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Extracurricular Proclivities with Bang!

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I just re-tested this one layered with Halo's Lavender Musk, and it smells better...but I honestly think it doesn't enhance HLM in any way,..

I'm glad I got UN Bang! as a phero trial spray too, because EP just didn't work out with my skin's chemistry

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Hi Ladies!


You have posted such good reviews on this that I went and took a sledge-hammer to my piggybank. My impulsive self ordered a full size spray and an oil of this scent sight unseen and smell unsmelt. I'm almost ashamed of myself. Almost.

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I received my EP (spray and oil) yesterday. I was not at all disappointed with it. I did good! :bday1029: If I had to say what the smell was like, I would say it was a bit incensey, more specifically like Nag Champa (my favorite) but better. I love it! I'll have to see how it affects my surroundings so I'll have to repost at a later date. Deepest gratitude to you all.



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Sadly, I AMP the incense but strangely I'm almost liking it at times. Each time I wear it I change my mind, maybe my nose just has to get accustomed to this. I think I may just get a full bottle b/c it's so interesting. My skin chem. seems to always be changing up scents and I know with the oils aging I might regret not having this. I could always layer with a vanilla to tone it down I think.

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Sadly, I AMP the incense but strangely I'm almost liking it at times. Each time I wear it I change my mind, maybe my nose just has to get accustomed to this. I think I may just get a full bottle b/c it's so interesting. My skin chem. seems to always be changing up scents and I know with the oils aging I might regret not having this. I could always layer with a vanilla to tone it down I think.

this is exactly what's happening with this one for me!! every time i wear it it smells different... i've been chalking it up to different points in my cycle but it changes so radically that it's unrecognizable as the same scent. very weird. the first time i tried it was incense, then i put it away for a bit and when i came back to it it was vanilla+berries with some incense in the background, and then on a couple occasions it has turned into a strong vinegar smell (WTF chemistry). it really has grown on me a LOT from when i first tried it though, i just need to learn what days are vanilla+berries days i guess, lol.


the phero has not gotten any evident reactions from others but i haven't been wearing much because the scent is quite strong. i do think it turns me a little more girl power, i don't need no man kind of attitude which is a little odd for what it is, but not a bad thing whatsoever!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The scent reminds me of Allumette ... incensey and smoky! This is a really spicy and secy fragrance.... Very bold at first, it softens in an hours time and now I'm getting soft peppery incensey spicy powdery... :) IT's NICEEEEEEE :)

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Well, hell, you guys! I don't get ANY Nag Champa feel from this. I just went and looked at the list of ingredients, and I don't get most of those, either. What I DO get is:

BLAAAAAACK AAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMBERRRRRRRRRRR!!! Mwwwwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! (and a touch of honey). HEEEEE!!! Really though, I think I *am* getting some of the other notes, but they just support the amber for me. ALL IS GOOD though, because I am The Compleat Black Amber Slutte. I wear this one a lot, and am planning on a full bottle. The phero is...ummmm...well, it's exactly how luna wrote it: BANG!...for when you know you need to hit it, and hit it hard. :666::wub: *giggle*


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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This one caught my attention when I was going through my new stash. I took a sniff upon opening the sample vial and I thought it was a very deep, dark and sexy scent. Perhaps a little too sexy for me to pull it off but the scent lingered in my mind. Tested it out lightly a couple of nights later. It remained incensey till the next morning.

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I love this one. Definetly "incensy". Later in the day and into the next morning I loved the lingering scent.

I wore it to work. The guys in my office actually slowed down as they passed my office door. One of them came into my office to drop off paperwork 3 times. I usually see him once every couple weeks. Hmmm. My boss stopped in the hallway and asked what that lovely scent was. I proudly announced, "It's me!" Let her smell my wrist and she said, "yummy." One of the guys in particular, kept up quite the chat with me, which was very unusual.

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I have used this fragrance several times. The first time I tried it I got a musky insence type smell. Although it was during a bad time in my cycle I'll I could smell was a musty towel scent.

The second time I tried this scent I got a wonderfull full bodied musk and incense. It started out very musky, and I got a little of the phero smell, but after dry down I couldn't stop smelling myself. It started to sweeten on my skin after about 2 hours. The scent was long lasting and I could still get a touch of the sweetness the morning after :bed4:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am so glad I didn't review this the first time I tried it. I did not like it at all. So heavy and...something. I guess incensey? Not peppery to me at all.



It has really grown on me. I am not aware of the berries at all but maybe that is what makes it wearable for me. I find this very comforting and relaxing.

I don't know that I would have the nerve to wear it out and about because it really is not a "me" scent. I feel like it's too BIG for me. Not to mention that both HG and Michael will hate it.

But I will at least use my sample at home for myself to make me feel good. Not sure a full bottle is necessary. It will probably be like LP Black to me...took me almost 2 years to get through a sample I used it so sparingly and only at night for myself.


I will have to get a bottle of Un Bang though. I love this phero for sure. When I have worn the PYP sample of it out I am getting the same awesome results as Tyvey and everyone else in this thread.


But I wonder if there is something berryish that I could mix this with to make it more wearable for me? I don't really want anymore vanilla from it. Hmmm...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally took this for a test drive last night. Right off the top I got Nag Champa, and then later, creamy vanilla-black pepper-Nag Champa. I love the scent,but I don't know if this is a perfume I'd wear often. Since it seems to wear differently for some of you, I'll try it again to see if it changes, or if it grows on me.

This is the first time I tried BANG! - it works! Lol... ;)

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But I wonder if there is something berryish that I could mix this with to make it more wearable for me? I don't really want anymore vanilla from it. Hmmm...

have you tried doing something pink to it perhaps? like LP pink maybe?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to have a day to myself before I tried this. The first forty five minutes have been INCENSE and HONEY close up with hints of something soft wafting around occasionally. After I weathered the storm, EP settles down to a light smokey berry which I could do. It's a tough forty five minutes, but patience is a virtue. I'm not sure if it's because I'm reviewing this, but I keep coming back to my inner elbow for some huffs. You know after you eat something and there's that taste/aroma that lingers in your mouth? A good huff of the incense leaves a light spiced berry taste/aroma. The BANG! is definitely inciting latent sexy mischief in me...it's nine in the morning and I suddenly have the urge to go clubbing or plan a Vegas trip...! will have to test again to see this in action!

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  • 1 month later...

Wild, Wild day with my Extracuricular Proclivities test vial. I'm at an all-weekend shindig, and I wore my Extracuricular Proclivities (EP) with Bang! yesterday. Omg.


I'm at a nerd convention, and while it's a pretty outrageous sausage fest, most of these guys haven't seen a woman before.... ever. Other than on WOW or the like. Knowing this, I - of course - wore EP and my body-hugging orange sheath dress that went down to *maybe* mid-thigh. I was breakneck dangerous BEFORE pheros.


I literally stopped traffic. Stopped people walking in their tracks, stopped cars, etc. What an ego boost. Inside and around the people, I was stared at, talked about, and followed around. There was a buzz around and behind me, an almost celebrity-esque type of chatter. Awesome. :) People saw me, followed me, and then came back aroudn later to find me again and check in. "Had such a good time chatting with you...." (we said 2 words) "Wow, you look even more beautiful..." ".... omg, so this is my friend who I said would fall in love with you..." This stuff works great.


Then came the three marriage proposals from three total strangers.


The first guy was brash and bold and came right up and introduced himself, asked if I had a "man" (no), and then proceeded to take my hand and walk me around the convention hall while chatting up a freaking storm. There was a lot of peacocking and verbal posturing. Lots of dropping how much $$ he makes (yawn), how much dough he was rolling in (yaaaaawn), and how successful he was (good for you). Lots of face rubbing, hair smoothing, and shifting back and forth. Definitely under an effect! I managed to escape him through a successful emergency-friend intervention, and I went back to my protective pack of girlfriends.


Not five minutes later, they were all in one booth area talking to the vendor and I was waiting outside. The booth was small, I wasn't interested, and I took teh time to check my blackberry. A guy saw me. Made a beeline - or, more approriately, a lion's charge. I didn't see this, but I've heard from others, and the gut-busting laughter from my (worthless) friends was my first warning.


So, buddy boy puts his hand over my blackberry - that I am looking at in my hands - and waits for me to look up in shock/surprise. He stares at me, then *purrs/growls,* "...are you taken?"


Excuse me?


"Are you taken? Or can I buy you a drink?"


OH! Oh, wow. Umm. Very flattered. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it, and I respect the courage that took. Thank you so much.


"Was that a yes?"


He wouldn't stop. I had to tell him we'd see each other again on the convention floor the next day just to get him to leave. Again, worthless friends did nothing to help. For the rest of the afternoon, I saw Guy # 2 casually stroll by me no less than 38 times. Oh so subtle.


I ended up hanging out with my friend/SP, the guy I wanted to see at this place, and he's *delighted* to see me. He's working there, but oh no, no more work for him once I show up. He's pulling out a chair for me, talking to me and wanting his customers/clients to go away (whoops!), and tons and tons of face rubbing and hair smoothing body language. Compliments like whoa. Yep, definitely good to go.


Guess who's vendor exhibit got *packed* after I showed up? Mmmhmmm. I was going to leave so he could focus on his clients. "NO!"


So I am literally standing next to him, and he's practically standing right against my body. No confusion here about what he thinks, and he's projecting "ownership" to everything and everyone. Does that stop marriage proposal #3? No, not at all.


A guy comes up who I've seen and chatted with wandering around a few times, and he steps close and whispers in my ear that I better tell "my man" that he's the luckiest guy on the planet. I have it all - the looks, the personality, and - the serious clincher - a wicked cool Star Wars purse. OMG. He'd marry me if the other guy - evil eyes at my friend - won't.


My Star Wars purse clinched that deal? Wow. Imma have to wear that *daily!*


So I laugh and thank him profusely and tell him that's sweet and kind, etc. He stays and tells me he's serious. Thank you! Thank you! *move along move along* My SP comes to my rescue then, swooping in and dragging me back to his side, Slave Tattooine Leia style.


So it was a question about whether or not SP and I were going to hang out last night (before I showed up). After I showed up? No question. None at all. In fact, he barely let me leave for dinner with my friends. We made plans to meet up after both our dinners for some drinks and fun.


Later comes and he invites me out to drinks with his friends - big, highpowered gaming executives and literary/creative types. Lots of brainpower and wallet depth at that dive bar. SP can't keep his hands off of me, and keeps looking at me, smiling, etc. We sing Police covers on the jukebox all night long and laugh the evening away.


Time for the sexy times!


Whoa, yeah, so there was deifnitely a hit it hard element going on. Man, he was more intense than ever. Great stuff. Well done. :D


So then we're basking in our afterglow and chit chatting, and he gets... very very interested in me emotionally. He was *huffing* my neck (application) all during sexy timez, and now he wants to know "omg everything" about me. Even the boring politics about my work place. When I shrug out of answering his questions about my office - long, dull, and stupid - he presses. "No, really, like what?" Wow, he does want to know. Cool. So I open up back to him, and ... I'm thinking that perhaps some of why we never made the step from SP's to relationship over the year+ we've known each other has been - perhaps - because he thinks I was holding back emotionally. He's commented before on how independent, strong, and confident I am. That I am just like batman. ;) It was revealing for me, last night, that talk. And he wanted to know when I was coming to his neck of the woods (whenwhenwhenwhen). Unfortunately the answer right this moment is "not planned," but I did tell him I was totally open to making a special visit. He smiled but didn't say anything.


Anyway, I digress. So, emotional convo of depth and connection... and then we made love. Different than the hit it hard. Slow, sweet, still intense, but much much different. First time ever. So, uhh, yeah. Wow. Interesting.


I'm back at my (utterly superflous) hotel room now, eating breakfast before the convention begins for the day. Slipped out with a good morning kiss to Mr. Sleepy (but Happy) Head. (And I smelled like sugar cookies in the morning.)


I wore a grand total of 1/6th my sample vial yesterday, freshened up at 4 hour intervals with one finger dab to my throat. And that's it. As far as fragrance goes, the pepper leaps off my skin first, and then mellows to dark amber and dark berry. There's an undercurrent of honey that keeps it JUST deep enough for me. I LOVE honey scents, and I want to actually see this phero in something like Phero Girl or Une. The pheros in it - tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone especially - have always sent me to a heady, visual-cortex-stimulating place, and along with the -anone, the whole effect makes me feel like I'm in the midst of a honeyed-buzz summer afternoon.


One thing I noticed was that, aside from my SP, most all guys I interacted with viewed me as more of Meat than Meat+Brains. I'm sure this came from the heavy cops in the Bang, but if there was a way to add a respect or intellectual element to this, that might be an amazing combo. I know this isnt really supposed to be used as a social mix, but it does give off a great popularity vibe. Aside from the totally overt sexuality, this was the closest thing I've found to MX135. MX135 + bathing in cops was the effect. I think I'll have to try the SS4W to see if the effects minus cops are still the same.


Oh! Oh! The icing on the cake! So, my SP is kind of a Big Deal at this thing, and he told me he got stopped in the lobby (not unusual) by random people from the day. ... They asked him about me. :D Forget him, the big shit at this thing. Oh no, they wanted to know more about me.


Off to Day Two! WIsh me luck! :)

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@ Luna - word. (And yes. Fish in a barrel. Aside from SP. He's got his head on straight.)


Pheros are awesome, but you drive it. You make it what it is. :)


Def having a fun second day. Within 3 minutes of arriving, one stranger literally bowed down and started "worshipping" me. Older guy, more socially in tune than others, but still. Literally said "o holy woman, your presence blesses us."



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One thing I noticed was that, aside from my SP, most all guys I interacted with viewed me as more of Meat than Meat+Brains. I'm sure this came from the heavy cops in the Bang, but if there was a way to add a respect or intellectual element to this, that might be an amazing combo.

I was going to say, I don't know if you could even with that kind of mix unless you were in mufti, know what I mean? Because any sign of sexuality. no matter how subtle, would probably cause the whole DITH reaction given the context of the situation. I've been in male-dominated situations where being decorative in any way resulted in one classification/reaction, whereas when I'm purposely projecting as an equal in regards to my skills and knowledge it will be the only thing to get me classified in the way I desire, because subtlety is lost on those involved. I think sometimes when women believe they're being a sexy professional, it's really only the sexy part that men are reacting to, and just telling them what they want to hear (because if there's anything men know how to do, it's bullshit).

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I think I've got a sample coming from a trade. Forgot, but at any rate, can't wait to try this, I like Bang UN, so I want to see if bang in a blend is any different



ETA: FAIL: it smells like salty BO. Can't wear it. Is there civet or neroli in this?

Edited by Raq On
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I was going to say, I don't know if you could even with that kind of mix unless you were in mufti, know what I mean? Because any sign of sexuality. no matter how subtle, would probably cause the whole DITH reaction given the context of the situation. I've been in male-dominated situations where being decorative in any way resulted in one classification/reaction, whereas when I'm purposely projecting as an equal in regards to my skills and knowledge it will be the only thing to get me classified in the way I desire, because subtlety is lost on those involved. I think sometimes when women believe they're being a sexy professional, it's really only the sexy part that men are reacting to, and just telling them what they want to hear (because if there's anything men know how to do, it's bullshit).


Good point. Probably "professional" isn't the right word I was going for. What I was looking for was a connection between the people I interacted with.


What mostly happened was that I was treated like a beautiful, shiny, enchanting piece of glitter. A piece of glitter that *everybody wanted to own.* But, aside from my partner, the casual people I talked with (less than 20 minutes) seemed to find it easy to talk over me or barrel through me. For instance:


A sample convo with EP:


Me: I like the red. It's really-

Male: You like red? Man, I love read too! You know what, I made red. True fact. In fact, I designed it myself. You know, you'd look good in red, and you'd look even better in red on my arm. I look good in red too, and I bet we'd look good in red together. Did I tell you I made red? Cause, like, it was hard to make red, but I'm so happy I made red, cause I did it just so that you would like it. Do you know how much I made when I made red? Man, I am rolling in red dough right now. Wanna spend some of my red money?


What I did was add a splash of betanol to the back of my head after I applied the EP on Sunday, just as a test to see if I'd get more of a connected communication from casual chatters. This is what happened (same convo example):


Me: I like red. I really think it's a provocative color.

Male: Wow, I really like red too. I think red would look fabulous on you. You could really wear it well. You know, that says a lot about you, what color you like. What other colors do you like? How do you feel about other colors?


Had some pretty great convos with people on Sunday, from my partner to random strangers to causal acquaintances I ran into. The betanol seemed to shift me from a captivating piece of glitter to an actual interactive pretty face and body.

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I think I've got a sample coming from a trade. Forgot, but at any rate, can't wait to try this, I like Bang UN, so I want to see if bang in a blend is any different



ETA: FAIL: it smells like salty BO. Can't wear it. Is there civet or neroli in this?


:( Sorry!! I love this scent! The pepper mellows out and the honey lingers on .. and on... and on.... :)


I think (think) there may be civet in this. Reminds me a bit of Joire De.

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Good point. Probably "professional" isn't the right word I was going for. What I was looking for was a connection between the people I interacted with.

Right, but once based on an ackowledgement of a certain demeanor the expression of which can be considered professional or at least informed, as it were.


I think (think) there may be civet in this. Reminds me a bit of Joire De.

Not to my knowledge, but the honey-amber-musk certainly gives that same "dirty" impression at times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Umm, wow...


I got this as a trial sample and have only just got a chance to open it and take a sniff. I put a little on my wrist just to test. It was musky and deep in a way that I normally don't like... but...


Umm... it had an effect on me...


A tingly, aroused effect...


I get the honey and incensey, smokiness from it. There's a lot of depth that I normally don't like, I guess this is the amber and resins. There's just a hint of a tangy, berry-ness, and some vanilla playing around. I sort of don't like it, and yet... I can't stop smelling it? I huff it in and my eyes just glaze over. I want to start drooling. WTF is this??


My male flatmate, who I'm not at all interested in, just walked in to say good night... and I think I may have just sexually propositioned him??


What the hell just happened?!?


I'm so confused right now...

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Lol I know what's in it :P I've worn each of these ingredients before at some point but never in combination before. This... was different :P


And well, I made a crack about him joining me in bed, and when he hugged me I pulled him down onto the bed with me? Oh dear, I will have to watch myself on this stuff!

Edited by Synergist
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Very different ingredients to SS4M, but if has a similar effect... maybe SS4W + could be worth testing.


Although no one else seems to have had this type of reaction reading back.

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Very different ingredients to SS4M, but if has a similar effect... maybe SS4W + could be worth testing.


Although no one else seems to have had this type of reaction reading back.


PM did you mean testing SS4W with SS4M? You mean worn together on the same person? I know I've worn SS4W and hub has worn SS4M and they compliment each other quite nicely (ahem)

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I wanted to like this, was hoping for something like Allumette. Sadly not to me. It smells like my own armpit, with a ton of pepper. My own stinky armpit. Realised the other day a few scents have this scent on late dry down and it's to do with honey normally I think, and this is the reason i'm turned off by them. Shame though.

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...I sort of don't like it, and yet... I can't stop smelling it? I huff it in and my eyes just glaze over. I want to start drooling. WTF is this??


I feel exactly the same way about this. I sort of don't like it, but I must sort of like it too, because I always find myself popping the top off my sample vial, to have a little huff.


I did, however, LOVE the effects of Bang! ;) Fun stuff.

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