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SO! my order arrived last wednesday and i tried LAM (original) for a spin. i was on a bus and i sat next to an officemate. he was very chatty and fidgety - it's not the usual! lol and he cant seem to focus, we were talking about some stuff and he would say something so far off! :D


but i wasnt very comfortable because i felt i stink? it said light scented, but i dint know i was suppose to layer it with something else? or was it just my skin? it wasnt super smelly but it was definitely something not nice, not overwhelming, but i was bothered! it was the only hit i noticed, but im not quite sure if it's IT!



1 inch strip on both sides of my neck

1 inch on my collar bone (both)

1 inch on my wrist (both)



I tried OCCO White + LAM


OCCO White - lollipop style lol

OCCO WHite - 1 inch on my collar bone (both)

OCCO White - 1 strip on one wrist only (just to see if it covers the LAM)

LAM - 1 inch on my wrist (both)


Effects? Well, i caught one of my officemate (not the one on the bus) staring at me. and when i happened to look up, he dint feel there's anything wrong with staring! lol so, i just pretended he wasnt and I looked away instead! and when i was helping someone with his (the one on the bus) task ~ 1 guy stood next to me but he was there before i was, but the guy that i caught staring at me was not, and the next thing i noticed, he was already standing next to me too! he wasnt sayng much, just stood there.hahaha


but im not sure if they were hits? BUT I LOVE OCCO WHITE!!! i like it so much i think that even if it doesn't have any cops, id still wear it!!!


Im not comfortable with LAM though... do you layer it with something else?

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Maybe you should try each one separately first. He was probably staring because of the high amount of sexual signals you were wearing (cops). He probably couldn't think straight, lol.

ETA: Welcome to the forum :)

Edited by Beccah
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Thanks for the warm welcome!


actually, i wasnt planning on using both together. i was only supposed to use the OCCO but wanted to test how to best cover the LAM. din't have anything with no phere to cover it. my Gucci Guilty perfume vanishes completely after 30mins !


could you suggest a nice perfume to cover the LAM? maybe something like OCCO White but less the cops?


but THIS IS SO EXCITING! im definitely seeing the HITS. i noticed that people likes to go my desk to have chitchats. they used to have chitchats prior to the pheros, but they always stay wherever their stations are and dont necessarily go to my desk ! and people seem to have a lot of fun talking to each other! it's like everyone ARE FRIENDS! but we're really not! lol


and i like that i seem to be happier! :) i wont be layering multiple pheros in my next road tests! maybe when im 'Spontaneously Combusting' i will! :rolleyes:


So, please let me know what scents are close to OCCO White!

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Maybe you should try each one separately first. He was probably staring because of the high amount of sexual signals you were wearing (cops). He probably couldn't think straight, lol.





UH, since you are new to pheros, here is my public service announcement.....I would be VERY careful wearing OCCO (or LAM) to work.....you are sending out a strong "DO ME NOW" signal with the cops....probably not appropriate for the office! Maybe try some more social blends for work, like Open Windows, SS4W, Cougar, Leather, Lace.....Swimming with Sharks, Dominance for respect at work....and for the OCCO Scent, get NOCO White....smells the same, no cops.....


These were hits that you got, but I don't think they are the kind I would be wanting to get at work!



OH, and Welcome to the forum!!

Edited by Dolly
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UH, since you are new to pheros, here is my public service announcement.....I would be VERY careful wearing OCCO (or LAM) to work.....you are sending out a strong "DO ME NOW" signal with the cops....probably not appropriate for the office! Maybe try some more social blends for work, like Open Windows, SS4W, Cougar, Leather, Lace.....Swimming with Sharks, Dominance for respect at work....and for the OCCO Scent, get NOCO White....smells the same, no cops.....


These were hits that you got, but I don't think they are the kind I would be wanting to get at work!



OH, and Welcome to the forum!!


:yeahthat: ...


Welcome to our home,you have found the best place to be :)

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