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Textbook Treasured Hearts situation right?

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Imagine a baseball diamond = a situation among relatives.


Home base and 1st base get along fine.

Home base is a little annoyed with 2nd base. The feeling is not mutual (2nd base has no problem with home)

Home base is also very hurt/angry with 3rd base. The feeling is mutual.


1st base is somewhat mad at 2nd base (hurt feelings over long period). The feeling is not mutual (2nd base has no problem with 1st base)


1st base is also very hurt by 3rd base, but can't be openly mad about it. 3rd base dislikes & resents 1st base, and always assumes the worst about them/their intentions/etc.


3rd base & 2nd base get along all right, although 2nd base often finds 3rd base's behavior immature & frustrating & wishes 3rd base would just stop it.


These 4 people are going to have to spend 48 hours together soon.


I want to go in loaded for bear. Clearly I should just Treasured Hearts the shit out of everyone, right?

Edited by tyvey
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TH all over you, stealthy sprays on each of them, burn a tart with TH and ply all w/ copious amounts of alcohol of their choice.


I think it will work!!


Wishing you all the best!!


:yeahthat: ...as usual Lynne's advice is spot on :)


But YIKES,situations like yours reinforce my joy at being an only child of an only child :lol:

Best of luck,you are gonna need it!!

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TH most definitely! I always keep some of that stuff on hand!!!

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Hope everything will go well!! :waiting::):666:

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Thanks you guys - TH did keep everyone fairly civil.  I think I overdid it for myself though- 2 sprays gave me cleaver-in-skull headaches both days. I'm a lightweight!  Lesson learned!

On way home. miss my preciousssses-- look forward to throwing down my bags & running straight to my LP drawer and cooing and purring over them...

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Well I am glad you survived with sensibilities intact :w00t: hmmm,I wonder if TH in oil would be a better choice,as far as the headaches,worth a try next time...and there will be a next time :rolleyes:

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On way home. miss my preciousssses-- look forward to throwing down my bags & running straight to my LP drawer and cooing and purring over them...



Yep, that's typical of the LPMP addict!

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  • 2 months later...

i too had treasured hearts experience to share. i have a friend of mine who came home with her little chic. she is disturbed off late with her husband who is a total crap. we work together but she came home first time.

spent the day with me, when i had a generous layer of couer de lamour on my chest.( apprx 4-5 , 4 inch rolls/drags). i used it for first time specially for her. she said it was so relaxing to be with me. its 8 hours after application, & i could still smell the spices. long lasting one.


she told me while leaving that she has found another home for herself. i know what she meant. she was so relaxed & felt the bond, that made her to say so. i loved that i could help an aching heart N told her she is welcome anytime.




it is a great bonding & relaxing phero blend. love it soo much now.

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i loved that i could help an aching heart N told her she is welcome anytime.

it is a great bonding & relaxing phero blend. love it soo much now.


That was very kind of you :abfx: and I sooooo understand it,have done the same many times to lift someone's spirit...it makes you Both feel good :) The blends here of scent with intent are empowering!


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i too had treasured hearts experience to share. i have a friend of mine who came home with her little chic. she is disturbed off late with her husband who is a total crap. we work together but she came home first time.

spent the day with me, when i had a generous layer of couer de lamour on my chest.( apprx 4-5 , 4 inch rolls/drags). i used it for first time specially for her. she said it was so relaxing to be with me. its 8 hours after application, & i could still smell the spices. long lasting one.


she told me while leaving that she has found another home for herself. i know what she meant. she was so relaxed & felt the bond, that made her to say so. i loved that i could help an aching heart N told her she is welcome anytime.




it is a great bonding & relaxing phero blend. love it soo much now.


What is coeur De Lamour? I couln't find it in the LP fragrances....

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