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PheroGirl Cougar Potion

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Well, this is what it says on the webpage:


Cougar Potion Ingredients:

* LP Ingredients: Fragrance, Dipropylene Glycol (DPG), Pharmacom Custom Pheromone Blend (Cougar)

* Pharmacom Ingredients: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, beta-androstadienol, androstanone, copulins, dehydroepiandrosterone, sodium sulfate.


Unless that's a webpage error, I think only SS comes in D5. Maybe that's the workaround.... Oh, erm with these perfumes and pheromixes... I wonder if it's safe for our partners to put their mouth on the areas we dab it on. You know guys have a tendency to put a bit much in their mouths... :)


I may be mistaken, but I thought it was the unscented pheromone blend roll-ons (Cougar unscented, SuperSexy unscented, et al) which used the D5 as the dilutant and that the fragrance blends used the fragrance oils with their associated bases as the "dilutant"... hence, the DPG.


So, if you are looking for the Cougar pheromone blend, without the DPG and with D5 instead, the unscented has that base dilutant.

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I may be mistaken, but I thought it was the unscented pheromone blend roll-ons (Cougar unscented, SuperSexy unscented, et al) which used the D5 as the dilutant and that the fragrance blends used the fragrance oils with their associated bases as the "dilutant"... hence, the DPG.


So, if you are looking for the Cougar pheromone blend, without the DPG and with D5 instead, the unscented has that base dilutant.


You and Dolly are right. I was thinking with the Grapefruit. So between cougar and SS which one has the most VAVOOM?

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You and Dolly are right. I was thinking with the Grapefruit. So between cougar and SS which one has the most VAVOOM?


Ah, so Cougar perfume does not have that base? I thought it was all the pheros.


My bad...


Sorry, guys I had the wrong end of the stick there... :)



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You and Dolly are right. I was thinking with the Grapefruit. So between cougar and SS which one has the most VAVOOM?



Regarding the unscented roll-ons, I can only speak to the SuperSexy blend, as I haven’t tried the unscented Cougar yet (I have tried the Cougar Potion, the fragrance blend, and I love that formulation). With that caveat, SuperSexy definitely affects My Beloved and in all positive ways. There is definitely a “want it and need it now” flavor to the sex (i.e., you might find yourself hanging off of doorframes) with the SuperSexy.



Dolly has experience with the both the Cougar and SuperSexy additives...

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Ah, so Cougar perfume does not have that base? I thought it was all the pheros.


My bad...


Sorry, guys I had the wrong end of the stick there... :)




I think just cougar with grapefruit that has DPG. But they didn't list all the ingredients of Pharacom's blend. So it might have D5 as well.... but now I'm making stuff up.

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I think just cougar with grapefruit that has DPG. But they didn't list all the ingredients of Pharacom's blend. So it might have D5 as well.... but now I'm making stuff up.



Here is the link to the unscented roll-on pheros page......they all have a base of D5, not DPG. DPG is only in the fragranced blends.



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Dolly is correct. The D5 is the base for the UNscented pheros ONLY.


DPG is the most common dilutant we use in our perfumes, although some have Apricot Kernal oil, or a mix of that and other natural oils.


Both DPG and D5 are considered hypo-allergenic products. They are generally considered to be as hypoallergenic as water. There may be a minute fraction of the population that is sensitive to them, but if you are, you would know, because you would not be able to use any commercial personal care products - DPG can be found in everything from shampoo to toothpaste.


All of the Pharmacom ingredients are listed.

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Dolly is correct. The D5 is the base for the UNscented pheros ONLY.


DPG is the most common dilutant we use in our perfumes, although some have Apricot Kernal oil, or a mix of that and other natural oils.


Both DPG and D5 are considered hypo-allergenic products. They are generally considered to be as hypoallergenic as water. There may be a minute fraction of the population that is sensitive to them, but if you are, you would know, because you would not be able to use any commercial personal care products - DPG can be found in everything from shampoo to toothpaste.


All of the Pharmacom ingredients are listed.


My daughter just called me to say she was wearing the Cougar Girl today and her friends would not stop hugging her.

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I wore the Cougar Potion to work the other day because I felt as though I needed a boost. It did elevate my mood, and the people around me also seemed more "up" than the general frame of mind among my coworkers has been lately.


I felt absolutely lovely being wrapped in that fresh, clean grapefruit scent. I put it on before I left for work -- this would have been about 6 a.m. -- and the scent lasted all day long. I could still smell it before I took my shower to go out that evening, and the scent was still as pleasing as it had been throughout the day. So glad i bought two bottles of this one!

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I wore the Cougar Potion to work the other day because I felt as though I needed a boost. It did elevate my mood, and the people around me also seemed more "up" than the general frame of mind among my coworkers has been lately.


I felt absolutely lovely being wrapped in that fresh, clean grapefruit scent. I put it on before I left for work -- this would have been about 6 a.m. -- and the scent lasted all day long. I could still smell it before I took my shower to go out that evening, and the scent was still as pleasing as it had been throughout the day. So glad i bought two bottles of this one!


I have played with the unscented Cougar.....this time, though I am getting a vial of the grapefruit, just to check it out.....with such rave reviews, I can't pass it up!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I received the unscented sample of this one, too......a tart, juicy grapefruit on application......drying down to a very slightly citrusy musk......oooooh, I like this one......A LOT..... :D


OMG, I feel a potential full bottle coming on......

Edited by Dolly
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been experimenting with pheros, but generally haven't found the right dosage(s) for the kind of reactions that other women seem to get. I received a sample of PheroGirl Cougar in my order, which was interesting because I hesitated to order it because I am not all that fond of of grapefruit. Several of you wonderful ladies had advised me to try it anyway, so with the sample I did. For the first time I got a reaction! Standing in the line at Starbucks, the young man in front of me swung around and struck up a conversation. I was so startled -- that never happens to me, especially as I am old enough to be his mother. I'd applied a total of 6 drops behind ears, on each side of the neck, in my cleavage and one drop split between my wrists. I'm now ordering a full-size bottle. I still can't believe that reaction and want to try it again.

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I've been experimenting with pheros, but generally haven't found the right dosage(s) for the kind of reactions that other women seem to get.


YAY!! Your first "hit"!! Pheros can be really fun......could be that the others you were trying just weren't strong enough.....the ones sold here at LPMP are very potent.....get ready for some more hits!

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  • 1 month later...

OK, I had some fun with scented Cougar the other day......I have a trial vial, and I wanted a switch......plus, I love wearing pheros in stores just to see the reactions.....


So, my son and I go to WalMart, and I am slathered in Cougar......we were looking for a particular game that my son was dying to spend some of his saved allowance on......well, we didn't see it, and there was a boy working in that dept, who looked to be about 16 or 17.....I asked him if they had the particular item we were looking for, or if they would be getting some. He said that they are supposed to be in the stores in about a month, BUT that they are available online at Walmart.com. He then says......"you can order it 'ship to store', and when it gets in, I'll have it waiting right here for you." With a big grin on his face. I got tickled, and said...."You're going to personally handle it?" He says....."For YOU? ABSOLUTELY!" It was so cute!


I cracked up! My son couldn't figure out exactly why I kept on giggling as I was walking through the store.....

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Heh, that reminds me...we had a kerfluffle at work the other day when I was wearing Cougar Potion and I thought I might have been in trouble, but my boss (who is normally friendly but professional) was telling me about what happened, and then he leaned in and said, "I want to assure you this is a non-issue, okay?" And he gave me a look like he didn't want me to be worried, a very sort of it's okay honey type of thing. So I got all wide-eyed and said, "Okay. Thank you." and did my best to look grateful. I just cracked up after he left my desk..I must have looked all sparkly to him too! ;)

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I'm all bouncy and sparkly when I wear Cougar (at least I think I am!). And I also have a disturbing propensity to shop while under its influence...



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I'm all bouncy and sparkly when I wear Cougar (at least I think I am!). And I also have a disturbing propensity to shop while under its influence...




Yoike...remind me NOT to wear Cougar if that's true! Don't NEED any goading ....nope!


BTW, luna65, I'm astonished that I did NOT mention how much I love the word "kerfluffle"....HAH! great stuff...

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  • 2 months later...

When I received my sample pack , I tried on some couger along with a couple of the other new scents [all very yummy smelling], and then Kinda forgot about it and went about my day. After work I went shopping for some jeans for my daughters B-day.There was a couple of young gals & Young hottie guys working the store .One of the guys working came up to me an asked if I needed any help ,I said no thanx just lookin. Well, he started following me around making small talk and standing really close , like brush up against you close. Now mind you Im 40 and he's 20ish ,if that [ did I mention he was hot] .Then young guy #2 working comes over and tries to help us .Guy #1 says dude ,Im helping her , now go on.#2 leaves. #1 says I cant believe he did that. So I ask , do you work on commision ? He says no.Im thinking huh, whats up ? Two heart beats later it dawns on me I put couger on .I could'nt help myself, I burst out laughing ! This stuff really works great . lol ! :)

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Yep Cougar does work really well. I'm just back from Florida and the whole Disney/Beach scene. Which I love. I'm in my 40's and my son is in his 20's. I wear Cougar quite often and when I do others mistake me for my son's SO. It's so funny he says Mom go away because the girls wont come near me when your around they think your my girlfriend. While waiting in line at Disney I had some young guys just falling all over themselves to stand behind me. It was cute.

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Whether I am wearing the scented or unscented Cougar, it always gets results!

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I've only tried the unscented version but think I'll purchase some of the scented as well.



It's nice.....I don't wear it very often, but I DO have a couple of trial vials.....the grapefruit dries down with a nice light musky undertone.....

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I have not tested out the phero yet, but the fragrance is wonderful. The grapefruit is perfect. Not too strong, it is delicately balanced between tart, sweet and soft. The resins make a nice foundation and ensure a lasting effect.


I totally agree with your description of the scent SB. I think it is wonderful too, can't stop sniffin my wrists, but that is common now that I have found LP :) . As for the phero and magical intent I'd say it works. People have been drawn to me more than usual they are all in a lovely attentive mood. My "office crush" has also been hanging out lingering around me more. I LOOOOOVE IT! I can't wait to try this one out on my TG :P

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I had the scented Cougar on this weekend when I attended a concert out of state. The weather was chilly, so I had a turtleneck under a sweater (didn't want to have to deal with a coat) -- so not much skin where I had applied the Cougar potion was exposed. But . . . a gentleman who had come to the concert alone (as I had) happened to have the seat next to mine. We said hello and introduced ourselves (first names only, alas) and then chatted and enjoyed the concert as if we already knew each other and had gone there together. If this had been a first date, there was enough connection and rapport for there to be a second -- but it wasn't, and that's OK. I was just there to enjoy the show and have a good time, and having someone to share it with was a bonus. A totally fun evening and a great memory.



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I had the scented Cougar on this weekend when I attended a concert out of state. The weather was chilly, so I had a turtleneck under a sweater (didn't want to have to deal with a coat) -- so not much skin where I had applied the Cougar potion was exposed. But . . . a gentleman who had come to the concert alone (as I had) happened to have the seat next to mine. We said hello and introduced ourselves (first names only, alas) and then chatted and enjoyed the concert as if we already knew each other and had gone there together. If this had been a first date, there was enough connection and rapport for there to be a second -- but it wasn't, and that's OK. I was just there to enjoy the show and have a good time, and having someone to share it with was a bonus. A totally fun evening and a great memory.




Great report stkatz! But, I think I would have gotten his number.....or offered him mine.....

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Great report stkatz! But, I think I would have gotten his number.....or offered him mine.....


Thanks, Dolly!


We live about six hours apart, and I've done the long-distance relationship thing in the past . . . not inclined to go down that road again. I felt really good enjoying the couple hours for what it was and being able to take the memory away without needing/wanting more than that.






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Thanks, Dolly!


We live about six hours apart, and I've done the long-distance relationship thing in the past . . . not inclined to go down that road again. I felt really good enjoying the couple hours for what it was and being able to take the memory away without needing/wanting more than that.







AH, I completely understand! I don't do well with long-distance situations, either.....so glad you had a fabulous time, though!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I received PG Cougar weeks ago and have been testing it ever since.PG Cougar is now my Fountain of Youth Potion. The scent is to die for. At first I wasnt to keen on pink grapefruit but after wearing it on a daily basis it seems to meld with my chemistry really well. The grapefruit becomes more perfumy/resiny as time goes by and there's a subtle sweetness brought about by the sugars that last a long time on my skin. That's the only way to describe it.

The description is right on the money too. It says that the scent of Pink Grapefruit shaves 8 to 10 years off of the age of the wearer. ITS TRUE. I've never felt so youthful and obviously from the reactions I'm getting I've never looked as young as I do now. Cool.


Yesterday alone I had 7 count them 7 people comment on how young I look and how I definitely don't look my age. (I'm 42) At least 3 of the comments came from people I had just met. Who would've gained nothing from complimenting me.


A really good friend of mine called me a witch that doesnt age last week. Hmm. Interesting. That's been said to me before. Hey I've got good genes I guess. Also my 12 yr old step son actually held a conversation with me about girls and school.Things he's NEVER even told his father before. Oh and I can't leave out how good this potion makes me feel. I feel young,vibrant and super sexy. I'm going to have to stock up on this precious jewel.


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I got a similar reaction at the doctor's office yesterday.


I had decided to go to a new gyno, and the nurse who was taking my vitals didn't really look at my chart. She asked me when my last "cycle" was, and I told her Aug 2006, since I had an ablation.....she said, "Really? Those are normally done on older women, unless you have severe issues. You know, older...like over 30. I'm surprised they did one on you." I laughed my head off.....I'm 41.


So then the doctor came in and did a double take.....she walked in with her head down, reading my chart, looked up at me, looked back down at the chart, then looked up at me me again. She said.....is the age on here right? You're 41?


All in all, I love Cougar....scented or unscented.....it's all good.

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That is a great story Dolly. I feel warmy and fuzzy inside whenever anyone mistakes me for a younger gal. I think to myself "yeah that's right I'm 42 and I look absolutely HOT in my jeans"


I've gotten comments on how young I look even before wearing PG Cougar but these comments were really over the top just like your double takes. It just goes to show that everything from LP works like it should even better then expected. I will never be without PG Cougar again.

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That is a great story Dolly. I feel warmy and fuzzy inside whenever anyone mistakes me for a younger gal. I think to myself "yeah that's right I'm 42 and I look absolutely HOT in my jeans"


I've gotten comments on how young I look even before wearing PG Cougar but these comments were really over the top just like your double takes. It just goes to show that everything from LP works like it should even better then expected. I will never be without PG Cougar again.



Yeah, me too.....I've always been mistaken for younger, but like you said.....these reactions were so "over the top" that they HAD TO BE because of the Cougar.....I love it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried my Cougar sample today for the first time. I love it!! It certainly makes me feel younger. I love the light fruity scent. I wore it a while and then layered some single-note gardenia over it to flower it up a little, and I liked that combo too.



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I tried my Cougar sample today for the first time. I love it!! It certainly makes me feel younger. I love the light fruity scent. I wore it a while and then layered some single-note gardenia over it to flower it up a little, and I liked that combo too.






If you're loving it, you better get a bottle soon because there are only three more bottles left.

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If you're loving it, you better get a bottle soon because there are only three more bottles left.


Eep! I just ordered a bottle. I hope I get one!! I wore it again today and really enjoyed it. Two people called me "young".



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