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WATER ACCORDS ~ Cleansing, purifying. Fertility, Goddess energy, fluid of life. Renewal.

OZONE/AIR ACCORDS ~ Thought, communication, ideas, awareness.

BABY WHITE TEA LEAVES ~ Invigorating, refreshing, mentally and physically uplifting.


This smells GOOODDDD..... Reminds me a bit of Temperance except not as sweet :Hug_emoticon: The Ozone and Water accords is very refreshing, this is def. not a powdery blend. I can imagine this scent perfect to use in a hot stuffy office and when you really need to get some work done!! :):):) I wonder whether it will work better in a spray form? :goldfish5: The scent is VERY long lasting- 6 hours and it's still going strong :ph34r:


Phero wise: I get slight headaches whenever i try FOCUS phero... Might be a sign to focus on tasks??? I've been avoiding the task to tidy my bedroom and today- I managed to get my table and shelf tidy so i guess the phero worked :):D:D

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I think there is something in Focus Potion which has that potential. I've been finding that in order for FP to be the most effective on me I have slather it on to near-headache level (at x1, I really need to try a beta of x2 to see if that works better).


As far as the scent of this one, sadly whatever ozone accord it is does not like me, it was Migraine City. (I haz a sad.) I guess I was thinking this would be fine on me because I liked Temperance so very much but alas no.

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  • 1 year later...

Tested this out today and I like the scent, though it's a bit too masculine for my tastes. However, I was on a roll at work today getting though the Monday junk that awaited me this morning. That definitely could have been the Focus Potion at work! The scent lasted for about 4 hours on my skin, but it may have ate it up due to my lady time.

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I really liked the scent, very watery and ozone-y. It's also androgynous, my boy toy has a cologne that smells kind of similar - I go crazy for that cologne, by the way. But it definitely was not "barely-there" on me...I only used a drop and it was STRONG. It also refused to wash off, which was a problem since I got a bad migraine from it. I'm not sure if it was the fragrance or the Focus Potion but either way I'm so sad! I really wanted it to work for me but as I was stuck on the couch it was not conducive to productivity at all :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you can stand the smell, Focus Potion rocks!!! I put this stuff on and within minutes, my brain reboots and kicks into "Just Do It" mode. It's amazing! Major downside: it smells like underarm body odor. Even "covered" with Aether, the b.o. smell breaks through.


This stuff works too darn well not to use!! Has anyone found a scent that actually covers it?? My cat runs out of the room whenever I wear it (Aether or FP) and it seems to keep people at bay, too. I LOVE how it works -- maybe I'll just have to keep it as a working-alone-at-home thingy.

Edited by Just Ducky
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Eh, jealous it works so well for you. I didn't get any kind of weird smell from it though, I liked the Aether scent! I'm far from an expert, but I'd postulate that anything that covers cops or cops-heavy blends would work :)

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I'd postulate that anything that covers cops or cops-heavy blends would work :)


Thanks, Carmen! That's what I'm hoping. I'm trying some of the cops-covering scents to see if they work. I'm sorry to hear you can't wear it -- it's really an amazing experience!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its nice, but I shouldve stuck with my Liquid Flourite.


Does the Liquid Flourite cover the underlying phero smell sufficiently?

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Thanks!! Makes perfect sense! I'll have to give LF a try if it returns to stock. And yeah, "manly smell" is a nice way to put it! It's very pronounced in Focus Potion and less so in Aether, so I'm guessing that's the phero itself.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 6 years later...

Finished my bottle of this. Smell is not something I love, but it's OK, smells fresh (I like fruity, foody scents). But I did enjoy the Focus potion. I loved using this to focus while I already am doing something, while Mega Watt makes me want to start doing something. 

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