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Suzy's Yummilicious Strawberries and Creme


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I asked Mara to create a scent for my sister that reminded me of us growing up during Summer. My mom used to make us this sweet dessert after a day of swimming and playing. She would cut some strawberries and pour condensed milk over them, then she would sprinkle sugar and top off with whipped cream.. it was so very yummy.

I thought it would be nice to create this for my sister since she is such a pink girl.


I can't even tell you how amazing this smells! I can taste this dessert! It smells so YUMMY. The strawberries are all sugary goodness! It has such lasting power as well.


Right away I the creaminess and strawberries come out to play and stay there enveloped in a blanket of sugar! My sister LOVESSSS it so much! I noticed the other day that she has used about 25 percent already. She uses it daily! I wanted to create a happy scent for her that reminded her of a stress free time when we were little.


This PE has made her so happy- I wanted something special and I got it!

Thank you Mara for helping me create something beautiful for Suzy! She adores it and says thank you!

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It sounds amazing!


added 6/2013: it reminds me of sugared strawberries with whipped topping over angel food cake, a dessert to celebrate the first strawberries of the season

Edited by perfumesniffer
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You guys she adores it! I sent her a pic message the day it arrived and I said " look at my new scent" She responded and said it looked soo YUMMY! I told her it was for her and I had it made especially for her by the magickal hands of Mara. She was over the moon! She wears it daily! It's such a yummy pretty scent.


I'm always talking about ya'll so she knows how special this place is and how lucky she is to have a scent created especially for her. I know it has lifted her spirits a bit because she hasn't been such a negative Nancy- and we really enjoyed our outing the other day giggling and shopping together. I know she was wearing it because I could smell the sugared deliciousness.


If only there was a yummy scent to make my mother talk less.. I always ask her if she thinks I'm deaf because she yells, she yell speaks.

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