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Which form is better for different pheros?

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Before knowing LP, all I knew about perfume was that they come in SPRAY form.... And LP introduced perfume in oil form which I LOVE. I love the way it stays on skin so smoothly and naturally, it feels so comfortable and beautiful.


I had Weapon X (true confession) in roll on and spray form- I much prefer the oil version

Treasured heart seems to work best in spray form.

I had SS4W in roll on form and it didn't work on me until it was converted it into spray form.

COPS is probably best in oil version

Cuddle bunny 2009- oil version

I had B2 in spray form and it had worked wonders especially for self effects.

Catie Scarlet's Bewitched & Beguiled which has BI worked really effectively in oil form.


Question for LPers especially the experienced phero users, which phero becomes most effective in which form?


Swimming with sharks? Cougar? INTELLECTUAL MAN? Leather? Lace? Open window? MVP FOR MEN? Teddy BB? CHARISMA? BI?

Edited by bumbob
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I mostly agree with what you've said. I have no cops in spray because I'm terrified of getting any droplets in my hair.


Cougar is great in spray for me - great for the effects on others.


Leather I've only tried in spray and I have to keep it VERY light.


Lace agrees with me in either form.


OW is kind of a no-brainer for spray.


Teddy I have used in oil but also have spray bottle I haven't gotten round to trying...


PP works better for me as a spray - VERY diluted.

Edited by tyvey
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The general rule of thumb is:

-socials work better as sprays, sexuals work better as oils, and those with a specific effect (calming, focusing, cheerful, etc.) it all depends on what works better for you as a delivery system.

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The general rule of thumb is:

-socials work better as sprays, sexuals work better as oils, and those with a specific effect (calming, focusing, cheerful, etc.) it all depends on what works better for you as a delivery system.





If you want it to get out there and affect the masses, use spray.....to affect those in your "personal bubble", use oil or silicone......

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I have SS4W in both. As a spray and it doesn't seem to work at all but in an oil it works amazingly. I haven't had a lot of luck with my social pheros though (PP, Open Windows) so I'm considering converting those to a spray.

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I have almost every phero I like in every form. I definitely prefer oil. I think I am very self absorbed because I am really focused mainly on what the pheros do to me and I really think the oils affect me so much more. Plus the perfumes are stronger and longer lasting.

Once I started studying more about the pheros I began to think that the sprays would be more effective but I haven't really noticed that. I did get my very first HUGE Cuddle Bunny reaction from CB 2009 in oil, after all. That said, I do like some socials in spray so I can quickly refresh before going out after work, like Rainbow Falls, Sparkle F and Girly Twirly...


So...I guess I will just continue to get both! I think they say sprays are better for winter though which makes sense I suppose since you're all covered up and you can spray your clothes...


YET ANOTHER REASON TO HATE WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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it all depends on what works better for you as a delivery system.


Yep,there is no other answer from me :) This is soooo much to individual tastes.What works for one is not gonna work for all,or even most.Now I could not see having MRF,Unisexy, Comp P,La Vie,Money Honey etc in anything other than oil,or Sparkle Fuchsia,Rainbow Falls,Captivation Equation in anything other than spray,just as examples!!


I LOVE being able to have it all by the choices we have available to us here !!!!! :Hug_emoticon:

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  • 1 month later...

My personal opinion is that the oils rule.


Reasons being that the spray seems to help the pheros to metabolize faster-

which is perfect when I am out and about and bring them out with me...a quick spray and I dont have to wait to warm the oils up on my skin. But then the phero effect doesnt last long (my metabolism is relatively high ).


The oils stay close and the only ones getting the effect are those that are physically closer to me,which in my case is very important since wearing pheros that get distance can potentially be attributed to anyone in the room.


I'll be damned if anyone scores on MY phero-signature but ME !


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  • 3 weeks later...

oils....DEFINITELY !!

I'm spoiled now :rolleyes:


I'm a bit heavy handed w/sprays, I either think I spray too far way from myself (when its really just right), so then I over spray cause I think I haven't sprayed enough, aggghhh

however I do sometimes like sprays for non-phero blends and I'm kinda curious now that Mara's offering the trial sz un phero sprays (the price is SO right !), want to try Bang!, Audacious and SS4W


with oils I have more control despensing, and I like how my body heat seems to release it's effects at the most perfect time


glad I read this thread, learned a lot by all your opinions, Thanks Ladies :)

Edited by liz
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I like projecting my pheros (hee) and because I live in a cooler cliamte, I will use a spray, unless it's something w/ EOW, then I have to put that only on my body and let it dry down. If it's a socail phero, like cougar, then I can spray in clothes and hair. if I used oil based social pheros this time of year, in turtleneck and legging weather, NO ONE else would be affected but me if I kept then close to the body,

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okay, so i swear i read comments about the 60/40 mix for sprays somewhere around here, but now i can't remember where :cry:


thoughts on this vs. the 100% alcohol spray? it's kind of the 'best of both worlds' concept, right? i'm considering UN popularity potion in spray, specifically.

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I love the 60/40 sprays. I have my cougar in this, I think I would likely order all future Unscented 'mones in the 60% alcohol 40% silicone form.


All my perfumes and scented 'mones, I prefer in oil, though. After using I've learned I prefer perfumes in oil base, not spray.

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