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So here's my story:


I'm generally a skeptic of just about anything....seeing is believing in my book. When I stumbled upon Pheros, I looked at several sites, read some of the forums and found plenty of 'infomercial' style websites claiming that pheros would get you just about anything. I figured that the possibility of disappointment was fairly high but after I discovered the LP website, I was curious enough to give it a try anyway.


I was interested in creating more intimacy, open communication and, of course, the hopes of great sex so I leaned towards items with Beta/Alpha-Androstenol and Estratetraenol with Cops. My first order was for a full size Sexology III in the roller bottle and trials of Extra-Curricular Proclivities, Compromising Positions and Cougar. The package arrived on Thursday and I was throwing an early Thanksgiving day party that Saturday so it seemed like the perfect time to try it out on my unsuspecting BF.


On Friday, I used Sexology for the first time. When I put it on, the scent seemed a little strong at first but it is not unbearable. It is definitely musky with cinnamon spicy overtones. Almost immediately, I noticed a difference in my BF...he was more attentive, more agreeable, more helpful and seemed genuinely interested in what I was doing. I almost had to laugh at one point because he walked past me and said 'I keep smelling something...Do you smell that?', then he dismissed it just as quick.


Saturday, I put it on again but added a couple drops of Compromising Positions right before everyone started arriving for the party. I love this scent..it is warm and yummy with heaps of sweet creamy vanilla. There were plenty of compliments from the guests and everyone seemed to be making sure that I was able to enjoy myself, despite being the host. Again, the unsuspecting BF hardly left my side and kept touching my back and playing with my hair.


I added a couple more drops of Compromising Positions to the Sexology that night before we went to bed. The following day we had the most amazing sex...the kind that you have in the beginning of a relationship, not after 3+ years of living together. It was in the middle of the day which is COMPLETELY off base for him...usually it is a morning or night thing. That pretty much sealed the deal for me....How much more proof is there?


Needless to say, I have already placed another order for unscented Perfect Match and BAM. We are going to Disney World Dec 2nd-12th for my birthday so I am crossing my fingers, hoping (on a whim) that they will arrive before then! LP has absolutely made a devoted fan out of me!

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I am soooo excited...We have been planning all year for this! Luv, luv, luv DW...such a kid at heart! And the Christmas decorations are amazing!

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Just a reminder that there are already threads for the majority of the phero-enhanced fragnrances; this should be merged with the Sexology main topic.

Edited by luna65
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Ooops! So sorry... I thought I was in the right place! :001_07:

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You're in the correct subforum, no worries about that. But when you want to post a review, just look for the appropriate thread first, then add your review to it. This helps for all of us looking for reviews of a specific fragrance. If they're all together in the same review thread then it saves us all time (because reviews are all about ease of enablement).

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Oh, Kuriozidee, I'm so glad Sexology worked for you,as it did for me...

Congratulations on your boyfriend's hit,keep us posted!

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