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Mixing with lotion?


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Hi everyone,


Has anyone tried mixing their scents (phero or non-) in unscented lotion and then used it that way? If so, for the pheros, do they lose potency in the lotion after a certain amount of time?


Alternatively, does LPMP make scented and phero'ed lotions that I somehow overlooked?


Thank you! I am loving this board! :)



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Hi Mara!


Okay, so, for the fragranced lotions and cremes, would I be correct in saying that I can choose a scent to go in them? Does that go for the phero-scents too? If so, how long do pheromones last in the lotion?


Thank you!



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Yes, if you notice in the selections for the lotion and cremes, there is a box on the right, below where you enter the order quanity, for you to enter the name of the fragrance you want added (you also have to indicate a second choice in case your first choice is not available).

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Hi, Merrie!


I'm glad you ask this, its something I've wanted to know for a long time...Do pheros work effectively if applied in body lotion?


I did it once but the body lotion was mango scented and the only phero I had at the time was LAM in Pink Amber so the scents didn't blend well...However I did notice the mango covered the Cops pretty well...I only did this once and I applied just one spray to the body lotion..I think I should have applied more..


I didn't know the LPs body lotions could be previously blended with pheroed fragrances...yeiiii, this I must try...


Hope someone has tried this before and can tell us if this actually works...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi girls! I 've always been curious about this topic, and I would like to bring it up again...I apologize if this has been asked before, I searched but couldn't find a similar thread that would answer my question, what I really want to know is if pheros have worked for you by applying them like this?

Mara has mentioned she will bring back LP scented body lotions, yay! So this reminded me about this thread...I would like to ask if pheroed lotions work if they have been previously blended with any given phero blend? Or would they work if I do the mixing by myself by spraying the phero blend directly to the body lotion and/or body butter? Like I mentioned in a previous post in this same thread, I tried it once, added just 1 LAM spray, got no effects... but maybe the pheros didn't stick because they are supposed to be previously blended with the rest of the ingredients? Maybe phero ratios are important for pheros to work in body lotions? Or maybe I should have added more sprays to the body lotion...?


Any advice or comments are welcome!



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Hi girls! I 've always been curious about this topic, and I would like to bring it up again...I apologize if this has been asked before, I searched but couldn't find a similar thread that would answer my question, what I really want to know is if pheros have worked for you by applying them like this?

Mara has mentioned she will bring back LP scented body lotions, yay! So this reminded me about this thread...I would like to ask if pheroed lotions work if they have been previously blended with any given phero blend? Or would they work if I do the mixing by myself by spraying the phero blend directly to the body lotion and/or body butter? Like I mentioned in a previous post in this same thread, I tried it once, added just 1 LAM spray, got no effects... but maybe the pheros didn't stick because they are supposed to be previously blended with the rest of the ingredients? Maybe phero ratios are important for pheros to work in body lotions? Or maybe I should have added more sprays to the body lotion...?


Any advice or comments are welcome!


I have had very VERY good results mixing my pheros with lotion + EOs. This was way before I found LP so I was using another supplier's pheros and an EO blend I whipped up for the occasion. I did refresh my pheros several hours into the evening (on wrists) and covered with the EO blend again. I could go on and on about this evening..... was good. Goooooooooood!!! :cheers04251:


I mixed my pheros and EO blend in a cup and just added it to my (unscented) lotion as I applied it.

Edited by Pele
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Gaby I've long been curious about this too but I'm guessing that not many people have tried it (with LPs) and at least IMO it seems much harder to control/know how much phero you're getting, which would be frustrating, wasteful, disastrous (for lightweights like me) etc....

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I have had very VERY good results mixing my pheros with lotion + EOs. This was way before I found LP so I was using another supplier's pheros and an EO blend I whipped up for the occasion. I did refresh my pheros several hours into the evening (on wrists) and covered with the EO blend again. I could go on and on about this evening..... was good. Goooooooooood!!! :cheers04251:


I mixed my pheros and EO blend in a cup and just added it to my (unscented) lotion as I applied it.


Thanks for your reply, Pele! I'm glad it worked for you, this means it may work for me too if I keep on trying more phero blends by adding them to a body lotion...Unscented body lotion, what a brilliant idea, Pele! I wouldn't have thought about that... EO stands for Essential Oils, right? If if is not much to ask, how much of your pheros did you add to the EO blend and the lotion?

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Gaby I've long been curious about this too but I'm guessing that not many people have tried it (with LPs) and at least IMO it seems much harder to control/know how much phero you're getting, which would be frustrating, wasteful, disastrous (for lightweights like me) etc....


Thanks for your reply, Tyvey! Yup, the ratio thing does worry me a bit to be honest...But I would love to try an Audacious pheroed body lotion...I know I'm a lightweight too Tyvey, I have to be veeeery careful with blends with A-nol in them, since I seem to OD easily on it, and this is when it can get frustrating I know.... But I get sooo good self effects and consistent hits with Audacious everytime I wear it, I have to give it a try...Anyways, for now I'll try it with an unscented body lotion or a vanilla one maybe, and when Mara makes the new LPs body lotions I'll try it too.

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I do my own version of this sometimes. I roll the scent or phero onto the palm of my hand, then add a squirt (or dollop) of lotion, rub hands together and go for it!!


Hi, Goddesslynne! Thanks for your fast reply! How many times do you roll the scent or phero blend?


PS...Sorry for not using the Multiquote button, but it doesn't work on this computer...

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Thanks for your reply, Pele! I'm glad it worked for you, this means it may work for me too if I keep on trying more phero blends by adding them to a body lotion...Unscented body lotion, what a brilliant idea, Pele! I wouldn't have thought about that... EO stands for Essential Oils, right? If if is not much to ask, how much of your pheros did you add to the EO blend and the lotion?


Yes, EOs means 'essential oils'. I used 1 spray of a phero blend and 3 drops of another. This was a mix I had experimented with once before and had great results, so I decided to try it again in this manner. Now, as far as the percentage of pheros in each blend.... I can't even begin to figure that out. I just knew it was a good ratio for me. The refresh mid-evening was 1 spray of that phero blend only.


Now, I'll admit right here that I can, at times, be extremely ....um.... 'free' with how I mix things up. I'm totally interested in how many mcg of whatever phero illicits whatever response, but when it comes down to it, I enjoy trying new things with my pheros. I can be totally haphazard about it, just tossing things in my vial, shaking it up and slatherin' that good stuff on! I have never had a bad experience using pheros (other than the dreaded anol headache. I was still in a fab mood though. LOL) and my man can barely smell at all (hence the lavish amount of cops I sometimes use). I'm totally rambling here. Sorry!!! Ahahahaha!!! I just worked for 16 hours and came home to my package and am all giddy and high from sniffing my goodies!!! wheeeeeee

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Approx 3 mls of perfume or phero OILs are enough for 4oz of lotion or cream. Does that help?


It is best done this way: For example with a NEW 4 oz jar of unscented cream in a PLASTIC container, add your oils, pop in the microwave for no more than 12 SECONDS, then stir it together while warm with something sterile...such as...a plastic spoon that was bagged that you got from a fast food place, or a pair of chopsticks still in the paper wrapper. You want to be careful to use sterile implements because bacteria will grow in creams if you do not. You also have to keep the amount of oil that you add to around that amount or it will separate again later - not that huge a deal if it does, just stir it up again. But anyway, that's how it is done! :D

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Hi, Goddesslynne! Thanks for your fast reply! How many times do you roll the scent or phero blend?


PS...Sorry for not using the Multiquote button, but it doesn't work on this computer...


I just roll it until my hand is coated and shiny.

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Ahahahaha!!! I just worked for 16 hours and came home to my package and am all giddy and high from sniffing my goodies!!! wheeeeeee


Yay!!! I want to be LP High too! Thanks for your awesome feedback, Pele... :banana038:


Approx 3 mls of perfume or phero OILs are enough for 4oz of lotion or cream. Does that help?


It is best done this way: For example with a NEW 4 oz jar of unscented cream in a PLASTIC container, add your oils, pop in the microwave for no more than 12 SECONDS, then stir it together while warm with something sterile...such as...a plastic spoon that was bagged that you got from a fast food place, or a pair of chopsticks still in the paper wrapper. You want to be careful to use sterile implements because bacteria will grow in creams if you do not. You also have to keep the amount of oil that you add to around that amount or it will separate again later - not that huge a deal if it does, just stir it up again. But anyway, that's how it is done! :D


Aww, thanks a ton for the useful info, Mara! I really appreciate it... :020105~21: That means I may need to get Audacious in DPG...I just have another question Mara, let's say I want to scent the body lotion with 3 mls of Special Delivery and I also want to add Audacious...do I add other 3 mls of phero oil? Maybe it would just be easier to scent the lotion with a Pheromone enhanced perfume like "Far,Far Away", right?


I just roll it until my hand is coated and shiny.


You are so cute, Goddesslynne! Thank you for your tips! :hearts09780:

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I just have another question Mara, let's say I want to scent the body lotion with 3 mls of Special Delivery and I also want to add Audacious...do I add other 3 mls of phero oil? Maybe it would just be easier to scent the lotion with a Pheromone enhanced perfume like "Far,Far Away", right?


Well, the issue is that each different cream or lotion will only hold a specific amount of "load"...aka oil. It depends on how diluted the lotion or cream already is. Some thicker creams might hold 10mls of oil, some lighter ones might only hold 1. You need to experiment with your specific product. At the point where it refuses to blend and you have to stir it every time you open the lid, clearly that's too much. You just won't know until you try with each product. :-/

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Well, the issue is that each different cream or lotion will only hold a specific amount of "load"...aka oil. It depends on how diluted the lotion or cream already is. Some thicker creams might hold 10mls of oil, some lighter ones might only hold 1. You need to experiment with your specific product. At the point where it refuses to blend and you have to stir it every time you open the lid, clearly that's too much. You just won't know until you try with each product. :-/


Thank you, Mara! I might try it, but to be honest I'm good at crafts and stuff like that, but I was always kind of messy at chem class in high school, jeje...So, when you have the new body lotions ready, would you consider doing a phero boost as a custom made body lotion?

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I add pheros to my body lotions, massage oils and shower gels. I've always gotten great results with them. My husband loves when I give him a massage. He actually thinks it's my technique that makes him excited. He has no idea that there are phero's in there.

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@Countess...Wow, massage oils and shower gels? Didn't see that coming, but it sounds pretty effective, hehe...thanks for sharing!

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I add pheros to my body lotions, massage oils and shower gels. I've always gotten great results with them. My husband loves when I give him a massage. He actually thinks it's my technique that makes him excited. He has no idea that there are phero's in there.


I'm pretty sure it was your technique. I'm curious what kind of pheros did you put in massage oils for your husband?

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I put anything with Copulins in the massage oils and then I shake it up really good. I also slather the bed with pheromones so that as soon as he gets under the covers he's ready to go.

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I usually mix it in my hand with an unscented natural lotion (Whole Foods' 365 Body Lotion does the trick for me but now I'm running low and plan on looking in to different brands) and don't have problems, though the dry down can take a little while longer, especially if I add jojoba.

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  • 2 years later...

I put anything with Copulins in the massage oils and then I shake it up really good. I also slather the bed with pheromones so that as soon as he gets under the covers he's ready to go.


This is very interesting, I am a bit confused about how copulins on a man's body would arouse him?...


And slathering the bed with pheromones, as in spray, unscented?

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  • 1 year later...

Approx 3 mls of perfume or phero OILs are enough for 4oz of lotion or cream. Does that help?


It is best done this way: For example with a NEW 4 oz jar of unscented cream in a PLASTIC container, add your oils, pop in the microwave for no more than 12 SECONDS, then stir it together while warm with something sterile...such as...a plastic spoon that was bagged that you got from a fast food place, or a pair of chopsticks still in the paper wrapper. You want to be careful to use sterile implements because bacteria will grow in creams if you do not. You also have to keep the amount of oil that you add to around that amount or it will separate again later - not that huge a deal if it does, just stir it up again. But anyway, that's how it is done! :D

I realize this is an old thread but I'm glad I found it. I was just considering adding some compromising positions to unscented lotion. Since its for playtime I was thinking along the lines of putting lotion on your legs before bed is not as strange as slathering yourself with perfume in front of your SO, or going to the bathroom and coming out freshly perfumed.

My question: has anyone found the 3 ml to 4 oz lotion to be nicely effective? Does anyone have compared experience of lotion to perfume? And how much lotion do you need to apply?

I have 1.5 oz lotion bottles so I'm not trying a large amount, I've done the math, .75 ml/ 1.5 oz lotion and my lotion can handle a 2% fragrance load which works out to .9 ml wondering if I should try full capacity.


PM thanks so much for sharing this info, exactly what I was hoping to find.

Edited by Cycle Kitten
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  • 2 years later...
On 5/14/2012 at 11:00 PM, Potion Master said:

Approx 3 mls of perfume or phero OILs are enough for 4oz of lotion or cream. Does that help?


It is best done this way: For example with a NEW 4 oz jar of unscented cream in a PLASTIC container, add your oils, pop in the microwave for no more than 12 SECONDS, then stir it together while warm with something sterile...such as...a plastic spoon that was bagged that you got from a fast food place, or a pair of chopsticks still in the paper wrapper. You want to be careful to use sterile implements because bacteria will grow in creams if you do not. You also have to keep the amount of oil that you add to around that amount or it will separate again later - not that huge a deal if it does, just stir it up again. But anyway, that's how it is done! :D


Hello...Remember me? lool 


Word on the Hogworts street is that you made something very special and I'm getting my hands on it very soon.    I want to mix the phero with an lotion due it being winter in here.  


Does the above formula still works?    Thanks so much 😊


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43 minutes ago, Potion Master said:

It does, it does!

I will amend to say that if it is a loose cream, you can probably even skip the heating phase.

And if it is a thick heavy cream, you might be able to get away with as much as 6 mls of oil.

:) Have fun!

ohh sounds interesting will give it a whirl!

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