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I've been reading all of the threads here about different pheros trying to learn as much as I can, but it is all a bit overwhelming. I'm hoping that someone with a little more experience then me might have a suggestion on what to try. So here goes my question :)


I am hoping to find a phero that might be good for happy, self-effects. I work in the client relations area of a call center and most of the clients that I help are not very nice. Since no one is going to smell me through the phone, I am hoping that something might be able to put me in a happier place. Many days I come home from work in tears.


Any ideas on what I should try?


Of the new releases, I did place an order for Darling Clementine and Velvet Kisses (although I definitely don't think that I'll be wearing the latter for work).


Thank you for any and all advice! :)

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Open Windows is absolutely FABULOUS for self-effects......it is mood lifting, and always puts me in a happy place. It also works for headaches too......

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I suggest a new job :Hug_emoticon: ...but yeah,OW,Lace,Flying Potion would be good choices.I would even try Sparkle Fuchsia :)

You will get nice effects from Darling Clementine too...I did :D

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I second Calii on Sparkle Fuchsia...it just makes me happy, even when I'm reaaally stressed..Flying Potion is a must...Lumina in All Hallow's Eve gave me clarity and lots of happy thoughts!

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I second Calii's suggestion on getting a new job but if that's not possible, I wonder if Tranquility will work in your situation as I'm think you need to be 'at peace' to pass this on to your not-so-nice clients on the phone. Particularly as they can't see how sincere you are trying to help them resolve their issues. If you are more calm, you will send these vibes to them which in return they might feel more at ease and so on .... just thinking aloud.

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JOC has an interesting angle on this. A-nol make you feel happier... but it may make you giddy, which may make you come across as glib or "flip" and further enrage a certain kind of customer. So maybe it would be worth exploring something in the Tranq/ Teddy BB /B2 direction.

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Thank you for the suggestions, JOC and Tyvey! I think that what you said may be right. Trying to be calm and tranquil might just be the way to go, because I definitely don't want to make anyone more upset. Thank you for pointing me in a direction that I hadn't thought of! :)

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ah yes, I keep forgetting about b2, as I've only experienced it once, in rose cookie melt. D&S, I was burning it and had a series of unbelievably frustrating and infuriating phone conversations, but the b2 kept me much calmer than I would normally have been. I could almost feel it physically holding me down and forcibly keeping me calm.

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Also in agreement with Sparkle Fuchsia, it really helps perk me up and make me feel happy and kind of armored against anything. Also very sparkly as it suggests. Cougar in Sparkle Fuchsia is absolute perfection. Lace is great stuff as well! Sorry to hear it can be so overwhelming at work!

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