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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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Hahahaaa! I wonder if it lowers inhibitions? Was this the scented or UN CB?

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LOL It wasn't until finding LP that I even began to understand the power of fragrance...which scent was it? Sounds like a good combo...happy SEXY and feminine ^_~

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I can't find it anywhere...it's one of those that are gone isn't it :( But since it's "scent with intent" it cooould be the double whammy that got him ^_~

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Thanks Chai! FOUND IT!









I've not heard of MORE than half of these ingredients! HOT patchouli? WHIPPED licorice root? KISS of the snake? HOT WHIPPED KISS?...Sounds naughty alright!!! :lol:




My scented CB is here! Initial thoughts: Clean. To me it smells clean, fresh out of the shower clean but MY fresh out of the shower clean, not my husband's :P It's ANOTHER FLORAL. (I really promise I will no longer fuss about florals NOT liking me...proving me SO wrong of late!) Very definitely floral, but it's SO clean and light. This makes me feel...cuddly! TMI coming...Often I curl up with hubs right after a shower, while we're both refreshed and clean...it tends to lead to "other" things...and this scent actually takes me to THAT mentally and emotionally...cuddly, happy, coziness...if that makes any sense?


WOW! Another JEM I've been overlooking! The longer it's on the lovelier it gets. Really - I wasn't planning to wear it until tomorrow, but I'm weak :rolleyes: :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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Gave this a solo run today. This is SO not a scent I would have picked for myself but it's SO clean and pretty! I felt like I just stepped out of the shower...clean and girly and it's such an innocent kind of scent. I did think I over did it when I applied today :lol: but it settled down quickly and I never got a headache, which I was concerned about...I refused to wash it off - even if it was loud...but according to my husband it COULD be overpowering, but was not, so maybe I'm just sensitive to the scent? :huh: On the other bright side, I thought he might crinkle his nose at it and make a face so when I offered my wrist to him I was braced for a negative reaction but instead I got a, "it's not bad". And believe me, that's a good answer! :D Looking forward to playing with this one some more...be back when I do! Thanks for the push ladies! This was an excellent purchase :love:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I received my bottle of Cuddly Bunny 2009 and instantly fell in love.... On my skin its like I just put clean sheets on my bed and fell into an abyss of fresh laundry upon my clean sheets. It just engulfed me in this feeling os safety and peace. It feels like I'm wearing the scent of clean laundry with a bit of citrus peaking thru. I can smell the EOW at first but then it goes away.


I never pictured myself as being a clean sheet type of gal but I really love this scent. I love how it makes me feel like I'm surrounded by the smell of fresh clean laundry and I love sniffing my wrist thru out the day.


Now onto the phero effect of this baby. As most of you know I battled all last week with my son being very sick and missing an entire weeks worth of school and this week I caught his bug and had my temps spike up to 103. So with the stage set....


I go grocery shopping last night, and I look a sight, sneezing and coughing. My hair is a mess and I just threw on some sweets after I got home from work. Around ever corner I went this one guy in his late 40"s kept being in the same aisle as me and finally after about 4 aisles in, I'm reaching for something on the top help and he offers to help me. Tells me he can see I am not feeling well and states that he hopes I feel better soon.... I run into him again at checkout, he lets me go ahead of him and calls out a bye to me as I leave.


I looked and felt like crap and that is the most attention I have received in awhile.... This blend is a keeper

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Good one DD!! :lol: ...yeah pretty obvious it was a phero hit, sorry you are not well yet :( but now at least you have this to play with when you do ! something to cheer you up and look forward to!! :)

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  • 1 month later...

I tried the scented CB 3 days this week, and can't really tell if it had any big effect. Definitely not on husband, who got neither in a cuddly or a sexy mood.

Does it wear off over the day? I put it on in the morning, 3 rolls from belly button to breasts, then a bit on the back of knees and in the elbows. I can't tell if it's too much or not enough. I can hardly smell it, not the cops nor the scent. When I come home at night, are pheros and cops all gone?

Its nice enough, although I prefer fruit smells. Anyway, I got more "love" from women with this than from guys. The girls all nice and chatty and one who never much cared for me is now acting like we're BFFs. But the guys? Definitely got more cuddly and flirty vibes wearing BI. I did have another scent in my hair with CB, because I love to have nice smelling hair, used a sample of Lucky in love. Two ladies raved about how good I smelled. But somehow I can't seem to pull the bunny off...

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Thanks, tyvey. I figured it might be. It's hard for me with the scented phero, probably because I want to smell it, and I don't if I put on just a little. How much would be adequate with CB? One roll on belly, a dab in each elbow?

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I agree with Tyvey; sounds like a lot. (At least, much more than I wear.) But it also sounds like you got a hit off the ladies. That's how they act around me when I wear CB. But something else to keep in mind: the guys may have been affected but being in a public environment, they might hide how it affects them. Did you find guys being more helpful? Chivalrous? Did they soften up and relax around you? These are typically what I see with CB more often than flirty.

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Thanks, tyvey. I figured it might be. It's hard for me with the scented phero, probably because I want to smell it, and I don't if I put on just a little. How much would be adequate with CB? One roll on belly, a dab in each elbow?



CB works so well for me that I run a small strip on each arm and a tiny roll behind each ear and that is it... This baby is powerful

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I wear scented Cuddle Bunny quite a bit, and I find that one roll from my chest to my belly button is plenty. Sometimes I put a little dot on my wrist, but that's' mostly to make sniffing it easier, (as opposed to sticking my head down my shirt! :lol: ).


But like BB said, the reactions I tend to get from men are more along the more chivalrous, caring kind of lines, rather than flirty. They get up to get me drinks, make sure I'm comfortable, (both physically, and socially), and essentially they seem to like to do stuff for me.


With my BF, I tend to get a lot of absent-minded back rubs, or leg rubs, the occasional extra hug, (stuff like that), when I wear it. He's no more flirty than usual, but he seems more aware of my presence. He might even get up and help me make dinner... Once in a while. ;) It also seems to make him want to talk more *with* me. He's a big one for talking *at* people, so I appreciate Cuddle Bunny for giving me the chance to let me say what I want/need to say, and feel like he actually gives a care every once in a while.

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I've worn the Un with some perfume twice this week and still am in my testing phase. Sometimes my man beast and I have more of a sibling relationship in that we horseplay and tussle ALL the time. I love that aspect but sometimes a girl wants sweet boyfriend time which can be hard when horseplay/teasing is the common pattern (and I do it to but I'm also the one who demands more often "sweet boyfriend" time rather than him asking for a break and wanting "sweet girlfriend" time.)


First time I tested it this week my boyfriend had a very hard day setting up a work bench in the garage. Had to shop at multiple stores then spend a couple very hot and sweaty hours setting it up. I came over to clear out some of my stuff and give him more room. I then grabbed a bike and brought it up to his apartment. I had said goodbye and planned on a night to myself but decided that, since he never feeds himself, I'd go to the store and make him something good and also nutritious. So I think CB helped there because I've gotten to the point where I'm like "you want to starve and then make retarded food choices? fine." But instead I reverted to my early sweet girlfriend phase of taking care of him, though to be truethful, he had been sweet to me in the garage despite being tired and worn out so in some ways I was rewarding behavior that may also have been attributed to CB (which I'n cool with.)


Made dinner and was in a really foul mood--I don't know why but his kitchen floor really hurts my legs. He was a very sweet boyfriend, very kissy and huggy, and acting soft and considerate. We had dinner, snuggled on the couch then took a shower to wash off the sweat of a really hot day.


Now, it was a quick shower and I'm unsure how much phero washes off in such a scenario because there's been time I've taken a quick rinse off and I can still smell my oil based perfume when I get out.


Anyway, I ended up putting on some Levitation after my shower and we ended up having a really nice laid back date night out to the movies.


Last night I also wore cuddle bunny and even though we did horseplay a lot, we did a lot of couch cuddling and he was cool with me not wanting to drive out to be around crowds for the fire works. Cuddled in bed but my back started to hurt and we both got up and watched some tv and just lounged together. We did end up having sex even though his back really hurt but that's a 50/50 on whether that was CB because we might have anyway.


still happily testing :)

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I tried the scented CB 3 days this week, and can't really tell if it had any big effect. Definitely not on husband, who got neither in a cuddly or a sexy mood.

Does it wear off over the day? I put it on in the morning, 3 rolls from belly button to breasts, then a bit on the back of knees and in the elbows. I can't tell if it's too much or not enough. I can hardly smell it, not the cops nor the scent. When I come home at night, are pheros and cops all gone?

Its nice enough, although I prefer fruit smells. Anyway, I got more "love" from women with this than from guys. The girls all nice and chatty and one who never much cared for me is now acting like we're BFFs. But the guys? Definitely got more cuddly and flirty vibes wearing BI. I did have another scent in my hair with CB, because I love to have nice smelling hair, used a sample of Lucky in love. Two ladies raved about how good I smelled. But somehow I can't seem to pull the bunny off...



I get this reaction from any blends with CB. Women and teenage girls fawn all over me. I wore it yesterday and one lady let me take 15 items of clothing into the dressing room. The limit was 10. I have a heavy hand though so I probably over did it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like it was teacozy, Mara:


Thank you, Mara!

I wish I weren't so sensitive to copulins (tho I'm sure my Sweetie doesn't mind). It would be great to have two versions of this scent, pheroed and not. I'll make a note of it in my LPMP 'Spreadsheet of Deliciousness' and will make sure to order a non-phero bottle when you rebrew.

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Oops, lol! It's been a while! Last time I made a batch I forgot to save some aside. This time I remembered, but it's been a long time since she posted!


:Hug_emoticon: Thanks for finding that Molls, I sent her an email.



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  • 1 month later...

I love Cuddle Bunny Scented 2009. This was the first bottle I ordered. It mixes very well with my body chemistry and fades into a sweet, clean laundry type of smell that I find addictive. ( I keep opening the bottle and sniffing LOL) However, I find it interesting that my husband doesn't respond favorably to it at all. He is the type of guy who says he likes demure, feminine women, so I thought Cuddle Bunny would be a great hit with him. I actually seem to get a slightly negative reaction from him, which is too bad because I love this fragrance. Other people (mostly guys and a few gals) seem to respond very well to it and are very helpful toward me when I wear it.


Another interesting thing I've noticed is that my teenage stepdaughter seems to act very jealous and competitive when I wear this (probably because of the copulins) so it's not a good fragrance to wear around her, because she becomes more clingy toward my husband and a little more catty toward me. It seems like when I wear Sweet Chic w/Popularity Potion around them, it's a much more pleasant situation.


I'm really enjoying experimenting with these phero blends and I look forward to the next sample. :-)


~ lyrical.poetess

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lyrical.poetess - That's too bad about the hubby - and stepdaughter too :( It really is a lovely scent and I'm fortunate in that my hubby is a great responder to all things Est. Hmm, maybe this means your hubby secretly has a hankering for the sultry, feminine, lil' bit domme/dangerous naughty girl - there are plenty of pheromones/fragrances for THAT too ^_~ Might keep SD from being catty too. Try a sample of Sex and Violins for kicks....


Isn't the Sweet Chic fragrance delicious! Glad you got good results from both with that. Great review :)

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NuTrix - Well, interestingly enough, I tried Bosom Bows III this morning, just for curiosity sake, and my husband responded EXTREMELY romantically to it. (LOL, I thought it was for women to attract women because of the G2 in it). In fact, I had a tough time getting ready for work this morning because he was all over me LOL. I happen to love it too and will probably order a full bottle. I'm not sure how my stepdaughter would respond to this one, she's not here today.


I would like to try Sex and Violins. The description sounds like something I'd really like a lot.


As for my stepdaughter, I think I'll stick with Sweet Chic around her because the popularity potion in it seemed to really make her friendlier and more chatty with me. I'll also try Treasured Hearts around her for a similar effect. Definitely nothing with copulins in it though.

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That's interesting about your husband's reaction - in a good way!


Maybe he just needed something to buffer the Est (there is Est in G2 also) and the other molecules in G2 just clicked for him :)


Certainly makes everyday an adventure ^_~

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I gave Cuddle Bunny another try today, and whaddayaknow, the bunny hopped for me. Sat on the tube, listening to music, smiling because I loved the song so much, and the guy sitting opposite me smiles and nods at me and when I take my earphones out, he just blurts out, loudly: you are so incredibly beautiful! I blushed like a teenager. Everyone on the train turned around, probably thinking: what the hell?

Later one of our female interns came into my room, wouldn't stop chatting.

All in all, a good turnout! Gonna try it some more...

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Yeah, it really took me by surprise. It's the last day before my vacation, and I really need this break now, feel so worn out and tired. Had no make-up on, flat shoes, in bad need of rest and a good facial. And then this happens. Gotta love pheros!

By the way, my cat won't leave me alone now, all over me, purring und rubbing his head on me, very excited for a (formerly) male cat. He actually seemes kinda aroused, oh dear! Is this possible?

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I gave Cuddle Bunny another try today, and whaddayaknow, the bunny hopped for me. Sat on the tube, listening to music, smiling because I loved the song so much, and the guy sitting opposite me smiles and nods at me and when I take my earphones out, he just blurts out, loudly: you are so incredibly beautiful! I blushed like a teenager. Everyone on the train turned around, probably thinking: what the hell?

Later one of our female interns came into my room, wouldn't stop chatting.

All in all, a good turnout! Gonna try it some more...

Nice hit!!! I love me some Cuddle Bunny!
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  • 4 weeks later...

I wore CB today with no expectation of seeing my work crush. Well I did. My weapon of choice with him is usually cougar. Well CB walloped him so bad - he could barely look at me, was bizarrely deferential (he's WAAAAAAAAAAAY senior to me), conciliatory, flapped his hands repeatedly (he's a very calm dude normally, to a fault, if anything) - that I felt terrible for him and have vowed never to CB him again. Until the next time. He was beside himself.


As a control freak whose self-regard is abominably buoyable by such effects from dudes, I really love these big-time responders :rose in teeth:.

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LOL! Awesome post! Particularly the "Until next time..." :lol:


I rotate so often through my stash that it usually isn't UNTIL something out of the ordinary happens that I recall my phero blend for the day - LP has turned me - I'm a complete perfume addict now...the pheros have become the perk!


I don't wear the scented version as often as the un and it may just get squeezed out by Velvet Kisses now that I have it because I'm such a foodie fan...but because hubby likes this one so much I just can't see moving it to the back of the box :)

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You put me in the mood for this again today and I was reminded that, yes, I should keep this one. The scent lasts all day and night for me - it's a clinger - and it is a very nice but neutral scent to my nose. It's not an overpowering scent and it IS very pretty...but it still won't get the love the foodie scents will :lol:

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I dunno how many of you get the "next-day effect" with this. For me, it often happens that when I wear cops one day, I get more of a response from it the next day, even if I've had a shower & scrubbed it all off. This happens to me regularly when I wear Cuddle Bunny.


So last night when I came home from work I put a dab of Cuddle Bunny on over the Sneaky Clean I'd put on for work about 7 hours earlier, (and I often do this because it makes me feel clean until I can have a shower). This morning I got up, had a shower, got ready for work & put more Sneaky on, like usual. And WOW! the DIHL at work today from all the old geezers! LOL! One of my regulars, who barely ever looks me in the eye was ALL ABOUT ME today, and one of my other customers kept winking at me, and trying to extend our eye-contact. Even all the women in my section were all, "Sweetie," this, and "Aren't you a darling" that. Even the damned manager and chef were kind of goofy & flirty today. I'll have to remember this, and apply CB at night more often. It was kinda fun! :D

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