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It is really nice to meet everyone :)


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Hi! :)


My name is Jennifer, but I picked the name "Daisies&Sunshine" because daisies are my favorite flower.


I've been reading through some of the posts here and everyone seems to be very friendly, so I told myself to be brave and make my first post.


There perfumes are definitely so lovely here. I have quite a few of them from several years ago, but it has been a little while since I made any new purchases. I've been looking through all sorts of reviews and trying to figure out which one to get. Of the perfumes that I already have, Fortune Cookie and Sabra's Secret are my two favorites. I know that I usually like foody scents!


I hope this little introduction is okay; I didn't quite know what to put in it.


I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Well, if you had to pick a time to get back into LP collecting,THIS would be the time !!!


Not to say summer wasnt magical, but if your a foody scent lover they shine in the fall ;)


We are waiting for the new arrivals now so sit tight and enjoy the craziness your about to see,lol


welcome to the forum

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welcome back again i must say. :lol2::heart106::smilies-23596::018A1D~14::hi: as you already have potions from Mara.

but i am wondering how could you resist from becoming an addict. never mind we all make mistakes in life.... nehhheeeee nhhheeee...


its good you are here in the forum now. hope we share interesting experiences here.


how about pheros? have you used them?


i am experienced in those but in LP's i am new but, an addict already...

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Thank you so much for the friendly welcome Lor, Halo, and Magnanimity!


Magnanimity, I don't have much experience with pheros. Although I have been reading a lot of the posts on pheros to try and learn. Maybe I will have to be adventurous and pick a phero to try in my new order. The one phero that I do have came in a scented perfume blend. I have Phero Girl: Cuddle Bunny.


Thank you for the tip about new foody scents coming out in the fall, Lor! Now that I know new yummy scents might be coming, I will try to wait until then to place my order.


Thank you for making me feel welcome!

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You wont have to wait long,Daisies!

We are all just kinda hanging out knowing it could be any day/hour now,so have fun with it :)


I know that the latest arrivals had yummy foody ones and even those that werent all-foody had sweet notes of either pumpkin or almond or vanilla....


You will have a ton to choose from.

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Welcome here Daises and Sunshine,wow that is a name after my own heart :hearts09793: ...I am a foody scent lover too :) ... I would highly recommend Abbey's Desicated Brains,Kanary Kreams,Nookie Cookie,Tea-Less Strumpet...gosh I am forgetting a bunch,but you get the idea :lol:

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September was a banner month for foodies!

yeah,even Autumnal Equinox was intoxicating. Id love a bottle of that one!

Shrunken Heads was popular, All Hallows Eve.....

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Welcome daisies!!! So glad you decided to come and visit with us! We are a friendly bunch, and sometimes we get crazy too!!


I am not so much into the foodies (and my man doesn't really care for them either), but I do grab one every now and then! There are bunches and bunches to choose from!


Please do come back and talk to us! We always manage to have a good time!!!!

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Welcome to the addiction, I bet you are getting hooked this time...


Ready for the New releases??


:witch1095: They are going to fly...

Edited by Gabylicious
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A warm welcome for your return to the forum Daisies&Sunshine. :Hug_emoticon::thumbup::abfx:


I was never into the foodie scents until I came here and now I am hooked! The variety here is astounding and I am sure that you will find more favourites very soon!

Me, too! I always kind of stayed away from them...and then...I found LPMP. Which is to say that now I am a Foodie-with-a-capital-F! Heeee!

:Emoticons0804:HOWDY officially, by the way!

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