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Winterberry Wonderland


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Winterberry Wonderland

The frosty aura of winter meets summery sweetness: ripe blackberry, black currant, black raspberry and pomegranate is given a chill with lightly-sugared white grapefruit and a dash of peppermint, then sprinkled with cinnamon and clove, and conjured with magical discovery in delicate feminine amber.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
BLACKBERRY ~ Healing, money attraction, protection. Considered holy by some, and a food of the Fae.
BLACK CURRANT ~ Aids success in love affairs, and a magical representation of blood.
BLACK RASPBERRY ~ Love inducing, aids in pregnancy discomforts, protection. Stamina, vigor.
POMEGRANATE ~ Divination, luck, wishes granted, wealth, fertility.
WHITE GRAPEFRUIT ~ Refreshes and uplifts the spirit, eases exhaustion; beauty and youth glamour. Lends an aura of "sparkle" to the wearer.
WHITE SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
PEPPERMINT ~ Stimulates, restores and uplifts. Cleansing, purification, relaxation, sleep, healing, psychic amplifier.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.
CLOVE ~ Money attracting, deflects negative and hostile energies.


If your Decembers are gloomy and dark... and you need a bit of cheer, Winterberry Wonderland could be your favorite here! Berry and grapefruit make the mouth pucker and water. The *subtlest* bit of sugared mint to add a seasonal feel. Cheerful and edible! Would make a great scrub scent, I think!

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Ohhh,lucky girl ya got yours in,I will be checking late this afternoon to see if mine might be here too :w00t: This sounds interesting and I love the story Luna scribed for this one ..."I like berries,can I have some more" :D

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The character of this one reminds me a little bit of Cherry Nipples. They don't smell the same, but the TANG that's a part of each scent is particularly appealing to me.


No mint, Halo? I get it right away. Look for it as part of the grapefruit - I blended the grapefruit, sugar and mint and let it meld a while as one, then used that blend like a single ingredient, so that mix comes across to me like one unified note...but that could totally just be my imagination since I know how I brewed it. LOL!

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I don't get the mint smell as much as a mint "feel",a distinct coolness with a bright grapefruit berry :) Like Katz said, interesting and very cheerful.Not a Calii scent,per se,but gosh this is gonna have some fans! :D

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.I get a wee bit of sugary mintyness but it's primarily sugar-sprinkled grapefruit on me with an aura of berry underneath. Then again, most fragrances with grapefruit will just become that much stronger on me, in my experience. But I love them so I'm happy to have this, it's so cheerful with a lovely sweet smoothness underneath. Another one for the omgwant list!

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This one smelled like delicious fruit punch in the vial to me. It went a tad weird on my skin though. For some reason this & Passion In Pink smell identical on my skin. I pulled up both descriptions & the only thing these two have in common is sugar, not even the same type. I got zero mint out of WW. My skin ate WW in about 20 minutes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, this potion does start with a tangy splash that's very reminiscent of Cherry Nipples, at this point I was really excited 'cause I love Mamelons, but then Winterberry W mellows down and something weird happened and I really regret this 'cause I thought this one was going to be Mamelons' sister and my new favorite...Maybe its the clove or the cinnamon, but something spicy kicks in, I'm not sure which note does this to me, but it ends up smelling like gummy bears on my skin...and I love that smell, it is very cheerful but its just not something I'd like to wear as a perfume...


I appreciate the beauty of this fragrance's composition, so I have to re-test and see if it morphs differently the next time...The final stage does have a resemblance to Perty Flirty and a bit like Passion in Pink,so if you like these potions you are gonna love Winterberry Wonderland

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think my skin messed this up because I had the red tide the first time I wore it. I already amp anything sweet to begin with, and during that dreadful week I can very well overamp sweetness, especially in fruity/candy scents. Inevitably I got a bit too much sugar out of it that day to really appreciate the notes. That said, sniffing it wet without my female-hormone-influenced chemistry touching it, this reminds me of Frosted Mulberry, Cranberry and Plum which I love! It's not the same scent, but in that vein. Lots of red and purple fruit notes frosted over with mint and cool vanilla. I think I'll have better luck the second time around--but it better be before "that time"!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Refreshing and youthful is what comes to mind with this.


I hadn't really given it a go because Scented Cougar doesn't work on me so now I have a weird phobia of grapefruit but this grapefruit totally works. All berries seem to work on me so maybe that helps.


Anyway...sweet grapefruit berry candy...very upbeat...I would pair it with Lace or just Alpha Nol if I wanted to phero-ize it.

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NO BERRY PLASTIC DOOM!!! I'M SO HAPPY!! this is A berry and mint swirled Rockette!! I want to twiiiiiirrrrrlll. I would never have guessed there was grapefruit in this but I suppose it's partly responsible for its sun-twinkling-on-snow feeling. NEED MORE OF THIS

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I know...I like this even more now I've worn it a few times...also wore it with LAM Pink Amber which always make everything better and it was even MOAR upbeat if that's possible.

I def get the grapefruit in this but it's like...i don't know...very different than your usually grapefruit what with the berries and hint o' mint dancing about...

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I absolutely love winterberry wonderland. I had thought I had worn my last Christmassy sent, but when the snow cracked out last Saturday (we only get snow once a year here usually), I had to put this on to walk out in the fresh snow with the hubbs. It was a perfect match with the crisp pristene snow. If this was a Yankee candle trying to encapsulate the smell and spirit of the festive season, it'd be the best one ever! We even had a little robin tailing us through the woods for about half an hour. I hope he didn't think I was full of berries and he was hungry...

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  • 3 months later...

This is beautiful! Such a WOW factor for me when I first put this on! I get this sharp, sweet, tangy goodness that must be the berries and grapefruit. No mint for me, which I am glad for because I don't like mint. Berry/cherry scents are fast becoming my favourites.


It softens on dry down (as they all do I guess) but still keeps the sweetness. It becomes sugar-fruit to me then. I still love it, although the wow factor on first application is hard to beat. This is a keeper :)


ETA: After an hour this has gone minty on me :( I liked it better to begin with. It's still ok, but no longer a WOW scent. Maybe this is one for the scent locket.

Edited by Synergist
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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Love this scent! It's all fruity tangy perfection, I slathered this all winter long, I even would pull this out for summer if you want a fresh but spicy fruit scent. On me this wears very much like a berry soda pop with a hint of spice. It's perfection :hearts0425:

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