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Phero Trial Sprays available

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These are what is left over from our Pick Your Potion - Phero Trial Sprays Promotion...we made lots in advance and have a few left over.


Same price as before, $15 each, or $10 each if you buy 10 or more at one time. If anyone wants, just post here then buy via the Gift Cert option in the cart. Thank you!


1 BAM for Women - Princess Fiona

1 Charisma for Men

6 Mother's Little Helper for Women - 1 for Ravenwing,

2 Open Windows (unisex) - 1 for JJL, 1 for Princess Fiona

1 Swimming with Sharks (unisex)

2 Tranquility Potion (unisex) - 1 for Alien Changling

8 Heart Throb for Men

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Hi Mara,

I am struggling to order , where do I go specifically to place the order have not done this before.

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Hi Mara,

I am struggling to order , where do I go specifically to place the order have not done this before.


Hi JJL, do you mean to grab the phero trial spray?

Use the gift cert option here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Redeem_Coupon.html


It's the second option down. You'll need to put in a qty of 3, because the items costs $15 and the GCs are in $5 increments. Then in the area where you can write, please write in that the money is designated for your Trial Spray of Open Windows.


Does that help? Call me if you need to - our phone is back on today, yay!


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Mara, for somebody with anxiety disorder AND chronic depression (they're linked due to the first depleting the neurotransmitters and causing the 2nd), which would you recommend more - tranquility potion or open windows?


Hi AC,

I may not be the best person to answer this - perhaps we'll get lucky and Dr. Rosebud will chime in.

My personal instinct is to say that Open Windows may not be the best one to try, because it's rather high in Alpha-Nol. Not everyone, but some people have reported feeling wonderfully uplifted using big doses of Alpha-Nol, followed by feeling emotionally exhausted.


I would assume, that something like Tranquility Potion or Teddy BB would be good for helping ease your anxiety level...they are soothing and relaxing, comforting, but I don't know if they would have any effect on aiding actual chemical depression.


We have a few people here who have experience with chronic depression and maybe they would be willing to share their personal experiences. Anyone else have opinions they would like to share on the subject?

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