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Hi i'm new to both phermones and this forum. can the experts please help me out? i'm still waiting for the LAM and BAM samples that i ordered before it comes in and before i start using it i would like to ask if somebody could tell me how long will it last or how would i know if a need to re apply... i live in a very warm place (san diego) and i sweat like crazy (i just got off a sauna or just finished working out sweat most of the time i look like a wet dog). since i sweat a lot does that mean i need to re apply the phermones in oil form? how about the silicone and spray or if it is mixed oil and spray, silicone and spray? any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

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Alpha androstenol which is in LAM) and beta androstenol (which is in BAM) IMO give noticeable results for 3-4 hours, then it is greatly diminished. That is just my experience and opinion, but I don't live in as hot a place.


Copulins (which are in both LAM and BAM) on the other hand last all day and then some. They really do not need to be reapplied during the day. So be careful about reapplying because too much cops (and believe me you will smell them) is not a good thing.


This is one reason I prefer to dose cops separate from the androstenols.

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Hi Janett! Welcome to the board. I found it helpful to read through the pheromone forum. There are all sorts of threads on phero's there, thought since the new board facelift I can't find the "search" feature. For now just read throught the threads and you'll gain lots of insight!

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Hi Janett, welcome to the forum! My first purchase was LAM in Pink Amber in spray form, so I can only tell you about my experience sprays...I'm quoting Xev here, because what she says makes a lot of sense to me, based on my short experience with Alpha Androstenol and Cops...


Alpha androstenol which is in LAM) and beta androstenol (which is in BAM) IMO give noticeable results for 3-4 hours, then it is greatly diminished.

Copulins (which are in both LAM and BAM) on the other hand last all day and then some. They really do not need to be reapplied during the day.


Cops last longer on me than the Androstenol, and since I get great self-effects from Alpha-Androstenol I reapplied LAM too often (every 3 hours) due to the hot weather and I got a HUGE Copulins overdose that made me really cranky...I think I was leveling the Alpha Androstenol effect but overdosing the Cops...That was just me, but everyone is different, so first try your LAMS's and BAM's and trust their lasting power, if you feel like you need to re-apply do so, but just a dab....if you feel like Alpha or Beta Androstenol fade away faster than the Cops like me, then like Xev suggests you may have to consider applying them separately....


Have lots of fun playing with your potions! And let us know about your first experiences, the ladies here at the forum are very sweet and as a 5 month old newbie I can tell you all of their advice has really helped me out...

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Gaby I can virtually guarantee you it was overload of the a-nol, not cops, that made you cranky. The worst thing that can happen with too much cops is that you become invisible to men. On the other hand, fatigue/headache and crankiness are classic and the commonest A-nol overload symptoms

Edited by tyvey
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I don't have very much experience with LAM, but I do agree with Tyvey that ODing on cops isn't likely to do anything except make you stinky.


I gravitate towards b-nol over a-nol and haven't od'ed on either, but everyone is different so you have to experiments to find your optimal dosage. I have used BAM quite a bit but I typically didn't reapply it. I generally "refresh" with a cop-free alcohol or oil/alcohol phero spray in the afternoon.


Another reason I like cops and 'nols separate is that I wear the cops in places where others will only get small whiffs when they are near me (as would be the case with natural cops), so I roll on my scented cops (pherogirl is my fav) right above my bikini line, a little on the top of my thighs, and a small amount near (not in) my armpits.


Whereas I generally want major silage with the 'nols so I can enjoy both the self effects and the socializing effects on others, so I like to apply it to my wrists, decolete, hair, clothing, etc.

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Hmm dunno about confusion. The only hostility I've gotten with cops is that they seem to reliably repulse many of my gay male friends (regardless of amount)...some have literally crinkled their noses and backed away from me. OH, also, cuddle bunny occasionally pisses off women, but I think that's more situational, eg, if they feel I am getting more attention from the men in the room and/or that they're interested in, than I should.

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Gaby I can virtually guarantee you it was overload of the a-nol, not cops, that made you cranky. The worst thing that can happen with too much cops is that you become invisible to men.



And all this time I've been thinking the Cops were to blame for the shift in moods...Thanks Tyvey, for pointing this out to me and I hope my post didn't confuse Janett! Please, Janett, read every reply to your post carefully, so you won't get confused and really trust the lasting power of LP's potions...


I don't have very much experience with LAM, but I do agree with Tyvey that ODing on cops isn't likely to do anything except make you stinky.


I'm glad you girls point this out to me, thanks Xev !I was sooo confused with the self-effects I was getting from Alpha Androstenol and now I won't overdose again ever, I can't believe how incredibly stinky I must have smelled to others and the effects from the OD made me soo bitchy, that it now all makes sense, I mean why no one would come near me...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've experienced hostility from men in certain situations where they might have been feeling aroused and then seeing I was the only source, became brusque and annoyed, like, "Why are you turning me on, you're not even attractive to me!" So that's why I think it is possible to wear too much around guys, even. But yeah, some women get hostile if they think another woman is being too sexually obvious (i.e. vying for their territory or resources).

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi everyone! i guess i am one of the forum members that is having and addiction with LP pheros...

been buying them like crazy.... i have not used my other pheros yet since it took me a while just to get LAM and BAM right honestly i am still having a hard time with my sweet spot :Emoticons04284: i used LAM for a week then took a couple of days break and used BAM for a week then break again i did that cycle for a while sad to say i did not see any results until one day i just got a hit i think....


I have tried LAM and BAM Pink Amber scent is my favorite,Sugared Vanilla & Honey, Sandalwood & Resins is alright but i dont like Spicy Brown Sugar & Orchid Rose.



Anyways i used LAM Sandalwood & Resins to work then my co-workers decided to have lunch at susi deli. Some of my co-workers are giving me a confused look some of the

male ones are just very eager to stay close to me some trotted after me to open the door and flirt with me we always have lunch together they dont usually hover at me that much. after lunch we went back to the office and still they just keep passing by just to flirt with me. :Emoticons04280:


I've used BAM when i was with them too just to see if their reactions are the same for the most part their reactions are the same the only difference is side from flirting they are also telling me something about themselves...


i'll try to use my other pheros and report back....



Thanks to everybody who helped me.

Edited by janett
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