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Unscented Lumina

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I did wear both! I smelled like Mrs. Christmas ;)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I wore this with Kitten Heels yesterday, for my uncle's funeral. Afterwards, we went back to my uncle's house for food and drinks... My cousin's kid latched onto me within seconds of my entering the house. Some of you know how terrified I am of children, so you can imagine that I found this alarming! A more Eggers-congruent reaction is that both of my uncle's dogs went absolutely dotty over me. I've never met these dogs before, but I was hardly even through the door when the two of them bowled me over and covered me with kisses! Everyone at the house was like, "WTH?", 'cause neither the kid nor the dogs would leave me alone. (So basically, I was rolling around on the floor for a good 3 & a half hours; I got very furry). At one point, the kid actually pretended to be a dog so he would get more attention from me. He wanted me to scratch behind his ears, rub his tummy, & feed him grapes like they were puppy treats. :lol:

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Eggers,YIKES :w00t: :w00t: ... ok this needs to be copied to your Pheroland !!! Funny thing is I am wearing All Hallow's Eve with Lumina right now and feelin' pretty darn mellow...peel me a grape :lol:

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Awww... how sweet is that?


I will grudgingly admit that the scary child on his knees "begging" and wagging his "tail" was very, very cute. The puppies were definitely more my speed. I kept trying to get BF to stick one under his coat, (while I got the other under mine), on our way out, but he wasn't having it. <_< Killjoy.


Eggers,YIKES :w00t: :w00t: ... ok this needs to be copied to your Pheroland !!! Funny thing is I am wearing All Hallow's Eve with Lumina right now and feelin' pretty darn mellow...peel me a grape :lol:


Calii, you've gotta get on your knees, & beg! A little tail wagging wouldn't hurt, either! :lol:

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Oh good, cause I didn't get kissed under the mistletoe this year! :winktongue:



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm loving Lumina! I ordered a spray sample based on Mara's suggestion that it was the most similar blend to Intellectual Woman (which worked really well for me, though I didn't properly appreciate it enough to stock up on it).


I have worn it for the past few days, three sprays or so in the morning plus a couple of refresher sprays at work in the afternoon. I've had lots of meetings, and people have been responding very well to me, and it seems to make me more sociable as well. I doused myself with it again yesterday evening before giving a public lecture, and again I sensed that people were responding very positively to me (I was in a fairly small room).


It just seems to mesh with my personality, making me feel sociable, and yet at the same time comfortable in my introvertedness. If that makes any sense. And it makes me feel pretty and feminine.


Also, I love the smell, and it's unscented. It has a sweet, soft, powdery smell to it that Intellectual Woman also had. I don't know which pheromone is giving it this smell to me. I have other unscented pheros with similar intentions (heart and soul, plain est, plain b-nol) that don't have the same sweet powdery smell.


Anyway, I will be getting some more of this soon!

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Hi xev - unfortunately Lumina's now been discontinued too. I snagged a couple bottles when Mara had a sale of unsold/discontinued blends of some pheros a little while ago. I also love Lumina and feel like it's one of the few that's clicked with me.

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I can brew up more of this when you need it. Just order as a Mad Scientist mixture and ask for the Lumina recipe. :)


Thank you! I didn't realize it wasn't a regular anymore.

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I can brew up more of this when you need it. Just order as a Mad Scientist mixture and ask for the Lumina recipe. :)


Phew! I didn't realize you could do this. I just discovered how much I loved Lumina right before it was discontinued. It would be a great one for me at work. Yay! :)

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I can brew up more of this when you need it. Just order as a Mad Scientist mixture and ask for the Lumina recipe. :)


OMG! I didn't know you could do, this, Thank you!!!!!! I was trying to not over-use my Lumina bottles because I thought I'd never be able to get it again.


Also I heard that Lumina has a cougar vibe, this is the first I heard of it seeming like IW. Now I'm super curious what IW is like. (Cougar doesn't seem to click with me)

Edited by maiea
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PM, I'm also happy to hear that we can order this via a Mad Scientist Mixture. I had been wanting to try this one out, but it was gone by the time I worked my way through the other pheros I was testing. Thanks a bunch!!!

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I have this in All Hallow's Eve and REALLY enjoy it! I had written off the UN when I saw it was discontinued until seeing Mara's post. I get the Cougar vibe from this too but purely social. It was GREAT over the holidays! Thanks Potion Master! It's good to know it's stile available!

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  • 1 month later...

Pretty sure this counts as a hit.


Had last minute drinks with an old client of mine from months back. This guy is a very generous buyer of certain types of media

and he loves the ladies. Before I would have told you that he liked me well enough but that sometimes I was just a seat filler,

hanging out because I was female and he was lonely. I'm not explaining it right but let's just say this guy is in suh a different

financial bracket as to be almost an alien to me. He's very nice, very laid back, very much a man of the world who does not get excited about hardly anything. He has also had people take advantage of him like crazy which worries me because he holds court

at his condo room at a four (or five do they go that high) star hotel, and drinks a lot and occasionally pops pills that makes him not exactly the most judicious person? I write this part to show he's not sloppy per se he's just seen and done so much that if his ten K rolex gets stolen (which it has) he's very "eh" about it. So when I bring over certain records to show him I hang out for awhile because he's always, as I said generous and he's got a great energy--very soothing to be around. Going to his place is like going on vacation.


Anyway, we'd had a slight disagreement, and I forgot my place because it's easy to think he's friendly sice he's always asking "whatever I can do for you, let me know." I asked for a small to medium sized favor which I was absolutely fine with him not doing but I think he got the impression I was only hanging around him for his contacts and money which actually isn't true.


Speed forward several months and I send an apology note saying I'm sorry I made him feel uncomfortable, that I managed everything fine on my own and that I was really excited to start waitressing but that I also still had my side selling business and had some items that he might be interested in. He emailed me last minute a few weeks back and I couldn't meet at that point then he was jetting around the world and we coulsn't make our schedules work.


I told him I'd be in his area (my bar is just up the road) and if he wanted to grab a drink or look at some records I'd bring them with me just in case. He texted me and we worked out a time (I'm a nightowl 3/4 of the time so it's great to visit at this time though previously I'd visit in the afternoons) I went over for some iced tea and to chat about music, traveling, and records.


I had applied some Lumina and a bit of cops for work but I washed up and previous to leaving I put on five or six sprays of UN lumina on my torso and chest, wth a half dollar sized circle of jouir de on my hand (hung out the window the whole drive to help it dry down) then covered with some siren's serenade plus some coconut scented glitteer dust spray fron a different company.


Let me just note that I do trust this guy, I've seen him many times, and while he is a hounddog he's always a gentleman.

So I did not have a problem wearing cops with him.


Results: he was very affectionate touching my arm and complimenting me and keyed into our conversation more so, though I've never felt that he's not been. but the real telltale was at the end he kept giving my bear hugs and actually said:

"This is so unusual. Normally I can't wait for people to leave but I want you to stay."


it wasn't crazy sexual. It was just big teddy bear affection like he just wanted to have me there even if I didn't do anything but sleep when he passed out.


Which makes me.wonder if I was one of those people he enjoyed for x amount of time and then once that inner egg timer went off he was just counting the minutes til I would leave.


I am only slightly bummed that he did buy the normal amount of records but there were several very good ones in there and while he did pay me what they were worth, I had been hoping that the late hour (which was more due to him being lonely and wanting someone to come hangout before his sleeping pill finally kicked his ass), plus the excellent records offered, plus the pheromones would make him extra extra generous.


So I am going to need to work on that.


And I don't know if he's serious (always take his offers with a grain of salt) but he asked me on a trip with his buddies and his semi-funtime girlfriend who's supposedly really nice and kind but I've never met. He's asked once before but never was as detailed. This time he was like, get your passport, this is when we're leaving, this is whwre we're going, this is who is going--want to come? you should absolutely come!

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to clarify:

5-6 sprays of sampler sized UN


Multiple bear hugs and I'm not sure I've ever gotten one bear hug from him before previous


I was still happy with the sale, hanging out since I wasn't going to bed for several hours yet, anf

renewing my acquaintance with him is pretty much, if not worth gold, then still absolutely worth my time even if I wasn't considering that he's just likeable and easy to hang out with. I'm lucky my boyfriend has zero jealousy in him, but then again he's lucky I am the same way since he got an invite to a last minute bachelor's party; I helped him pack (2 hours away) and was texting me about a hot suicide girl stripper and I was telling him to go get a lapdance which he did. totally want to hear the details!

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It's either the Lumina or the cops (or both) but I just got a text from the guy I was writing about

that ended with:


"But for [some] odd reason.. I can't stop thinking about u"

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That's awesome, Miss Hazel! I've tried Lumina a couple of times from the trial spray that I have, I get nothing, nada, zip. But Cougar on the other hand, is amazing for me, selfies and hits! So happy for your Lumina success! :banana058:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still loving Lumina. Seems like something that works for me in large social groups. Less so for smaller "group of good friends". I wore it this past Sunday to a huge group dinner with people I didn't know as well, and convo flowed smoothly.

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  • 4 months later...

I can't say how happy I am that we're still allowed to order this as a Mad Scientist Blend.


I'd planned to be crazy and wear Lace to work today, which I rarely do, and wound up reaching for UN Lumina instead, because I just got a bottle in a trade & thought it could be great for work.


I was right. For me this feels somewhere (wonderful) between Open Windows and maybe Cougar or Super Sexy. It's so very uplifting, like Open Windows, and it gave me that same "charm" factor that OW provides, which is awesome at work. There's also an element of sexy in there, but it's kind of an innocent, youthful kind of sexy. Not sex-pot sexy. More young-woman-who-doesn't-realize-she's-very-attractive kind of sexy. I didn't get all hip-swingy like I do with Cougar & SS4W, but I did notice A LOT of people looking at me like I was some pretty, shiny thing they couldn't help watching. My reaction felt different to being watched, too. More along an Open Windows type of, "Aw, they think I'm pretty" thing, instead of the confident kind of feeling I get when I notice people watching me when I'm wearing SS4W or Cougar. This was a really great middle ground for me in my work environment. Everyone was chipper today, from the chef & his wife, to the manager, to my co-workers and customers. I'll have to see how it affects my tips with further testing, but so far, this was a BIG, BIG WIN for me at work. I dig it, big time. :D


ETA I applied at 11 o'clock - it's now 4:52 and the self-effects are still going strong! I'm lovin' this! I'm so happy and giddy for no reason at all! :w00t:

Edited by Eggers
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I want this one SO much! I've been eying the option of x1 spray fully scented with Pure Sugar because it will go so nicely with lots of other LPs. I'm holding out for Nov if the NRs don't bump it out...

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  • 3 months later...

If that's the case Hearts, I might as well go for full on COUGAR! I am menopausal and need to feel as youthful as I can. Not for the guys mind you, my partner is almost 10 years younger than me, but for ME! I mean lately I am soooo, soooo tired. Seriously dragging ass and need a youthful pick me up. HRT scares me, but may ask my doc if a very low dose is an option for me. I'm TIRED! I feel like Madeleine Khan in Blazing Saddles! LOL

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O.H. M.Y. G.O.S.H.

I can't believe you JUST mentioned Blazing Saddles. A friend from work loaned it to me just LAST NIGHT and said it was unacceptable that I have never see it. When I get the chance to sit down and watch it I will have to keep an eye out for Madeleine Khan....

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Have you had your Vit D3 level checked Rose? Couple of years ago I was tired all of the time and had a few other symptoms of a deficiency aches everywhere, absolutely no ambition to do anything, forgetfulness and there are more listed on many websites about it. Went for a physical and everything checked out good. (I was very surprised I was that healthy LOL) But the Vit D3 came back critically low. I was put on D3 and after a week noticed a big improvement in my energy. Turns out many women are low and do not know it since it has only recently been included in regular testing. Deficiency is more common in women that live in the northern third of the US but even if you live in a sunny place, the use of sunscreen and just being inside more can cause it.



It is worth a try to have that checked.

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