for its effects on BF.


Great ideas for layering CB with. I still haven't purchased any UN pheros, but that's going to change soon. Thanks Snowflake!

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  • 2 months later...

How do you all think a bit of musk under Cuddle Bunny would work? So that there's that clean, fresh scent further out and a little sexier if they're really close up. Do you think these would clash, or would it come off more as a "skin musk" type of scent? I don't have any musk oils to try it myself.

Edited by Darbla
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After many trials and errors I finally got Cuddle Bunny to work for me...sometimes. Seems I can only wear it around certain people, or people who don't know me well.


Went to a party where the food was placed on a lazy betty...or is it lazy susan? Anyway, the guy next time me kept trying to serve me.:lol:

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  • 1 month later...

Love this phero. Had a great, snuggly day with a friend. He responds great to est. but, he did not care for the scent. He said I smelled like Christmas... Like pine needles. Umm weird. Maybe it's aging or my chemistry is off.

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Love this phero. Had a great, snuggly day with a friend. He responds great to est. but, he did not care for the scent. He said I smelled like Christmas... Like pine needles. Umm weird. Maybe it's aging or my chemistry is off.


My hubby told me the same thing yesterday when I was wearing Red Lace!! No pine in CB or RL, so wth! How weird!

And cuddle bunny is so far from pine, that's even more weird! I'm telling ya, a lot of men have no idea what they're smelling :D

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