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Audacious vs Popularity Potion?

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Just FYI....


The intent for Audacious was more self-effects, to give the wearer confidence and mood elevation, a sexy bold feeling, and come off likable to others in the bargain.


Don't mean to skew responses with this post so let me know if I should remove this, Darbla. Just wanted to explain that the goal for the blend is quite a bit different than that of Popularity Potion.

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I have not used it other than in Far,Far Away,and then not enough to judge cause I had other new releases on too...but I can tell by the Enones in it,it will be a powerhouse,especially for those who like a Leather-ish vibe...oh,like me :001_302:

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I absolutely CANNOT WAIT to try Audacious.....

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Huh. I just read this, and I'm struck by the comments Mara and Callii made. That hit the nail on the head. I did get kind of a Leatherish vibe when i wore this. Felt totally in command of myself and totally sexy (but not ready for sex, if that makes any sense). This was only with Far, Far Away. I wonder how it would feel with the UN version...

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  • 2 months later...

Bumping this as curious to hear about LPers experiences especially in terms of responses from others!?

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